
XXX System (has been republished)

How would you feel about having all your wildest fantasies come to past? in modern tokyo Japan there was a boy named kyle Conner sent here by his parents to school but all he ever wanted was to have sex with different women and his wish came true with many other things. Note: this is a really interesting novel containing r-18 scenes, overpowered, demons, systems, anti-hero...

ikudehin_david · Fantasy
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98 Chs

two days

"are you kidding me, two whole days..." kyle was already bummed out, when he heard he was out for over a day, when he was brought into the hospital. but to spend another two days, he just couldn't accept.

"k-kyle you have to recover, you're not even fit, to move your neck properly." kimi said, sitting on the bed beside him, looking at his condition.

"your aunt's right, it's a miracle your even still alive. not many have survived, from that fatal wound, not to talk of the bloodloss." the female doctor reminded him, looking at the files in her hands, under the glasses she wore.

"b- but..."

"i'll miss you people..." kyle lied.

he had only about, three more days left, before he traveled back home. and he just couldn't leave, empty handed.

the doctor looked at him weirdly, with her glasses still on. what she heard him say, right now was very stupid, risking his own life. just to go home and stay.

"idiot." she clicked her tongue. "so you'd rather, risk your own life than stay here." she said asking for confirmation.

"of course it's my choice...." kyle replied slowly staring at her.

"kyle don't be stubborn..." kimi said softly, with a frown on her face.

her make up was ruined, but that couldn't hide her good looks.

the doctor was taken aback, by kyle's response. thinking this teenage boy had guts, would he really risk his life, just to spend time with his aunt, and his sister.

"crazy." she muttered under her breath.

"a-nyways even if you wanted to leave, you couldn't..." she shook her head.

"a-nd why is that, do you plan to keep me locked up here..."

"kyle! don't be rude.."

"ehmm sorry doctor..." she remembered, she didn't even know the name, of the doctor.

"asuka." the latter replied.

"is it o-k if i call you just as-uka..."

"sure..." asuka replied casually.

"o-ok asuka.. but can't you move, him home and give him medications, at home?." kimi asked kindly.

"am sorry but it's against the hospital's policy...."

we can't just let an injured patient leave, without fully being recovered..."

"we've seen cases, where a patient who wasn't fully healed was discharged, and later died. thus staining the hospital's name. that's why we situated this policy." she clearly stated adjusting her glasses.

what she said was plausible, they couldn't just leave him to leave, until he recovered. or he might die, which he couldn't afford.

but how could he level up, if he couldn't even have sex with any woman, here in the hospital. as the few he'd seen, were older well matured women, which were far older than age 50.

"kyle it's alright, i can leave work for a couple of days..." kimi said, already made up her mind.

kyle knew his aunt, loved him really much, and which he also did to her. they kinda shared like a deep, mother and son relationship. but he had to find a way, to get out of the situation.

"i-i can't possibly, ask that from you kimi, it would just be too much..." he said holding her hands.

"hmph! you're more important, than any stupid work kyle..." she clearly refused his offer.

"b-but i can s-tay on my own, it's just for t-wo days..." kyle said, trying to convince his aunt, he would be fine alone. as if his body was healing properly.

"he's not fine." asuka said, touching his injured leg, which followed with some grunts.

"i-i really hmpm.. am fine hmm.. kimi." he touched his left arm, rubbing it a bit, with a bitter smile planted on his face.

"h-how can y-ou say you're fine, you can't even m-move your head properly, not to mention your body..." kimi yelled out of frustration.

"wh-at if you wanted to take a glass of water, or ease yourself.. o-o-or even brush your teeth huh!, who would help you..." she said pointing out facts.

"she has a point." asuka said smirking. "the nurses won't be always here with you, though they'll give you your medications and check up on you, from time to time."

but you need a closer relationship, with you to stay by your side, in case you need something. it's part of the hospital's policy.

"fuck what do i do... "

kyle felt, he was being overpowered, by the two women in his front.

as he was at crossroads, not knowing what to do anymore.

he knew his aunt was stubborn, and persistent but this doctor just, added more fuel to the flames.

"i-i'll stay with him... a soft voice spoke from behind. as everyone turned their head, towards the location of the voice.

"y-yua?." kyle had forgotten, yua was even in the room. he hadn't noticed her presence since, because he was too busy, arguing with the two grown women.

"no! i can't possibly ask that from you, i know you feel guilty, but it's not your fault dear..." kimi said softly to yua.

she knew yua felt guilty, for kyle being stabbed. but who wouldn't, they were just at the wrong place, at the wrong time.

"pl-ease a-unt kimi.. let this be the least i can do, to thank him for saving my life." yua pleaded.

she had long, been thinking of a way to repay kyle, for saving her. and she felt, this was the least she could do.

"a-are you s-ure yua you'd miss school..." kimi asked.

"y-es i know aunt kimi it's fine..." yua nodded with a determined look.

"what do you say kyle?..."

"ehmm.. sure w-why no-t..." kyle wanted to refuse. he didn't like her, and wouldn't have helped her, if he knew they were killers. but he couldn't leave her, to be raped or worse killed.

it was lilith that told him to accept, and there was a good reward, waiting for him. and he did, love the way she said, the words 'big reward'.

