
Yes.....I am a Healer

This is the story of a healer from a tribe who creats his own guild with 4 others and tries to survive in this world and working towards his goal.

211_writings · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
20 Chs


"It's useless, they openly said that we can't have our own guild and we need to go under any of the noble houses, guess our only option now is to join any guild which isn't under the influence of nobles. Haa... it's like finding a needle in a haystack" she sighed gloomily.

"What do you mean Elena? Do you want to join the guild which is under the nobles? Do you think what our future will be then?" asked Nat, with concern on her face.

"Yes Elena, almost all the guilds are directly or indirectly under the authority of the nobles, if we join, then we will become nothing but their slaves," added Jack voicing his concern.

"I don't care about any of it, I will just go out and beat the shit out the first noble I see, how dare they are still making problems for us." David is still thinking about the reply they got from the Royal Court.

Looking at them, Elena sighs and says, " Guys, Please calm down a little, especially you David. I am not saying that we need to join any guild which is under a noble, I am telling that we need to find some guild which is out of the reach of nobles and join them. It's true that that guild may not help us much but we need to join that guild and make some name for ourselves and join the king's army so that they will help us on our road to getting strong. So now we need to find a guild like that."

"How can you be positive that there is a guild like that? Even if there is a guild like that how long can it stand against those nobles?" asked David.

"I don't know David, we need to look for one. If we can't find one, our only option is to leave this kingdom and move out of the kingdom." Replied Elena.


"Elena, are you sure about leaving the kingdom? If we leave the kingdom, we might face ourselves in situations worse than here," asked Nat.

" Yes, I am positive, but that is the last resort so, we don't have to worry. Now we need to do is find a guild which matches our requirements. It's better if it is a small one with fewer people, then we can take control of that guild and we don't have to share our resources with them."

"Ok," said the remaining three persons in her room. Then all four of them left to meet their contacts to gather information about the guilds which aren't under any noble.

It took almost two weeks to gather and organize all the information about all the guilds in the kingdom which is available to the public. During this time, the few noble children who are residing in the town of Orlando are getting beaten like a dog by an unknown individual which kind of caused a small ruckus.

After gathering all the information all four of them met in Elena's room.

"So, do any of you guys had luck?" asked Elena with somewhat disappointment in her voice.

"No, I found some guilds in faraway villages, but they are under noble's influence indirectly through some people who are loyal to them." Said Jack with annoyance.

"I also asked some friends of mine, but I couldn't find anything which is helpful for us," said Nat looking down at the reports in her hands.

"Haa... I too kinda asked all of the father's informants who I know and couldn't get anything..." said David then after a few seconds, "...but I got some information about something interesting." he completed.

The remaining three members snapped their heads towards him just to see a small smile on his face.

"Did you find something, David?" asked Elena.

"Actually I did find something, but I don't know maybe it's useful or not," said David.

"Tell me quickly," said Nat.

"I found someone who opened a new guild just a week ago. He is actually from a tribe in the North-West part of the kingdom in the bordering forest. He should be less than a commoner because, even though, they come under our kingdom, they are living in the forest bordering our kingdom. But Somehow he managed to get a guild which we got rejected." Said, David.

"So there must be someone who is helping him." Said, Elena.

"Yes, someone is backing him, but the thing is no one knows who is backing him, even the dukes of the kingdom also didn't have information about it."

"That's kind of fishy." Nat voiced her opinion.

"Seems so." Said, Jack.

"David, if he managed to get to start a guild, he should be a high ranker warrior or mage so there is no doubt that some noble put him in that place secretly to establish their authority, so I think it's a waste of our time David." Said Elena.

"That's what I thought at first, but you see, he just broke through rank2 recently and his class is not a warrior or something, he is a healer." Said, David.

" " " What?" " " the remaining three are shocked to hear this.

"Yes, he is a rank2 healer. And he is also the same age as us. Something is going on there, I think this will be a good chance for us, he is just a single rank2 so, we can join the guild. And we can also keep an eye on him and find out his backer. Also, I am guessing that the king is backing him or else, no one can easily start a guild without having any support from the nobles and can't hide their information from them."

"What? The king? Are you serious?" asked Jack, shocked that the king himself is supporting someone.

"I am not sure, it's just a guess, but I heard that a lot of nobles are not supporting the present king now as he is a child and some are even thinking of doing a coup so the king is strengthening himself and also rearing some talents who will be useful to him and the kingdom." Said, David.

"It may be a possibility. Whatever, it's our last chance. We will join the guild and after some time if we find that the King is backing him, it will be good for us. Or else we will just leave this kingdom." Said Elena.

"Right," said Nat.

"Where is that guild David?" asked Jack.

"It is in a village called 'Kondapalli' in the southwest corner of our kingdom. It is a half-day far from the border of our kingdom with the Damascus empire. It is also near the sea and the Dandakaranya forest. (The village is actually half day away from the meeting point of the border, the forest and the sea.)" replied David.

Silence spread in the room as it is at the border of the enemy empire but, strangely no one opposed the idea. Because it is a chance for them as they want to make name for themselves and what better place is there than the border with an enemy nation?

"Good, we will move tomorrow early morning to that village. So everyone, store your luggage into rings and sleep early today. We have a long way to go," said Elena. Everyone nods and went to their rooms to get ready for their journey.