
Homicide in the murk

"And how did he die?"

"He surprisingly wasn't killed by stabbing, nor did he hung himself."


"He was found buried right beside his house. And the only thing strange about him was that his face was deadly pale and had a tinge of pale white colour in it."

"Was he choked then?"

"Yeah, that's what it seemed like it. His facial expression was horrific. The people who found out he's dead body said that it was so horrific that it felt like he went through hell before even entering it 'meaning before even dying he actually died'. The investigation team could not find anything other than that he was air choked. But how no one really knows.."

"And after that day everything went back to normal. However.."

"That's when the unusual activities started occurring right?"

"No not right after that but 15 months after the man died," answered Avon.

"Avon, when did the baby die?" asked Aiden

"Exactly after 7 months of its birth," answered Avon.

"And when did the mother die?" asked Lilura

"After 3 months of her son's death."

"And the father?" asked Lilura

"He died shortly after a month, in September, years after everyone else's death."


"Now that I think about it this Nick guy is really weird," said Aron


"I know right"

"I think it's a logo."

"Yeah, that's what it seems like."

"But I don't think it's a mere logo," said Lilura.

"Then what do you think it is ma'am? a stranger suddenly appeared out of nowhere dressed in a white shirt and black pants asked.

His white shirt was covered in blood.

And his hand were covered with blood too.

"Why are you all covered in blood?"

"I was the first one to arrive here in the morning Ma'am. And after coming here I saw the death scene and then called the rims."

(A/N: Rims here mean the cops we have on our earth.)

"Why were you here in the first place?" asked Liluria

Suddenly the three boys also realized that this man was not supposed to be there.

This was a deserted highway after all. Even if the roads were well developed the road was built in the middle of a forest.

And there was a myth circling the forest which was why people avoided this road as much as possible especially at night and dawn.

And now the time was 9 o'clock so if this man was the first to discover he was here in 5.

If he came from the city then obviously he was present at the crime scene or else it's not possible to cover such a big distance in a short amount of time.

And if he was here before then again it all does not match because nearby there wasn't a single hotel, restaurant nor a house.

Everything about this stranger was normal.

But at the same time, something felt outrageously odd.

"Ma'am actually I was the one driving the car ."

"You were the car's driver?"

"Yes sir."

"Well, why did you not tell about it before?"

"Sir when we were travelling yesterday suddenly my boss said that he had to get out and to do something and asked me and the lady boss to stay back."

"What business would he have in this deserted place in the middle of the night?"

"I am not sure about that sir, he did not disclose anything about it."

"Didn't you try to know?"

"I did sir but they didn't disclose anything."

"They? Does this mean that your lady boss also knew what your boss was going to do in the middle of the night?"

"I am not sure about it sir, but it's just an assumption of mine. She seemed calm and content as if everything happening was normal and preplanned."

"What happened after that?"

"We waited for an hour and a half and then madam told me to go and check where the boss is."

"And your lady boss was alone in the car in the middle of the night?"

"Yes, Ma'am."

"And did you find your master?"

"No sir, I had searched a lot but did not find any signs of Boss."

"And when did you find them both dead?"

"After searching through the forest for a long time I, at last, lost hope and came out of the forest to the place where the car was and then saw that both of my bosses were..." while saying the last part Nick teared up.

End of flashback~

"The whole thing does not make sense," said Aiden

"Yeah, it seems as if the victims already knew what was about to happen to them."

"But I think that Nick knew what would happen to both of his bosses." said Lilura