
You are mine or not

A story of insane person turning into a delicate person going to fall in love learning to love every moment learning to live now that’s how Emerald is she is going to move on got to live with her love and struggle to stay together.

STBboss · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Emerald’s dark room and her reflection

Emerald opens her eyes and looks at herself she gets scared of all the dark in the room. She looks all around and she gets to see an image of herself.

"The image tells Emerald that she is being selfish and then a lot of images shows up of her and her happy family in front of her she starts weeping and screaming asking for giving back her happy life again" and she opens her eyes with tears falling down her cheeks and chin she looks at her father and mother and starts to looks down on herself.

Jey: how are you feeling now?

Emerald: how do you want me to feel dad?

Jey: I decided something want to follow my decision or do you want to go on your way?

Emerald: what did you decide?

Jey: you are going to England or America for further education. Baby, you will settle your life there. I will send you money from time to time at least your bad feelings about us will go away. You will have your own choice whatever you will like to wish for and no one will stop you.

Emerald: papa I agree with your decision.

Jey: which country then?

Emerald: I think so England will be better.

Jey: wait for my call in a few days I will settle everything so you can live easily let me settle everything for you in London okay honey?

Emerald: ok papa.