
Wrong Turn: No Turn Back

My name is Eric Newman. I was 25 years old, a normal guy who died due to slipping off... yeah, pathetic, right? You hear me, stairs? Anyway, I was transmigrated into the world of Wrong Turn. At first, it was scary when I realized I was in the Wrong Turn franchise, but after I got the system, it's called The Revival System, Now I have Golden Finger "Screw these, I'm gonna kill these sons of bitches."

THE_V1S1ON · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
41 Chs

Chapter 2: Fuck you David

So, after I died, it's really fucking real! As I observed my surroundings, I realized this room was the first thing I saw when I woke up. This is my revival checkpoint, huh? Grasping the situation, I suddenly remembered my other body, the one that died back there.



I asked the system, "System, what happens to my body after I die?"



The Revival System responded, "Well, host, when you die, your body remains there. It's like a clone that died. However, if you want, I can make it disappear, as it's still your body."



I said, "Well, that's creepy. But yeah, you should probably make it disappear. I don't want my friends to see my dead body. So, erase it for me, will ya?"



The Revival System said, "Affirmative, host. Initiating… removal complete."



Meanwhile, the four disfigured figures watched in shock as Adam's body disappeared.


The figure wielding the axe grumbled in disbelief, muttering unintelligible words.


The one with the chainsaw also grumbled, unable to comprehend what just happened.


The figure holding knives mumbled in confusion, not knowing what was going on.


The one with the machete muttered some gibberish ordering the group to go back and take the priest's body.


With that, the four returned to the place where Priest Joe had died.


In my mind, I asked the system, "So, can you tell me about this Revival System? What are the mechanics?"


The system replied, "Affirmative, host. Initiating display of mechanics... ding."



Revival System: Mechanics and Shop Details

Core Function: Grants the user the ability to revive after death.




Revival Points:


Users earn Revival Points (RPs) through activities like quests, boss battles, or treasure hunts.

RPs can be spent in the shop to purchase items that enhance or modify the revival experience.




After each revival, a cooldown period is enforced to prevent immediate subsequent revivals.


The duration of the cooldown period increases based on the number of times the player has died. For example, after dying 10 times, the cooldown might be extended to 2 days.


Players can use Revival Points to reduce this cooldown. For example, reducing 2 days' worth of cooldown might cost 10 Revival Points.


Revival Conditions:


By default, the player cannot choose where to revive and will respawn at a predefined location.


Only one Revival Location Slot can be active at a time. This slot can be changed by purchasing additional slots or using Revival Points to update the existing slot.


Player Status:


Name Adam Wilson

Age:16 years old









Revival Point:5



Shops and Items


In my mind, I mulled over the information. "So, if I died 10 times, the cooldown will be extended to 2 days. And I can use revival points to lower the cooldown and buy something in the shop?" I queried.



The system's confirmation came promptly, "Yes, host."



"Well, that sucks, but I already expected it. After all, this is a fucking OP revival system. It's like I'm immortal or something," I remarked to myself.



Continuing my internal dialogue, I pondered, "So, my checkpoint location is random, huh? But maybe there's something in the shop that I can buy to choose my location, right?"



Again, the system replied in the affirmative, "Yes, host."



"Sheesh, well, my player status is really average, huh? Hm, I have 5 revival points?" I questioned.


"That's wonderful, sheesh," I muttered sarcastically, feeling the weight of my limited resources in this perilous situation.


The system's response was concise, "Yes, host."

As I pondered my options, I muttered to myself, recognizing the reality of my situation. "Well, I can't argue now, as I also have 5 revival points. Should I explore the shop? Hmm... yep, I should explore."



With a determined mindset, I redirected my focus to the system, urging it to reveal the contents of the shop. "System, show me the shop."



In response, the system swiftly complied, affirming, "Affirmative, host. Initiating... ding."


Shops and Items


Cooldown Reducer

Function: This item reduces the current cooldown time by 50%, allowing for quicker revivals.

