
You're MY perfect omega

Kirishima struggles to be himself due to the weight of expectation that pushes him to become a good Omega to the family. In which Kirishima is imposed into a courting that puts relationships in shambles, aka Just a group of confused boys trying to understand their feelings and severely misunderstanding it.

Yaoigobbler · LGBT+
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Be overt

"It's none of your business."

The words escapes his lips just as fast as it was processed, leaving the realization that caught up to him to linger in guilt.

Kirishima gasped as he watched Bakugo's rage morph into a stale poker face – The alpha backed off, body no longer imposing; but the sure scent of alertness remains, reminding him of the possible threat that's sure to come.

"Bakugo…." He breathes, voice unable to translate his currently jumbled mind.

Bakugo leans down as if in reply, lips ghosting over Kirishima's ear in a whisper-

"Fuck you."


"I said Fuck you." Bakugo seethes "I did not beat Half 'n' Half for fun you dipshit, I was defending your prissy ass from getting hurt."


"Shut the fuck up and let me finish."

Kirishima clamped his mouth shut, eyes focused on the rippling red of Bakugo's irises, complex with emotions.

"You weren't there when it happened alright fuckwit, Todoroki is playing you. He's a fucking con that's been tailing Deku from the start, and still is now. If he's courting you, which I assume he is since you're so fucking defensive about it, then report him. He's not a suitable candidate and he never will be." Bakugo growls that last part like it personally offended him.

"O-Oh…" was Kirishima's response, he was equal parts surprised and crestfallen at the confession.

Disappointed is more the word. Kirishima likes to think that everything Bakugo has done leading to their current moment now would be proof; to the alpha's buried attraction of him, just like how Kirishima felt an enticing pull towards the alpha, especially with the subtle way Bakugo watches over him from time. His avid attentiveness towards his well-being, and the recent display of protectiveness Bakugo has so overtly shown to him only- it's little details such as that that blooms a sense of expectation in him, and Kirishima can't help but nurse those buds of hope, assuming that perhaps(maybe) Bakugo might feel the same way... a crippling urge.

But it's clear now that it's all one-sided.. the feelings and the subtle touches that always made his heart skip, the occasional glances across the room, Kirishima sighs "You don't have to worry Bakugo, really… I'll be fine." He disbands Bakugo's concerns fast, too occupied on falling down the pit of dismay to note his own reply.

"What the hell?! Kirishima listen to what you're fucking saying, you… You can't be this far gone right?? Are you really that devoted to Half 'n' Half?!"

The alpha's concern fell on deaf ears as Kirishima stares blankly at Bakugo, defeat wearing his bones "Look, me and Todoroki? We're cool. We agreed to do this from the beginning, well... I agreed because I have to, but aside that, I really was gonna tell you and Midoriya about this, It's just… Todoroki said to keep it a secret-"

"-And you fucking listened?! You're not his! - Why the fuck are you obeying icyhot?!" Bakugo's patience crumbles, he notes the itch of jealousy rising again.

"Todoroki was on the right, and his reason made sense-"


Kirishima stopped his sentence to cower down the wall, surprised by the sudden blast "Bakugo!"

"What the fuck did he say." the blonde's glare increased in intensity, and Kirishima felt the air thicken. A foreign smell of sourness starts to saturate the space around them – a scent he never expects from Bakugo…

"ANSWER ME!" Kirishima flinched, the burnt smell from the explosion has now merged with the sourness, alarming Kirishima's olfactory senses – this is… Could it be?" Kirishima sniffed one last time – Jealousy? – the omega's heart bloomed with hope. Though he willed his excitement to settle, enough for him to be coherent "H-he said not to tell, because- you uh… we're not sure how you'll react to this, same goes for Midoriya in this case..."

Bakugo's body went tense, his face did a series of expressions before eventually straightening, fists clenched beside him "That piece of shit." Bakugo's low timber tickles Kirishima's spine, luring a shiver out of him– Damn… that wasn't meant to be sexy, but it totally was.

