
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

THE_V1S1ON · Filmes
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42 Chs

Chapter 22: I Will Kill Him

As Adam watched Sara's back, where an arrow was firmly lodged, he quietly retrieved a med kit from his inventory. He made sure to do this without drawing unnecessary attention from Kenia and Porter, who were fully focused on assessing Sara's condition and discussing how to proceed with her treatment.



"Hey," Adam interjected calmly.



Kenia and Porter turned to look at him, their expressions a mix of curiosity and concern.



Adam extended the med kit towards them. "Here, you can use this to treat her wounds," he offered, his voice surprisingly gentle.



Porter nodded gratefully. "Thanks, Adam," he acknowledged, taking the med kit from him.



Adam simply nodded in response, his attention still on Sara's injured back.



Kenia couldn't resist a jab. "Finally being helpful instead of being a jerk," she teased lightly, though her tone held a hint of playful annoyance.



Adam shot her a sharp look. "Shut up," he retorted tersely, though there was a faint flicker of amusement in his eyes.



Kenia huffed softly. "Hmph," she muttered, crossing her arms in mock indignation.



Adam mirrored her gesture. "Hmph," he echoed playfully.



Porter chuckled awkwardly, attempting to diffuse the tension with a nervous laugh. "Alright, alright," he interjected diplomatically. "Let's focus. We need to carefully remove the arrow from Sara's back."



Sara's voice was low but laced with warning. "Make sure it doesn't hurt," she instructed tersely.



Porter sighed, realizing the gravity of the situation. "I can't promise that, Sara," he admitted honestly.



"If it hurts, I'm going to fucking kill you," Sara threatened half-seriously, a hint of dark humor in her tone despite the pain.



Kenia couldn't help but laugh at Sara's remark, finding some relief in the momentary levity amidst the tension.



Adam remained focused, his demeanor serious as he observed Porter preparing to tend to Sara's wound. His mind raced with thoughts of the dangers they had faced and those still lurking ahead.



As Porter carefully began to work on removing the arrow, Adam's gaze hardened with determination. His thoughts drifted to Alpha, the enigmatic figure waiting somewhere out there, a looming threat he couldn't afford to ignore. In the depths of his mind, a vow formed like a silent promise: I will find him, and I will kill him.



As Adam watched Porter and Kenia carefully bandage Sara's back where the arrow was lodged, his mind churned with conflicted thoughts.



"I can't give them my mini potion," Adam thought bitterly. "I only have two of them. Call me a bastard, but to me, they're all strangers. They're not my friends and I don't know them like Jonathan and Diane were back then, which I considered friends due to being fused by Adam."



Adam glanced at them, and notice they were finished "Let's go," he said abruptly, breaking the silence.



Porter nodded in agreement, his expression serious. "Right. We need to keep going."



Together, Porter and Kenia helped Sara to her feet, supporting her as she grunted in pain.



"It hurts, you bastard," Sara grumbled, shooting a playful glare at Porter.



Porter grinned mischievously. "This is payback for stealing my girl in high school," he teased.



Sara managed a weak laugh. "You're such a jerk," she teased back, the tension momentarily easing.


Kenia joined in their laughter while Adam remained serious and watchful. As they started walking toward the sanatorium, Adam took the lead, his senses on high alert. Porter and Kenia supported Sara from behind, ensuring she could walk despite the pain.



"If we survive this," Sara began determinedly, her voice wavering slightly from pain, "I promise I'll straighten out my life."



Porter nodded earnestly. "You better mean it," he replied with a smile.



"I mean it," Sara affirmed weakly. "Maybe all of this is karma of my bad deeds."



"I hope—" Sara started to say, but her words were abruptly cut off.



A machete suddenly pierced through the back of Sara's head, causing her to gasp in shock and pain.



"Porter?" Sara managed to utter, her voice fading.



Porter spun around in horror, his eyes widening in disbelief as he saw Sara's lifeless body slump to the ground, blood pooling around her head.



"Sara!" Porter cried out in anguish, dropping to his knees beside her.



Kenia screamed in horror at the sight, her hands flying to cover her mouth in shock.



Adam, who had spun around at the sound of Kenia's scream, saw the gruesome sight. His heart sank as he realized what had happened.



Then, a chilling voice rang out from the darkness, breaking the silence. "Headshot!"



Adam's eyes locked onto Alpha, standing not far away with a twisted grin on his face.



"Alpha!" Adam roared furiously, his grief transforming into burning rage as he confronted the fucker who had just taken one of Porter friend's.



Meanwhile, Kyle gripped the handles of the snowmobile tightly as he sped away with Daniel and Claire behind him. The cold wind whipped past them, but inside, Daniel was in turmoil.



