
You Give Love a Bad Name.

When she was 5 years old, Dakota Roth's mother ripped her away from her father and fled back to Scotland in the middle of the night. Fast forward 15 years and Dakota is now an adult and due to her mother's new boyfriend coming onto her has been thrown out of her house, she finds out that her dad has been desperately trying to get in touch with her all these years so she travels back to Colorado to reunite with him. Upon arriving there she is reunited with her dad and his best friend, a man she remembers as her Uncle Remy - sparks fly between her and her dad's best friend; they both know it is wrong and try to fight it but their connection is too strong but what happens when Dakota's mother and her boyfriend hunt her down?

Susan_Haswell_4401 · Urbano
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52 Chs

Chapter 40 - Domesticated Bliss!

The Following Morning…

Jeremy Danielson…

The distinct scent of bacon beckoned me out of the slumber that felt like I had just slipped into. Images of the night before rushing in like a wave of water when you jump in a pool.


My woman.


My heart quickly sped up as I thought about all she had done for me last night. The girl had placed her trust in me and given me my ultimate fantasy. God, my cock is rising at the mere memory of her straddling me with the panties she had been wearing peeking out of those full ripe lips, her hips grinding against me. The tantalising flash of her tits bouncing as she moved. As we moved together.

My eyes squinted in the morning light that was bursting through the slats of the blinds on the small windows down here. Finding her side of the bed empty, I reached my hand out to find that she must have been gone for a while because her spot was cold. As if she had never been there. In fact, the only sign that she had been here was the pair of panties that she had left on her pillow.

A growl rose up in me as I grabbed the soiled material and brought them to my nose, inhaling her scent like a fucking mad man. I am so sick. I can honestly say that I have never acted like this with any other woman I have been with.

But what does that mean?

Is it meant to be? Is that an excuse for my actions?

I can't deny that things with her have been better in this short space of time, than they had ever been in the years that I was with Lauren. The knowledge of that shakes me far deeper than I was prepared for.

Refusing to allow myself to tumble down the vortex of uncertainty and endless questions - I swing my legs out of the bed and make my way out to the bathroom and quickly take care of business which is not exactly easy when your cock is at full-mast. Somehow, I managed it and cleaned up, before pulling on my sweats and quietly making my way up the stairs that would lead to the main body of the house.

There she is.

My woman.

My reason for being.

Stood with her back to me as she busy's herself with making breakfast. The little crop top she wore for me last night sitting perfectly on her tiny body, her wide hips hugged tightly with the diamond cut boy-shorts that make her ass look fucking spectacular. Her thick thighs are smooth and inviting as she sways her hips from side to side seductively as she listens to some 80's rock music on low enough that it wouldn't bother me if I were still asleep. The soft timbre of her voice as she sings along has the smile spreading across my face before I can stop myself.

With her completely oblivious to my presence, I lean against the archway that leads into the kitchen and just bask in her sexy little movements and terrible voice as she sings along with heart and feeling. God, she really can't sing but it doesn't stop her and that to me is one of the sexiest things about her.

When I can't take it anymore, I clear the space between us as quietly as I can. I catch the way her body gasps as I step silently behind her and reach out and slide my hands around that tiny little waist of hers, "morning!" She sighs, leaning back against me.

"Morning gorgeous," my lips plant a string of kisses up her neck, "don't stop dancing on my accord!"

Using my hands, I steer her to keep moving and letting my own hips move along with her. It doesn't take long or any effort to find our rhythm. Our bodies instinctively, finding the perfect pace to the music. All while she deals with the bacon in the frying pan on the stove-top.

"I missed you this morning-" I growled next to her ear, my lips peppering kisses up and down her long slender throat.

"I'm sorry, handsome," she moaned as her head rolled back against my shoulder, "I couldn't sleep, so I thought that I would make my man some breakfast because he definitely worked up an appetite last night!"

"Well, I can't argue with that, but I should be making you breakfast!"