Kirishima snapped out of his daze when the blonde suddenly walks away "Baku?? The alpha stalked out the alley in stride, shoulders visibly tense "Bakugo hey!" Kirishima trails along "You're not mad are you?" Bakugo stayed silent "C'mon, Bakugo??" the blonde's pace quickens "Uh… B-Bakustop???" not even that stopped him, Kirishima scents the air – nothing – Bakugo is controlling his scent for once, and that fact alone is worrying, he rarely masks his scent.

"Bakugo why are you mad??" The silence gladly replies – "Dammit, I'm sorry for not telling you, ok? I really am. It's just that I have to consider Todoroki's situation in this also, and with what previously happened with my parents; I really didn't want to be a bother to you more than I already am,"

Bakugo stopped in his track, head tilting back towards Kirishima with rapt attention. His face was as neutral as it can be but what spoke was his eyes, two crimson pools that seemed to harbor fiery, making him weak-kneed at its intensity "I- I also didn't expect you to you know… Care." Kirishima felt his face heat up, feeling sheepish under the other's gaze, he ducked down to avoid the stare as Bakugo approached closer.

A huff and a scuffle was heard before black loafers entered his vision, Kirishima being too shy; kept his gaze on it "Shitty hair," The alpha softly calls, Kirishima flinched despite the gentle tone, he stood submissive and acknowledged the call with a nod.

"Goddammit, I said it's unnecessary to do that!" Bakugo yanked Kirishima's chin towards him, red meets red "Listen shitty hair, cuz I'm not gonna repeat myself, I care, alright? In fact I care too fucking much to let this slide, Todoroki will pay full compensation for whatever he's blackmailing you with, I'm not gonna let that shithead play you."

Kirishima's focus derailed at Bakugo's response "Eh? Black.. mail?"

"You heard me hair for brains, I'm mad as fuck that you're just spilling this now! Seriously, when I offered you to tell me anything; I mean it Kirishima, a week being in the dark is stressful enough, and now you're insistent on not telling me what's threatening you? - Guess I have no choice but to ask that shithead icyhot myself," Bakugo let his grip loose to walk the opposite direction.

Eh? This is bad, He's taking this the wrong way! "O-oi! Bakugo stop! I think you're misinterpreting things-"

"Fucking Christ, will you just stop?!"

Kirishima stopped his pursuit, standing just an arms-length away from Bakugo "Stop defending him shitty hair!"

"But I'm not! I'm telling the truth Bakugo-"

Kirishima stopped when the sour scent from before amplified, almost to the brink of suffocating, "THEN WHAT THE FUCK DID HE BLACKMAIL YOU WITH, Hah??? What's so bad that you can't tell me?!"

"Goddammit he's not blackmailing me you idiot!"

"Excuse me, is everything alright?" A middle-aged man intervened, looking at the two young teens in worry.

"Who the fuck are you?!"

"Bakugo!" kiri scolds "Uh- we're sorry for making a scene, everything's fine just lovers quarell is all," Kirishima awkwardly laughs, sticking to his role by cradling Bakugo's arm "-we'll be going now, sorry for the scene!" he drags the alpha away to their original direction, "Phew- that was close," Kirishima slackens his grip only for Bakugo to tighten it "…Bakugo?"

"Shut up, they're still watching."

"O-oh, Ok." Kirishima leans his head on the alpha's shoulder, hiding the blooming blush on his cheeks.



"... Don't be. You're not the one that should apologize shitty hair,"

"But I should, I'm sorry for worrying you Bakugo, I didn't expect staying quiet would affect you this much… Me and Todoroki, we're worried that bringing you and Midoriya into this would ruin the courting process- and before you say anything Bakugo, Todoroki and I are just friends! This courting is strictly planned by our parents, and we were planning to ride out the week and end it with incompatibility issues,"

They walked hand in hand in silence, Bakugo letting the words sink in.

"I was- ugh, I always thought you were annoying at first, -I got this bullshit radar that's niggling at me the first time I saw you. I thought it was my instincts telling me you irritate me more than most," Kirishima's face fell "-But.. I really can't trust my instincts for shit to be honest, not when it comes to omegas at least." Kirishima's face lights up just a tinge - dammit shitty hair, you're not making this easy - "Fuck this is embarrassing... Kirishima, the more I know you, and the more days I've spent with you, the radar grew stronger."

