
Meeting Nona Again

Back at Aravind's family home, they had just stepped out of the Cadillac when they were surrounded by fierce looking soldiers. In a panic, they slowly raised their hands and stepped out.

At this moment, their father stepped out of the front door and beckoned for them.

They were shocked as they looked at the lively scene inside the house.

Dignitaries in suits and dresses covered every inch. Where their television was, a group of people were installing several high visual screens and gadgets that even he couldn't tell what they were for.

Their mother was busy passing plates around with a profound smile on her face.

With a smile, he patted his children on their backs before pushing them forward. "Now be good and greet your uncles and aunts."

The group turned to look at them as they approached. They were warm and conversed in small talks like how they were doing in their business.