
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

THE_V1S1ON · Filmes
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58 Chs

Chapter 31: I am Porter Harmss  

Adam and Porter's tense confrontation with Alpha in the Fairlake Sheriff Station escalated rapidly, each moment thick with anticipation and danger.



As Alpha's presence filled the room, Adam's muscles coiled with a potent mixture of fury and determination. He fixed his gaze on Alpha, the man responsible for so much pain and loss in his life. Beside him, Porter stood resolute, his jaw clenched in solidarity with Adam, ready to support him through whatever came next.



Sheriff Angela, though initially surprised by Alpha's sudden intrusion and unsettling demeanor, swiftly regained her composure. She stepped forward, positioning herself assertively between Alpha and Adam, her gun aimed steadily at the intruder. "Who the hell are you?" she demanded, her voice cutting through the charged atmosphere.



Alpha's smirk widened, a glint of amusement dancing in his red eyes as he regarded Sheriff Angela with an unnerving calmness. "I'm Alpha," he replied casually, his voice carrying an air of sinister confidence. "And I believe you must be Sheriff Angela." he added, his gaze unwavering as he took in her authoritative stance.



Sheriff Angela's grip on her gun tightened. "How do you know my name?" she pressed, her voice betraying a mix of suspicion and apprehension.



Alpha chuckled softly, his amusement not diminishing in the face of the tension. "Oh, Sheriff, your reputation precedes you in these parts," he replied cryptically. "I've heard all about your exploits." he continued, his eyes narrowing slightly as they locked onto hers.



Porter couldn't contain his anger any longer. "You bastard! You killed my friend!" he shouted, his voice cracking with emotion.



Alpha's gaze shifted to Porter, his expression momentarily contemplative. "Your friend was merely an extra in my story," he remarked dismissively, his tone chillingly indifferent. "But let's not dwell on the past," he added with a hint of menace. "I'm more interested in the future."



Sheriff Angela stepped forward with authority, her voice firm and commanding as she addressed Alpha directly. The tension in the room was palpable, and her words demanded an explanation.



"Nobody's discussing anything until you explain why you've barged into my station," she asserted boldly, her eyes locked onto Alpha's. Her tone brooked no argument, a clear signal that she was in charge and expected answers.



"And what are you!!" she continued, her voice unwavering despite the uncertainty of the situation. Sheriff Angela's hand moved swiftly to her side, pulling out her gun from her pocket with practiced ease. The room fell into a tense silence, each person present acutely aware of the dangerous standoff unfolding before them.



Alpha's smile widened, revealing a flash of unnerving white teeth. "Surely Maynard has mentioned me to you," he replied casually, his gaze never leaving Sheriff Angela's.

"I've heard quite a bit about you, Sheriff," he continued, his voice lowering slightly. "The beloved protector of Fairlake." he added mockingly.



He then tilted his head slightly, his eyes gleaming with a darker intensity. "But I wonder," Alpha mused aloud, his tone turning chillingly cold. "If I were to eliminate you, Sheriff, would the people of Fairlake mourn your loss? Or would they simply move on?"



Sheriff Angela's jaw tightened in anger at Alpha's callous words. "You're a sick bastard." she retorted sharply, her finger tightening on the trigger of her gun.



Adam, sensing an opportunity amid the standoff between Alpha and Sheriff Angela causing everyone distracted. So without hesitation, he reached into his Revival System and retrieved both a machete and a gun from his inventory. He turned to Porter with a quick, intense gaze. "Porter, take this." Adam instructed quietly yet urgently, handing the gun to his companion.



Porter accepted the weapon, nodding silently to Adam in acknowledgment and readiness. Gripping the gun tightly, he braced himself for whatever would come next, his expression mirroring Adam's fierce determination.



The tension inside the Fairlake Sheriff Station reached a boiling point as Alpha's orders set chaos in motion, leaving everyone scrambling to react.



Billy, locked in his cell, was overwhelmed with fear and confusion, muttering to himself in disbelief at the unfolding events. "What the fuck is happening?" he muttered under his breath, his face reflecting a mix of terror and bewilderment.



Alpha, commanding his disfigured minions with cold authority, issued a chilling order. "Go kill them all except Adam, He is mine" he instructed, his voice carrying an air of sinister determination. The three disfigured minions nodded in compliance, their grotesque features twisted into expressions of malevolent intent.



