
Wonder Girl: The Legend of Light and Darkness

Lubna De Lier has amazing strength, even though she is an ordinary person who lives in the countryside with her large family. But fate had another opinion. [How can I be a master of the elements!,] [I am a simple person! All I care about is achieving small achievements.] In a world far from human eyes, in the Renaissance era Lubna discovers an amazing world.... everyone in it is not human! [Because of that unknown legend! I was one of its pillars.] [It is upon me and my team to protect all realms and dimensions from the coming darkness.] But..... who is the villain?

Lubna_Omar_5237 · Fantasia
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2 Chs

The legend of the land of monsters

A life that was neither understood nor believed.

A legend buried in the womb of oblivion.

Who believes, after thousands of years,

that there is a scale of light,

a scale of darkness.

and a scale of balance.

in the minds of the world of monsters or the ascended world?

That legend has been forgotten,

and for thousands of years the central kingdom fought against all kingdoms,

including those who fell and some of them who stood beside... the kingdom of darkness.!

Among the worn-out walls were written words that could hardly be understood...

༺ Seven flames and three centers

The sun, moon, and star

are the balance of the world

They are the protectors of the world

They are the future

When the moon sinks into infinite darkness, it corrupts the world

And when the sun sinks into absolute darkness, the world will perish with threads of interdependence.

Destinies take place and it is.

There is no moon without the sun, and there is no sun without the moon,

and the star is the guide in the secret of the future.

Fire, Ice, Wind, Dark, Earth, Light, Metal. And the elements combined...

will be the center of wonders. ༼༻