
You Give Love a Bad Name.

When she was 5 years old, Dakota Roth's mother ripped her away from her father and fled back to Scotland in the middle of the night. Fast forward 15 years and Dakota is now an adult and due to her mother's new boyfriend coming onto her has been thrown out of her house, she finds out that her dad has been desperately trying to get in touch with her all these years so she travels back to Colorado to reunite with him. Upon arriving there she is reunited with her dad and his best friend, a man she remembers as her Uncle Remy - sparks fly between her and her dad's best friend; they both know it is wrong and try to fight it but their connection is too strong but what happens when Dakota's mother and her boyfriend hunt her down?

Susan_Haswell_4401 · Urbano
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52 Chs

Chapter 49 - Where is She?

Two Weeks Later…

Jeremy Danielson…

My woman had done a good job of disappearing. No paper trail to indicate her where-abouts. No phone calls that last longer than a minute and never from the same area. It is clear that she is in Italy, but every call comes from varying locations. I can't deny that I am impressed. The girl is resourceful and smart.

Those calls - always to Charleigh, never to me or Jason. It is frustrating and infuriating to say the very least.

In fact, I would go so far as to say I am fucking livid. Furious. My rage is like a drug pulsing through my body and nothing will calm the beast. I am almost out of patience, the thought of just getting on a plane to Italy myself and searching for her is becoming more and more appealing as the days go by.

Would I be able to find her?

The only thing that seems to stand out is that she is either in or around Rome, just like she had confessed would be her ideal destination. I mean I have looked and studied the damn map so much that I can see it in my dreams, but there are so many little villages and towns around Rome that it could take months to search all of them.

My only relief and sense of calm comes from the fact that Charleigh says she sounds happy and healthy. There is no sign that she is looking over her shoulder. I have only told Jason that I have someone out there looking for her because I know if Charleigh were to know, she would tell my girl and then she would run again, and I really wouldn't have a clue as to where to start. I had lucked out with that flight manifest, and I planned on using that to every advantage I can manage.

Part of me wishes that I had more money - more resources to send a whole team out there to join the hunt. As it stands, the guy I am using was an old friend from high school so he has given me a discount price, but it still isn't cheap, not that I am complaining because I would spend every last cent, I own to bring her back home.

Gavin is holding down the fort at work and doing a good job in keeping me up to date with all that needs to be addressed. I just couldn't concentrate at work. I know that. I know myself. I am far too distracted and this longing in my chest won't subside. It won't ease in any way to give me a moment's relief. Without Dakota I have nothing, I am nothing and my world feels like it is off its axis. I have never experienced that with a woman before and while it is scary, I am relying on the feeling. Relying on the way I feel about her to keep going.

Jason and Charleigh announced their engagement the day after his stay in jail. I was happy for them. Truly happy and excited for them. It was good to see my old friend finally settled and content. I just felt like I had been cheated out of my happy-ever-after.

Dakota was gone.

The woman I am head over heels in love with is on the other side of the world and hidden from me.

Will I ever find her?

"We just finished giving it a professional clean, Mr. Danielson," the jeweller informed me as he placed the ring that I purchased a week ago on the velvet back-drop - the white-gold platinum band was a slightly thicker piece than the standard cut, the blue sapphire stone that matched the colour of Dakota's eyes sat proudly in the centre of the band and a total of four more clear diamond's sat on either side of the larger stone. The sparkle was so strong it blinded me for a few moments.

After Jason and Charleigh announced their engagement, I asked Jason for his blessing to ask Dakota to marry me when I found her. It took him two whole days to think it through and eventually he called me, asked me to come by the house where he gave me his full blessing to ask his daughter to spend the rest of her life with me.

"Are you happy with it?"

"I really am. I think my girl is going to love it!" I picked it up to look at it from all angles.

"Of course, she will, it is clear to me that you have put a lot of thought into this-"

"I have. This sapphire is the exact same colour as her eyes," the dreamy sound of my voice sounds foreign, this should feel weird, I haven't even had the chance to tell her that I love her yet, and already I am planning on spending our lives together.

I pay the bill and stick the ring into my pocket as I make my way out of the store. I don't know how I am supposed to explain this, but I have a sudden feeling that it won't be long before we find my girl.

It won't be long until I am back at her side where I'm always supposed to be.

Only one thing left to do, so with that in mind, I get behind the wheel of my car and head towards my friend's house. I know that he has also called out from work until we find Dakota and bring her home. At his insistence, he has paid more than half the bill so far - claiming that this was his daughter and he felt it was his right to ensure she got home. As much as I wanted to argue, I knew that I couldn't. This was his daughter and as a Father I can't imagine the sense of frustration that he must be feeling.

By the time I get to his house, I am more than convinced that we are closer to finding her than we had been a week ago.

