
Wrap Up ~ MHA Crossover

Daki and her brother Gyutaro died after Tanjiro decapitate Gyutaro whiles Zenitsu and Inosuke decapitate her simultaneously. In pure anger, she and her brother starts to fight, however soon she felt her whole body disappeared into nothingness. The last thing she felt was the warm hand from the reddish haired kamado before she took one last glance at her brother silently apologizing at him. Ya all wondering what happened after Daki died in entertainment arc, well this happened. She woke up, outside with nothing but bloody clothes on her. Warm like a human... Blood running through her veins... Daki screamed at the top of her lungs.

CHRYSAKURA_Cainoy · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Wrap Up

In an alleyway of Musutafu Japan, lay a body of a thirteen year old child. The said child has burn marks everywhere. Her neck is also bleeding quickly, as if it was slice with a thin like rope. Suddenly, the soundless child let out a gasp.

"What happened?..." her drowsy eyes barely see the scene in front of her. However it didn't took long for her to realize something.

"Onii-chan?.... ONII-CHAN!"

She was alone. Again. And there was no trace of Gyutaro...

"Onii-chan!" Daki cried. For the first time, she didn't know what to do. She thought that if she'd died, she'd be in hell with her brother. At least together. But no... She is really alone for real this time, without knowing where she is!

"I don't want to die like this..." She suddenly notice her state. As if she was back in her demon form fighting those demon slayers and being beaten down like a tree branch.

At this rate, she didn't even know if she's crying due to her loneliness at the presence of her brother or dying again. She felt the clothes she have. Which was odd, sticks at her body like they were glued.

"..." It's already five minutes...

Due to blood lost, she would have died right now but no.... She felt dizzy and obviously in pain, but she didn't feel like dying right now. With her unknown clothes and felt weird all over her body, Daki scream at the top of lungs with a little hope of someone coming for help.

Nothing. No sound of footsteps at all. Daki sighed in tiredness before she loses consciousness. 'Finally' she thought, thinking that she'd die finally.

- 11:23

"ERASERHEAD WHAT HAPPENED!?!" he felt the sound of his best friend Hizashi Yamada a.k.a present mic screaming in the other side of his phone. In an attempt of staying alive, Aizawa quickly pull his phone away from his sensitive ears.

"Low your voice down. I'm already tailing him around" Aizawa exclaim. Earlier in the city, there was a call of an explosion, saying that a villain stole a lot of jewelries in the jewelry store. His quirk was able to pull his self over the place which was the reason he got escape from some pro heroes.

Right now, it is almost midnight and Aizawa finally found the said villain which has the said sack of jewelries. He was about to pounce at the villain when a scream was heard.

"Shit, that bitch's still alive?" Aizawa heard him mutter in surprise. Aizawa guesses that the scream belongs to a she which is odd for no one would dare go in this part of town.

Then he heard the man mutter which was nerve racking because he wanted to kill the man so badly, but he refrain his self, knowing it wouldn't be hero like. He just need to capture him and make him pay for his mistakes.

That's it. Using his capturing tape, he quickly moved and captured the man's arms then his body before he kicked the man's head before the said man loses consciousness.

'That was fast...' it seems like he was just lucky that he git escape. For the one who owned the scream though....

Aizawa quickly run towards the back alley dragging the unconscious body and saw something unexpected.

'No...' at the back of his mind, he knew! That this might happen...

In front of him lay another unconscious body of a she but also a girl. She was no later than twelve he presume and is in her teenager.

He felt veins appearing at his head. "COME ON COPY, ERASERHEAD!"

"Mic, shut up. I am in the north, second street, alleyway" Aizawa said before going near the child's body, kneeling and sticking his hand over her neck to see if he can still find a pulse.

He can. It was loud than usual which was weird. He quickly open his phone to call Present Mic. "Bring an ambulance" he said,clicking off the phone before he could let Present Mic scream in confusion.

Her neck was bloody which would happen if her neck is being tied up... Then he can see bruises and burn marks all over her arms and legs.... Her hair's white as snow and her breathe is very low....

Aizawa felt pity for the kid before he hears the sound of ambulance from the distance and footsteps running to his direction. 'Took them long enough...'

Present Mic arrives with the rest of the medics, a couple of pro heroes who were there when the incident happened also join as well. He looks at the pro heroes and kick the villain forward at them.

"Take him away. The girl's here" the pro heroes and the medics nodded before the heroes drag the villain as the medics carefully takes the kid away.

"Shit, what happened to her?..." Present Mic said muttering in anger and distrust at the place.

"I don't know... She was already here, and I was only able to find her when she screamed.... I thought that maybe the villain has to do something about the child..."

"..." The two wordlessly went back to their houses. Aizawa wanted to know what will happen to the girl so he keeps on visiting Recovery girl's hospital. To keep in touch, H anlso sometimes join him.

As expected of his pro hero friend, he did not hesitate to call recovery girl at all. He could have call someone else, but he knew recovery girl could save someone's life instantly. Of course, if that someone has still energy left on them.

Then in their third visit of recovery girl's hospital, an unexpected and eventful happened.