"o-k then.. if it's yua, am sure you'd be ok..." kimi stood up and tucked kyle in well.

"you can always come to visit him in the visiting hours.." asuka stated taking the files.


"at least give me some minutes to stay with him.."

"three minutes.. that's all i can give you." asuka stated sitting on a chair at the wall.

"am going to be alright kimi." he tried to reassure his aunt.

"i know.. i know.. you're a fighter..." she smiled warmly.

"d-id you tell mom and dad?." this was the question, he had wanted to ask aunt kimi. as if she were to tell his parents, then they would already be on their way here, and it would cause problems, between them and aunt kimi.

"i-i coul-dn't tell them *sobs.. i-it would break your mom's h-eart *sobs.. to pieces if she *sobs were to hear *sobs.. you were stabbed..."

"am the worse aunt ever.." she hit her head with her hands.

"don't say that it isn't your fault, you're the best aunt In the world..."

"i was just unlucky that's all, it happens..."

"kimi it's time..." asuka said standing up from the chair.

"i-i'll bring you some food, g-get well soon..." kimi kissed kyle's forehead, ruffling his hair gently. she didn't want to leave him, but she didn't have a choice. yua had already volunteered, and she felt kyle was in safe hands, with yua.

"i'll be back tomorrow, i-i love you!. "

"geez... i love you too.." kyle said, lowering his head, from embarrassment. his aunt had embarrassed him, enough for today.

"you must be really close.." asuka voiced out.

"y-eah he's really a good kid, it really hurts seeing him like this..." kimi sadly said, tears in her eyes.

"i promise he'll be alright in a few days, we just have to wait..." asuka said, walking towards the door with kimi.

"t-take care of him for me ple-ase, give him anything he wants..." kimi whispered into yua's ears, hugging her closely.

"and take care of yourself..."

she patted her on the arms, looking her in the eyes, with a bitter smile. before walking out, of the hospital door, with asuka behind.

the hallway was quiet, only the sounds of both women footsteps, resounded. before it, slowly faded away, as they got farther.

yua just stood there standing still, not batting an eye towards kyle, her hands were clenched tightly. he knew she was nervous, ever since they met, things didn't go well for both of them.

they hadn't talked, or interacted well, with each other since. even though, they slept in the same house in different rooms, there was still this tension between them.

"you can't just stand there, y-your legs will in pain.. come sit over here." kyle said, breaking the ice pointing to a nearby chair, to his left.

"o-ok..." yua nodded slowly, walking towards the chair, as she sat down on it, avoiding eye contact with kyle.

about five minutes had passed, since kyle and yua, were left alone in the hospital room. no one, uttering a word to the other, only the sound of silence.

"you shouldn't be here." he said calmly.

"w-why?." yua asked confused.

"well it would look like, am the one who made you miss out, on school..."

"i-I've already told aunt kimi i can do this, at least just give me a chance."

he didn't know if he could trust her. even though he saved her life, he still didn't feel, 100 percent ok with her. only when he'd achieve his motives, would he be satisfied.

"am sorry for what happened that day, it wasn't proper..." kyle suddenly blurted out.

"o-oh it's n-nothing accidents happen..." yua said looking downwards.

it wasn't his fault his zip was wide open, he had forgotten to zip up the time, he went rushing to the airport.

"and am sorry for slapping you, i wasn't thinking straight, everything happened so fast..." yua said softly.

"i kinda deserved it." he said smiling.

"hmm.. she held her chin. "maybe you did." she also chuckled a bit.

the tense atmosphere from before, was slowly breaking, as they talked more to each other.

this was the first time, he saw her laugh. it felt like, he was slowly getting close to her.

"seems like taking the hit was worth it.." he thought in his mind.

"i believe we haven't officially met..."

"am kyle.." he stretched out his hand.

"yua.." she shook his hand.

"you know.. it feels weird if you keep on placing your head downwards.." kyle said with a chuckle.

he didn't know, she would be this shy to even look up at him. he was a shy person before, but ever since he met lilith, his attitude seemed to have changed.

she slowly lifted her head up, as her gazy eyes met with his. this was the first time, they had a close eye contact.

"now that's more better right?."

"y-eah i guess so..."

he saw yua was still in her uniform, with his blood, staining a part of the white shirt red. it seems, she hadn't left the hospital, since she's here.

"you should probably go change, it isn't right to still be wearing that, you might get infected... "

"thanks i will..."

"i-i haven't had the chance, of properly saying thank you, for saving my life..."

"it's nothing.. i just happened to be passing that direction, when i heard your scream."

"but I've been screaming for minutes and nobody came, it looked like the alley didn't reflect sounds..."

"but how did you hear me?."

kyle didn't expect her, to suddenly ask that question. it was true the alley didn't reflect sounds, and barely did rays of light, pass through there.

"it was late in the night, am sure if anyone stopped to listen, they would've heard your screams...." he explained to her.

she just nodded her head at kyle, dismissing the question. to be honest, she didn't even know why she asked that question, in the first place. she was an inquisitive person in nature, she just couldn't help it.

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