
Wooden Evolution: The Evil Overlord Turned Into A Tree

There lived a Malevolent Overlord. After his death, Gods raged over his misdeed. To punish him, they turned him into a tree. But the Devil, pleased with his misdeeds, gave him a system to escape God’s punishment. Meanwhile, the overlord bore hatred, as he felt being pawned by higher powers. Thus, the path of retribution began as he evolved from a tree to an even stronger tree. This novel is also published in RoyalRoad I don't own the cover: https://voidpapers.com/image/144872166706

DefileAbyss · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
2 Chs

「Even as a tree, I shall be the Mightiest!」

"I see" Two branches of the tree twitched, "I see, I see" Few leaves dropped "Fucccccc."

"How the fuck did I become a tree?????!"

The branches of the tree twitched.

"Fuck!" "How did this happen?"

Amidst a forest, surrounded by many trees, stood a not-so-normal tree.

"Such disgrace."

"A mighty and supreme overlord, turned onto a tree!"

The trees had green leaves and brownish red wood.

"Fuck! Lets see, it was a normal day, then I thought there's nothing to do, so why not die? So I died, then… I think I met god."

"Damn, that dust of cloud, dare he turn me into a tree, just because I spoke a bit rudely! Justice! I demand Justice!"

"Hear me, you stingy god, turn me back, or you shall face my vengeance!"

"Fuck! This shit!"


"So, this is the so-called afterlife," He smiled, "Fuck, so white, and peaceful, totally out of taste."

"this place would be better off, if I drenched it in the color of blood," His red eyes bulged. He threw his hands in the air and smiled.

"You arrogant human" Golden giant clouds swirled until it took the form of a colossal head.

"You, supposed to be the so called God," He laughed, "A giant head, and a mustache."

"Silence," The cloud said in a thunderous tone, "You stand here, in the room of judgement. Mind your words."

"Judgement?" He massaged the back of his neck, "Ahh, so you are here to pass judgement," A broad smile grew on his smooth skin, his deep-red pupils expanded. "So, you gonna condemn me for the people I killed or the churches I destroyed?"

"What, you gonna do, hang me, boil me in oil, feed me to the demons?" Like a madman, he smiled, "Did you think I would be afraid?"

The head formed from the golden clouds smiled, "Judgement shall be fair, but for you, I am going to enjoy seeing you suffer."

The clouds shone brightly. Next thing he remembered…


"Shit, now, to think I, would get stuck like this."

He tried moving, but the branches shook only a little—some leaves fell.

"What am I supposed to do now?"

"What can trees even do?"

He could see all around, with a complete 360 view, but of course, he could not speak out loud.

Looking around, there was nothing but trees.

"Ahh, so this is the so-called punishment, I cannot move, I cannot speak, I cannot communicate, all I can do is think."

"Did that fucking god, want me to stare at the sky, and reflect on my misdeeds? Like hell, am I doing that, be it anyhow, I shall have my vengeance."

〚Your Misdeeds Have Pleased The Devil〛

〚We Have Granted You Access To The Tree Evolution System〛

"What's this? Tree evolution system? Lameeee"

"Do they really think, I am that dumb? Whoever this devil is, wants to use my vengeance against the gods?"

"But, fuck, cannot live like a tree forever, to think I would be treated like a pawn," The branches twitched, "Gods, demons, all shall bow one day before me, cause I'm supreme."

"Before that" He gazed at the tree beside him. The trees stood about 1 meter taller than him.

"How dare! Even as a tree, I shall be the mightiest and the tallest." He squeezed every part of his stiff body. "Grow, my mighty body"

The trunk of the trees enlarged by few inches.

〚Total Synergy Consumed. Cannot Grow further〛

"No, no, a few more inches, I would have won."

"Come on, I need more length."


"Lets see what this system can do, if it works similarly the system, I had in my previous life, then."


〚Creating Profile Page〛

〔Name: Lucius Bloodworth〕

〔Race: Coast Redwood〕 [Class: Null〕 [Level: 0『Experience:0/10』〕

〔Synergy: 0.00204〕

——Production Rate: 0.00051/sec

——Consumption Rate: 0.00017/sec

〔Resistance: 21〕

〔Wooden Weight: 6,106〕

〔Wooden Volume: 208〕


〈Branch Growth Level 1『Synergy Consumed Per Inch Growth: 1』〉

〈Photosynthesis Level 1『Synergy Generated: 0.00051/sec』〉

〈Branch Control Level 1〉

"Quite similar, compared to previous system, although the stats are quite different."

"10 exp, I see."



-Absorb Sunlight for Over 48 Hours『5 exp』

-Provide Shade To Those Who Need It『1 exp / creature』

-Become The tallest trees within the surrounding of 1000 meters『3 exp』

-Absorb Water『100 exp / liter』

"Provideee shadde?? Is the devil a fucking saint? Well, whatever, it seems getting level 1 won't be too hard."

Evil Speech Trial #1

"Haha, beware, gods, demons, little by little I shall grow, and a day shall come when my branches shall pierce through your heart…. wait… branches???… no no claws, I mean claws, not tree branches..shit turning into a tree is really affecting my mind."

Evil Speech Trial #2

"Beware, gods, demons, little by little I shall grow,… wait.. grow doesn't sound that intimidating."

Evil Speech Trial #7

"Beware! Gods, Demons, while you savour in the embers of happiness, I shall evolve, step by step, I shall evolve, and a day shall come, when my sinful claws shall pierce your joyful heart. A day shall come, when your smile shall fade, and when I stand atop all, the world shall face despair."