"Have you heard anything?" My friend asked, coming out to greet me before I am even fully out of my car.

"Not yet!" I replied. I see the disappointment crumple his features instantly and it pains me to see him like this - the man is still my best friend, after all is said and done. "I don't know how I know this, but I feel like we are close though," I offered as I followed him back inside and closed the door behind me.


"Yeah. Like I said, I'm not entirely sure how I know this, but I just do. We are going to find her and bring her home, which is why I am here -"

"What do you mean?"

"Coffee, Rem'?" Charleigh asked from the kitchen.

"Please, honey," I nodded before turning to my best friend who I have to admit looks like he has aged over the past couple of weeks. There is now a light dusting of grey in the hair around his temples and his beard has grown to epic proportions, that in itself is weird because Jason is one of the most well put together men I have ever known. It is truly strange to see him like this.

My friend nodded to the sofa while he dropped into his recliner chair but didn't in fact recline, "you were saying?"

"I know you have already given me, your, blessing but I want to ask - how would you feel about us getting married in Italy?"


"Italy was her dream destination Jay-"

"I didn't know that!" He ran his hand over the bottom half of his face.

"Yeah, she said that she had always wanted to travel from one end of the country to the other but knew that financially, it simply wouldn't be possible but Rome was the one spot that she would never miss, it was the one spot that she would make a beeline for, which explains the flight manifest and all, so what I was thinking is that when we go to take her home, she and I will get married and maybe stay a further month, I can afford to take her to a few of the spots that she would most like-"

"I could afford the rest?" He pondered, and my look must have said something because he quickly added, "think of it as a wedding gift!"

"If she says yes to marrying me-"

"She will!" Charleigh injected her opinion as she placed my coffee in front of me on the coffee table.

"How can you be so sure?"

"She loves you. Every time she calls, she asks about you, how you are and if you are taking care of yourself-"

There is no way I should be satisfied with that explanation but there is a wave of pure bliss that sweeps through me at hearing this. Dakota still cares about me.

Dakota still loves me.

I don't think that I even really realised just how much I had feared that she might have fallen out of love with me, or Heaven forbid, met someone new. The relief I feel in that moment is Goddamn palpable.

"I have to agree. There is no way that she doesn't say yes," Jason offered, "I may not know my daughter as well as I should, but I do know that she is a loyal girl, and she would never have gotten involved with you if it weren't for the long haul, not when the consequences were so dire, Remy just have faith in her, have a little bit of hope that this will all work out the way it is supposed to,"

Well, I'll be damned. Of all the things that my friend could have sprouted at me - this was not at all what I had been expecting. I mean sure he has been trying really hard to accept that this was even a thing, but I expected it would be a lot longer than this for him to sound so on board with it all.

"I guess I am just anxious, I am trying to understand why she took off but-"


"I am also a little angry at her-"

"I get that. I am angry too, man," Jason pondered along with me, "it's like, why couldn't she have just trusted us?"

"Exactly!" I nod, picking up my mug of coffee and sipping at it as Charleigh makes a growling like sound that has both Jason and I turn towards her.

"Something to say, beautiful?" He asked her.

"You guys are sometimes really dense!"

"Come again?" I asked, taking the cigarette that Jason held out to me.

"After everything that girl has been through at the hands of Anna - you really can't understand why she didn't feel like she could trust you?" Charleigh asked, taking her cigarette next and lit up, before continuing when it was clear that neither Jason or I was going to reply, "her whole life she has been alone. Her whole life with Anna has been a struggle and at times a war-zone - until she took a chance on me and our friendship, she was very much alone. That type of isolation isn't something that is going to disappear overnight. 'Kota has had to heavily rely on herself, she has had to put all her faith in herself because she didn't have anyone else. Her first instinct was always going to be that she handles the situation on her own, if you guys really don't understand that, then it is maybe for the best that she did leave!" With that the girl got to her feet and moved to the French doors next to the kitchen and let herself outside.

I have to admit that there is absolutely nothing about her that I didn't like. I really liked the fact that she was a straight shooter - it was definitely something that Jason needed in his life.

"Well, I guess that's us, put in our place!" I chuckled despite the heaviness of the situation.

"I guess so!" He chuckled too. "As much as I might agree with everything that my little spit-fire just barked at us, I also know that as her dad, I can't help but feel anger at all the worry she is causing-"

"We'll fix it, Jay!"

"Yeah, we will," he pondered, lost in his own thoughts.

My own thoughts turned almost carnal instantly - images of putting her over my knee and punishing her for running away from me, bombarded me until I was shifting uncomfortably in my place.

I don't know how long we sat there like that for before my phone started to ring, a loud tone tore through the silence that had descended. "Hello?"

"Mr. Danielson?" My P.I. boomed down the connection.

