
You Will Know My Name

In a realm held tight under the oppressive reign of a cruel King, a monarch who sees his subjects as mere tools rather than people, whispers of a brewing rebellion begin to echo through the shadowy corners of society. Resentment stirs like a dormant beast within the hearts of the oppressed, yearning for liberation. At the helm of this burgeoning uprising stand two unlikely heroes, each carrying the weight of their past and fueled by an unquenchable thirst for justice. A fiery, newly liberated prisoner, smoldering with fury, her spirit as unbroken as a wild tempest, stands shoulder to shoulder with a warlord scorned. He, a formidable figure, his heart hardened by countless battles, bears the scars of betrayal like a warrior's badge of honor. Bound by shared resentment towards the tyrant King, they spearhead the uprising, their paths intertwined by fate and a shared vision of a liberated world. As they navigate the treacherous terrain of rebellion, they confront the inevitable question: Will they manage to claim the land and usher in a new dawn of freedom for their beleaguered people? Or will their formidable endeavor end up triggering a cascade of events that shatter the very foundations they hold dear, causing everything they cherish to crumble around them? Only time will reveal the outcome of their perilous mission.

KimariRose · Fantasy
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41 Chs

Taking Shifts

"Good morning," Orryn's familiar voice murmured, his breath warm against my ear, followed by the soft brush of his lips against my cheek. "I'm not sure if you can hear me, but I have some duties to attend to. I'll be back later."

Lying here, aware but unable to move or speak, was maddening. The only solace in this silent torment was the regular visits from Orryn and Fleya. Their voices, their touch, even just their presence helped anchor me to reality, keeping the darkness at bay.

Fleya's visits were like clockwork, and I knew she'd be here soon. They had arranged a sort of vigil for me, ensuring I was never truly alone. She would chat, read, or sometimes simply sit, her gentle presence a comfort. Midday would bring Orryn back, if only briefly, breaking his duties to be by my side. Then, as nightfall approached, he would return, a steadfast sentinel in this surreal void.

I found myself happily awaiting his return, his sweet voice and gentle kisses. If I had not already been captivated by him, this would have been what paved down the walls around my heart.

"Nadya!" Fleya's voice rang out with excitement as she entered the tent. "Guess what? Nikon's going to teach me how to fight!"

I couldn't help but smile inwardly, even in my immobile state. It was obvious to me how she felt about Nikon, even if no one else seemed to notice. Fleya's enthusiasm for fighting was quite a departure from her usual pacifist stance, but it made sense. If it meant spending time with Nikon, she would do just about anything.

I silently pledged to myself that once I was free from this confounding state, I'd sit her down and have a serious conversation about her growing infatuation with the older warrior. I hoped for her sake that she wasn't getting in over her head, but it was hard not to worry. My heart ached for her, knowing the pain and confusion of young love all too well.

As Fleya continued to chatter animatedly about her upcoming training, I let my thoughts wander, my mind a flutter of hopes, worries, and dreams. In the quiet of the tent, I listened to her voice, a comforting balm in my silent world.

Fleya had always been a chatty soul, but since I found myself trapped in this immobile state, her chatter had intensified. It was touching, how she filled the silence, ensuring I never felt the weight of solitude or fear.

As the day whizzed past, Fleya's ceaseless conversations, ranging from trivial anecdotes to deep musings, kept me company. The usual lunchtime visit from Orryn was missing today, but I wasn't too worried. He probably had his hands full with some responsibility. He would make his way to me when he could.

And as the cloak of night settled around us and Fleya's whispers faded into the distance, Orryn's presence, steadfast and reassuring, enveloped me once more.

I could sense Orryn before he even spoke, a comforting and familiar presence in the tent. Though my eyes couldn't see him, I imagined the way his face would be lined with the cares of the day, the quiet determination he always wore like armour. I wondered if he'd run his fingers through his hair, a telltale sign that he had faced some form of trouble.

