
You Bettered me

I was just a normal girl who lived with her mother and had enough to make her have a better life but everything changed when I lost her in a car accident. I thought it was a game over for me, but someone I never thought will come and rescue me came and gave me a better life. Gave me a job, gave me a chance to build my life and become something even greater. Neither did I know that I was putting myself in danger, I was becoming a monster, my life was changing from better to worse. The guy I thought was my only saviour was the monster, the devil himself. He was supposed to be my one only my rescue. My shoulder to cry On. My ride or die. , I will only die with you. My, I will never leave you. My, I will have always be with you by your side, but everything changed. The love I had for him couldn't all to vanish. He lied to me and I fell right back to him. He cheated on me, I still chose to forgive him. He opened old wounds, made me insecure but I still went running back to his arms. Why can't I leave, why is it hard for me to leave him? I mean, he made me a monster. I did everything I can to fix our relationship but nothing is left for me. Why do I even try, why do I stay, why do I forgive him, why do I break myself, why do I destroy myself, why do I stay with him, why is it not so easy for me to just walk away. What is it about him that attracts me so deep to him even if he opens old wounds?

Una_Raywishi · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

Chapter 1

So yeah, Jeffrey is coming to take me out on a picnic today. This entire week he has been wasting money on me acquiring things that I don't need. With me and Jeffrey, all we do is chill, perhaps watching movies, help each other with our schoolwork or just chill with our friends.

Sometimes I just feel like he's alienating himself away from me as if he's not telling me something.

We have been dating for about three years but I still feel like he doesn't trust me.  I don't have to fuss about anything because I know that he will never be dishonest to me. What I have to do is get ready for a picnic. I'm planning on discovering what has been making him distance himself away from me.

I rise from my bed, fix it and make my way to the closet to find something to wear. I'm hoping to put on something straightforward since today it's very optimistic.

I pick up my torn black jeans, white Adidas top and yellow FILA shoes that I love so much because Jeffrey bought them for me on my birthday last year.

I take a short bath for about 30 minutes, Get dressed and also style my natural hair. I love my hair because it's easy to style and you can do any kind of styles you like with it. I guess natural hair is the best.

Well, I'm not a makeup person, I just don't have a preference for it. I have tried to obtain it before but it just doesn't compliment my face. My skin is so soft like a baby's bum and beautiful. People say that I look like a younger version of a singer by the name (HER). Well, I think they crazy. My name is Una Liana but you can call me Lia or just Una will do fine.

"Una, breakfast is ready!!"

My mother's voice is so flamboyant, African and annoying. I don't like it when she calls out loud.

"Am coming!" I shout on top of my lungs so that she can avoid falling.

My mother is standing in front of the television, singing one of Rihanna's songs bitch better have my money.

Y'all should know me well enough

Bitch better have my money!

Please don't call me on my bluff

Pay me what you owe me

Ballin' bigger than LeBron

Bitch, give me your money

Who y'all think y'all frontin' on?

Bitch better have my money!

Bitch better have my

Like burlap, burlap, burlap

Bitch better have my

Like burlap, burlap, burlap

Louis XIII and it's all on me, nigga you just bought a shot

Kamikaze if you think that you gon' knock me off the top

Shit, your wife in the backseat of my brand new foreign car

Don't act as you forgot, I call the shots, shots, shots

Where y'all at, where y'all at, where y'all at

Like burlap, burlap, burlap

Where y'all at, where y'all at, where y'all at

Like burlap, burlap, burlap

Where y'all at,…

"Morning Honey" she stops singing and gives me a big wide smile.

"Morning mom," I respond a few seconds later after laughing.

"Honey, your food is on top of the table. You look gorgeous, where are you going? You never wear those shoes unless you going somewhere important."

"I'm going to see kart," I answer while avoiding eye contact because she can tell while I'm lying.

"Mom, she's lying, she's going to see her boyfriend Jeffrey. I heard them talking over the phone yesterday night." My little sister Lisa says with her annoying voices while coming down the stairs.

The only person who knows about me and Jeffrey is Lisa, my friend's kart, Rita, Nick, Amy and Jeffreys friends.

