
XXX System (has been republished)

How would you feel about having all your wildest fantasies come to past? in modern tokyo Japan there was a boy named kyle Conner sent here by his parents to school but all he ever wanted was to have sex with different women and his wish came true with many other things. Note: this is a really interesting novel containing r-18 scenes, overpowered, demons, systems, anti-hero...

ikudehin_david · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
98 Chs

Quest completed

some say doctor's are life givers and savers, while others say, doctor's are death bringers. many people, had different biased view about hospital, and doctors. some good, while most bad.

some called it their safe haven, while some, called it a death house. but the doctors themselves say, they care and will try their best, but it's only God that heals.

on a daily basis, different people around the world, are admitted into different hospital. for either minor, or severe cases. but the plain truth, was no one could avoid the hospital, no matter how much they tried.



"my chest hurts." kyle touched his chest where he had been stabbed. as it was bandaged, he tried to sit up straight, with the support of his hands. but the heavy pain of his wounded chest, fell upon him. he grunted through the pain.

"wh-whe-re am i?." his vision was still dazy, when he sat up. but he was regaining his sight slowly.

"am in the hospital." he knew he was in the hospital room, when he saw some tubes in his arms, and a breathing mask, placed on his mouth linked to the oxygen pipe.

some syringes, and empty pill bottles, were laying on the desk beside him.

"she must've brought me here." kyle remembered, his fight with the two killers. mainly the balled haired man.

as in what he thought, was his last moments. when he was viciously stabbed, on the right side of his chest, by the balled killer. while he also delivered a knockout uppercut punch.

"i was lucky it wasn't my heart area."

if he was struck in his heart area, then it would be, game over for him. even though, he was physically better than some boys his age, he was still human.

he lost a lot of blood that night, feeling his body going limb. as life, was slowly, going away from him. before he passed out from the blood loss, he remembered yua catching him, as he fell on her. before everything went dark for him.

he remembered lilith's last warning. "kyle be careful." she said. but he didn't listen, and could only blame himself.

"phough. i wonder where she is..."

as he woke up, he'd thought the next person beside him, would be his demon wife. but apparently she was not there.

he was looking at his vitals, in the monitor. when suddenly, a voice he could never forget, pulled him out of his gaze.



"m-master you id-iot..." his demon wife, lilith appeared beside him. as she hugged him tightly, tears flowing down her eyes.

kyle could feel the emotion being released, that of grief and fear of losing him.

"a-rg-gh l-li-lith you're sque-ez-ing your mas-ter to death..."

"how could you be so cruel, i couldve lost you!.." lilith yelled. giving him an angry face, while gently blowing him on his shoulder.

"o-uch! y-you know.. for a possessive wife, you sure are over possessive..." kyle said, rubbing his shoulder. even though, lilith didn't use any strength at all, he still felt pain from it.

"hmp... hmphfu... i hate you." lilith chuckled, smiling a bit.

"i love you more." kyle drew her close, placing her head on his chest. hugging her deeply in his warmth, while also brushing her soft, delicate hair gently.

when the knife pierced his chest, there were so many thoughts, that crossed his mind. like how he'd, never see the woman he loved his aunt, parents, again forever.

it was such, a terrifying thing to die without achieving one's goals, he had set in life.

he had not yet become a demon, and there were many things, he planned to do. like conquer many women, become stronger, and beat lucifer.

a stinging thought, that hurt more than others was, what would happen to lilith, and those he loved if he were to die. he couldn't bare the pain, of seeing her cry even in death.

"p-promise me you'll never die..." lilith said softly on his chest.

"i-i pro-mise you... i'll never die." he said, as they both stayed together, under the bossom, of each other's embrace. until a message appeared in kyle's head.

