
Vera The Avenger of Minsk

It was already night, Vera was watching the places as she was hiding behind the rubbles of the buildings. She has a Mosin Nagant-91 as her rifle, the standard rifles for the military.

"Shit... those fuckers are everywhere in the city. I can't find a way to escape the city and i can't find anyone in this fucked up place." Vera thought, she was annoyed and pissed off.

"Those NaZi fuckers are everywhere, I must find a way to escape this city." She then run towards the dark alley, as she cross the streets stealthy. She was cautious in her movements, she saw a patrol of soldier two of them. They were both females who stood out and hang out to be in the dark alleys on where they can smoke.

Vera then pulled out her handgun TT-33, an automatic pistol. She then aim her handgun towards them slowly from behind without making too much of a noise, until she fired the trigger and a bullet flew towards them and a bullet punctured the head of a female Nazi soldier.

"COMMIES!" The female German soldier shouted, she was about to pull out her Kar98k but Vera was faster and shot both of them.

"I need to hurry and run." She then took the grenades of the female soldiers, and put them in her belt.

She then begun to run away to cross the street again and this time she went into another rubbled house.

The soldiers was alarmed by the gunshots which they took their Kar98k.The soldiers begins to patrol the area as they found the two dead bodies which they examine it.

"It's still fresh, those commies are still near everyone spread out and find those commies and kill them!" The Gruppenführer of the squad shouted which they nodded.

Everyone was now looking for Vera and any accountable forces of the Soviet union. "Shit... they just don't stop." She grabs her Mosin Nagant-91 rifle which she was under the rubbles to hide herself.

Her eyes then landed on the group of soldiers patrolling the area, which her heart begun to beat faster. She was terrified that she might get discovered. She hold her breath to not make a single movement.

The soldiers begun to move around, and they keep throwing the other rubble's of the rock. "No sign of any enemy soldiers." The Nazi soldier stated which Vera didn't understand a single thing he said.

Vera was about to loose all of his breath, so he opened his mouth and took a slight breath, which causes the rubble move around a little which cause a single soldier to approach it.

The Soldier is slowly approaching the rubble, and he was about to clear some rubbles until he stopped. "Let's go, our Gruppenführer would be mad if we stay too long in this area." The other soldier stated that which they leave the area.

Vera on the other hand was sighing in relief, and she was breathing heavily since that was the longest time she could hold her breath. She was scared, but she need to survive this war so she can have her revenge against them.

"For me to be able to escape from this place, today is the best day. Tomorrow is plausible for now, I need some rest before I can continue moving." Vera then appeared out of the rubble's as the soldiers were already gone.

She then goes to one of her nearest base to rest for now, and continue this war tomorrow. Exhausting her body would just be her downfall, for now she would need all of the rest for tonight before she can proceed into her next escape and survival.

Somewhere in the camp of William. He was currently in his bed, as he healed some of his wounds. But he still need some rest before he is finally fully rested and can continue to fight again.

But... he wasn't alone, beside him was Anna who is taking care of him in the process. "To think you would look like that." Anna said with such sadness, she was showing her true emotions right now when talking to William.

"Luckily, I wasn't burn to death." He happily chuckled to make the mood lighten up.

"I guess so, but saving me is reckless... but thank you for saving me at that time." Anna who keeps repeating her words, she was a bit traumatize but she is slowly pulling through that state.

"Come on now... a single thanks was already enough you know... I'm still alive see? good and healthy. After all.... I'm just a person that doesn't exist in this world." He muttered in the end which Anna didn't heard.

"What?" Anna was confuse, as she could only hear gibberish at the last of his statement.

"What I mean is, don't worry too much about it. That was my own choice to save you, after all aren't we friends?" William said, as he could recall his memories from the past in this body.

"Yes... of course friends." Anna said with such sorrow.

"Well, it's okay to feel weak... but never stay weak, the moment you show those hesitations, the moment our life will be in the edge of the cliff. A time for death, is a time for life." He said which he stands up.

"I see... I guess we are different after all... you show no weakness and always feel strong... I admire your courage to speak and to think." Anna stated.

"Thank you." William stated, but he the truth wasn't easy. He was very weak and wanting to end everything at all. Since he feared this war that is occuring before him. The moment he kept fighting, the moment he might loose his old memories of the past and even forget the faces of his family and friends in the process.

He was terrified, terrified than Anna. The memories of his dream was his burden, and the soldiers calling for him to join inside the hell.

"I'm sorry Anna... I'm not that kind of person you knew."

He clenched his hands out of fear.