
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

THE_V1S1ON · Filmes
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42 Chs

Chapter 21:Fuck your Conscience


In the early morning light, Kyle, Claire, Daniel, and Lauren made their way to the back of the cabin where the garage was. Their breath was visible in the cold air as they searched for the snowmobile. They hoped the rugged Porter snowmobile would help them escape from this cabin and this godforsaken place, and get them back to civilization through the heavy snow.



Kyle found the snowmobile, covered in a thin layer of frost. "This is maybe the one Porter was talking about," he said, wiping off the frost and checking it over. "I'm gonna see if it's really working." He quickly used the key Porter had given him, inserting it into the ignition.



Everyone nodded, their eyes on Kyle. The snowmobile roared to life, the engine a hopeful sound against the eerie quiet of the morning.



Then Daniel scanned the group and asked, "Where's Jenna?"



Claire looked around, her expression tense. "Fuck, she must still be in the cabin."



Lauren frowned, worry etched on her face. "Maybe she's trying to kill those hillbillies out of revenge."


Meanwhile, Jenna stood at the front door of the cabin, where three disfigured men lay. Their grotesque forms made her stomach churn, but she steeled herself. She spotted a machete beside them and picked it up, gripping the handle tightly.



"Die, you fucker!" she shouted, stabbing the machete towards Saw Tooth's chest. He awoke with a start but didn't feel pain; instead, he grabbed the machete Jenna had plunged into him.



"Let go, you piece of shit!" Jenna yelled, trying to pull the machete free.



Saw Tooth's eyes locked onto hers, filled with a sinister hunger. The commotion woke up his brothers. Three Finger reached for his bow while One Eye grabbed his axe, their movements fluid and practiced.



Panic surged through Jenna as she saw them preparing to attack. She abandoned the machete, realizing she couldn't fight them all. She turned and sprinted towards the woods, her heart pounding in her chest. "Shit, shit, shit," she muttered under her breath, her feet crunching the snow beneath her.



Three Finger, seeing Jenna running, nocked an arrow and aimed carefully. He released the arrow, and it flew through the air with deadly precision, striking Jenna in the head.



Jenna stumbled, her vision blurring. "V...i...n...c...e...n...t..." she muttered, her voice barely a whisper. She fell to the ground, the world fading away as she drew her last breath.



Meanwhile, Adam Wilson spotted Porter Harmss and Kenia Perrin kneeling on the ground, holding Sara Washington's arms as she lay injured. An arrow protruded from Sara's back, and she moaned softly in pain.



Adam approached them, his face a mix of confusion and frustration. "What's going on? I thought you all escaped?"



Porter looked up, guilt written all over his face. "I... uh... wanted to go back and help you."



Adam's eyes flashed with anger. "You dumbass! I don't need help!"



Kenia glared at Adam, her voice rising in defense. "Why are you shouting? Shouldn't you be thankful that we're here for you?"



Adam's anger turned toward Kenia, his expression hard. "This woman..." he growled, his voice seething with irritation.



He then sighed deeply, trying to regain his composure, and looked over at the two disfigured figures nearby. One held his eye, which had a knife stuck in it, while the other wielded an axe.

Adam's fury flared up again. He pointed at them and shouted, "What are you looking at, fuck-faced?" With a burst of adrenaline, he lunged towards them.



Black Eyes swung his axe at Adam, but Adam deftly evaded the attack and delivered a powerful kick, causing Black Eyes to stumble back. Seizing the moment, Adam turned his attention to Six Fingers, who was still clutching his wounded eye. With a swift, precise motion, Adam swung his machete, decapitating Six Fingers. The head rolled to the ground while the body convulsed uncontrollably for a moment before collapsing.



Black Eyes, witnessing his brother's gruesome death, let out a furious, incoherent scream. He brandished his axe menacingly, his eyes burning with rage.



