
You Give Love a Bad Name.

When she was 5 years old, Dakota Roth's mother ripped her away from her father and fled back to Scotland in the middle of the night. Fast forward 15 years and Dakota is now an adult and due to her mother's new boyfriend coming onto her has been thrown out of her house, she finds out that her dad has been desperately trying to get in touch with her all these years so she travels back to Colorado to reunite with him. Upon arriving there she is reunited with her dad and his best friend, a man she remembers as her Uncle Remy - sparks fly between her and her dad's best friend; they both know it is wrong and try to fight it but their connection is too strong but what happens when Dakota's mother and her boyfriend hunt her down?

Susan_Haswell_4401 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Chapter 36 - Shocking Surprise!

Dakota Roth…

My breath is still laboured from the force of my release. Jeremy's cock had coaxed my g-spot in a way that no one else had ever done to me before, but with the force of his thrusts had caused the bed to stimulate my hardened clit until a collision was imminent and barrelling towards me. The moment both orgasms clashed was like the perfect storm and I feared that I was coming apart at the seams from the true force.

An incredibly powerful tingling pleasure settled into my bones as Jeremy held himself perfectly still inside my pussy that was still gushing around him. My insides fluttered around the full length of his talented cock as the orgasm kept swelling up with little aftershocks that had me shivering and gasping from the intensity of it.

I had asked him to dominate me when we arrived here this morning. I needed him to take control of me. I needed to feel the safety of him taking over.

Stuart had texted me first thing this morning - it was nothing new, just his usual insults at my lack of response to him, the typical and expected threats of what he planned to do to me when he finally caught up to me. None of the things he said were incredibly creative, but the undertones were more threatening than anything else he did.

I would suffer at his hands if he ever caught up to me.

I wouldn't have a life worth living if he ever found me.

My life was insignificant to him. All he wanted was to possess me in ways that I only allow Jeremy to possess me - but the huge difference is that what me and my dad's best friend shared is purely consensual. I want Jeremy.

I do not want Stuart.

I would never want Stuart. The fact that I know I would never willingly give myself to him - means only one thing - Stuart intends to take what he wants regardless of my wishes. I would be lying if I said that thought didn't scare me.

What if he did find me? I can't bring myself to even think about that. I can't because once I do it is a labyrinth of endless torment that grips me too hard and suffocates the life right out of me. I don't want to feel that way. But as with everything that you know you shouldn't think about - it is like a constant fucking loop that plays out over and over again.

"You ok, baby-girl?" Jeremy asked, still draped over my back as his cock throbbed with the last pulses of his own orgasm.

"Yeah!" Turning on my smile and acting like there is absolutely nothing amiss in my life.

"That was-"

"Mind numbingly amazing? World shatteringly gratifying? Life changingly, sublime?"

"Yeah," he chuckled, as he slowly slid his flaccid cock from inside me, leaving me shivering and moaning at the sudden loss, "all of the above!"

"Glad it's not just me then!" I smiled as he rolled on to his back alongside me, his head turned in my direction while we both panted and tried to get our breathing back under a semblance of control.

"It definitely wasn't just you, sweetheart, that-" he began, "that felt different on a lot of levels-"

"I was thinking that too," I nodded.

Was it because I know for a fact that I am in love with this man?

I mean, I have always suspected it but there is something powerful about being able to tell yourself that you are most definitely in love with someone. Something that feels almost freeing. But despite knowing that I am in love with him - I also know that it is far too soon to tell him that.

Then there is the question of not being altogether sure of what he is feeling. I mean is this more than sex for him?

Or is it just a fling?

Is he thinking long term with me?

Or is thinking that this has an end date?

I wish that I knew. I wish that I had the confidence to ask him. I wish that he would offer the information without me having to ask.

"I was thinking-"

"Yes?" I turned on to my side and he opened his arms to me, so I shuffled closer until I was curled in along the side of his body, my head resting perfectly on his chest, listening to the wild pitter-patter of his heart felt more soothing than I could have ever predicted.

"I have a conference coming up. I don't always go to it but maybe we could go together? Make a weekend out of it? We could be away from here - act like a proper couple, maybe go out dancing or something equally fun?" He suggested and honestly my heart kicked like a damn mule in my chest at the thought.

"I would love that!"


"Yes," propping myself up so that my hands were resting on his chest and my chin resting on top of them so that I could look at his handsome face, "a fun couple of nights where we can just be ourselves, sounds like Heaven to me!"

"Me too baby-girl!" Leaning down, his lips brushed over my forehead in an affectionate manner. The smile was bright and genuine on his handsome face, "then we will need to start thinking about your dad and what, or when we are going to tell him the truth!"

I knew that was coming. I knew that we had to find a way to tell him because realistically, it was almost impossible to carry on the way that we have been. If we did carry on like this - we run the risk of him finding out by accident and then things would be a hundred times worse than if we come clean ourselves. Surely being open and honest with him will have to count for something right?