"Shit, shit, shit! Lauren died... fuck, fuck, my girlfriend died. Why, why?" Daniel muttered, his voice trembling with grief and shock.



"Snap out of it, Daniel!" Kyle shouted over the roar of the engine. "Right now, our priority is getting out of here alive."



Claire, her face tense with worry, turned to Kyle. "What about Jenna?"



Kyle's jaw tightened. "I don't know about Jenna. If those fuckers woke up, maybe she triggered them and got herself killed."



Claire's eyes widened at the grim possibility, but before she could respond, Kyle made a decisive statement. "We're not going back there. No way. We're heading home, end of discussion."



He paused, his expression pained. "And as for Porter and the others... they won't die like that. I believe they'll survive. We just have to trust that."



"I hope so," Claire murmured, her voice barely above a whisper, her thoughts with their friends left behind.



Daniel, still reeling from the shock of losing Lauren, sat in silence, his mind clouded with fear and distress. He couldn't shake the image of Lauren's death, replaying it over and over in his mind.



As the snowmobile raced through the icy terrain, the trio carried with them the weight of loss and uncertainty, hoping desperately that their friends would find a way to survive the horrors they had faced.



Back at Adam Wilson's side...



"Alpha!" Adam shouted, his voice echoing through the hallway of Sanatorium.



Alpha smirked, clearly enjoying the confrontation. "Now I see why you were late. I got tired of waiting for you at the auditorium, so I decided to come find you. And look what I discovered—comrades." He glanced at the others with disdain.



Adam's eyes burned with fury. "You...!"



Alpha raised an eyebrow. "Hey, don't be mad. I did you a favor by killing that deadweight in your team. Shouldn't you be thanking me?"



"You motherfucker!" Adam roared, swinging his machete with all his might.



With a swift, practiced motion, Alpha evaded the attack and retaliated with a punch to Adam's gut, followed by a kick to his stomach, sending Adam stumbling backward and drop his machete. Adam gritted his teeth, trying to recover from the blow.



"You're not the only one who knows martial arts, Adam," Alpha sneered, his smirk widening.



Adam, holding his stomach in pain, managed to stand up. "Bastard," he muttered.




Alpha's eyes flicked to Sara's lifeless body. "Now that I think about it, doesn't this scene look familiar?"




Adam's heart sank as he understood the implication. "What do you mean?" His voice trembled with anger and a hint of realization.



Alpha's smirk grew. "It's just like that boy... Jacob or something, isn't it? Another friend of yours, another black figure, died with a machete in his head. Just like this women."



Adam's rage boiled over. "You bastard!" he shouted, his voice raw with pain and fury.



Alpha chuckled darkly. "So, you remember. It's just like that time, isn't it?" His laughter was cold, cruel, a dagger twisting in Adam's heart.



The memory of Jacob's death flashed in Adam's mind—a machete embedded in his friend's head, blood everywhere, the same helpless fury he felt now. His vision blurred with tears of rage.



"You'll pay for this!" Adam screamed, lunging at Alpha again, determined to end the monster who had caused him so much pain.



Alpha stepped back, his expression one of mocking amusement. "Come on, then. Show me what you've got." His eyes glinted with a dangerous, twisted delight as he prepared for Adam's next attack.



Meanwhile, Porter and Kenia, still reeling from Sara's sudden death, stood frozen in shock.



Kenia, tears streaming down her face, looked at Adam with desperation. "Don't let him get to you, Adam!"



But Adam was beyond hearing, his mind consumed by a single, burning desire—to kill Alpha and avenge his loved ones, their deaths painfully traumatize Adam.



Adam lunged at Alpha once again, his movements fueled by rage. He aimed a powerful roundhouse kick at Alpha, who effortlessly sidestepped the attack.



"You are really strong, Adam," Alpha taunted, his voice dripping with mockery.



"Shut up!" Adam snarled, his fury propelling him forward. He landed a solid kick to Alpha's chest, causing him to stagger backward. The momentum of the fight was fierce, each blow landing with brutal precision.



Adam's fist connected with Alpha's face, drawing blood, but Alpha's grin only widened as he returned the punch, causing Adam to flinch. They traded blows, their faces contorted with pain and determination.



Adam attempted a low kick, aiming for Alpha's legs, but Alpha anticipated the move, evading it with a swift dodge. Seizing the moment, Alpha launched a flying kick at Adam's chest, sending him stumbling backward. The impact was harsh, leaving Adam gasping for breath.



As Adam struggled to regain his footing, Alpha's smirk never wavered. "I've had my fun, so... bye-bye, Adam," he sneered, turning to flee. "I'll wait for you in the next plot."



