
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

THE_V1S1ON · Filmes
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42 Chs

Side Chapter: The Next Plot


Timeline: February 2, 2001


A desperate man screamed, "Nononono!!!" His cry was abruptly silenced by an arrow piercing his skull.



The archer, a man with a disfigured face and only three fingers on each hand, was known as Three Finger. Laughing maniacally, Three Finger grabbed the man's lifeless legs and dragged him towards the old, decaying sanatorium.



Inside, he was greeted by his equally monstrous brothers: One Eye, who bore a hideous scar across his face, and Saw Tooth, whose mouth was a horrifying mess of jagged teeth. Their appearance was as disturbing as their deeds.



The trio conversed excitedly, as if preparing for a gourmet meal. Their conversation revolved around who would undertake the gruesome tasks required to prepare their macabre feast.



Saw Tooth, eager and bloodthirsty, volunteered to dismember the body. Three Finger took on the role of boiling the oil, relishing the thought of the sizzling flesh. One Eye, the self-appointed chef, would add the spices, ensuring the meal had their twisted version of flavor.



In the dim, filthy kitchen of the sanatorium, they worked with a disturbing efficiency. Saw Tooth methodically chopped the body into pieces, his face twisted in a grotesque smile. Three Finger, meanwhile, tended to the bubbling pot of oil, the strong smell spreading through the room. One Eye carefully measured out spices, treating the human flesh like it was high-quality meat.



After what felt like an eternity, their gruesome meal was finally ready. The brothers sat down at an old, shaky table, their faces showing twisted satisfaction. They started eating, enjoying each bite with a horrifying delight.



As the brothers ate, Three Finger chewed on an eye, laughing like a maniac at how tasty it was. Saw Tooth ate a leg like it was fried chicken, while One Eye gnawed on the ribs as if they were pork ribs. The trio enjoyed their gruesome meal, clearly having a great time.



Once they finished their meal, they leaned back, chatting excitedly about how delicious it was and what they should do next. They talked about how to lure more victims when suddenly, someone walked into the kitchen.



A man with red-violet hair and piercing red eyes stood before them, his presence immediately unsettling. "Is it delicious?" he asked, his tone dripping with disdain.



As the trio turned to face the source of the voice, their expressions shifted from satisfaction to unease. Standing before them was a man with striking red-violet hair and piercing red eyes, His presence made them uneasy.



Then The trio stared in shock. This man showed no fear, instead observing them like animals in a zoo. Saw Tooth's anger flared, memories of the doctor who had imprisoned them in 1974 rushing back. He searched for his cleaver, found it, and lunged at the red-violet-haired man.



The man stood there, calm and cold, which made Saw Tooth even angrier and more uneasy. For the first time, Saw Tooth felt a bit scared. This man wasn't afraid of them; instead, he looked amused and smirked at them.



The red-violet-haired man taunted Saw Tooth, extending his arm in a mock invitation. "You want to cut me?" he said, his voice cold and confident.



Saw Tooth, driven by anger and the need to assert his dominance, gripped his cleaver tightly. He swung it down with all his strength, severing the man's arm cleanly at the shoulder. For a moment, Saw Tooth felt a surge of satisfaction.



But then the man merely winced, saying, "Damn, that hurts!" He stood there, unfazed, as his arm began to regenerate.



The trio stared in shock as the impossible happened right before their eyes. Within moments, the man's severed arm began to regenerate, flesh and bone knitting back together until it was whole again. Their horror was palpable; they had never seen anything like it.



"Surprise," the man said with a chilling grin, his confidence unshaken.



Unfazed by the creepy newcomer, Three Finger grabbed his bow from the kitchen. With a crazy laugh, he aimed straight at the man's head, his eyes filled with wicked joy. The arrow shot from his bow, hitting the man square in the forehead. Three Finger laughed victoriously, thinking he'd won.



Despite the arrow lodged in his head, the red-violet-haired man remained unfazed, and his demeanor unchanged. "Are you finished?" he inquired, casually removing the arrow. "Ouch, that stings!"



His calm demeanor sent a shiver down the brothers' spines as they stared at him in disbelief.



"Oh, pardon me," he said, introducing himself with a chilling smile. "I am Alpha."


The trio lunged at Alpha with all their might, but he seemed to effortlessly evade their attacks. Saw Tooth swung his cleaver, aiming for Alpha's torso, while One Eye attempted to stab him with a knife, and Three Finger launched an arrow at his head.



To their surprise, Alpha didn't resist. He allowed One Eye's knife to sink into his chest and Three Finger's arrow to lodge in his skull. With a smirk, he plucked the arrow from his head, muttering softly at the pain, then calmly removed the knife from his chest.



"Are you done?" Alpha taunted, his tone mocking. "This is a waste of time."


Before the trio could even process what was happening, Alpha swiftly counterattacked. With a single, powerful kick, he sent Saw Tooth hurtling backward through the air, the force of the blow staggering even the strongest of the brothers.



Three Finger and One Eyed stood frozen in shock as they watched their brother, Saw Tooth, sent flying backward by Alpha's swift kick. The sight of their usually formidable sibling being thrown so effortlessly left them speechless, their disbelief evident in their wide-eyed expressions.



Without a moment's pause, Alpha turned his attention to One Eye. In a fluid motion, he closed the distance between them and plunged the knife into One Eye's chest, mirroring the exact action that had been aimed at him just moments before.




Alpha approached Three Finger with a sinister grin, his expression filled with malice. "I'm a fan of yours," he said casually, as though offering a compliment. But before Three Finger could fully grasp the meaning, Alpha's fist struck him hard in the gut, knocking the wind out of him.



In that instant, with Three Finger kneeling before him, Alpha made it clear that he was in charge. He took control of the situation effortlessly, solidifying his dominance over the trio with chilling ease.



Looking down at the defeated trio, Alpha declared, "From now on, I am your leader, your God."


With a commanding gaze, Alpha glanced into the distance and uttered, "Time for the next plot."


End of the Side Chapter