Or am I being completely naïve?

I hate that I don't know him well enough to know for sure how he was going to react. I mean I have a fair idea that he is going to blow his top - and it isn't like I can't understand why he would.

I am fucking his best friend.

I am lying to him about not being interested in boys. But the truth is I truly don't see Jeremy as a boy - he is all man, and he makes me feel more alive than anyone else has ever made me. Granted I don't exactly have a lot of experience, or any experience at all, but that doesn't mean that I don't know what I am feeling.


"Yeah. Sorry. I know. I know that we have to tell him. I know that we can't keep lying to him. I hate that we are lying at all. I hate that we have to hide at all. But there is a part of me that is worried that if my dad demands we end things, that you will walk away-" with all my musings I have suddenly, and accidently expressed far too much. I have shown my hand when I promised myself that I wouldn't. I told myself that I would never admit what I was feeling until he did. Call it a defence mechanism, call it self-preservation. I will admit that is exactly what it is. I mean he has already hurt me, and I wouldn't be stupid to expose myself without knowing how he feels first.

So, I guess I am stupid. Because that is exactly what I have just done.

"Hey-" grabbing my hands as he twisted his body and slipping down until he was face-to-face with me, his eyes a perfect storm of determination, "there is nothing in this world that will ever pull me away from you. I mean it when I tell you that you are mine and I am yours. I am all in, 'Kota. I…I - care about you so much and I owe it to both of us to see where this could go,"


"Shhhh, you don't have to say anything baby, you are my priority, just let me show you how much, ok?" He pressed softly and I could do nothing but nod.

I can't deny that with him by my side - I don't only feel safe and protected but I feel stronger than I ever thought that I could be. I mean, people have always told me that I am strong, that I handled my mom with the type of strength most adults couldn't muster but I never truly felt strong before. I always just felt like that was life - that being, her, carer, was just my lot in life.

Jeremy has shown me, in a matter of a week, that I could have a much brighter, a more fulfilling life if I just have the confidence to reach out and grab it. The man has built me up in such a short space of time that I will be forever grateful to him for it.

"Good. Now what do you want from room service - I think we need to refuel because I am nowhere near done with you -" the fire sparked back to life in his deep blue eyes.

"Uhm, can you order me some soda? I am gonna head along to the ice-station,"

"Sounds good, hurry!" Slapping my ass as I shuffle up to my feet and I can't stop the giggle from bubbling up.

I quickly pull on the provided robe, tying it tightly and securely around my body. I glance at him as he picks up the phone receiver and dials down to the desk, his eyes tracking my every move with blatant hunger. I quickly grab the ice bucket and the room key-card and let myself out of the room.

I can't deny that he has been taking up a lot of my mind lately. I guess that is normal though. This is a first for me though - I feel out of my depth; but I know should I start to drown; he will be there to lift me to safety. It truly is the strangest, but most freeing sensation I have ever felt. Excitement and happiness are like its very own aphrodisiac.

The ice-station is a little further down our hallway and honestly, if my head wasn't so far in the clouds, I know that there would be no way that I could have been caught off guard the way I suddenly felt when I heard my mother's voice, "hello, honey!"

Jeremy Danielson…

There was no way that we could carry on like this. It was getting harder and harder to hide the way I feel about my girl. We have to tell Jason.

We have to tell her dad.

We have to tell my best friend that I am in love with his daughter. I have to make him understand that this isn't one of my fleeting one-night stands. This is so much more than that. This is the type of love that they write epic novels about. This is the type of love that could earn rockstars millions in sales if they were to write a song about it. This is the type of love that would be a block-buster hit in the movies.

I had nearly blown it before Dakota left to grab the ice. I almost blurted out that I am in love with her.

Yes, I had heard what Charleigh had said the other night about telling Dakota how I feel about her and there is a part of me that wants to throw caution to the wind and just tell my girl how deeply I have fallen in love with her. I want to show her just how obsessed with her I have become but I am still sitting solidly behind the caution wheel. This is all new for my girl - granted she hadn't been a virgin when we got together but she was not at all experienced. I listened when she told me that she had never been in a relationship before, and I would be stupid if I just waded right in and expressed everything I am feeling.

We have only been together a short period of time and all of that has been spent hiding in shadows and darkness. Pretending in front of her dad that there is nothing going on between us.

How is Jason going to take our news?

I can't lie and say that there isn't a small part of me that is optimistic that he will remember that I am a good guy and that no one will ever love his daughter as much as I do. No one will ever provide for her as well as I will. And there is no one who will keep her safe the way I will. No one else would ever lay their life down for hers in a heart-beat.

I can't deny that I am head over heels in love with my best friend's daughter. Believe me, I have tried to fight it. I have tried my fucking hardest to deny it. Hell, I even risked losing her completely to another man as I tried to push past what I was…what I am feeling for her. The mere thought of another man touching her the way that I do or looking at her the way I do has me feeling like a Goddamn caveman.