Adam, barely steady on his feet, shouted after him, "Wait for me, you bastard!" Ignoring the pain, he began to chase after Alpha with fierce determination.



Meanwhile, Porter Harmss stood frozen, the horror of Sara Washington's death crashing down on him. Sara was more than just a classmate; they were friends since high school, their bond unwavering despite the ups and downs. Her sexuality had never been an issue; their friendship was solid and true.



Porter stared at Sara's lifeless body, his voice barely a whisper. "Is this all a dream?" His eyes, wide with disbelief, filled with tears.



Kenia, witnessing Porter's breakdown, took a step closer, her voice gentle but firm. "Porter" she called softly, trying to pull him back from the edge of despair.



Porter turned to Kenia, his eyes brimming with tears. "Tell me, Kenia, is this a dream?" His voice cracked, the weight of loss too heavy to bear alone.



Kenia reached out, taking his hand in hers, her own eyes shimmering with unshed tears. "No, Porter, it's not a dream. But we have to keep going. For Sara, for all of us."



Porter nodded slowly, the reality of their situation sinking in. He wiped his tears with the back of his hand, steeling himself. "Yo...You're.. right. We can't give up now." Then, his eyes filled with anger, and he added, "I know... what to do now."



Kenia looked at him, her concern evident. "Porter, what are you thinking?"



Porter clenched his fists, the fury in his gaze burning brightly. "I'm going to make sure Sara's death isn't in vain. That bastard Alpha has to pay for what he's done. We need to find Adam and end this nightmare once and for all."



As Adam chased after Alpha, they burst through the doors and into the snow-covered area outside the sanatorium. Alpha stopped and turned to face Adam, smirking.



Alpha smirked, taunting him. "You still haven't given up chasing me?"



Adam's eyes blazed with determination. "Give up? That's not in my dictionary!"



Alpha's smirk widened. "Is that so?"



Suddenly, an arrow struck Adam in the chest, forcing him to his knees in the snow. He looked up in shock to see Three Finger standing before him, bow in hand, laughing maniacally.



"You... you're alive?" Adam muttered, recalling the grenade he had thrown at Three Finger that day, thinking it had killed him.





Three Finger's laughter echoed through the cold air as he aimed his bow at Adam again.



Alpha intervened, his tone commanding. "Stop it, Three Finger. Don't harm him, or I'll kill you."



Three Finger's face fell in disappointment, and he muttered a frustrated tsk. Alpha then turned to him, asking , "Where are your brothers?"



Three Finger's reply indicated that his brothers were in the cabin. Alpha nodded. "Let's go. We'll leave him here."



Three Finger nodded, though his disappointment was palpable.



Adam, still clutching the arrow protruding from his chest, shouted after them, "Bastard! Don't run!" He struggled to stand, but the pain from the arrow made it impossible.



Alpha turned back once more, a smirk playing on his lips. "See you, Adam, in the next plot of the wrong turn."



Adam's eyes burned with rage. "Bastard, wait for me!"



Alpha and Three Finger turned their backs on Adam, disappearing into the distance. Gritting his teeth in pain, Adam knew he had to act quickly. He summoned one of his mini potions from his inventory, yanking the arrow from his chest with a pained shout, "Fuck this shit!"



He quickly drank the mini potion, feeling the familiar warmth as his wound began to heal. The pain subsided, and he forced himself to his feet, muttering, "Shit, he got away. Fuck!"



Adam looked around, the cold wind biting at his skin, but his resolve was stronger than ever. He couldn't let Alpha and Three Finger get away. He started to make his way back to the sanatorium, his mind racing with plans to track them down and end this nightmare once and for all.




Back inside, Porter and Kenia were still reeling from Sara's death. Porter's eyes were filled with a newfound determination and anger. He turned to Kenia, his voice steady but filled with rage. "We need to find Adam. We can't let him died."




Kenia nodded, her own resolve hardening. "Okay Porter."



As they moved through the halls, Porter's mind replayed Sara's last moments. His grief was now a burning drive to see justice done. Kenia's presence beside him was a constant reminder that they had to stay strong, to stay focused.



Suddenly, Adam appeared at the end of the hallway, a grim expression on his face.



"Adam!" Porter called out, relief and urgency mixed in his voice.



Adam's eyes met Porter's, and he nodded in acknowledgment. "Porter."



"Where is that monster?" Porter asked, his voice tinged with desperation.



Adam sighed deeply, frustration and anger flickering in his eyes. "He escaped. I'm sorry."



Porter clenched his fists in frustration. "Shit, what do we do now? How am I supposed to avenge Sara?"



Adam looked at him, his expression hardening. "You two should probably go back home. It's too dangerous here."



Porter shook his head, determination blazing in his eyes. "What about you?"