Adam faced him, his own eyes cold and unyielding. "I don't know what you're blabbering about, you fuck face!" he spat, readying himself for the next attack.



Meanwhile, Kenia, Sara, and Porter watched in shock as Adam fought with ease. The sheer ferocity and skill he displayed left them momentarily speechless.



Kenia glanced at Porter, her voice tinged with disbelief. "Do you still think he needs help?"



Porter, still trying to process the scene, hesitated before replying, "Um, well... I can't abandon a friend, right?" He forced a nervous laugh, his shock and confused was evident on his face.



Sara, groaning in pain, managed to look at Adam as he fought, her eyes filled with a mix of pain and admiration.



Porter knelt beside her, his expression softening with concern. "You can't move, Sara. You still have an arrow stuck in your back."



He met her eyes, trying to infuse his voice with reassurance. "It's gonna be okay, dude. We'll get through this."



Kenia nodded in agreement, her voice steady and determined. "We are going to make it out of this alive."



Porter nodded at Kenia's words, drawing strength from their shared resolve. Despite the chaos and danger surrounding them, they were united in their determination to survive.



Meanwhile, as Kyle managed to start the snowmobile, relief briefly washed over him as he confirmed the engine was running smoothly. Turning to Claire, Daniel, and Lauren, he shared the good news.



"It's working! The engine is running," Kyle exclaimed, his voice filled with a mix of urgency and determination. However, his elation quickly turned to concern as he noticed Jenna was missing.



"Where is Jenna?" Kyle asked, scanning their surroundings anxiously.



Lauren was about to answer Kyle's question about Jenna when suddenly an arrow struck her in the head. Her voice faltered mid-sentence, filled with uncertainty and fear. She managed to say "Da...n..i..e..l" before collapsing to the ground, dead.



Daniel, grief-stricken and enraged, shouted his girlfriend's name as he knelt beside her motionless body.



"Lauren!!" Daniel screamed in agony, horrified by the sudden loss of his girlfriend.



Claire, stunned and grief-stricken, looked around frantically as the reality of their dire situation sank in.



Kyle's attention snapped to the approaching danger as he spotted Three Finger laughing maniacally while preparing another arrow. Meanwhile, One Eye smirked as he closed in on Kyle and the others.



"Hop on, guys! The fuckers are coming!" Kyle shouted urgently, overriding the shock of the moment. His command snapped Daniel and Claire into action.



Daniel, grief-stricken but knowing they had to escape, wasted no time. He and Claire hastily climbed onto the snowmobile behind Kyle. they felt the weight of their loss, but they had no time to mourn as danger lurked closer.



With a desperate lurch, Kyle started the engine and sped away from the scene of horror, leaving behind the cabin and the relentless pursuers.



Three Finger yelled furiously as he aimed his bow at the snowmobile speeding away. He gestured wildly, clearly frustrated by his inability to get a clear shot. The snowmobile, moving quickly, looked like their only chance to escape the danger.



Meanwhile, One Eye dragged Lauren's lifeless body back towards the cabin where Saw tooth is waiting, leaving a trail of crimson in the snow—a chilling testament to the brutality and ruthlessness of these brothers.



As they sped away, the image of Lauren's lifeless body being dragged back toward the cabin by One Eye haunted their minds. The snow-covered landscape blurred past them, a stark contrast to the adrenaline-fueled danger they had just narrowly escaped. Kyle's hands tightened on the handlebars, his knuckles turning white from the pressure, as he concentrated on steering through the rough terrain.



In the back of Kyle's mind, questions nagged at him: How had their weekend getaway turned into a nightmare? Why had those deranged individuals targeted them? And most hauntingly, what fate awaited Jenna, left behind in the chaos?


[Alpha side]


As Alpha waited in the dimly lit auditorium, he grew increasingly impatient. His obsession with Adam fueled his thoughts, as he longed to see Adam's gaze filled with hatred once more.



