
Would You Find Me In Another World??

Would you find me in another world i wonder as I question if all this effort was worth it. A story about someone who tries to play the hero but ends up in a coma, when coma world a new fantasy mmo for coma patients arrives how far will he go to live a normal life!!

LamoPebblo · Fantasia
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2 Chs


If you fell asleep and woke up in a new body

how would you react? Would you be scared or feel excited?

perhaps you would be curious but it does not matter what you think

because no ones thoughts truly matter unless you hold some significance in this world of ours. Everyone has beliefs and things they believe to be right. But believing and doing what you believe are two completely different things. What is the point of wanting change if you will not do anything to cause it, if you are lucky enough to have a dream do not give up on it make it to the end and surpass it then make bigger dreams.

Like a frog in a well you may be able to jump high but it will never be high enough for you to escape the well, you must adapt overcome and change to suit the scenario the moment you give up completely, all hope is gone, the well gets bigger and the jumps do not seem so high

continuing may be hard perhaps painful but if you do not continue to move forward you will never know what will be of you at the end. Should you acquire the love of your life or more money than you can count whatever you dream will be yours if you make to number One!

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