"Thomas, is this good news?"

"I believe so, Mr. Danielson. I found her!" He told me and in a matter of seconds my heart soared, my stomach set ablaze by a million butterflies and my mouth felt drier than the Sahara Desert.

"Where?" I asked.

Now that she had been found, a small part of me felt paralyzed. Like I didn't know what to say; or do. I had waited for what felt like a fucking lifetime but in the grand scheme of things, it had been less than a month. How was that possible?

I actually had to hand the phone over to Jason as I tried to get my breath under control and my emotions in order because I was close to losing it.

We had to book flights.

We had to get there now.

We had to make a move in case she decided to move.

All going well - I would have the love of my life back in my arms within a couple of days. That is the thought that is going to get me through this. I just have to keep the bigger picture in mind. I have to hold on to the fact that I had found her. Against all the odds I had finally found her.

Now it was time to go and drag her back home. Where she belonged.

A Couple of Days Later…

Dakota Roth…

Trevignano Romano, Italy…

The moment I entered the little village I had known this was the place that I wanted to be. The scent of the ocean mixed with an over-abundance of Jasmine and Lemons, was a mixture that really shouldn't work but I had grown to love it. I had grown to appreciate the depth of it. The streets were narrow and steps were a huge part of the little village that was practically carved into a cliff. Beautiful town houses that were covered in crawling ivy and Jasmine flowers were considered the norm here. It was mostly a village of older people, mostly retired and I liked that. I liked the fact that I didn't have to worry about younger people posting on social media constantly and I didn't have to worry about guys hitting on me.

The house that I was renting was high up on the cliff and a fair hike from work, but the views were more than worth it. A huge garden to the front of the property gave me panoramic views of the village and the sea that was tranquil and the most Azure colour that I had ever witnessed. The bay of the village was shaped like a horse-shoe and the fishing vessels were visible at one side of the cove. I often spent the evenings in the hot-tub just staring out into the horizon thinking about all that I have lost. All that I have had to give up and hating my mother more and more with every passing day.

The moment I met Rosita - the woman who rented me the house - it was as if she took a liking to me and offered me a job in her bakery down by the water. Of course, I accepted because that had been my dream and it paid cash in hand which was preferable considering I didn't want to touch my bank account and it also afforded me extra income so that I didn't have to keep dipping into the money that my dad saved for me. As it was, I had spent a large sum on buying myself a car when I first arrived in the country. The car was a necessity because I would travel to surrounding villages and towns once every week to call Charleigh just to let her know that I was safe and well. I knew that she would pass my messages along and I never wanted my dad or Jeremy to worry about me more than I knew that they would have been worrying. Especially after what Charleigh had told me happened when dad confronted mom and Stuart.

I had stupidly hoped that my feelings for Jeremy would begin to diminish over the course of time but that had been incredibly naïve of me. I know that now. I knew that what we shared was something that would never fully go away - I just had to find a way to live with the longing and pain in my heart.

I often wonder if he is thinking about me too.

Does he hate me? Charleigh says that he doesn't, she has gone out of her way to assure me that he is as besotted with me as he ever was, if not more.

Does he love me in return? I don't know. I won't let Charleigh tell me that because I can only imagine that will hurt me more and make it all the worse to stay away. I can't have that. I dread the day when she tells me that he has met someone else - I know that I am never going to love anyone new. I love Jeremy and for me that means forever; just like he enjoyed hearing me say.

The thought of him being with someone else rips at my heart and soul. I don't like being dramatic, but I think that I might actually die a little when I hear that he has moved on.

Charleigh told me that my dad proposed and that she said yes. My best friend is going to be my step-mom - that is a fucking head trip unlike any I have ever known before. It's crazy but I am so happy for them both. I meant what I said in my letters - I wish them nothing but a lifetime's worth of happiness and love.

All I really want is for everyone to be happy and healthy.

"There you go, Antonio!" I handed over the box of chocolate eclairs to the older man who came in every single day at this time and ordered three of the chocolate treats.

"Thank you, Dakota," he smiled that big kind smile he always seemed to save just for me, with kind eyes, Antonio was considered by many as a grumpy old man, but he never seemed to show me that side, "any chance you will take me up on my offer and join me today?"

"I would love to, Antonio, but I am so exhausted that I am just going to head straight home and into bed," I explained. Every day he has asked me to join him for coffee and a chocolate treat, but I have always declined, not because I don't want to go but I have been so busy since arriving here that I have barely had a minute to myself.

"One these days, darling!" He winked and I couldn't help but smile back at him.

"Definitely!" I returned his smile as Rosita came out of the back.