[Ding! quest completed]

[ding! you have successfully knocked out verm and gyro akuza]

[ding! your permanent xxx has successfully killed both killers]

[ding 1 level up for knock out]

[ding! 2 level up for partners kill]

[ding! +150 shared exp]

[ding! +150 exp allocated to your partner]

[you have successfully levelled up to lv 09]

[+5 stat points to freely use]

[total stat points: 8]

[your body is injured]

[1 day and 10 minutes to fully heal]

[Name: Kyle Conner]

[LV: 09]

[strength: 21]

[agility: 16]

[stamina: 14]

[XXX point's: 500]

[exp req: 50/700]

[race: human]

[permanent XXX's: Lilith Conner]

[temporary XXX's: akemi niru]

skills passive:

[charm: the skill is passive and increases user charm by 15% when starred into user's eyes females will feel extreme lustfull. note: 3% chance to work on men.]

[demon rod: increases user's penis by 1cm with each evolution turning it into a demon rod. note: penis will stop growing at the final stage of evolution.]

[lust touch: increases user's touch on females by 10% heightening their sex organs.]

[sex beast: when the system detects user has reached a certain amount of lust the user automatically becomes a sex beast. (XXX lust value:0%)]

skills non-passive:

[lust: once activated this skill releases a feminine aura and has a 10% chance of enrousing females within 7meter radius to be extremely horny. consumes 10 XXX point's per activation]

skills shop:

[stamina regeneration: restores user's stamina full. costs 20 XXX point's.]

[Aphrodisiacs pill: once taken has a 15% chance of making females fall asleep. costs 5 XXX point's.]

[reach LV 10 to evolve and unlock more skills]

kyle looked at the barrage, of the system's notification in awe. he had almost forgotten, about the quest from the system. that popped up, before he fought the two killers.


"partner's kill?. he remembered only, knocking them out. but the system boldly, stated the words ''partner's kill' and akemi couldn't have possibly done it, so that only meant it was the demon beside him.

"l-lilith what does the system mean by partner's kill."

"why do you ask?."

"haa..." he sighed. "the two killers, they're dead aren't they?."

"of course i killed them.." lilith said indifferently. "don't tell me you feel sorry for them..."

kyle couldn't blame her, they deserved to die more horrible, deaths than they did.

but the thought, of killing someone was still new to him. he's still a naive teenage boy, who loves sex. but it seems, his faith had already been sealed.

unlike lilith who was a demon, which they pride themselves in killing, he was still human.

demons showed no fear, or emotion when killing, just pure killing intent. as he had read, previously in some fantasy novels.

he would soon become a demon, and the system, requires he kills to level up.

it was weird, the system gave him that quest, when he isn't a demon yet. but he never really did, understand the system anyways, it was something far bigger than him.

"i'll kill anyone that get's in my way.." kyle made up his mind


"w-what could've h-appen-ed to him.."

"i shouldn't have left him.. this is all my fault." a busty woman said, shaking on the steering, speeding out of control in a red car.

"shit!' she manuvered the car, which almost hit a white car on it's lane. the driver raised his middle finger, yelling some words, but she didn't care what he said, still driving on.

"fucking psycho.." she muttered. drinking a portion, of red wine from the bottle, while swerving the car inside a big building.

she clumsily walked, out of the car into the building. ignoring the receptionist at the desk, heading straight to a black haired girl, sitting alone with a bloody uniform.

"y-yua! what happened..."

the teenage girl looked up. seeing it was a voice she recognised, her eyes became teary. as she looked at the woman.

"i-i it w-as-"

yua could barely speak a word, without stuttering. as she remembered, the events that just happened.

"k-kyle wh- where's kyle.." kimi asked in panic, the bottle of red wine still in her hands.

"i-i haven't been able to see him.. but i think i overheard them saying, se-second floor, third room to the left." yua hadn't been herself, ever since kyle was stabbed in his chest, her heart couldn't see a person die.

kimi immediately dodged a nurse, who tried to calm her down. as she hurriedly ran, to the elevator pressing the up button, multiple times.

"shit! why isn't it working." multiple ding sounds, resounded as kimi presssed, the up button on the elevator.

"stupid crap!." she saw, the elevator was already in use, as she looked up.

"Ma'am wait..."

kimi dropped the elevator, and began climbing the stairs, about two nurses, and yua also following behind.

she had reached the second floor, which wasn't that long. as she went to the third room by the left. a young woman, who wore a doctor's cloth, already stood there about to open the door.