"You're still with me, aren't you, Nadya?" His voice was gentle, a soft whisper in the dim light of the tent. I wished more than anything that I could respond, to assure him that I was here, listening, feeling his presence.

I felt the weight shift as he sat down beside me, his hand finding mine, fingers intertwining. The touch was gentle, filled with longing and silent promises. In that quiet moment, words felt redundant. His touch spoke louder than any words ever could.

"I missed our lunch today," He murmured, the regret evident in his tone. "Things... they got complicated. But I'm here now, with you. Just like always."

I wanted to squeeze his hand, to give him a sign that I understood, that it was okay. But as always, my body remained still, a silent observer.

"I'll be right back," Orryn whispered, placing a gentle kiss on my cheek before leaving.

In mere moments, he returned. Curiosity piqued, I wondered about his brief departure until a sensation of a warm cloth brushed against my arm.

"The nurses usually handled this, but I wasn't comfortable with a stranger attending to you in your conscious state," He said, gently cleansing my skin with the soapy water. "Forgive me, it should have been my responsibility from the start."

The rhythmic motion of his hand washing me slowed, his palm coming to a rest on my arm.

"I can't express how sorry I am," He murmured, raw emotion evident in his voice. "I should've kept you safe."

His self-blame was palpable, yet it was misplaced. If my memories serve me correctly: it was my hesitation on the battlefield that led to this predicament. If not for Orryn's timely intervention, I might have met a far grimmer fate.

If I could move, if I could speak, I'd tell him to let go of that guilt. I'd assure him that I could never blame him for my condition. The weight of the choices I made was solely on me. I wanted to convey all these emotions to him, to reassure him, but all I could do was silently absorb his touch and hope he felt my gratitude and love in return.

"I...I can't fully comprehend what you did for us," he began, resuming his tender washing. "All of us that you healed, we've changed. We're faster, stronger; that radiant energy you released.. it empowered us."

Truthfully, I was just as in the dark. The brief encounter I had with the creator only provided me with the bare essentials. She enlightened me to the extent she deemed necessary, leaving me to discover and harness the potential of my newfound powers independently. I was at a loss on how to proceed.

Currently, this unfamiliar force is reshaping my very being, preparing my body to contain and control the vast energy that was once latent within. If I were to awaken prematurely, before my vessel was robust enough to manage this force, I'd simply disintegrate. The gradual process of accessing this power was thrown off course when I witnessed Orryn on the brink of death. In that moment of desperation, something within me snapped, overwhelming the protective seal.

My salvation came in the nick of time, the creator stepped in. By placing me in this deep slumber, she contained the torrent of energy, effectively imprisoning it within me. Yet she couldn't restore the original seal; that was a task only I could undertake. Without my memories serving as a guide, I was lost on how to do it.

"I heard that you spoke," Orryn said with a hint of wonder in his voice. "You uttered my name, of all things. And of course, I wasn't awake to hear it."

A pang of embarrassment hit me at the realisation that others had observed my raw, emotional outburst. In the heat of that moment, I'd been unconcerned, but now, with Orryn in good health, the memory caused an inner turmoil of discomfort.

"I would give the world to hear you say it once more," He whispered, a longing evident in his tone.

Had I been conscious, my cheeks would undoubtedly be painted with the deepest shade of red. But beyond that veil of self-consciousness, a warmth spread in my heart, reminding me of the profound connection between us.

The gentle sound of Orryn's breathing accompanied by the soft rustling of the tent's fabric was all that could be heard as he finished his task. It seemed time had slowed, and in that moment, even without speaking, our souls seemed to communicate, seeking comfort and understanding.

A soft sigh escaped Orryn's lips, "Rest now, Nadya. When you're ready, I'll be here, waiting for you." Gently, he leaned down, his lips grazing my forehead in a tender kiss, lingering a little longer than usual.

"I'm not going anywhere,"