"I'm going to track them, as always," Adam replied, his voice steady and resolute.



Porter's eyes widened with realization. "Wait, so this is what you meant by revenge. That monster?"



Kenia looked between them, confusion etched on her face. "Porter, what do you mean?"



Adam interjected, his tone firm and unyielding. "You don't need to know. What Both of you have to do now is to leave here and go back home.



Porter shook his head, refusing to back down. "If you're tracking and hunting them, let me come with you."




Adam's eyes hardened even more. "Do you think I'm here for fun? I'm here to hunt them, to kill them, for revenge."



Porter met Adam's gaze, his voice filled with conviction. "Me too! They killed Sara, my best friend. Do you think I can just stand by and let that happen? I'm just like you!"



"No, we're not the same," Adam said firmly, his voice tinged with bitterness.



Porter pleaded, his voice breaking. "Please, Adam, let me go with you."



Kenia was on the verge of tears, her voice desperate. "Seriously, babe, what's going on? Why are you trying to hunt them? I don't understand."



Porter turned to her, his eyes filled with sorrow. "Kenia, I'm sorry, but I can't go home with you."



Kenia's voice was filled with disbelief. "What? You're joking, right?"



Porter shook his head, his expression resolute. "I'm going with Adam to hunt those fuckers."



"No! You can't. What if something bad happens to you?" Kenia cried, her voice cracking with fear.



Porter looked at her, his eyes filled with pain. "They killed her, Kenia. They killed Sara!"



"So what? Are you just going to abandon me over some revenge? Are you just going to leave your normal life together with me because your best friend died?" Kenia sobbed, her voice breaking.



Porter paused, struggling to find the words. "No, Kenia. There is no normal life.... After this, it's not the same anymore. Many of our friends died. Do you think we can still be normal after this? My mind is in a mess right now, Kenia. I don't know what to do."



He turned to Adam, his voice filled with a desperate hope. "That's why, maybe if I kill those fuckers, maybe my mind will be clearer."



Kenia shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "This is ridiculous. Why!!!, why?"



Porter apologized again, his voice filled with regret. "I'm sorry, Kenia. I'm sorry."



He looked at Adam with determination. "Please, let me come with you."



Adam finally relented, his voice heavy with resignation. "Fine. I don't care anymore. Just don't blame me if you die."



"I won't," Porter promised, his voice filled with resolve.



Kenia clung to Porter's clothes, her voice a whisper of heartbreak. "Please don't leave."



Porter gently removed her hands, his eyes filled with sorrow. "I'm sorry, but my mind is already filled with revenge. I'm sorry, Kenia. I'm sorry."



He leaned in and kissed her on the lips, lingering for a moment, trying to convey all his love and regret in that single kiss. "I love you," he whispered.



As Kenia stood there, frozen in disbelief as tears streamed down her face. The weight of Porter's decision hung heavy in the cold, silent air of the sanatorium. Her heart felt shattered, torn between love and the bitter sting of betrayal.



"Please, if you choose revenge over me,..... we are breaking up," Kenia managed to choke out, her voice trembling with anguish.



Porter's eyes filled with regret, and he uttered softly, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."



Adam, standing nearby, watched the painful exchange unfold. His own resolve to pursue Alpha hardened, but he couldn't help but feel the pang of empathy for Kenia.



"I'm leaving you two here," Adam announced, his voice tinged with sympathy but also determination.



Porter's voice trembled with urgency as he turned to Adam. "Wait for me," he said firmly, determination etched on his face.



Then Porter turned to Kenia one last time, his voice filled with urgency and regret. "Kenia."



He tossed a key towards her, and Kenia instinctively caught it, her fingers trembling. Porter explained hurriedly, "That key—I hid it from Kyle because I wanted you to have it. It's the key to your snowmobile. I found it when you dropped it, and I realized your snowmobile isn't broken. I hid it so you could escape."



Kenia looked at Porter, her emotions a tumultuous mix of love, anger, and heartbreak.



"Don't see me as a bad person, Kenia," Porter pleaded softly. "I just want you to be safe."



Kenia's voice cracked as she struggled to comprehend the situation. "You idiot... I still can't stop you, can I?"



Porter nodded sadly. "No, Kenia. My mind is made up. I have to follow Adam."



With a heavy heart, Porter turned away from Kenia, uttering a final goodbye. "Kenia, goodbye. Forget all of this and live a normal life."



As Porter ran off, leaving Kenia standing alone in the desolate hallways of the sanatorium, she whispered to herself, choked with tears, "How can I... You idiot."



Her heartache echoed through the empty corridors, mixing with the distant sounds of Adam's footsteps fading into the place.



The End Of Arc 2