
Chapter 2: I ♡


(See the end of the chapter for notes.)

Chapter Text

It was the third time Jimin was reading the explanatory articles Jungkook sent to him. He was riding the bus and with each stop he got even more nervous because he was heading to a cafe in which he was going to discuss the terms and conditions their relationship should have. He was curious but also unsure of himself so he decided to speak frankly and make his limits clear so the other couldn't hurt him.

Jungkook was already there when he arrived and he smiled because they were both ten minutes too early. The elder choose the furthest table so they could speak freely and as soon as they sat down Jimin felt the need to pull on the sleeves of his pale yellow shirt, hoping he was looking good enough.

"Do you want a physical contract to sign or can we agree verbally on everything?" Jimin smiled shyly.

"Verbally is okay."

He was surprised by the seriousness of the dominant – it was clear he put a lot of thought into their meeting as he had a little notebook in which he wrote all the things he wanted to discuss. His eyes were roaming over the pages when the waitress came to take their order and he let the boy decide on what they were willing to have. Jungkook enjoyed control outside the bedroom too but it didn't go as far as taking all the decisions.

"I'd like to discuss limits first and then the rules I put together, is that okay?" Jimin nodded and tensed a little bit, intimidated by the professionalism the man was showing. "My limits are lying, talking to other doms without my permission and hiding things from me. I think trust is the most important thing in a relationship so if you lose mine, we might as well part ways."

"Do you want to have multiple partners while we...?" The boy's words came out as a whisper.

"No and I hope it goes the same for you because I'm not good at sharing what's mine."

Jimin felt hotness spreading through his lower abdomen and he crossed his legs. The waitress brought their teas and they waited for her to go before continuing.

"So what about you? I'm not talking about sexual limits, we'll go over those separately."

"I don't want to be called degrading names, I don't like that kind of dirty talk. I'd like my share of control too... and I don't want you to pressure me into doing things I haven't previously agreed on." Jungkook's eyes widened as he took in the information, his eyebrows furrowing when he realised what kind of relationship the student probably had with that asshole. Jimin's limits were not actually limits, they were things he would have already done out of common sense.

"Of course, baby." He cooed and grabbed the little hand resting on the table in his. "Can we talk about sexual things now?" Jimin nodded, surprised that he had a choice and looked at the notebook that has been offered to him. It held all kind of bedroom activities – sorted on categories and if he was familiar with most of them, there were some which he needed to ask about. "What do you know for sure that you don't want to try?"

"Uhmm I don't want to be slapped."

Jungkook tensed.

"What about spanking?"

"Spanking is good, I just don't want to be hit across the face." The man took one pen and made an x next to the slapping so Jimin took it as his cue to continue. "No branding. Definitely no fisting." Jungkook chuckled and cut the entire word.

These were not necessarily things he enjoyed – he made a list of standard activities to see what could spark his future sub's interest and it was quite cute to see how intimidated the boy looked when reading about certain things. As soon as cinnamon eyes fell on words like "electricity" he could sense their owner becoming uncomfortable and starting to doubt himself.

"I don't know if I'll ever –"

"This is only a list, baby boy."

"But you've done these before..."

"Some of them, yes. I'm also new into the Ddlg scene so I might have sadistic tendencies but I'm sure I'll be able to tame them for you." A smile stretched the corners of his lips when he saw the pretty shade of pink the student's face turned into.

Jimin was too shy to ask why he was willing to give up on his previous lifestyle and truthfully, it was for the best because Jungkook wasn't sure of that himself.

"The rules?"

"Some of them are negotiable." He said and took the notebook back in order to find the page on which he wrote everything he had in mind. "Should I read them out loud?" Jimin's "yes" was almost inaudible. "Okay so first of all you must address me as Daddy or Sir whenever we are playing but never in front of family or friends who have no idea about our dynamics. You must eat three meals a day without exception and sleep at least 6 hours every night."

"I'm a university student, 6 hours are too much. Maybe 5?"

"5 and a half." Jungkook decided and moved to the next one.

"Always be honest about your needs and tell me whenever you're feeling down and you need support." Jimin smiled at that because it was the sweetest rule he heard so far. He wondered if the tattoo artist would really respect all that was written in that list. "I want good morning and good night messages."

"We already do that." The pink-haired boy giggled.

"No sexting with anyone else, in my opinion that is another form of cheating." Jungkook was the jealous type and he was trying to let the other know right away. "I want you to tell me whenever you're going out – no matter if it's clubbing or hanging out with friends because I need to know you're safe. No drugs, no smoking."

"Drinking alcohol?"

"It's alright from time to time but if you're going overboard and hurting yourself I'll prohibit it."

Jimin grinned – he was given the benefit of the doubt.

"If anyone hits on you, you'll let me know. If you're upset about something, we'll discuss it, you won't ignore me."


"When you'll be good, you'll get rewards but if you break any of the rules, I'll make sure to punish you. I don't know what kind of punishments you can take but I usually use spankings, paddling, belting and whipping."

Jimin felt a shiver running down his spine at the last word.