"Nope. I like doing this for you!" Even from my spot I could see the blush spreading up over her cheeks as she dipped her head to try and hide it.

Reaching out, my hands curled around the skillet and pushed it to the back burner that wasn't on, then I turned off the burner that she had been using, "what are you doing? It's going to get cold -"

"Then we will eat it cold, or we will reheat it in the microwave!" I growled as I turned her to face me, "going to sleep with you wrapped up in my arms last night-"


"You have no idea how amazing that felt-"

"Oh, I know," she sighed with a dreamy tone in her words, and it caused my cock to kick against the material-prison it was currently encased in, "ever since we saw each other again, it was one thing that I wanted more than anything-"

"Me too, sweetheart. It would have been better to wake up with you still in my arms, but I appreciate you doing this for me," unable to hold myself back anymore, my lips crash into hers and she meets me with the same desperate passion that flows out of me.

Whirling her around until I am lifting her onto the island in the middle of the space, our lips moving in perfect sync with one another. My hands roam with intent, gripping the bottom of the crop-shirt; yanking until it is in my hands and throw it across the room - my lips moving slowly down her throat to her chest where I circle my tongue around her hardened nipples while my hands move to the shorts and she quickly acquiesced to my demand when I began tugging. Lifting her ass from the counter, I made short work of the material, sliding them down her toned legs until they were dropping at my feet - there she is.

My woman spread out on the counter - ripe for the taking. Like my own personal buffet.

This was not about long, drawn-out pleasure. No this is about carnal need. And the scent of her arousal tells me that I don't even need to get her ready because she is primed for me. Just to be sure my hand slid down to her pussy to find her soaked for me. "Fuuuuuuck I will never get tired of this juicy pussy!"


"You want my cock, beautiful?"

"Yesss, now please, Uncle Remy!" Her little hands reached for my sweats and yanked them down over my ass before gripping her tiny hand around my hardened shaft and began pumping softly.

"Stop sweetheart!" I grunted, unable to stop the way my hips rocked into her touch, "or this will be over before I feel the sweet tightness of your pussy!"

Slowly she backed her hands away and slid them up my torso to my chest and further up until she was wrapping her arms around the back of my neck and her legs curled around my hips, "fuck me Uncle Remy!" It wasn't a suggestion. No, this was a demand. A blatant command that had my cock throb with need.

Reaching one of my hands to my shaft, I guided myself to her tight little slit and eased forward. I was always conscious of the fact that I was far bigger than what her little hole seemingly could handle, and I needed to be slow and gentle upon entry. Just until I could stretch her out a little.

However, it seemed like today, she wasn't in the mood for slow. Or gentle. With a surprising surge of strength, she thrust her hips towards me, engulfing my full length in one fluid motion and a loud whimper of relief breached her beautiful lips, "fuck you feel so good!" She moaned as we held ourselves still - giving her pussy the chance to meld around my length.

There was no other feeling in the world that felt as amazing or consuming as her tight cunt sheathing my hard cock. The ripples of her opening up to my invasion was unlike anything that I have ever felt. The pulsing of her need seeped out of her core and fluttered around my length. My balls were already heavy and full as she began to move, and I caught onto her brutal pace with ease.

"Who does this pussy belong to, sweetheart?"

"You. Only you. Always you!" She moaned, her back arching into me so her tits were rubbing against my chest and effectively handing me the reins now that she had set the pace.

"That's right. This pretty little cunt is mine. You will never need another cock because mine is going to take care of all your needs-"


"That means no more touching yourself, sweetheart. Not without my permission!" I grunt as my mouth moved back to her nipple - sucking the hardened peak into my mouth, my tongue lashing against the sensitive bud.


"What?" I paused to look up at her, her eyes glazed over with pleasure and need, "what, 'Kota?" I growled my other hand moving up to tug on her other nipple.

"That also means that your cock is mine! No touching yourself unless you get my permission!"

Well, I'll be damned. This girl really is my perfect match because as much as I like to be dominant - she has taught me that I also like when she takes control too.