Maynard, observing the scene with growing concern, demanded to know about his sons. "Where are my sons, Three Finger, Saw Tooth, One Eye?" he asked anxiously.



Alpha's smirk widened maliciously as he delivered the chilling news. "Your sons are not here. They have their own prey to hunt." he revealed, his red eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure.



Adam, fueled by rage and determination to stop Alpha's sadistic plans, confronted the villainous leader. "Don't tell me you're going to kill them, you bastard!" His voice rang out with defiance, his green eyes blazing with intensity.




Sheriff Angela, still grappling with the unfolding chaos, turned to Adam for clarification. "Kill? Kill who?" she demanded, her voice tinged with urgency and disbelief.



Adam quickly clarified the imminent threat. "There are other disfigured people, the trio brothers. They are the sons of Maynard Odet, and they are more menacing and stronger than these three." His words hung heavy with urgency and concern.



Sheriff Angela and Mose, a witness to the unfolding drama, swallowed hard, grasping the gravity of the situation.



Mose pressed for more information, his voice tinged with concern. "Who? Who is the prey he's talking about?" he asked, his eyes wide with dread.



Adam turned to Mose, his expression grave. "Billy's friends," he declared solemnly, his heart sinking at the thought of their impending danger.



Billy, overhearing the dire revelation, reacted with shock and fear. "What?!" His voice cracked with disbelief and terror.



Alpha, reveling in the chaos he had orchestrated, taunted Adam sadistically. "If you want to save them..." His smirk twisted with malevolence. "You should hurry up." His eyes gleamed with a sadistic pleasure.



Adam's fury reached its peak. "You bastard!" he roared, his resolve hardening as he lunged toward Alpha with his machete, aiming for the heart of the menace before him.



Sheriff Angela, caught off guard by Adam's sudden action, demanded answers. "Since when did he have a machete?" she questioned, her voice betraying a mix of astonishment and urgency.



Porter, steadfast in his support of Adam, aimed his gun at the approaching disfigured minions. "Since the moment you were distracted by Alpha, Sheriff." he replied coolly, his eyes focused and determined.



Sheriff Angela, bewildered by Porter's sudden possession of a firearm, pressed for an explanation. "And when did you get the gun?" Her voice carried a note of urgency.



Porter remained silent, ignoring the sheriff's inquiry as he kept his aim steady on the advancing threats.



The disfigured minions lunged towards Sheriff Angela, Porter, and Mose, their grotesque forms closing in with malicious intent.



Porter's resolve hardened as he prepared to defend them. "We don't have enough time for explanations, Sheriff!" His voice was resolute, his finger tightening on the trigger.



Meanwhile, Alpha, amused by Adam's boldness, taunted him further. "Follow me, Adam." he laughed mockingly as he turned and ran, leading Adam into a deadly game of cat and mouse.



Adam's pursuit of Alpha intensified as he chased after the villainous leader. "Wait for me, you bastard!" His voice echoed with determination and fury, his footsteps echoing through the tense silence of the station.



As Alpha exited the Fairlake Sheriff Station, disappearing into the darkness outside. Adam immediately gave chase, sprinting through the silent streets with determination. His breaths came fast, his heart pounding in his chest as he focused solely on catching Alpha.



Outside, the night was quiet except for the sound of Adam's footsteps echoing on the pavement. Streetlights flickered overhead, casting shifting shadows that added to the tense atmosphere. Adam's mind raced with thoughts of stopping Alpha, thoughts of finally killing him once and for all



Alpha's cruel taunts replayed in Adam's head, urging him to push harder. Adrenaline fueled Adam's pursuit, sharpening his senses as he scanned the streets for any sign of Alpha. Every turn and alleyway became a potential path for Alpha, challenging Adam to predict his next move.


Meanwhile As the tension escalated inside the Fairlake Sheriff Station, Sheriff Angela and Porter remained steadfast, their resolve unshaken even in the face of Alpha's disfigured minions.



Sheriff Angela's voice rang out, commanding authority and warning. "Stop! Don't move or I'll shoot!" Her gun was steady in her hands, aimed squarely at the advancing figures.



