
You Give Love a Bad Name.

When she was 5 years old, Dakota Roth's mother ripped her away from her father and fled back to Scotland in the middle of the night. Fast forward 15 years and Dakota is now an adult and due to her mother's new boyfriend coming onto her has been thrown out of her house, she finds out that her dad has been desperately trying to get in touch with her all these years so she travels back to Colorado to reunite with him. Upon arriving there she is reunited with her dad and his best friend, a man she remembers as her Uncle Remy - sparks fly between her and her dad's best friend; they both know it is wrong and try to fight it but their connection is too strong but what happens when Dakota's mother and her boyfriend hunt her down?

Susan_Haswell_4401 · Urbano
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52 Chs

Chapter 31 - Sometimes all you need is Missionary.

A Week Later…

Dakota Roth…

Seven days.

One week.

One hundred and sixty-eight hours. That is how long that Jeremy and I have been together and honestly, I have lost count of the orgasms that he has given me within that time. Each one more sublime than the last.

We come to work every day, spend a few hours working, then we have lunch together locked in his office where we give into the burning lust that rages between us for an hour, go back to work for a few hours and then before it is time to head home, we lock ourselves in his office again. I am pretty sure that everyone around the office knows what is going on with us. And I know that I should care what these people think about me. I should worry that one of them might spill the beans to my dad because it is obvious that they know who he is but when Jeremy holds me, when he touches me and kisses me - I can't think of a single reason to care or worry. Together in his office - it is just the two of us. How could that ever be wrong?

Today, however, he has decided to switch it up on me. The minute that lunch rolled around, he called me into his office and told me to grab up my things for the day - we were taking the rest of the day off and then he led me down to the garage where he always parked his car.

Excitement bubbled up in my stomach along with a healthy dose of nerves. I mean - there hasn't been one instance where I felt unsafe with my dad's best friend. I have never once felt like anything other than in full control.

If I want to stop - all I have to do is say stop. All I have to do is tell him I am uncomfortable, and he will abide by my wishes. Not that I have ever needed to because as I stated I trust him. I trust him with my life. I feel safe with him - like I know that there isn't a damn thing that he wouldn't do for me if I asked.

Everything between us is almost perfect. I say almost because once again the messages from Stuart have started up again. As if that man can somehow sense my happiness he pops up and tries to snuff it out with his inappropriate and disgusting remarks and requests. I have, however, managed to stick to my guns - I refuse to acknowledge him. I will not give him the satisfaction of letting him see that he is getting to me and being that I am on the other side of the world makes me feel relatively safe.

"You ok, sweetheart?" Jeremy asked from his seat behind the wheel of his car.


"You look like you are a million miles away-"

"Sorry. I guess I am just processing the past week-"

"Any regrets?" Was it just me or had he suddenly sucked in a breath and held it deep in his chest?

Reaching my hand across the gearbox and resting on his thick thigh, my eyes watched him closely and replied as earnestly as I could, "not a single one!" A visible and audible whoosh of air expelled his lungs at my response before placing one hand over the top of mine, "you are happy with that answer?"

"I couldn't be happier with that answer," he spared me a quick glance before turning back to the road, "I guess a part of me is worried that this sneaking around is going to take a toll on you and-"

"Never. You are who I want to be with Uncle Remy," I replied vehemently, "things are just complicated right now, it's not like I don't get that. I mean - your best friend is my dad - that is a hornet's nest that we need to avoid until we are sure this is for-"


"Exactly," I nodded in agreement because that is exactly what I meant. There was absolutely no point in blowing up my dad's world if this was going to fizzle out after a couple of weeks.

I mean for me - I am pretty certain that this is it for me. That Jeremy is it for me. I can't even imagine wanting anyone else the way I want him. I can't imagine anyone else taking up my thoughts the way Jeremy does. I can't imagine giving my body, heart, and soul to anyone who isn't Jeremy. It may be a little premature to think this, but I am fairly certain that I am in love with the man.