"Bakugo..." Kirishima looks at him wistfully-

"Dont look at me like that hair for brains," Bakugo shoved Kirishima's face away, the omega let out a giggle, licking his palm in retaliation.

"-Tch seriously? Stop interrupting." Bakugo flicked Kirishima's lips "Pbfft! Sorry, sorry," Kirishima laughs, nuzzling the blonde's shoulder in feign apology.

"As I was saying, the radar got stronger…"

"And what's this radar exactly?"

"Goddammit Kirishima-! let me finish my fucking sentence."

"Hee hee not sorry at all~" Kirishima inched his nuzzles closer to Bakugo's neck-

"[Sigh] I feel this shitty pull-" Kirishima's ear piqued "ever since the collar incident-- knowing about your past, and the situation with your parents, it started going off more frequently to the point that it drove me crazy." Kirishima tightens his grip in assurance, Bakugo ever thankful, returned the grip.

"What I'm trying to say is that, I care about you.. Not just as me, but as an alpha. I'd like to explore these feelings with you, if you'll let me."


Was he hearing this right? …Did Bakugo just confessed to him?

Kirishima yanked their walk to a stop "—You're serious?"

"Yeah... Why would I lie shitty hair? Specially to you." He whispered that last part bashfully.

Kirishima's heart bloomed with newfound excitement "I- I felt it too Bakugo! The pull. It first appeared when you saved me, since then I've craved your scent. It's so warm, so familiar, like a safe nest." He clutched the alpha's shirt tightly "I- I was so scared, teetering these feelings; knowing that you might not feel the same way. It was terrifying." Kirishima can't stop the tears from falling.

"Shi- Kirishima..." Bakugo held the omega's chin, "Breathe." He wiped the tears away, steering the redhead's face to his glands as it steadily pumps a calming scent - Kirishima outrightly whimpered, nosing his way deeper to his neck "[snort] I miss this scent so much, you have no idea." Bakugo stayed silent, enjoying the feeling of having 'his' omega so close.

"So... Half 'n' Half wasn't blackmailing you?"

Kirishima's body wracked with uncontrollable giggles "No-! He's just super dutiful,"

"Tch he's greedy is what he is,"

"Pfft, he could if he wants to, to be honest.. He's a great alpha."

"Ha???? What'd you say you rogue omega?!"

Kirishima bursts into laughter, the sound ringing through the silent road they occupy. He pulled away from the embrace only for Bakugo to tighten it, his face flat with disapproval.

Kirishima gazed at the uncertainty marring Bakugo's face "Bakugo... You know I don't mean it, it's a joke." He slid a shy palm to the alpha's cheek "Todoroki just proves to be a great friend throughout this courting, I just hope you won't take it the wrong way again and cut our bond." – he really hopes Bakugo won't do that.

"You fucking minx." Kirishima felt soft lips crash against his own.

It took a second for him to kiss back, mind too focused on deciphering if this is reality or a mere illusion – The kiss was soft, almost tentative when he finally summoned the courage to kiss back. Both boys were threading unknown boundaries; too shy to push the other too far. In the midst of it, shy pecks soon turned heated when Kirishima bravely licked Bakugo's lips; begging the alpha for entrance, his hands clutched the other's neck like he's afraid to fall - Bakugo granted access when their tongues met in a flurry of passion, Kirishima's knees went weak and Bakugo was swift to catch him, cutting their lip lock short.

"Ha- Bakugo.." Kirishima whimpers, hands clutching the alpha's back as he bares his neck.

Bakugo groans at the display, nose scenting arousal, passion & care from the omega, he gave a tentative lick near the glands- tongue tasting a rich tang of peach and something sweet, "Shit... You're so ripe."