The three disfigured minions, driven by instinct and malice, ignored the warning and lunged towards Porter, Sheriff Angela, and Mose. But Porter was quicker, his aim precise and deadly. He fired a shot directly into the head of one of the disfigured attackers.



"Die, fucker!" Porter's voice carried a mix of anger and determination as he took down the threat swiftly.



The disfigured creature slumped to the ground lifelessly, a testament to Porter's lethal accuracy. The remaining two disfigured minions, shocked and enraged by the loss of their comrade, muttered in incomprehensible gibberish.



Sheriff Angela, though shaken by the violence unfolding before her, confronted Porter. "You... you killed a person." she accused, her voice tinged with disbelief and concern.



Porter's response was swift and resolute, his eyes blazing with conviction. "Are you blind, Sheriff? Those are not people. They are not human. They're monsters!" His tone brooked no argument, hardened by the grim reality of their situation.



Before they could catch their breath, the two remaining disfigured minions charged forward. One wielded a knife, while the other gripped an axe, their grotesque features contorted with rage and bloodlust.



"They're coming!" Porter shouted, his voice urgent as he prepared to defend himself and the sheriff.



Mose, caught in the crossfire of fear and adrenaline, could only mutter curses under his breath. "Shit, shit, shit!"



Meanwhile, Maynard, locked in his cell and watching the chaos unfold, seemed to relish the violence and danger. His wild smile betrayed a disturbing enjoyment in the carnage.



In the prison cell, Billy watched helplessly, his thoughts consumed by worry for Cruz and the others. "No, no, no... I hope nothing bad happens to them. Please, not Cruz." he whispered, his voice filled with desperation and fear for his friends' safety.



As Alpha's twisted game played out, each moment brought them closer to a deadly confrontation. Inside the station, Sheriff Angela, Porter, and Mose braced themselves for a battle against creatures born of nightmare, their survival hanging by a thread in the face of overwhelming odds.


[Adam side]



As Adam chased Alpha through the dimly lit streets of Fairlake, he gasped for breath, his heart racing with adrenaline. The darkness pressed in around them, adding to the tension that hung heavy in the air. In the distance, the clamor from the sheriff's station served as a stark reminder of the chaos unfolding behind them.



Alpha's taunting laughter echoed ahead, a haunting soundtrack to their chase. His voice carried a sadistic thrill, reveling in the chase like a predator toying with its prey. "Follow me, Adam! Follow me until the end! It's just you and me now!" His words were laced with a chilling certainty, as if he relished the impending confrontation.



Adam's resolve burned bright despite the exhaustion threatening to slow him down. His footsteps pounded against the pavement, each stride closing the gap between him and the man who had haunted his nightmares for years. "You crazy bastard!" Adam shouted back, his voice a mixture of anger, determination, and the deep-seated need for vengeance.



The chase led them through deserted streets and dimly lit alleys, shadows dancing around them like specters of the night. Adam's focus narrowed to the figure ahead, Alpha's red hair occasionally catching the faint moonlight as he maneuvered through the darkness with an unsettling grace.



Alpha abruptly halted, turning to face Adam with a twisted grin. His eyes glinted with a mixture of amusement and malice. "You've come far, Adam," he taunted, his voice carrying a hint of admiration despite the menace. "But can you handle what comes next?"



Adam came to a sudden halt, his chest heaving with ragged breaths. His fingers clenched tightly around the machete, its weight and edge a visceral reminder of his unwavering determination. With Alpha standing just a few meters ahead, Adam's voice cut through the tense silence, thick with emotion and steely resolve.



"I'm ending this right here right now," Adam declared, his voice raw with emotion and resolve. "For all the lives you've destroyed."



Alpha's grin widened, devoid of remorse or fear. "Come then, Adam," he taunted, spreading his arms wide in challenge. "Let's settle this once and for all."




As Julian approached the Fairlake Sheriff Station, he sensed something was wrong. The area around the station was tense and chaotic. When he got closer, he saw Porter Harmss standing there, blood splattered on his face and clothes. Nearby lay three disfigured bodies, motionless on the ground.



Julian took it all in with shock. This wasn't what he expected when coming to see Billy. The atmosphere was heavy with the aftermath of a fierce conflict. He wondered what had happened that lead to this predicament



Porter noticed Julian and introduced himself, his voice steady despite the grim scene. "I am Porter Harmss."



To be continue