Restless and unable to contain himself any longer, Alpha finally decided to depart from the auditorium. His mind fixated on the notion of seeking out Adam, relishing the idea of encountering him again. The prospect of seeing Adam's eyes, brimming with animosity, only heightened Alpha's exhilaration and euphoria.



"I should leave now and find Adam," Alpha murmured to himself, a sinister smirk curling upon his lips. His voice dripped with delightful intent as he whispered, "Adam, wait for me. I'll be there soon."



Then Alpha walked confidently towards the exit, consumed by thoughts of confronting Adam. His anticipation fueled his steps, pushing him forward with unwavering determination.


[Adam Side]



Meanwhile, after Adam dispatched 6 Fingers, he turned his attention to Black Eyes with a steely gaze. "You're next," he declared coldly, tightening his grip on his machete.



Black Eyes, seething with rage, grasped his axe tightly and scanned the surroundings. Spotting Kenia, Sara, and Porter huddled together, he made them his primary target. With a feral growl, he lunged toward them, intent on wreaking havoc.



Kenia acted fast and decisively. "Not this time, you bastard!" she shouted defiantly. With swift precision, she delivered a forceful kick straight to Black Eyes' groin. He howled in agony, doubling over in pain and momentarily incapacitated.



Taking advantage of the distraction, Adam wasted no time. "Nice!" he remarked, now with Black Eyes distracted by Kenia's kick, Adam swiftly swung his machete. The blade sliced through Black Eyes' neck, cleanly severing his head. Blood sprayed, and the head fell to the ground. Black Eyes dropped lifeless, defeated in an instant.



Kenia and Porter watched in horror as Black Eyes met his violent end. The sight made them both feel sick to their stomachs, but they knew they had to remain strong to survive.


Meanwhile, Adam stood amidst the aftermath, his breath heavy and adrenaline still coursing through his veins. The lifeless bodies of the disfigured killers lay at his feet, a grim reminder of the brutality that had unfolded. Kenia's voice cut through the tense air, questioning Adam's actions.



"Why must you kill them?" Kenia's voice quivered with a mixture of shock and disapproval.



Adam glanced at Kenia, his expression hardening. "They were killers," he retorted sharply. "Do you think they deserved any mercy?"



Kenia hesitated, her gaze shifting from Adam to the carnage around them. "But we don't have to stoop to their level," she insisted, her voice firm with conviction.



Adam's brow furrowed, frustration evident in his tone. "That's why I hate people like you," he muttered under his breath, recalling a similar situation from a movie. "Because of your conscience, everyone dies."



[This is why I hated Kenia's character in Wrong Turn 4 because of her everyone died,] he thought bitterly, recalling the disastrous consequences of her morality.



Kenia's words stung Adam, her disbelief evident in her eyes as she scanned his face. "What did you just say to me? I just told you that we're not murderers."


Glaring at Kenia, Adam snapped, "What do you mean 'we'? Don't lump me in with them. They're monsters. I'm not." His words dripped with disdain, his youthful anger seething beneath the surface.


Kenia, taken aback by Adam's intensity, scanned his face incredulously. "How old are you, anyway?" she asked, her voice tinged with a mix of curiosity and reproach.



Adam, still feeling the intensity of the moment, looked directly at Kenia with a mix of defiance and frustration. His jaw tightened slightly as he responded sharply, "I'm nineteen."



"Nineteen?" Kenia repeated, her surprise evident. "And you're shouting at me like that?" She shook her head incredulously. "I'm older than you—"



"Enough, both of you!" Porter's voice was firm, cutting through the argument. "We need to focus on helping Sara. She's bleeding."



Adam sighed heavily, feeling the weight of the moment. He glanced at Kenia, who mirrored his sigh with resignation.



"Fine," she agreed reluctantly, her voice subdued.



Together, the three of them focused on Sara, who was lying injured nearby. The urgency of her situation pushed aside their disagreements momentarily, as they collaborated to stabilize her condition.


To be continue