The way he makes me feel is beyond anything that I have ever felt before.

My heart thundered like I had been running a marathon.

My tummy tumbled around with what felt like a million butterflies.

My palms sweat like a virgin on prom night.

My mouth goes dry like I have been walking in the desert without water for a week.

How is that not love?

"That is why I have arranged this for us today-"

"And this is?"

"Patience sweetheart!" He chuckled softly as he turned on his indicator that would take us down a little country road just outside of town, on the opposite end to where my dad has his house.

It didn't take long before a beautiful, quaint little building came into view - with all the turrets of a Gothic castle, the windows large and glistening in the sun and the ivy plant creeping up the side of the hotel - it was as charming as it was beautiful. A large round driveway with loose gravel crunched under the heavy weight of the car. My eyes drinking in every little detail, a large fountain sat in the middle of the circular driveway. A medium sized parking attendant cubicle sat at the bottom of the picturesque stairway leading up to the double front glass doors. The surrounding land was emerald, green grass which was almost fenced in by the panoramic views of the trees which kept this little spot hidden from the main road. In fact, driving past here on the main road, you would never guess that this beautiful spot existed.

"What is this?"

"Well, we have been having so much sex in my office that it is beginning to smell like a brothel in there and in all that time I realised that we have never actually just been together in a bed before, and this is the next best thing to being at home, we get waited on hand and foot here so all we have to do is focus on each other - do you like it?"

"I love it, but this must have cost a-"

"Nope. You forget about the money side of things, let me deal with all that -"

"I don't have any clothes-"

"In case I wasn't clear, we won't be leaving the room, so clothes won't be needed!"

"You spoil me, Uncle Remy!"

"No more than what you deserve, sweetheart!" He reached across and brushed his lips against my own before pushing his door open and handing his keys to the valet.

By the time we had checked in and made it to the room which was as beautiful as the rest of the property - contemporary flower-patterned wallpaper adorned the walls with only a few landmark photos framed on the walls. Brass four-poster bed sat dead centre of the room as a secondary focal point, the main focal point being the very real, very beautiful iron surround fireplace. A beautiful lovers-seat was positioned by the large oak framed window that gave the beautiful view of the forest at the back of the building. An en-suite was old-world chique - a large white, gold-claw-foot bathtub sat in the centre of the large space, black and white chequered flooring was pristine and added another level to the décor. A large double shower unit stood at one end of the suite, a large white vanity with an above the counter glass bowl-sink with gold taps sat centre under the large mirror. Everything about this place was charming and like we had stepped back in time. I fell in love with it instantly.

"What do you think?"

"I love it," I replied, making my way to the bed where he was sitting on the edge just watching me as I rushed around looking at everything. The smile on his face was enough to stop me, "what is it?"

"You are-" he began, scratching along his jaw, "come here!" It was a request and one that I could never deny so I moved until I was stood in front of him, his long legs spread to accept me between them, "we have this room for the next month-"

"Month? Rem' that is too-"

"We need it, baby-girl. The office isn't cutting it for me - sometimes all you really need is Missionary and there is no way we can have that properly at the office-"

I guess he was right - we have been in so many different positions and while the sofa in his office is long enough, it simply isn't wide enough. I have wanted to have that possessive position that missionary affords - the need to feel his body on top of mine, pressing me down as he controls the motion between us. I love it when he takes control. I love to let him command what I am doing and when I am doing it.

The soft slide of his hands around my hips until he is tugging the zipper at the back down over my ass and then peeling the fabric away makes me clench with need.

No one had ever done something so nice for me before. If I hadn't already been in love with this man, this would have definitely propelled me straight into it.

Oh God, I really am in love with him! What do I do now?

Do I tell him? If I do, I fear it might scare him off completely. I couldn't handle it if he put distance between us now.

Do I keep it to myself? Wait for him to tell me how he feels and just keep following his lead. I mean that sounds like the best course of action, right?

