
Chapter 3: Sam ♡

(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

Ng Jimin has been surprised the first time he entered Jungkook's apartment. It must have been the most minimalistic-decorated space he ever laid his eyes on. It was clear that the owner was not spending a lot of time at home because everything seemed to be new so he carefully took his shoes off before following Jungkook towards the small kitchen.

"Would you like to have something to drink?" The man opened the fridge. "I have some beer, some orange juice –"

"Milk?" The request took Jungkook by surprise because his doe eyes widened but he convinced himself to snap out of it. He had some milk because he was sometimes eating cereal in the morning.

"Sure, warm?"

"That would be nice, yes." The boy's voice was little and a bit raspy so the elder felt like melting. He grabbed the carton of milk but put it on the counter before approaching the guest who took a seat at the table and leaning so he could kiss his lips chastely. Jimin's pink hair was fluffier and wilder than ever so he nuzzled it with his nose, making its owner giggle. "What?"

"You're cute."

"Can I have another kiss, then?"

"Have you been a good boy?" The student immediately nodded enthusiastically, making the dom chuckle. He let his hands rest on the boy's thighs and pressed their mouths together once again, this time letting his tongue wander and tease. Jimin loved kissing, it was a fact, and it was always a pleasure to hear the little whimpers of pleasure he elicited. He parted after a while and ignored the whine that followed in order to go and heat the white liquid.

Once the filled mug was placed in front of the boy he shyly got up and headed towards Jungkook, obviously meaning to sit on his lap. His steps were unsure so the taller man opened his arms as an encouragement and smiled when he finally grabbed the cup and began to drink from it. There were days in which Jungkook couldn't believe how soft he was for the boy he was currently holding.

"Is it good?" Jimin nodded so fast that he thought he would choke. "Easy, baby." The younger looked more vulnerable than usual and the tattoo artist was sure it was not because of the cute striped shirt he was wearing. He wrapped his arms around his middle as he drank and rested his head against his shoulder blades. "Would you please bring me a glass of water?"

The boy sprinted and completed his task with no difficulty before returning to his seat.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Daddy." Cinnamon eyes widened as soon as the last word left plump lips and a chubby hand rose as if it was trying to act like a shield. He looked almost scared and when his lower lip began to wobble, Jungkook prepared to intervene. "I – I'm sorry. I didn't –" He was babbling and he looked as if he was expecting to be scolded.

"Hey, you did nothing wrong." The boy's eyes casted downwards so the other let out a long sigh. "Min, look at me when we're talking." He immediately did so. "There's nothing wrong with calling me Daddy. It makes me happy to know you trust me enough to call me that, okay?" Jimin nodded slowly and the other got up from his seat, ready to make himself understood. The student's head found itself resting against a strong chest and he would have sobbed if he wouldn't have still been mortified by the word that just escaped his lips. "Did Baby have a bad day?"

Truthfully, it had been horrible. Jungkook was the one who usually asked if they could meet but for the first time Jimin took the initiative, needing some kind of comfort after the horrible events over the past hours. The courses have been horrible, he found himself tripping and falling in front of everyone and spent the rest of the day under the impression that everyone was staring and gossiping about him. He tried to study too but he couldn't concentrate so he called Jungkook, hoping they could see each other, even if only for an hour.

He bit on his lower lip so hard that he felt the taste of blood on his tongue.

"Can you look at me?" Tears began to pool out of his eyes and he cursed himself for being so weak. A few cuts would have helped with handling these feelings but he couldn't evade his dom now, not when he was in such a state. Jungkook squatted in front of him and cupped his cheek with care, causing for more sobs to rip through his body. "Everything is okay now, baby. Daddy won't let anything hurt you."

"I– I'm sorry." Bigger hands grabbed his and he felt thumbs caressing his skin.

"Let's go, sweetheart."

Jimin blindly followed him, a part of his brain hoping he would get hurt. He was confused but accepted when he was urged to sit on the couch placed in the living room, hands pushing him on his back. Was Jungkook going to fuck him until he ached? He closed his eyes and felt the man's front flush against his back, their legs slowly intertwining as a hand sneaked to rest on his tummy. He sniffled when a kiss was pressed against the back of his head.

"Do you want to talk about it?" He didn't, he just wanted to forget.

"Can we watch something?" His voice came out raspy but Jungkook didn't insist, instead struggling to grab the remote control and turn on the TV. His baby boy was tensed beyond reason so he pressed another peck on his ear.