"Mmm.. Heat season is near and all I can think about is you,"

"Shit. Don't say that crap Kirishima…"

"Mmm-" Kirishima nuzzled the other's neck, body pressing needily to Bakugo, "[gasp] B-bakugo.. That's-" Kirishima grinds closer, feeling the jut of the alpha's boner "S-shit Kirishima, Stop that, fuhh-" His heart thud in excitement, acting upon his adrenaline Kirishima rubbed the outline of the knot, fondling it to hear that moan again.

The alpha moans, panting at the jolting pleasure of it "Shitty hair if you don't stop- fuck! I'm gonna fuck you on the hah- nearest wall."

Kirishima heeds the threat by giving another squeeze, stroking the rapidly growing bulge "What if I want you to?" The omega's tone lilts teasingly.

"Fuck. You ARE a fucking minx, MY minx! Oh...Fuck, I know a park near here, mm- I jog there, there's a bathroom—Kirishima I swear to fucking god!" Bakugo slapped the hand away and dragged them to the park not far from there.


"Ha.. mmm, This is my first time Bakugo, please be gentle," Kirishima pressed his back to the wall, hands clutching the alpha's shoulder as the other unbuttoned his trousers "Fucking shitty buttons fuck."

Bakugo ended up yanking the trouser, popping a button or two in tandem – Kirishima can't help but whine at the aggressive display, slit wettening at the thought of other ways Bakugo can channel his aggression on "Mmm mar me Bakugo,"

"What the fuck is this?"

Kirishima turned his attention to his pelvis, cladded in his chastity belt... Fuck. "Oh! W-wait," He crouched to rummage down his pant pocket "Ah, here it is!" A small silver key was given to Bakugo, the alpha eyed it in thought before unlocking the metal cup of the belt "You wear a chastity belt huh..." Bakugo makes conversation as he unstrapped the belt one by one.

"Y-yeah, my parents want me to keep my virginity safe until the end of the courting," Bakugo nods, yanking the leather off to reveal tented underwear with a string of slick latching onto the leather.

"You smell so fucking good," Bakugo sniffed the slick soaked undies, hands roughly grasping the omega's hip – Kirishima moans, wiggling for Bakugo to do something, he's so fucking ready.

"Calm down Ei," Bakugo slowly pulled the underwear down, gasping at the fresh wave of sweetness "Be a good omega and stay still," Kirishima stilled despite his moans "Y-yes alpha."

The alpha growls in delight at the name, delving down to lick at Kirishima's slit, fingers softly coaxing it open "You're so wet, what got you so riled up omega?"

"Un~ alpha! T-the thought of your knot, I want it so bad. Want to be yours, want to smell like you, please..."

Bakugo slid one finger in, prodding the wet walls of his vagina - Kirishima hitched a moan "Mm, what a cry," Bakugo chuckles, adding another finger to massage the channel, Kirishima let out a broken moan "You're so sensitive omega, is this your first time?" Bakugo teasingly remarks, thrusting his fingers deep, wanting to conquer Kirishima's deepest depth.

"Bakugo~ Please, Ha!"

"What's that? I didn't hear you," Bakugo slowed down his thrust.

"YES! Ha- it's my first time and it will definitely be my last,"

Bakugo chuckles, amused at the omega's boldness, "I like the sound of that, you're mine now, you got that? I won't hesitate to blow up anyone that dares to take you." Kirishima moans a flurry of yes, alpha, I'm yours "Good. And I'm yours in return Ei," Bakugo slid another finger in, purposely hitting that bundle of nerves, rendering Kirishima absolutely boneless as he slid down the wall.

"So pretty," Bakugo heft Kirishima's pelvis to his lap, making sure Kirishima's head is leaning on the wall – he spread the tan lean legs wide open, displaying the soft pink folds drenched in slick "that looks good enough to eat," Bakugo watched three of his fingers effortlessly glide in, groaning at the sight of the hole spreading to accommodate his thick digits "Tell me Ei, are you near?" Bakugo brutally snapped his fingers to that bundle of nerves – Kirishima wails in response, breath hitching with each moan "Bakugo, Bakugo, I'm gonna-" Bakugo yanked his fingers out, leaving Kirishima high and dry - "Wh-What do you think you're doing?!"