"Ma'am what are you doing here?." the young nurse woman, asked confused. no one was allowed, to the second floors by this time, it wasn't visiting hours.

she saw kimi didn't mind her, instead her eyes were focused, on the door, like a predator that has long awaited it's prey.


"wai-t stop you can't-"

"get out of my way..."

"argh." the young doctor was, roughly shoved aside, as kimi held the door knob, twisting it wide open she barged in the room.

"aunt ki~"

"i mean kimi... what are you doing here." kyle was awake, sitting up on the bed. but both his left leg, and right arm, were bandaged tied upwards.

"k-ky-le..." the wine bottle slipped, from her hands. her overfilled dam burst open, streams of water began flowing down her cheeks, which ruined her makeup.

she lazily ran towards him, giving him the most heartwarming, hug she ever gave. kyle just relaxed on the bed, enjoying the softness of his aunt's breasts, pressing on his chest.

the other nurses, came along with yua, as they wanted to go and bring kimi out, but the lady doctor signified them not to, and leave instead.

"don't interrupt them yet..." she said smiling towards kyle and kimi.

"am glad you're okay kyle." aunt kimi smiled, as he thought that was all, her expression took a 360 degree turn.

"y-yo- y-ou are you crazy or something.."

"why the hell did you try to take on two armed men on your own..."

"you're not a superhero this is real life kyle, w-what would've happened i-if y-o-" kimi couldn't finish her words, the thought of it, just made her cry the more.

"hey kimi.. i-it's alright.. am ok..." kyle said, patting his hands on her head softly, kissing her on the forehead.

"am not going anywhere i promise..." she seemed to have come down a bit, as she had stopped crying, just holding kyle.

"w-who's she?." the female doctor asked yua, still looking at kyle.

"s-she's his aunt they're really close.." yua replied smiling a bit. seeing kyle alive, helped her a bit. but there was still this heavy burden she felt in her.

"i see..."

the female doctor said nothing more, and simply walked to kyle's location, checking the vitals monitor.

"ehhm.. sorry to break, the aunt and nephew relationship, but he needs his medications now...." her voice wasn't stern when she spoke, but it did contain, a little coldness in it.

"o-oh sorry..." aunt kimi shifted a bit, to the side refusing to get up, from where kyle is.

"ahh..." the doctor sighed. placing the tray on the table, which contained a syringe, some files, and a glass of water.

"you're lucky to be alive young man, most people who had this case, died the instant they were stabbed.." she tapped the syringe a little, and inserted the needle in kyle's arm, the crystal liquid entering his system.

"w-what do you mean die that instance.. it's not like i was stabbed in the heart or something?..." he said, holding the cotton up, where he had been injected.

"you're naive kid, it seems you don't know how dire, your situation was.."

"well let me explain..."

"ehhm... when you were stabbed, the knife cut some veins, connected to your heart. which led to the fast, excess loss of blood. some patients may die instantly, while some would die the moment they were brought here, either way they would still die.."

the expression on everyone's face went ugly, as she said those words.

"but luckily, this young girl yua brought you here, even though it was late. but we tried our best, to rejoin the veins together, but the thing i find surprising is this..."

"when we put the veins, immediately it started joining back instantly, but your heart wasn't beating properly, cause there wasn't any blood in you."

"as soon as the nurses went to bring the blood bags, your veins had regrouped together and your heart, managed to pump some blood to sustain you." the look on her face was of doubt, and surprise.

"never for once had that scenario happened for the 5 years I've been a doctor." she exclaimed.

kyle too was surprised, he knew he was meant to die, but he didn't. he guessed, it was the system. but his heart told him otherwise.

"it must be lilith." he thought to himself.

"it seems your body is special, but nether the less, it is still badly injured..."

"your energy is low, that's why you were out for a day, but you'll have to stay here, in the hospital for two days until you fully recover..."

"t-two d-ays?..."

it's my birthday...

the next chapters gonna be good from now. sorry for the delay... if you like the book add it to your library and vote with some stones please.

ikudehin_davidcreators' thoughts