"What do you want to watch?"

"Cartoons?" He sounded ashamed of himself.

"Okay, let's see what we can find." It was some new show because he didn't recognise it but he felt Jimin shifting so he would be even closer. His body slowly relaxed even if there were tears still rolling down his cheeks and they stood like that for a while, until the younger felt sleep blurring his vision and he simply allowed himself to go limp. When he woke up the room was darker than he could remember and the screen showed a documentary about animals so he blinked a few times before peeking at the man still pressed against his back.

As soon as he met doe eyes he felt his cheeks heating so he looked away, seriously contemplating if he should act like he was still asleep. He felt horrible, his head was hurting and he was sure he looked like a mess and that was not even the beginning of his problems.

"Hey, sleepy head." Jungkook's voice was calm as always and it only caused for Jimin to feel worse. "Did you have a nice nap?" He nodded shyly and felt a kiss pressed on his cheek. His stomach grumbled so he curled himself further, trying to make the ugly noises stop. "I think we should have a snack because dinner might take a bit."


His feet were wobbly once he got up and Jungkook seemed to observe that because he wrapped an arm around his middle, guiding him to the kitchen where he offered him a banana and asked what he would like to eat.

"Am I staying for dinner?"

"I assumed so but not if you don't want to." The man said and Jimin hurried to tell him that he'd like that very much. It was the first time in forever he was going to eat something home-cooked by someone else so he was quite enthusiastic but also curious to see how skilled the tattoo artist was in the kitchen. "How does kimchi jjigae sound?"

Jimin's stomach grumbled in response and his face heated when he heard a clear chuckle.

"I see. I'll take care of it so why don't you tell me about your day while I do so?"

So the younger did, going into detail and opening himself up about all the insecurities he built over the past hours. He sometimes wished he could completely disappear but as that was not a choice he used other methods to make himself suffer and the desire to hurt himself was still burning inside of him as Jungkook was cooking. He took some moments to contemplate if he should talk about it and decided it was for the best.

"I really want to cut right now." It came so out of the blue that Jungkook almost dropped the knife he's been holding. He slowly stopped everything he was doing and turned the fire down on the stove before coming closer to the student. "I'm sorry." He wasn't mad but he had a hard time with the idea that his sweet Jimin could go to the bathroom and slit his wrists before coming back and pretending everything was fine.

"But you won't do that now that you've told me, right?" Hesitation. "Be honest."

"I don't know."

"Let's try something." He looked things up on the internet, he asked his friend who was supposed to be a psychologist and found out there were alternatives to cutting so he opened his freezer and grasped the ice-cubes he usually used when he was drinking. They were simple, cubic ones and he offered one to Jimin. "Press it over your skin."

The boy did and his eyes widened at the burning sensation that intensified with each passing second. It was not the same but it definitely hurt and once the ice melted there was no mark left, only a faint redness that was supposed to heal in minutes. It made him want to scream but he took another one and did the same, seeing Jungkook was still looking at him from time to time, in between the preparations for dinner. Four cubes disappeared before he gave up.

Dinner was a lot more silent that he imagined and he wished he wouldn't be in such a bad state of mind. The elder was struggling to get words out of his mouth and he was sure he was going to realise he didn't want him for a sub when he urged him to come closer and sit on his lap. His tummy was full and he closed his eyes as soon as he felt Jungkook's arms enveloping him.

"Do you have school tomorrow?"

"Not until noon." Soft lips pressed to the side of his head.

"Okay." He had no idea what that meant but he was grateful that he could spend more time like that because the man's touch was making everything better. Time passed by with them in the same position and when they finally parted Jimin pressed their lips together into a chaste and short kiss. "Better?" A nod. "Can I kiss you?"

"Yes." Their mouths met once again but this time hungrier, their tongues brushing together and exploring everything they could reach. Jungkook's fingers dug into the other's middle and a little whimper left the pink-haired boy's mouth, encouraging the dom to act braver. The fact that they were supposed to have a sexual relationship sometimes slipped off Jimin's mind but now that his whole body was burning he could feel himself wanting more of that kind of contact. His mind was foggy when he finally whispered a "please" against wet lips.

"Please what?" He remembered a certain part written by Jungkook in their pseudo-contract so his hand reached one of the thick thighs under his own and squeezed it. "Are you sure, baby? I promise you there's no hurry."

"Please." Jimin's voice was now louder and the elder took that as a cue that he was sure.