"Yessss!" My replying grunt is instant as I grip the side of her hip with my free hand and really begin to drill into her.

Soon the room is filled with the wet slurping sounds of my cock swimming through her arousal and the loud slap of our bodies slamming together over and over. The scent of sex over-powers the scent of the food she was just cooking.

This is everything. Our future with one another is almost within reaching distance - we have one major hurdle to overcome and then we will be able to be like this all the time. And that is what I want more than anything in the world. I want this girl forever.

I want our future, forever.

Dakota Roth…


Love is such a small word. Such a simple word. Yet the impact love can have, is far from small or simple.

Love has the power to start wars.

Love has the power to end friendships. To tear families apart. To cause betrayals. To illicit murder. To cause devastating misery. No, love is far from small and simple. And here I am - the latest victim.

I am in love with Jeremy.

I am head over heels in love with the man who is currently balls deep in my soaked pussy. The man who has shown me the true advantages and power of sex when it is done right. So much that there is a part of me that wishes that I had held on to my virginity just a little longer. If Jeremy had been my first there is no way that I would ever feel the regret that I feel now. I just know that.

Jeremy would have given me an unforgettable first time. And it would have been favourable. Unlike the unforgettably bad experience that I was left with.

Pushing all thoughts of my past aside, I let myself go and be truly present in the moment with Jeremy.

This is nothing but a desperate need to release for both of us. I don't think that I will ever get used to this feeling between us. The way it seems almost like we can read one another without ever having to say words. Like our minds and souls are melded together and we share the same wave-length. I never knew that it could be like this. I never knew that I could feel like this about anyone.

Hearing him agree that his cock is mine - almost pushes me over the edge. My knees draw further up until they are almost level with his shoulders but still it's not enough. And it seems like he feels the same as he slipped his hands underneath me and pulled me up until he is supporting my weight and moved with speed to the dining table, resting me backwards and then grabbing my ankles, placing them against his shoulders and angles his cock to a new, deeper position that has my eyes rolling back in my head in a matter of seconds, as he practically folds me in half.

"Fuck, yes, baby-girl, you are so fucking tight!" He groaned, resting his hands on my thighs, his fingers digging into my flesh hard enough to leave little red marks.

"Yessss you are so big - harder!"

"You want it harder, sweetheart?"


"Beg?" He grunted against my lips, holding himself a hair-breath from actually kissing me and it was the most frustrating and delectably amazing feeling in the world.

"Please Uncle Remy - fuck me harder," I never thought that I would enjoy begging as much as I do with him. I feel safe to do it. I feel like he is right there with me and I know if I told him to beg for me, he would do it in a heart-beat, "make me your little slut again, give it to me hard and rough. Use me. Use my body. Fill me up with your cum, pleaseeeeee, I need it harder Uncle Remy!"

"Jesus Christ -" his responding growl sounded painful as he dropped his face the last little space and slammed his lips against mine in a bruising kiss as his hips picked a more brutal force and frantic pace. The grip on my thighs getting harder and rougher as his lips moved with wild abandon.

The table creaked underneath our weight. The sweat from our bodies coated the surface. Our breaths a beautiful soundtrack to the passion that was sparking between us. I loved the feeling of every inch of his cock rubbing against my deepest core. I couldn't help the way my walls clamped around him, desperate to keep him where he belonged.

My hands reached up and sank into his hair, giving a little tug had him lose his pace for a mere second before he brought himself back and nipped at my bottom lip as his mouth moved away from mine, his eyes watching me - I know him well enough now to know that he was ensuring that I was really ok with how wild and passionate this was becoming. But I knew that he would find nothing but complete surrender. I always submitted to him and there was no other feeling in the world like it.

"I. Need. You. To. Cum. For. Me. Right. Fucking. Now!" His voice was clipped, like it was taking all of his strength to hold it together, "now, 'Kota - cream all over my cock like my good little slut!"