However, all thoughts tumbled right out of my head as he completely stripped me bare. Until I was standing before him as naked as the day I was born. The instant blow out in his eyes always leaves me with a little flutter in my heart. It was a feral look. An animalistic look that always warned me of the carnage he was about to inflict. And I loved it.

In fact, I lived for that look. I am so addicted to this man and his particular brand of sex. Who am I kidding - I am addicted to everything he does.

Jeremy Danielson…

Watching Dakota move around the suite - taking in everything with a glint of excitement shining her eyes was eye-opening in ways that I know it really shouldn't be. Yet it was never more, clear than right now to see that no one had ever done something like this for her before.

Growing up with Anna - my girl had been taken advantage of in so many ways. I have talked a lot to Charleigh during some nights where neither of us can sleep and she has told me about the way Dakota had been living her life.




Paying the bills.

Running the house.

Ensuring Anna took her meds and made appointments with her mental-health team.

All of it was hard to believe; Dakota should have been out enjoying being a kid, hanging with friends and experimenting with boys, although that was not something that I want to think about. However, I am not such an asshole to assume that she didn't have a life before me. Before us.

I would be lying if I said that she hadn't shocked me when she told me that she had only ever had sex once - a woman as beautiful as Dakota; it seemed like some sort of injustice that she was forced into the life she was. Even more shocking was that she hadn't even done anything remotely sexual with a man before me. Now, I may believe that she should have been living the life of anyone else her age, I can't deny that it is kind of a turn on to know that no other man has tasted her. Or touched her in certain places. I mean her account of losing her virginity is something that we have talked about over the course of the week since we got together and while it seems almost as if she is talking about someone else, she has explained that it was merely a means to an end for her.

There was no foreplay, or at least not as much as what she and I have now. In fact, she remembers it being quite painful, and, over far quicker than she expected and that was part of the reason that she hadn't pursued more encounters. In her own words - she was not impressed with sex.

Until me.

Now, she was discovering herself and I was more than honoured that she had chosen me to explore all of this with. I would do anything in my power to ensure she never regrets it.

Now, here she was - positioned between my thighs as I begin to peel the form-fitting pencil skirt down over her hips, the material tight and sexy as fuck. Dropping the skirt at her feet, leaving her in her beautiful, blood red French-cut panties - my hands trailed a long line up the back of her legs, up the smooth line of her thighs until I was curling around her tempting ass, squeezing the flesh in my hands until she was sucking in a deep breath and her hands came to rest on my shoulders, a small barely audible sigh escaped her ruby-red painted lips, "fuck, sweetheart-"


"You are fucking beautiful!" My hands dropped her ass from my grip, and they moved around to the front of her body, grazing lightly across the mound of her pussy, sliding down over her sodden slit which caused her hips to jerk towards me, "you turned on baby-girl?"


"I can tell, your pussy is so fucking wet for me," pressing my thumb into her slit, keeping the material of her panties between us as I zeroed in on her clit - already swollen and hard, "do you need to cum, sweetheart?"

"Yessssss-" she hissed as her tiny hands gripped my shoulders tighter than before.

"Let Uncle Remy take care of you," I growled. I never knew that I had a kink, and such a fucking dirty one too, not until Dakota called me Uncle Remy in that suggestive manner of hers, "I need you to do something for me -"

"Anything!" She moaned and I couldn't stop the smile from coming to my face. The power that she gave me was a fucking head-rush unlike any I have ever felt before.

"Take off your shirt. I fear that if I do it, the damage will be irreversible and very noticeable to your dad when we get home!" I ordered her.


"Breathe baby-girl, breathe and give me your words-"

"Could I lie down? I think I might fall over if I let go of you!" The genuine fear in her tone fuelled me, made me want to test that theory.

"No lying down, 'Kota. You will stand here, and you will take what I am about to do to you," I ordered and the accompanying gulp from her told me all I needed to know - she loved it when I took control.