"Okay." A firm peck was pressed on his lips. "I want you kneeling in the bedroom. It's the last door on the right." The boy got ready to jump off his lap when he felt fingers wrapping around his right wrist. "Don't forget the rules we've established for playtime."

"I won't, sir." He couldn't.

Adrenaline was rushing through his veins as he sprinted towards the unknown bedroom. He didn't know how much time he had so he opened the door and knelt right away, choosing the part of the floor that was lacking carpet because he didn't know how Jungkook preferred him. He wanted to be used and he wanted to be a good boy so he kept his eyes casted downwards, feeling his legs getting stiffer with each minute that passed. When the door finally opened he felt his heartbeat increasing in pace and he froze, the sound of steps deafening.

"Good boy." He wanted to peek at Jungkook's expression but he wasn't allowed – not yet. "You told me you enjoy oral sex. Is that true?"

"Yes, sir." Jimin felt his mouth filling with saliva at the thought of sucking his dom.

"Let's put that pretty mouth of yours to work. Look at me." He did and he felt himself hardening further at the image of Jungkook lowering his sweatpants. Black boxers were revealed along with more tattoos, one of them of a moth, and the boy would have asked about it if it wasn't for the given context. "You're not allowed to use your hands and if I feel your teeth even for a second you won't be able to sit down tomorrow. If you want to slow down pat my thigh, if you want to stop grab my hand. Are we clear?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then go on." Teeth helped the boxers off and once the cock was revealed, the student's eyes widened; it was bigger than any he encountered before and that only caused more nervousness. Jimin's mouth opened like a flower and before Jungkook could process what he was doing half of his length was surrounded by warmth and tightness. Cinnamon eyes looked at him as their owner continued to engulf more and more, tears gathering at their corners with every inch. "Oh, shit, baby." He had no gag reflex and the image itself was so arousing that the man needed to concentrate not to cum right away.

Jimin was proud of his oral skills, he practiced them in a lot of ways just because actual sex always ended up being too painful and he wanted to satisfy his partners in other ways. He smiled around the member when he heard the chain of curses that left Jungkook's lips and began to use his tongue, pressing it against the underside as he began bobbing his head. His dom tasted and smelt good and he was curious to see how his semen would be so he moved faster, using his tongue and moaning while bringing his own thighs together in search of some friction. He got turned on by giving pleasure.

"You're fucking amazing, baby boy." Fingers grasped pink strands and pulled him off the shaft. Jimin looked like sin, his lips swollen, his eyes glistening. "I'm gonna fuck your mouth now." It was not a question so the boy opened up once again, trying to relax and to breathe properly through his nose. Jungkook's hips were moving rapidly and that caused for Jimin to get harder. "Shit." It was clear that the tattoo artist was on the edge so the boy closed his eyes, waiting for the best part that never came. His head was pushed so close to Jungkook that his nose was buried in his trimmed pubic hairs and he swallowed, his mouth full. "Open wider."

Jimin did as he was told and the other slowly pulled out, his hard cock proud and leaking. He brushed the tip against one of the rosy chubby cheeks in front of him.

"Good boy." Precum smeared all over soft skin and the younger inhaled deeply. "Get up." Jungkook's lips were attacking his before he could react and he moaned when he felt hands fondling his backside and pulling him closer. "What's your colour?"

"Green." He whispered right away and received a loud smack on a buttcheek. "Green, sir."

"Pick a safe word." An eager mouth was moving all over his neck, biting and sucking every inch of skin it could reach.

"M-mango." Jungkook stopped and chuckled against his collarbone before kissing it fast.

"Mango it is." Big hands cupped his face as their eyes met. "You can use it anytime. It doesn't matter what's going on, if you feel like it's too much I trust you to say it. Are we clear?"

"Yes, sir."

"Good boy, I can't wait to be inside of you." That's when Jimin froze and felt like all of the blood was drained from his face. He didn't want that kind of pain, he didn't want to have someone forcing himself inside of him and soiling his body, not even Jungkook. Intercourse frightened him and he wasn't feeling mentally prepared for it, he was afraid he'd break under the pressure.

"Why?" He whispered, his voice low. The man wasn't sure if he was seeing right but the boy's lips seemed to quiver. "Wasn't my mouth good enough?"