Cost: 5 Revival Points.


Emergency Revival Token

Function: An essential item that instantly revives the user without any cooldown, providing an immediate escape from dire situations.

Cost: 10 Revival Points.


Revival Shield


Function: Grants the user temporary invincibility for 30 seconds post-revival, offering a valuable window to escape dangerous encounters unscathed.

Cost: 7 Revival Points.


Revival Location Selector


Function: Allows the user to select the precise location of their revival, offering strategic advantages and control over their respawn point.

Cost: 8 Revival Points.


Revival Health Boost


Function: Upon revival, this item restores 50% more health, providing a crucial advantage in recovering from deadly encounters.

Cost: 6 Revival Points.


Revival Resource Pack


Function: Provides essential resources such as weapons and potions upon revival, ensuring readiness for subsequent challenges.

Cost: 5 Revival Points.


Revival Ally Summon

Function: Summons an AI-controlled ally to assist the user for 60 seconds post-revival, bolstering their combat capabilities and increasing survivability.

Cost: 7 Revival Points.


Revival Location Slot


Function: This item grants the player an additional slot to save another location for revival, offering flexibility and strategic planning in choosing respawn points.

Cost: 20 Revival Points.




As I gazed at the array of items in the shop, my mind raced with calculations. With just 5 revival points to spend, I needed to make a wise choice. Then it hit me: the Cooldown Reducer. This gem promised to slash my revival cooldown by a whopping 50%. With this in my arsenal, I could bounce back into action faster than ever before.



But wait. Had I already used one of my precious revivals? These thoughts made me uneasy, especially considering that if I died 10 more times, I'd have to wait a long while before coming back. The thought of facing such a lengthy cooldown sent chills down my spine.



In that moment of uncertainty, the system's voice came through like a guiding light in the dark. "Don't worry," it said, "that last death was just a test. Your record is still clean at zero."



With that assurance, a weight lifted off my shoulders, knowing I could carry on without the burden of counting down my remaining chances.



With my newfound clarity and assurance, I swiftly made my decision. The Cooldown Reducer, I choose you.

With this purchase, I could ensure that my cooldown would remain at zero until I die, maybe six to ten times. That's when I think the cooldown to revive will increase. Well, just a theory of mine. Anyway this was the perfect investment for maximizing my chances of survival in this fuck up World.



The friends were in a room that felt abandoned, with soft lights casting a gentle glow and a bedsheet neatly arranged on the bed. The eerie silence made it clear they were alone. Even though the room seemed cozy, everyone looked worried and uneasy, unsure of what to do next.



As tensions escalated in the room, the group, except Adam Wilson, found themselves in a heated discussion



Jonathan Hudgerson, his breath heavy, broke the silence. "We... should go back to where Adam is."



David Smith, known for his blunt demeanor, responded cynically, "Yeah, and what died there? No, if you want to save that geek, you go on your fucking own."



Jonathan's frustration boiled over, and he lashed out at David. "Fuck you, David, you fucking coward!" His punch caught David off guard, shocking him.



David retaliated immediately, fueled by his own anger. "Fuck you, Jonathan! It's not my fault that geek got left behind!" His punch landed squarely on Jonathan's face, causing him to stumble.



Diane Gayle, sensing the need to intervene, raised her voice. "Enough!" Her stern command halted the escalating fight.



Addressing the group, Diane emphasized the gravity of the situation. "Someone just died, and you fuckers are fighting each other." She paused, her expression reflecting contemplation. "We have to go back and save Adam."



Rebecca Prit, voicing a common concern, interjected, "What? No offense, but he probably died there."



David reiterated his callous perspective. "Exactly. And why should we care about that geek? I mean, Jonathan was the one who wanted him to join us. He's not one of us; he's just Jonathan's friend."



Jonathan, fueled by anger, hurled an insult at David. "You are really, really trash, David. If those fuckers come here, I wish you were the one who died first."