"Tasting you."

He tugged Kirishima's legs to his shoulder, dragging the omega's slit close to his face "Itadakimasu." Bakugo grins, before delving down to suck his clit, Kirishima can't stop the resounding wails from echoing through the bathroom "Alpha! Yes, Ha! You're so good to me, eat me, I'm yours only to taste."

Bakugo moans at those dirty words, tongue sliding in the hole to taste more, He groans at the sweet taste of Kirishima, slurping the slick like a dying man of thirst.

Kirishima's moans starts to raise, chest rapidly rising for air "KATSUKI!"

Bakugo gladly gulps the rush of slick down, licking the labia clean when the omega finished riding his wave "Your slick is a fucking aphrodisiac," Bakugo wiped the stray slick off his chin, caressing the omega's quivering back "You ok shitty hair?"

Kirishima merely whines, legs proceeding to fall off the alpha's shoulder "So good.."

Bakugo chuckles while massaging the other's torso, trying his best to alleviate the intensity of the omega's orgasm.

"Ah! Your knot," Kirishima suddenly rose, aiming for Bakugo's tented trouser, now wet with slick and precum "Why didn't you take me?" Kirishima whines, palming the erection through the trouser as he unzipped it.

"Ha- damn. If I'm gonna court you, I'm going to do it right."

Kirishima's heart thrums at that consideration "Bakugo..."

"Shut up... And just suck me already,"

Kirishima giggles, pulling the erection out of his boxers "Alright, alright, —Itadakimasu~" Kirishima says almost mockingly, gulping the head down greedily as he suckles the lingering precum there and more.

"Oh! F-fuck," Bakugo pants, hands grasping the crimson strands hard "Tell me I'm your first, -Fuck! You're so good at this,"

Kirishima hummed, taking the length closer to the base, his lips reddening at the stretch.

Bakugo can feel his knot gradually inflating "O-oh, FUCK! Ei, get off!" Bakugo tried yanking the omega away, but Kirishima was persistent, swallowing down the growing knot in stride "OH FUCK!" A jolt of pleasure made him see stars, and before he knows it he had knotted the omega's throat "Oh fuck, fuck, shit! Kirishima, are you ok?" Bakugo brushed the stray bangs out of his eyes - Kirishima dazedly gazed back, red eyes unfocused, taking deep shallow breaths through his nose "Fuck, that's sexy..." Bakugo pets the soft head of hair "You did a great job," Kirishima croons, vibrating his dick in the best way "Ha~ oh fuck, that's great,"

They sat there for what feels like hours, waiting for the knot to deflate. Kirishima occasionally sucking the stray cum while Bakugo pets the redhead, crooning back in pleasure.


Kirishima slid down his bed– Did all of that just happen? Did Bakugo really confessed and ate him out after? – "Holy crap HE DID!!" Kirishima squealed, legs kicking up in pent up joy when a soft knock interrupted him, "Eijirou?? Are you home?" his mother calls, Kiri went to open the door; making sure he smells like himself before opening it "Welcome back mother, you weren't in the living room,"

"I was out in the garden sweetie, Todoroki-san's daughter was nice enough to give us seeds from their bonsai garden this morning."

Kirishima's mood dampers at the mention of Todoroki "O-oh, that's great mother."

"Did you walk home with Todoroki-kun today?"

"Uh... Not really, I went home with my friends,"

"Oh. Was it… Kalimari and Sero?" Kirishima snorts at the misspell "It's Ka – MI - nari, mother."

"Oh! My apologies, anyways a week has passed Eijirou, I want you to use this time wisely and get to know Todoroki-kun, trust me when I say that he will be a great alpha to you Ei, Shoto-kun seems to have his future set and will be an amazing provider for you and your future pups."

A twinge of guilt worms its way into his heart "Y-yes mother, I'll try. It's not easy to progress from acquaintance to lovers, and I doubt it would happen so soon."

"It will Eijirou, It will,"

Kirishima felt a niggling fear at those words, heart beating insistently on the seemingly empty threat.

What would she do?