"What does –"

"I can't." It was a tiny whisper but Jungkook heard it and his jaw dropped, unsure of how he was supposed to react. "I'm sorry." A vague conversation began to invade the man's mind and he felt worry seeding inside his brain. It was confusing, Jimin asked for playtime but he wasn't ready to deliver so he decided he won't go on until they'll talk everything through.

"Mango." Jungkook's voice was hoarse and the boy gasped at the sound of the safeword. "We need to talk." A long exhale vibrated through the room and the elder dressed himself before guiding the other back to the living room. "Why didn't you safeword? How am I supposed to know you want to stop if you can't follow basic rules?"

"I –" He stopped because he had no excuse.

"You're not allowed to talk to me like that during a scene. You forgot I call the shots and there is a specific manner in which you can tell me how you feel, you can't simply interrupt me. How was I supposed to know you're not ready if you didn't tell me beforehand? Our contract involved sex and you seem to be completely against the idea so how does that work? I thought we agreed on everything." Jungkook was sincerely dumbfounded, in fact he was worried that everything they had was coming to an end.

"I'm sorry." Apologies were not what he wanted to hear so the tattoo artist ran his fingers through his hair, unsure of how he was supposed to react. "Sex is s-scary, Daddy." Jimin sounded vulnerable and by the time their eyes met tears were already making their way down his cheeks. "It h-hurts so-so bad. I thought we c-could do other things."

"What do you mean, baby? What are you talking about?" BDSM was supposed to sometimes hurt but he wasn't sure if the boy was talking about that.

"I used to bleed a-all the time and it never felt good."

"Were you prepped properly before it?" Jungkook was trying to understand but the idea of someone being so cruel blew his mind. Jimin was looking anywhere but at him and the dom was sure he knew what "prepped" meant.

"It just happened." That very much sounded like rape so the man felt his insides twisting at the idea of the student hurt in such a cruel manner. Of course he would be afraid to have sex ever again if he was used to being taken brutally and maybe even without consent. Jimin was doing his best not to sob loudly but teardrops kept cascading down his cheeks so Jungkook opened his arms for him to go closer. If he would have known, he would have acted more carefully.

"That's not alright, Minnie. That's not alright and you know it; I know you know it." Arms held the trembling figure flush against a strong chest. "Sex isn't meant to hurt, it's supposed to make you feel really good, I need you to trust me on that one."

"It always hurts, Daddy." The boy sobbed loudly. "I don't want it." He sounded almost hysterical so Jungkook tightened the hug, kissing his hair again and again.

"Daddy will take care of you, sweet boy. I would never hurt you like that. Once you decide you trust me enough for that, we'll take it real slow." He promised and felt his shirt getting wetter with each passing moment.

"I'm sorry." Jimin whispered after a while and felt a hand rubbing large circles on his back.

"We need to talk about these things, baby."

"I know."

"Would you have left me continue if I wouldn't have stopped the scene?" The silence that followed was louder than a thousand words. "That's so wrong, sweetheart, I don't want to hurt you." Whoever taught the boy about BDSM didn't do a good job so he decided they needed to start from the basics and he needed to make him understand what a dom/sub relationship should be like.

"I'm sorry I'm a burden, this is not what you were looking for."

"Hey." Jungkook forced his chin up so their stares could meet. "I wasn't expecting this when we first met but I want to give us a chance. Only if you want that too."

"I do."

"I really like you, Min."

He knew that and he liked the tattoo artist just the same so he whispered the words back before burying his face in the strong chest in front of him, feeling unbelievably tired.

"Would you like to spend the night here? I can sleep on the couch." It would have been cruel of the guest to request such a thing so about an hour later they were squeaky clean and under the freshly washed sheets that decorated Jungkook's bed.

It has been a pretty bad day but Jimin was happy to spend most of it with the elder so when he felt his eyelids heavy he cuddled closer to the warm body, resting his head on his chest. The man was reading so he absent-mindedly ran his fingers through pale pink strands, enjoying the regular breath that was falling on his neck.

They were going to figure things out – they were going to talk about everything during breakfast and establish what kind of honesty their relationship required but until then they needed to rest.

"Sleep tight, baby boy." Jimin cutely nuzzled the large shirt the other was wearing.

"Night night."


When you thought Jimin's ex-dom couldn't get worse... surprise! Beside that asshole's doings I hoped you enjoyed this angsty chapter because I truly did my best. Jungkookie and Jiminie's relationship requires a lot of work but I'm sure they will manage to have a happy ending. ✩°。⋆⸜(ू˙꒳˙ )