
World Jumper: Transmigrator Academy

Alternative title: World Jumper:The Strongest Transmigrator Van Brown led a terrible life. All he wanted was to defend a classmate from being bullied, but then he became the target. 5 years he went through hell until he decided to end it all, but the universe had other plans. Waking up in a new world, Van discovers that he is a transmigrator, and has a chance at a new life. Yet his torment isn't over, even in a new world, as he discovers that his bullies became Transmigrators as well, their high talents giving them influence once more. Trying to get into the Transmigrator Academy, the only reason Van was brought to that place, he will experience things that will permamently change him, before and after he gets into the academy. Being trapped in different worlds, dealing with power hungry classmates, collecting different skills and powers and making enemies left and right, Van will go through it all, and maybe he'll eventually find an ally. Starting out with no one on his side, and almost everyone against him, Van must learn to grow strong and get back at those stopping him from living a happy life. From kingdoms full of magic to technologically advanced space colonies, Van will go through all kinds of different worlds as he learns how to be a Transmigrator. Update schedule: Weekdays: at least 1 chapter Weekends: at least 2 chapters WARNING: The novel talks about bullying, depression, and suicide in the earlier chapters. PS. The cover is not mine, I only edited it a little.

Noel_Attano · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
52 Chs

Chapter 14: First (Real) Fight

It was the second day of the third week of training, and the Training Area was lively with trainees fighting and practicing. Inside one of the private rooms, a boy was dashing all over the room, dodging the strikes of what looked like a mannequin. 

The boy sidestepped a punch before striking hard at the mannequin's neck, pushing it back. If one looked at the boy's face, they would see a black eye, multiple bruises, a scar from cheek to cheek across his nose, and an agitated expression on his face.

Frankly, Van was having a bad day. His fellow trainees had decided to swap around partners, and each of his partners showed no mercy. Van cursed as he ended the training session, deciding to linger outside the building until they were allowed to go home. As he walked, Van viewed his current progression with his Combat Arts.

<> Combat Arts <>

Basic Reflexes [Movement] [No Stars]: 

A simple technique to learn how to read normal strikes and dodge them. From the Basic Series. Commonly given to those inexperienced in any form of combat.

Proficiency: 47% (Experienced)

Basic Engagement [Unarmed] [1 Star]: 

A simple technique to learn how to perform normal strikes and attacks. From the Basic Series. Commonly given to those inexperienced in any form of combat.

Proficiency: 2% (Experienced) 

<> End <> 

After training hard for two weeks, Van had made some substantial progress. Not only has he finally worked on Basic Engagement, his proficiency in both his Arts have been raised to the (Experienced) level. 

Planning to keep training in order to reach (Master) level, Van leaned on the outer wall of the Training Area, gazing at the city beyond the academy's gates. Van relaxed in silence until someone appeared in front of him.

"Hello there." 

It was two boys, one was standing in front of Van, his arm outstretched for a handshake. He was shorter than Van, and had an accent. The other was tall, lanky, and Van noticed he had a camera with him. The tall one was dressed casually, while the short one was dressed semi formally. 

Seeing that Van made no move to shake his hand, the boy lowered it, and instead flashed a grin. 

"Name's Eric. Let's go out back, yeah? I just wanna chat."

Seeing his smile, Van had only one thought.




In an isolated area a distance away from the Training Area, Van fell on the ground after being punched in the face. 

'Knew it.' 

Eric shook his fist as his friend pulled out the camera and started fiddling with it. 

"Alright, listen here, you prick." 

Eric called out to Van as he stood up, his friendly demeanor now gone. 

"I'm sure it's no news to you that you're being targeted by the geniuses, what with you getting thrashed around everyday. So today, while my mate Jimmy records-"

He gestured towards the boy with the camera. 

"-You and me are going to fight to the death."

Van scoffed, unsurprised. He didn't take his words seriously. Back on Earth, they always threatened to kill him as he was beaten. 

"Which one of them put you up to this?" He asked Eric as he began to stretch. "Was it Travis? Grant?" 

Eric chuckled. 

"None of them, actually. I'm doing this as a gift to them, you know, friends in high places and all that." 

Jimmy finished fiddling with the camera, raising it and nodding at Eric. 

"Looks like it's showtime!"

Seeing his friend's signal, Eric rushed at Van, who did the same.

Van didn't know how strong Eric was. He never met him before, and he sure as hell didn't remember his data during the registration. All he knew was that he had trained hard, he was pissed, and that Eric wasn't as strong as the guys that beat him around during training. 

This was going to be his first real fight, without teachers, or bullies, or shitty guides around to stop him!

Van kicked, aiming for Eric's ribs, but to his surprise, Eric caught his leg, pulling Van closer before burying his fist into his stomach. Eric followed it up with a left hook, sending Van to the ground again. 

"Good starting footage." Eric turned to the camera before kicking the downed Van. 

He stepped back, letting Van get back up. He didn't want the video to be cut short.

Van glared at him before taking a stance, his arms in front of him. This time, instead of charging, he waited for Eric to attack. 

'I'm better at dodging anyway.' 

Eric dashed towards Van, throwing punches left and right. Van was barely able to dodge them as he was pushed backwards. Seeing an opening, Van quickly punched Eric in the nose. 

Eric took the punch, sighing. 


Van threw another punch, only to be intercepted by another hook from Eric, stumbling backwards until he realized his back was to the wall. 

That small moment of Van realizing he was cornered was enough for Eric to continue his assault. Van cried out in pain as Eric's fists rained on him. His face, jaw, gut, arms.

Jimmy recorded it all with a grin on his face, inching closer and closer to the two as the fight went on. 

Eric pulled his fist back, about to throw another punch, giving Van a second to breathe. Eric punched, and Van dodged at the last second, making Eric punch the wall instead.

"Argh! Wanker!" 

Eric backhanded Van before gripping his fist in pain, the latter taking the time to rest on the ground, far from the wall. 

After taking some time to regain their stamina, the two faced each other once more, the camera not missing a single second. Before they could continue their fight, a crowd could be heard. They all turned around to see the crowd of trainees in the distance, on their way home.

"Are you finished beating me up? I'd like to go home already." 

Van asked Eric in a tired voice, only receiving an incredulous look in return.

"You having a laugh? I don't think you understand…" Shaking his head, Eric reached inside of his jacket before pulling out a knife.

"I wasn't joking, this is a fight to the death. Now, let's finish this so that I can send this video to the geniuses by the time the janitors find your body." 

First Fight!

Noel_Attanocreators' thoughts