"Do-don't let me fall?"

"Never, baby," it was an easy promise to give because there really was nothing that I wouldn't do for her. I ached to give her the world. I burned to flood her entire body with pleasure.

My thumb continued to massage her little silken bud of nerves as I used my other hand to grip her hip to keep her vertical for me as she began to undo the blood red buttons of her black shirt. Starting at the bottom, her flesh began to become exposed to me until she was finally undoing the top button. Leaving it hanging open I could feast on the matching blood red lace bra - a tantalising peek at the flesh I desperately wanted to bury my face in. "All the way off, 'Kota!" I ordered her and she shivered before complying with my demand.

The shirt pooled at her feet with the skirt as she placed her hands back on my shoulders.

"Mine!" I grunted, feeling myself almost at my breaking point, "say it - tell me you are mine!" I demanded of her, desperate to hear it, to know that she belonged to me as much as I belong to her.

"I'm yours Uncle Remy!" She moaned as I pinched her hardened little clit until she was moaning uncontrollably.

Pulling the material of her panties into a thin line and began to see-saw the material between her swollen folds, the sensation creating much needed friction over her desperately fluttering clit, and she almost buckled down into a heap just like her clothes, but I continued to secure her in place not only with my hand on her hip but with my thighs pressed into her knees.

"Fuck! Yes! Oh-my-God - yesssss, right there, Uncle Remy!" She moaned, daring to remove one hand from my shoulder until she was running it through her long satin-smooth hair, "shit, that feels so good-"

"Do you have any fucking idea how devastating you look like this?" I grunted; my cock angry that he is being ignored for now. Slowly she shook her head, no, in reply, "you look like a Goddamn Angel, my beautiful Angel sent to tempt me and make me sin!"

"Yesssss-" now her hips were rocking against the little strip of material that I was using to stroke her clit and against her sodden folds.

I wasn't lying when I said that she looked like an Angel - her hair shone in the light of the sun that blazed through the large window in the room. It was almost like a golden halo around her, so vivid that I wouldn't have been surprised if she suddenly sprouted ethereal virgin-white wings. Her curves; designed to lead even the most devout man, to sin. The glow of her pale flesh was in stark contrast to the back-drop of the room. Her eyes blazed with lust and hunger. Those beautifully talented lips hung open in a silent 'o' as she succumbed to the pleasure.

"Take off the bra, sweetheart!" I was barely holding on to my control, my own desire and lust rearing up inside me - urging me to take, to claim once again.

First, I needed her to cum. I needed to watch the way her body surrendered to the nirvana I caused inside her. I swear watching this woman cum was quickly becoming addictive. I almost craved it more than my own need to cum.

"Now, 'Kota!" I pressed gruffly and she quickly submitted to my order, reaching back, and unclipping her bra, letting it fall from her body until I was eye level with her beautifully pert, tear-drop tits. The nipples hard and pointed right at me, unable to stop myself, I leaned in.

Running my tongue around the wrinkled flesh that framed the actual nipple causing her to suck in a breath before my tongue lanced across the hardened peak of her nipple, ending with my lips latching on and sucking hard. My tongue continued to lash against her bud while my hand continued to tease her clit with the material of her panties.

The weak grip of one of her hands on my wrist was nothing more than an attempt to stop, or to encourage me to keep going, "please -"

"Please what baby? Tell me what you need-" I groaned, sucking my lips off her breast with a loud pop sound that had her shuddering once more.

"I-I- need to cum, please -"

"Then cum for me sweetheart," I ordered, increasing the movement between her legs, "cum for Uncle Remy. Right. Now. Sweetheart!"

As if that was all she was waiting for - her orgasm detonated deep within her. The jerking of her hips lost their rhythm, and I could feel her legs trembling and she was screaming out to the Heavens about how good it felt.

Coaxing every last ministration of her release until her knees quite literally buckled and she slumped forward into me - panting and moaning as her orgasm drained her of most of her energy.