Dakota is mine.

I do not do well with men ogling what is mine.

I feel feral when I think about how close I came to losing her to Gavin. Just the thought of Gavin now - knowing that he is still attracted to her; it makes me feel murderous. I feel territorial - I want nothing more than to pull him into my office and inform him that Dakota is now mine.


The girl simply does not see the allure that she possesses over men. And she most certainly doesn't see the way men turn their heads whenever she walks by.

Speaking of my girl - where the fuck is she?

Room service had just delivered our order and she still wasn't back. The ice station was not that far away. Getting up from the bed, I pulled on my jeans and was about to walk out into the hallway when the door finally opened and there she was.

Instantly I could tell something was off with her - her face which had been flushed with satisfaction when she left this room a short while ago was now pale, so pale that she looked like she should be an extra in a Tim Burton movie. The smile that I have grown to love almost more than anything else about her was swiped from her face replaced with a thin almost grimace. And the most telling thing was that she was practically trembling. The ice bucket in her hands was making noise from how much she was shaking.

"What's wrong?" I asked, moving to her quickly, easing the bucket from her hands and enveloping her into my embrace, "Jesus, 'Kota you are really shaking, what happened?"

"No-nothing-" now I wanted to call her on the lie. I wanted her to know just how well I knew her already, but I knew that if I did that, she would never fully trust me.

Here is the thing about my girl - yes, she is guarded but it is not without a damn good reason. For so long she was alone - trying to navigate life and ensure that her own mother was safe when it should have been the other way around. With that type of isolation there is a level of self-reliance that will take more than a week or so of us being together to melt away. It would take a long time for her to not just fully trust me, but to learn to lean on me when something is bothering her.

I would have to be a pretty selfish asshole not to see that or understand it. And there was absolutely nothing that she could do to make me turn away from her now. This girl, this woman - my woman, she has set me free in a way that I could never have been prepared for. So, whether she knows it yet or not - there is absolutely nothing that I wouldn't do for her.

Carefully, I began to turn us towards the bed, but she reached out behind me to ensure the room door was locked.

What the fuck happened out there in the hallway?

"I just - I guess I got in my own head about dad, and I started to panic - what if he somehow suspects and followed us here this morning?" Now, as plausible that thought is, I could definitely understand the paranoia, I just know that isn't what has her looking deathly pale. There is more to this, but I couldn't push. I wouldn't push.

"Sweetheart, as much as I understand your concern, I think your dad is a little more preoccupied with Char' than he is with seeing that you and I are together-"

"You know?"

"Yeah, Char' told me last night when you and your dad were hanging out,"

"Does the fact that he is getting together with Char' give you some hope that he will understand what we have?" She asked me as I slowly stripped her of the robe and climbed on to the bed, pulling her down with me until she was propped between my thighs, her back to my chest.

"I want to say that it wouldn't hurt us, but to be honest, I figure that it is more complicated for him being that you are his little girl-"

"Hardly little-"

"You know what I mean, smart ass!" I chuckled, gathering her hair, and sweeping it over one shoulder. My lips moving in, to place feather light kisses over the exposed flesh. Goosebumps sprung up upon impact and a shiver snaked down her spine as she let out a little moan, "you like this?"

"You know I do!" She purred, reaching for my hands, and lacing our fingers together, "I think that I could get off on that alone-"

"Challenge accepted!" Doubling down on my efforts, my lips grazed from shoulder-to-shoulder blade, eliciting more shivers and trembles.

Alternating my force - going from a light brushing technique to more firm sweeps, to gentle little nips with my teeth. Each new sensation had her hips jerking in search of friction. Neither of us tried to touch her in any other way as our fingers remained laced together, her beautiful nails digging into my flesh leaving fresh little half-moon indents just below my knuckles.

All thoughts of Jason and how he was going to react to our news were forgotten as we explored all these new sensations between us. I ached for her in ways that could still shock me to the core. I have never felt this type of connection with anyone else. And as much as I know my best friend is going to have an issue with this, I can't seem to find a way to care. Not when all I care about is moaning and practically writhing against me as I work her into a frenzy.

My best friend was going to have to learn to accept this because there simply is no way that I am ever going to give her up. I can't.

I won't.

Not when she holds my heart in her hands. Not when she is the only woman who has ever made me feel this alive. Not when I know she is going to be my wife sometime in the future and the mother of my kids. I can see it all so clearly that I will fight to the death to defend the perfectness of it all. To protect her from anything that may try to harm her. Including what might come out of Jason's mouth because I know my friend well enough to know that he sometimes allowed his mouth to get the better of him.

Whatever had really upset her - was long forgotten by the time she started moaning my name. For now, we are safe and secure here. For now, it was just me and her enjoying this moment. Enjoying this day that I had made happen.

I have the girl I love in my arms. The moaning was growing more desperate as I worked her body in ways that felt almost like second nature. There is nowhere else I would rather be.