"Whipping might be a hard limit for me."

"No whipping for you, then. Punishments will occur when you'll forget your place and they won't be pleasurable at all but once they're done, we're good. Once I finish punishing you, we're over the thing you did wrong – there's no remorse. I care a lot about manners so you'll have to apologise and thank me when it's the case."

Jungkook knew he needed to adjust to Jimin's needs because there was no way the boy will be the perfect sub from the beginning but he was sure they were going to have fun during this "training."

"Moving on to the sexy times." The younger chuckled but felt his cheeks heating as he moved his chair a little closer to the table. "I want you to tell me when you want to do a specific thing in bed. I'm very open minded so there's no shame, okay?"

"Yes, sir." Jungkook was taken aback by the sure answer.

"Good boy." His hand grabbed the smaller one and brought it to his lips to kiss it. "You're not allowed to pleasure yourself or orgasm without my permission. The last part can be tricky but I'm sure you're a fast learner."

Jimin bit on his lower lip. He felt confident that he made the right choice accepting the offer because it was the first time he was treated with so much respect. Jungkook was a gentleman and he didn't have any selfish requests and it all came into a very handsome package. He had a lot of fun talking to him and it was only getting better.

"I want you to be shaved at all times." He was already doing that so it was easy. "If you're ever not in the mood or if you're not enjoying something I do to you, you'll have to tell me right away. You're allowed to demand things too, baby, and if you're too shy to tell me what you need just squeeze my thigh. Tell me about your history with sex."

"I uhm – I had two sexual partners. I've always preferred oral sex because intercourse hurts." Something tugged at Jungkook's heart; sex was not supposed to be like that.

"We'll take it slow." He promised.

"I'm good with toys and I've done a little bondage, nothing extreme."

"Are you fine with having your hands and legs tied?" Jimin shook his head.

"Not simultaneously, it scares me not to be able to move at all."

"I want you to get tested this week." Jungkook was not trying to offend him, it was simply a matter of safety so he hurried to add that he was going to do it too, to prove that he was clean. He was not fond of condoms at all. "What kind of aftercare do you prefer?"

"Aftercare?" The pink-haired boy was looking at him like he had no idea what he was talking about so Jungkook felt his blood beginning to boil at the thought of someone treating the pretty boy in front of him so badly.

"Aftercare is what happens after a scene or a punishment. We can cuddle, you can have something sweet to drink or eat, we can have a bath etc."

Jimin gulped – he hated the first minutes after a scene the most because he usually spent them crying alone while his dom left him in order to smoke. He was terrified by that, he felt vulnerable. Jungkook couldn't ignore the other's lost eyes so he squeezed gently on his hand.

"Do you like pineapple on your pizza?"

Jimin snapped out of it and chuckled.

"Is this an important question?"

"Our whole future together depends on it." The bunny grin made its appearance, causing another giggle.

"I don't."

"You're perfect." Jungkook said and placed his hand over his heart dramatically, earning more amusement from the other. He was aware they just had a serious discussion but he wanted to get rid of some of the tension and he was glad to see his plan was working.

After sweetening his tea to maximum Jimin told him he wanted this and for the rest of the meeting they discussed about other things, cracking jokes from time to time. It was probably the first time Jungkook really had fun and got along with a submissive and later on he drove the boy home, waiting until he entered the building to make sure he was alright.

They were both very busy so they decided to meet again two days later and go on a "date". Jimin chose an aquarium and the man smiled when he saw he matched his outfit with the location, choosing a soft pale blue shirt and shorts. Jungkook wasn't as hyped as the other was but he was fascinated by the interest with which the pink-haired boy was studying each little creature, spending solid minutes in front of every aquarium. He seemed especially dazzled by the seahorses and the tattoo artist ended up receiving a lecture on the kind.

"Where do you know all these things from?"

"I read about them." Jimin said as they were walking towards the rooms that held some of the sharks. "I love animals." He realised he must've been talking too much so he decided to stay silent for a while.

When they reached the hammerhead shark and the younger didn't say anything, Jungkook realised something was wrong.

"Nothing interesting about these fellows?"

Jimin changed his weight from one leg to the other and Jungkook took his hand in his.

"What's the matter?" No answer came so he sighed and decided he needed to use his dom card. "I've asked you a question, Jimin."

"I talk too much." He whispered and the elder stopped walking.

"You don't, you jumped to conclusions without asking me first."

"I'm sorry."

It might have sounded like he was scolding him but really Jungkook was simply upset that the boy could put himself down like that. He was a sincere man and he loved the way cinnamon eyes were sparkling whenever their owner was talking about something he was passionate about. On top of that, he was learning a lot of fun things.

"Don't be too harsh on yourself, okay? I'm having fun, don't you?"

"I'm having fun too." Jimin's voice was so little that Jungkook had a hard time believing his words but he gave in knowing that the boy has been hurt before. Because of the many conversation they had, he understood that his previous relationship has been a hurtful one and that asshole didn't shy away from abusing him emotionally so it was understandable why he was so unsure of himself.