There is no way to understand it, but it is as if my body is under his spell. Like he is the master and my body knows to obey automatically because the moment he demanded it, the fluttering began to ignite. My pussy felt swollen as he pounded me with reckless abandon. Reaching his hand between our rutting bodies until his thumb was pressing against my clit and rubbing in tight circles until my back arched completely off the table and the orgasm ravaged my entire body - spreading from the epi-centre of my core and flourishing out to the top of my head and the tips of my toes. My scream died on my lips as pleasure over-rode everything else inside me.

"That's right baby, I am the master and you cum when I tell you. You feel so fucking good squeezing the fuck out of my cock. Milk me sweetheart-" and he lost the last thread of control he had been holding on to - slamming into me with enough force that I just knew that I was going to be bruised and sore afterwards, but it was so worth it.

The first spurt of his cum flooded me with heat as he painted my insides like a damn Picasso. Our bodies moving as one now as we both rode the wave of complete nirvana.

As the haze began to lift, his eyes found mine again, "are you ok?"

"Never fucking better, you?" I grinned as the feel of his cock deflating inside me was the most beautiful feeling in the world, knowing that I was the one to drain him and that his seed is coating my insides - it's the best feeling in the world.

If I am being honest with myself, I keep hoping that this will be the time he gets me pregnant. I ache for it in ways that I never knew I could feel. I want to have his baby. I want to have that link that will keep us connected for the rest of my life. I want to be his - body, mind and soul.

"Same, sweetheart," his forehead resting against mine as we both tried to get our breathing back under control.

Once we got our breaths back under control, we quickly heated the food and brought it back to the now cleaned table to eat. We worked in tandem with one another, like a well-oiled machine working to complement each other.

There is nothing else in the world that could ever make me feel this content. I am pretty sure of it. I ache for it when we are having to pretend that there is nothing going on between us.

How much longer can we realistically carry on like that?

How much longer can we hide our feelings from the people in our lives?

If I am being honest, I am surprised that my dad hasn't figured it out yet. I am surprised that he can't see just how enamoured Jeremy and I are with one another. I mean, even with how obsessed I am about Jeremy, I can still see the connection forming between my dad and my best friend.

"So, tell me-" Jeremy began as I squirted ketchup on my eggs and he gave me a look that said, are you serious? I was used to it and just smiled, "did you always want to get into business?"

"God no!" I laughed, "I wanted to be a princess when I was around the age that we left. I often wondered if dad was going to come save me because even at my young age, I could see that there was something very wrong with my mom. Then I wanted to be a ballerina for a while, I even took a couple lessons but I am far from elegant enough to be a dancer. Then I wanted to be a vet - unfortunately, the training for that would take far longer than I had the time for. I needed something that would get me working as quick as possible with a good enough salary that could cover the essentials,"

"I'm sorry, 'Kota!"

"Why are you sorry? You didn't do anything wrong-"

This was all going to be yanked away from me in a week's time. Five days now. Not even a full week. And the pain that eclipsed my heart was so brutal that it stole my breath for a few moments.

"No, but we should have done more. We should have-"

"Don't do that baby," I reached across the table and grabbed his hand tightly, "should haves, would haves and could haves only rob us of time, of building good memories and that is no way to live because we can't change the past, but we can reshape the future,"

"You-" he was looking at me now with something akin to wonder.


"You are just incredibly insightful. You take my breath away in everything you say and do. I am one lucky old asshole to have-"

"Stop that." I practically growled, "you are not old. And I won't hear you saying otherwise. I am the lucky one - and I don't plan to ever take it for granted,"

We sank into silence as we ate. My thoughts turning to my mom and Stuart. They are out there somewhere close by just waiting and watching me. And as the thoughts of them began to take root, my phone chimed with a message. Opening it up to see a photo of Jeremy and I, on this very table not half an hour ago, greeted me.

I quickly turned around to look out the window - trying to peer through the thick forest for any sign of life, of anyone lurking around. Stuart. I knew it was him, he was the one who sent the text. And another came through almost as soon as I looked out into the trees.

'Five more days and then you are mine to punish!'