
Would You Find Me In Another World??

Would you find me in another world i wonder as I question if all this effort was worth it. A story about someone who tries to play the hero but ends up in a coma, when coma world a new fantasy mmo for coma patients arrives how far will he go to live a normal life!!

LamoPebblo · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Unexpected Coma

The room was muggy and dark, the widows were left closed.

A broken lightbulb was hung from the ceiling and fragments of glass littered the floor

The room coated with rubbish and old torn clothes covered the floor

with blood stains on the white mattress and a single light piercing through a monitor

towards a pale thin face, which had heavy bags under the dull grey eyes, lying lifelessly

across the bed.

The heart pumped but the body laid doll like "still hoping to be like the other kids?"

A voice emerged from the entrance of the room, an old blonde woman with a sinister smile a wrinkled forehead and a wart on her nose entered the room.

"If only you did not try to play the hero, you could of been like the other kids, but you thought that you were the main character how foolish. killing multiple innocent lives to save one."

The boy listened to the woman in which he tried to drown out ,but his thoughts were not enough.

"all the people on that bus that day would not be died if you had not got involved, you may have been a hero to one person but you will always be a villain to everyone else."

She left the room closing the door leaving the room filling it back with silence.


weeks later he had been moved into a hospital and nothing changed except for a few visits in which he was called slurs and many things you would not want to hear why the family of the dead, the boy he had once saved had never came to thank him nor the boys parents or anyone. he was left in such a state for what? some sort of punishment for sacrificing multiple lives for one, he tried to forget this but his thoughts would only seem to care about that one situation and how it played out.