
You are mine or not

A story of insane person turning into a delicate person going to fall in love learning to love every moment learning to live now that’s how Emerald is she is going to move on got to live with her love and struggle to stay together.

STBboss · Fantasia
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39 Chs

Another lie in the eyes of Emerald

They do the operation and after a lot of struggle with the doctors and prayers Jey Emerald's operation turns into a successful operation. After a few hours when Emerald opens her eyes she looks at her father with a sad face but then turns her face away from her father.

Emerald: papa. What happened to me? Why am I in the hospital?

Jey: you are in hospital because you got a high fever and it was not in our control to save you that's why I take you to the hospital and now you are here.

Jey runs to the doctor's office and tells him to inject Emerald with sleeping injections for a few days.

On request of Jey, several times doctors approve him and inject Emerald daily.

When Emerald's conditions get better and all the things get cleared up Jey takes her back home.

Nora: how are you, sweetie? You are going to XB tower with me so we buy you new clothes that rain took over you and it's been a week since you were hospitalized. Thank goodness you are safe and the rainwater in your lungs didn't take your life during the operation.

Jey: shut up didn't I tell you to keep your mouth shut?

Emerald: what type of operation? Which rainwater is in my lungs?

Jey: it is nothing your mom is just so happy to see you and she is unable to control her mouth she is talking about something unbelievable.

Emerald: papa I was in the hospital for a week because my fever was not dropping down right?

Jey: yes, my girl.

In the evening Emerald goes to the mall with her mother and buys the dresses and shoes for herself and out of nowhere her friend appears and tells her how are her lungs.

Peony: how is your condition? How is the condition of your lungs now? A teacher came inside the classroom and told us to pray for you because your father came and tell us that you are in hospital and there was water in your lungs due to sleeping under the shower and the doctor did an operation on you to cure you.

Emerald: papa said I was having a fever.

Peony: is that so? but he didn't tell them about the school principal and homeroom teacher.

Emerald: I will ask my papa.

Nora: jeez little girl go! your mom is calling you. Let's go Emerald she is just lying.

When they get back home Emerald asks her father in a very bad manner and anger whether he lied or not.

Jey answers her that he didn't lie and Emerald leaves the room while being furious.

Emerald stops eating her meals daily and turns into a harsh kid while living inside her room and not going to school.

On directions of Jey Emerald goes back to school and doesn't talk to anyone she takes every single class and leaves the room as the bell of the last class rings.

Jey: Emerald after you got back from school your mom said she checked your lunch box you didn't eat your lunch and the lunch box was not even opened once why?

Emerald: if I don't want to eat then it is not a big deal.

Jey: as you wish. I am not going to tell you to eat it either but don't waste my money like that.

Emerald: tell your chiefs not to cook lunch for me tomorrow.

Jey: ok.

Emerald enters her room and weeps again then she gets sees a reflection of herself in the mirror and breaks it in anger.

Emerald left hand get's all bloody due to bleeding from the cuts on her hand from breaking the mirror.

Jey opens Emerald's room door and turns on the light then he looks towards his daughter.

Jey: what did you do? Are you sane? Do you want me to send you to your aunt's place?

Emerald: ...

Jey shouts in anger and cares for his elder daughter

Jey: I care about you. I lied to you because you are precious to me. Why don't you understand me? Am I such a bad father to you?

Emerald: ...

After a few minutes of silence, Emerald suddenly faints and the silence breaks on her suddenly falling to the ground.

Jey: hey hey my baby wakes up.

Nora: what happened? Oh! Oh my God, what is this, she hurt herself. I am calling the doctor. Please wait. (a panic situation)

Jey: hey Emi hey my little girl wakes up.