
X-season 1

In a world where demons roamed the planet, a young kid(X) was discovered in a forest in the middle of nowhere. Read along his adventures, as he makes new bonds of friendship, and uncovers X's past and his identity. Great action, excellent characters and a diverse world with lots of mystery.

A_N_O_N_Y_M · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs


Dusan Sinclair Rubeus cleared his throat and spoke in his loud, booming deep voice

'It is courtesy to announce the top ten, although only the top eight are selected for the next round. In tenth place, we have Valoric, who has killed 13 demons.'

A tall boy on the other side of the mob of contestants raised his hands in joy, then realized that he was tenth, and could not participate in the next round, and covered his face with his hands to cover his embarrassment.

'In ninth place, we have Thane, who has killed 14 demons.'

He pointed to a guy with a staff. He stood still and did not move, undoubtedly not wanting to become like Valoric.

'At eighth place, we have Darren, who has killed 18 demons.'

The kid with the sword, who wasted X's time looked shocked, like he could not believe that he had scored so low. He stood dumbfounded, staring at Dusan Sinclair Rubeus. He must be thinking how that was possible. Next to him, the fat guy snickered, trying to hold back his laughter.

'In seventh place, we have Goofy, with 19 demon kills'

The fat guy tried bowing, but almost stumbled down and fell. He got up and started blowing raspberries to Darren.

'At sixth place, we have Elara, who has killed 17 demons.'

The girl with the bow beamed with joy and bowed before the Tower master. Dusan Sinclair Rubeus nodded his head in satisfaction and spread his hand as if to tell that this was how everyone was to react.

'In fifth place, we have One Fist Rose, who has killed 20 demons.'

The girl with the bandage raised her bandaged hand since her other hand was coated with demon blood. X felt very anxious. He did not remember how many demons he killed, but he does remember killing his twenty-first demon. or was it his twelfth kill? He did not remember.

'In fourth place, we have Spear Master Javier, who has killed 21 demons.'

A guy raised his spear in the air, and as he did, a pure white aura blasted out of the spear. He then bowed to the academy Headmaster. X started to sweat. Only three more places left. If he did not get into the academy, he would have to stay back and train for another year. His body shivered.

' In third place, we have...'

Everybody waited. Everyone was curious to know who had reached the top three. Dusan Sinclair Rubeus took a deep breath, and shouted out the name so loud, it echoed through the entire city.

'Fire Lord, X, with 22 demon kills.'

X couldn't believe it. He had reached the second round. and third place. He almost jumped up and down in joy, then looked around and realized that there were more than a hundred people there. His body started to heat up on its own as if it sensed the excitement. X raised his hatchet, his hand shivering, and all around him people gasped, as he glowed golden. Dusan Sinclair Rubeus cleared his throat loudly as if to indicate that there were still two more people waiting, the top two. Everybody looked away from X, and at the old Headmaster, and X was happy that he was no longer the center of attention. 

'In the second place, we have... The Master of Bones, Brik, who has killed 23 demons.'

Everybody looked at Brik, including X, but Brik remained neutral. X had never seen him like this before. If it was the Brik he knew, he would be jumping up and down in joy. But he remained neutral, angry even. He was glaring at Thane, the person who got ninth place. X thought that maybe this guy had angered Brik. He somehow managed to escape his wrath by getting ninth place.

'The first place, the person with the most kills in the entire competition. Everybody, give a round of claps for... wait a minute. Aqua, you have gained, twe... twenty-six kills. Direct selection. Aqua has joined the academy as a student directly after the first round. A monumental moment in the school's history. You are the second person to join the school directly, after The Dragon Knight.'

At that moment, everybody forgot the other winners. They all looked at Aqua, stating in surprise. Nobody thought that she was that good. Then the claps began.

The claps were so loud, so disjointed, that it was causing a headache for the people in the city. The Tower master also clapped, forgetting that he had cast magic on himself, that amplifies sound. Bells were rung loudly. And in the center of this, stood Aqua, not sure if they were clapping for her. She could obviously not be that good. 

It was only then that X realized, that Aqua was definitely powerful, it was just that she was not confident in her own abilities. It was a part of her personality, just like how X felt uncomfortable talking to people, and how Brik gets angry really soon. 

The appreciation continued for a couple of minutes, and then Aqua was shown her way to the Academy dorms. After that, most of the contestants who were not part of the top eight left. But as the ninth place, Thane was about to leave, Brik caught his hand with a creepy smile, barely holding back his anger.

'Where do you think you're going? You are part of the top eight since that water girl is not there. So stay back, since I need to get revenge.'

The guy quivered and shook his hand, trying to escape, but Briks grip was too strong. Then, a booming voice gave out an order.

'Brik, leave him. I am going to explain the rules of the next round. It is going to be a competition, with the top four in the contest getting to enter the Academy. Since Aqua is not a part of the contest, Brik is first. And he goes up against the last place, Thane.'

Both the Headmaster and the student gave a really creepy smile.

' Serves you right for spreading rumors and causing problems in the contest. The second place, X goes up against the second-last place, Darren. The third place, Javier goes up against Goofy, and Rose is up against Elara. You shall not use real weapons, but wooden weapons provided by the Academy can be used.'

No weapons. X can not use a wooden hatchet, since it would just burn up while he attacks. After explaining, Dusan Sinclair Rubeus teleported everyone out of the Academy. X immediately left for the Great Boar inn, not able to stand beside Brik for even a moment without bringing up Uncle Ken. When he reached the inn, the inn owner stood up and walked towards him, and X thought he was a demon. Then he realized who it was. Not his fault they both look so similar.

'So...how did it go?'

'Third place. I am selected for the second round.'

'Wow. Congratulations. We must have a party.'

He announced to everyone present in the hall.

'My boy here passed the first round of the Royal Academy exam. He even got third place. All drinks on me.'

Everyone roared, and X spent the entire evening up to midnight partying in the corner, so that no one talked to him. A competition, huh? Well, he had to do this best anyway, so he will. Hopefully, he won't have to fight against Brik.

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