My mom doesn't know about my relationship with Jeffrey. The only thing she knows is that we are just friends. I and Jeffrey did not tell our parents because they don't see eye to eye. His father and my father are like a cat and a dog. Were else our mothers are best friends since high school. So yeah. That's how it goes around here.

"Please stop telling mom lies about me and Jeffrey before I kick that small ass of yours. We are just friends okay!"  I answer while rolling my eyes towards Lisa.

"Stop talking about boys okay. Lisa, Lia

Una and Jeffrey are just friends okay. Am going to work. See you, girls, later." My mother says while picking up her bags.

"Okey mom." Lisa said our mother left."

"Lisa, if you dare talk about my relationship in front of mom, I will be very angry, don't push me to my limits. I would not like to tell mom about you and your boyfriend Johnny from next door" I said with an evil smile on my face.

"Are you for real Lia, please don't tell mom because she will kill me? You know how African she can get sometimes." KIA said while her eyes turning red.

"You are very funny you know that I will not tell her if you back off my relationship with Jef. Am also for real bitch." I spoke while laughing

"deal," She said


"Are you ready?"

"Yes, you didn't have to come all this way. I would have used a taxi or my car."

"You know very well that you don't like using a taxi or using that useless car of yours. let's go." He says holding my hips, giving me a kiss and a bear hug.

A few minutes later

"What are we doing here?" I said with a weak smile on my face.

"I want to talk to you about something." He answered.

"I don't like the sound of that. You told me that we were going on a picnic, not our apartment." I said confused.

"Ahm, it's not something you will like nor enjoy to talk about Benny, but we need to talk," He said.

"What's the wrong J, You only call me that when you want something from me or did something wrong," I answered.

"Can we please go inside before we talk?" He said giving me a warm kiss on my lips.

What would possibly Jeffrey want to talk about? I mean, everything between us is doing fine. I didn't do anything to upset him, neither did he. Am worried about him, to be honest.

The apartment is ours but Jeffrey and kart his twin sister pays the rent. we use it sometimes when we have to do a school program or projects. Even kart, Rita, Nick and Amy and J's friends also use it.

"Can you please make me a cup of coffee and muffins before telling whatever that's been making you distance your self from me or making you spend money on me like you won the lottery," I said while taking a sit by the couch?

"Sure. Who told you that I have been doing all those things Bunny?" He said.

"You have not spoken much today,  and you talk too much. Don't forget that I can tell when you are lying to me J. I just hope its not about  you not being able to go to London." I answered and J realized a cough.

Jeffrey always wanted to go to Landon. He can't go because his father wants him to study Entrepreneurship here in South Africa, not phycologists. I guess he has to stay in South Africa. We will be attending at Cape Town University together. I wish he could stand up for himself and do what he wants. Not what his being told to do by his father.

"You can have your cup of coffee and muffins Bunny, it's ready," J said while taking a seat next to me.

"Well, it's about time but thanks. So yeah, talk to me J. What wrong." I said while taking a sip of my tea.

"I'm going to London babe. I stood up for myself. My father wasn't happy about it but am done doing what he wants. It's my time to do what I love." He said with a wild smile on his face.

"When did this happen J?" I asked pissed.

"Last month. I told him last month that I was going he likes it or not." He answered while his smile dropped.

"Than why didn't you tell me last month that you told your dad his business. That's fine though because we will still have time to spend together right. When are you going?" I said with a smile on my face.

"Tomorrow noon."

"Wow, that's on nice. I don't want you to think that I'm holding you back. I'm happy for you but know that I will not wait for you to come back. I love you but I will not put my life on hold for you. Seven years is a lot without seeing someone you in a relationship with. Over holidays is just not enough for me." I said with ties falling.

"Are you being for real right now? I just told you that am leaving tomorrow, All you want to do is break up with me. You angry that am finally going to London right. How can you be so selfish Benny?"

"I don't want to do this on your last day okay. I will take a taxi and go home. I wish you well on your journey to London .....please call me when you get there. Just know that I will always love you. A long-distance relationship is something I will not be able to do if am being honest." I said as I stood up.

"If you loved me then you would have not done what you just did right now. You were going to be happy for me."