"Will you stop chatting up my new employee, vecchio uomo!" My boss and land-lady scorned the older man, her insult literally translated to old man. I was slowly picking up the dialect and I couldn't help but giggle when he told her to mind her business. Antonio shuffled out of the bakery a few moments later after telling me he would see me tomorrow and to have a good day, "how are you doing, sweetheart?" Rosita asked me as I wiped down the counter and moved to wash the food tongs that I used to lift the eclairs into the box for Antonio.


"Well, you have only ten minutes left on shift, why don't you head, on, out for the day?"

"Are you sure?"

"Of course. I will see you tomorrow!" She nodded practically pushing me out the door and I couldn't help but smile. Rosita was a good boss - she was warm and welcoming, unless it came to Antonio, but I suspect there is a little love there between the two of them.

I don't honestly know what is going on with me - the past couple of days have been like trying to navigate through quicksand. I feel sluggish and less alert than I need to be which is somewhat alarming considering I am supposed to be remaining alert. I haven't come this far. I haven't given up all that I have just to be caught now. I know that realistically I should keep moving, not sticking in one place for long but I have actually grown to love this little village and the people in it. I can't bring myself to leave.

When I am in the village I walk everywhere - I love following the winding little streets, gaping at the beautiful architecture of the homes, and enjoying the scents that permeate the air. Now and again I will pick up the little Jasmine petals that float to the ground, enjoying the soft satin texture between my fingers. Today my need to walk is purely for the fact that I am hoping the fresh air will allow me to sleep for a solid, few hours.

As I walk, I have the sense that I am being watched but there is no way, I chalk it up to being bone-tired. I wave at a few of the other residents of the little village that I have met through the bakery or during my many explorations. By the time I get to the little house on the hill that I am renting I am so tired that I don't even bother stripping out of my clothes or shoes as I fall down on the bed, I am asleep before my head even hits the pillow.

I don't know how long I was asleep, but I do know that as I slowly begin to wake up - I feel a band of immovable muscle holding me against a solid wall of body heat. There is no denying when you are in bed with someone, and it is that realisation that has me beginning to panic somewhat. I feel my body begin to move - trying in vain to get away from whoever has crawled into my bed and when it becomes crystal clear that I am not going anywhere I start screaming and thrashing in an attempt to dislodge the arm around me but all that happens is the arm flexed and tightened around me.

"It's me, sweetheart, calm down!" The voice tried to soothe me, but I am so lost to the need for survival that it barely registers as I scream louder even when I know it is pointless, I am too far up the cliff for anyone to hear me, it was one of the reasons that I chose this little house. Isolation. That was what I wanted and now I am regretting that.

"Get off me!" I screech, thrashing more violently now.

My survival instincts are kicking in and I sink my nails into the flesh of the arm and scratch, deeply. Seemingly that is enough for the assailant as he grunts and then in a manoeuvre that would put a gymnast to shame, he flipped me on to my back and settled between my legs.

"Re-Remy?" I blink a few times to clear the haze from my eyes as they settle on the tranquil blue of his and the love, I see shining at me would have floored me had I been standing up, "wh-what are you do-doing he-here?" There is no denying the hard throb of his cock against my thigh and my body reacts as if by instinct at having the man I love between my legs.

Have I slipped into a dream?

I can't deny that he has been a major star in my dreams since before I even left but this is different, there is something tangible about this that tells me this is no dream.

"What do you think I am doing here?"

"I-I do-don't know -"

"You. Left. Me." His growl was pained, it was thick with suppressed emotion and a part of me wanted to know what would happen if I pushed him a little more, I wanted to bring that animal out in him because by fuck have, I missed him, "you will NEVER leave me again, am I being fucking clear?" He roared his pain into the air and my heart ached and soared at the same time.


"I am NEVER letting you go 'Kota. When I said you were mine, I meant it and that means we face shit together. Is that clear?"

"Ye-yes-!" Jesus when did I turn into the rain man?

"Yes, what?"

"Yes, Uncle Remy!" That did it, something in him reached its limit and before I could even gather my breath, his lips were on mine.

This was a kiss born of longing, of hunger, of fear and relief. The kiss was hungry, beyond all measure and it was only in the moment of passion that I realised that I was only wearing my underwear and he was in nothing but his boxers. For now, I didn't care, all I cared about was feeling his lips on mine, on feeling his body resting against mine.

The weight of his body on top of mine had never felt so amazing. The scent of him - citrus and the ocean suddenly hit me, and I realised why I loved the scent of this little village so much - it had inadvertently reminded me of my man. It was crisp and fresh, it was an aphrodisiac in a way that had me almost frantic as I gripped my arms around his neck, pulling him closer to me.

Yes, there were a load of questions that I needed to ask but right now, I didn't care to hear the answers because all I cared about was right in my arms where he belonged and was kissing me like I was his very reason for existing.

Fuck! I had really missed him.