"You're a very smart boy." He continued and tightened his grasp on little fingers. Jimin smiled shyly and they walked towards the next room where they found a few hidden octopuses. They were interesting in their own way but the show was stolen by the boy's tempting lips that were now pressed in a pout. Jungkook couldn't stop thinking about kissing them.

"Jungkookie?" The man blinked at the nickname.

"Jungkookie?" He repeated with a grin.

"You don't like it?"

"I'll approve it just because you're cute." Jimin blushed and looked away, even if his heart was threatening to jump out of his ribcage. "Min?" All the attention was on him once again. "I want to kiss you."

The pink haired boy's blush deepened as he moved closer and raised on his tiptoes to press a short and chaste peck on the other's lips. He didn't pull away right away, their chests pressed together so Jungkook took advantage of their position and wrapped his arms around the other's body in order to pull him closer and crush their lips together once again. He didn't want to act timidly so he moved his head slightly, deepening the kiss with each passing second, enjoying the taste of strawberries Jimin's lip balm had. His left hand sneaked under the other's shirt slightly, fingertips caressing the skin of his lower back and he smiled when he heard a little moan of pleasure. His tongue barely got the time to explore the unknown territory but he pulled away, not wanting to cause a scene.

"Good boy." He whispered and licked his lips as a panting Jimin leaned to bury his face into his shoulder. His baby was shy, probably not used to the public display of affection so he ran his fingers through the short hair at his nape, giving him a few moments to calm down. "You're my good boy, aren't you?"

Jimin nodded.

"Let's go, sweets."

Their hands didn't let go of each other until they finished the tour and before picking a restaurant in which they could dine, they bought a few goodies – Jimin being gifted an adorable pink octopus plushie. He kissed Jungkook's cheek as a thank you and the latter almost melted at the action. He couldn't remember ever being so whipped for someone.

The parting kiss left Jimin wanting more but during the following weeks he didn't get the occasion to experience anything but kisses as Jungkook explained to him that the title of Dom/Daddy needed to be earned.

They were having a picnic and Jimin was lying almost on top of the other as his hands moved to one tattoo to the other, waiting to know the meaning of each one when Jungkook grabbed the little wrist, causing for the long sleeve to roll down and expose destroyed skin. Jimin's slender forearm was filled with scars of different lengths and depths and there was a colourful band aid placed on top of what Jungkook believed to be the fresh wounds.

"When are you going to tell me about these?" His tone was calm but the boy hurried to retrieve his hand, covering himself once again. He felt exposed and tears began blurring his eyes. He was afraid his Dom was going to give up on him because he was too much of a mess but instead he felt Jungkook moving and cupping his head with both hands. "Why are you crying, baby? I knew about them."

"You did?" He hurried to wipe his eyes with the back of his hands and Jungkook pressed a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"I'm not dumb, Jiminie, no one wears long sleeved shirts in the middle of summer without a reason." The boy nodded feeling powerless and moved so he was sitting onto the man's lap. That recently became his favourite place. "Hey, look at me." Jungkook whispered into his ear and felt the other's shaking head against his chest. "I'm not going to ask twice."

It always took Jimin by surprise how easily the tattoo artist could reach his dominant side. He looked up and felt fingers running through his hair as soon as their eyes met.

"There's no need for tears, sweets." As soon as the words left his mouth he saw fresh tears rolling down the boy's cheeks and he began feeling bad for causing this. Strong arms wrapped around the smaller frame and he cradled the pink head against his chest, hearing small sniffles. "Everything's okay, Minnie, we'll figure this out." It took a few minutes for the student to calm down and Jungkook resumed to pecks and encouraging whispers.

"I'm sorry."

"You have nothing to be sorry for. I understand this is a delicate subject that can't be randomly brought up." A lot of people came to the tattoo parlour and asked him or Yoongi to cover scars so he was well-aware no one was happy to parade them around but he needed to know more. "Are they on your arms only?"

"I have a big one on my thigh too." Jimin gulped and pointed to his right upper thigh.

"How often do you..."

"I don't know." It all started during the high school years when bullying took him to the point in which he couldn't stand seeing himself in the mirror. It became his coping mechanism, it was as normal to him as drinking a cup of tea was but he didn't take pride in his actions. "I'm sorry."

Jungkook leaned so their lips could meet briefly.

"I promise I'll take care of you." The words were sweet enough for Jimin to close the distance between them once again, causing for their mouths to crush. The pink-haired boy's lips were salty and they were moving like his life depended on them causing for big hands to rest on his hips and pull him closer.

It was confusing sometimes – the lines were blurred and Jimin didn't have the courage to ask if there was something more beside a contract in between them. All that he knew was that Jungkook's arms wrapped around him made him safe.


Thank you so much for reading! I'm super excited to continue this story because I saw there are a lot of people interested in reading it and I can only hope I won't disappoint anyone ~ I hope you're doing great and that you're taking care of yourself! Don't forget that you never walk alone! │ω・)ノ~☆♡.*♠

PS: No offence to the people who enjoy pineapple on their pizza, it was only a joke >.<

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