David, incensed by Jonathan's words, advanced toward him menacingly, demanding an explanation. "What did you say, huh? What did you say? Tell me!" His strides were purposeful, closing the distance between them.



As tensions simmered, Jacob stepped in, physically restraining David and attempting to reason with him. "Stop, man, it's not cool, okay? Not cool." Locking eyes with David, Jacob emphasized, "Adam is one of our friends; he's always been, so don't tell us that he's not, okay."



Despite Jacob's attempt to defuse the situation, David remained stubborn. "Tsk, do what you want, but I won't go save that fucker." he declared firmly.



Undeterred by David's refusal, Jonathan resolved to act. "Then I'll go. I don't care if you all don't go, but I will," he declared with determination.



Jacob, showing solidarity, offered his support. "I'll go too."



Jonathan, taken aback by Jacob's unexpected decision, sought confirmation to ensure he understood correctly. "Jacob?, Man, you're going?"



With a confident nod, Jacob affirmed his commitment, emphasizing his physical prowess. "Yeah, besides, I'm an athlete, so I have a better shot at handling those niggas in a fight."



Acknowledging Jacob's commitment, Jonathan expressed gratitude. "Thank you, man. I appreciate it."



Meanwhile, feeling a sense of duty and determination, Diane voiced her intention to join the rescue mission. "I should come with you two," she declared, her tone resolute.



Jonathan, slightly surprised by Diane's resolve, questioned her decision, wanting to ensure she was fully committed. "Diane, you too?"



Without hesitation, Diane affirmed her readiness, her voice unwavering. "Yes, I go with you two," she insisted, her determination clear.



Acknowledging Diane's determination, Jonathan relented, accepting her insistence with a nod. "Okay, fine, if you insist," he conceded, recognizing the strength of her conviction.




Turning to address David and Rebecca, Diane reassured them of their return. "Stay here; we will be back," she stated firmly, her confidence radiating assurance.



Rebecca, expressing her concern for their safety, offered her well wishes. "Be careful, you three," she said, her voice tinged with worry.



David, still harboring doubts, issued a cautionary reminder, his skepticism evident. "Okay, and don't end up dead because of that geek," he cautioned, his tone tinged with skepticism.



Despite David's doubts, Diane remained resolute. "We won't, and we will save him," she declared with conviction, her determination unwavering




In a dimly lit room filled with cooking utensils and the scent of boiling oil, the four disfigured figures hovered around a gas stove, their twisted faces contorted in eerie delight. As they chopping the remains of Priest Joe's body with disturbing nonchalance.



Their grotesque laughter filled the space as they muttered incomprehensible words to each other, enjoying their gruesome deeds.



The smallest among them, wielding a knife, gruesomely plucked out Priest Joe's eyes with a fork, then tossed them into the searing oil of a stainless steel pot. With a manic gleam in his eye, he watched as the eyeballs sizzled in the bubbling liquid, before indulging in his gruesome feast, reveling in ecstasy.



Suddenly, the door creaked open, and four figures stepped into the room, their presence instantly halting the disturbing scene. Among them stood a striking figure with violet hair and eyes, radiating an air of authority –the leader of the group, known as Alpha.



The disfigured figures froze at the sight of their leader, their gibberish words trailing off into uneasy silence.



Alpha surveyed the scene with a cold gaze, his presence commanding obedience. "You should join those four and consume that man's body," he ordered, his voice carrying a tone of authority that brooked no disobedience.



The three figures, understanding Alpha's command, nodded in agreement. Their twisted faces contorted into eerie smiles, saliva dripping from their mouths as they eagerly anticipated joining the feast. With disturbing delight, they advanced towards the group, ready to partake in the gruesome meal.



With a smirk, Alpha addressed them, his voice heavy with menace "You'll need some strength for the game of hide and seek with the remaining survivors,"


To be continued