
Wonder Girl: The Legend of Light and Darkness

Lubna De Lier has amazing strength, even though she is an ordinary person who lives in the countryside with her large family. But fate had another opinion. [How can I be a master of the elements!,] [I am a simple person! All I care about is achieving small achievements.] In a world far from human eyes, in the Renaissance era Lubna discovers an amazing world.... everyone in it is not human! [Because of that unknown legend! I was one of its pillars.] [It is upon me and my team to protect all realms and dimensions from the coming darkness.] But..... who is the villain?

Lubna_Omar_5237 · Fantasy
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attempt to escape

‌‌‌ ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌

‌‌‌ ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌ ‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌‌The spring wind with a gentle breeze dances, while I look out at the quiet village from the balcony of my room, in the small rural villages under the authority of the old Baron "De Lier".

‌ ‌ ‌He was over seventy years old, despite having three sons, two of whom died, and the latter did not inherit his surname.

He also has two grandchildren, «Serdar de Lear» from the eldest son

and I «Lubna de Lear», his youngest granddaughter.

At first glance, he thinks Serdar and I are brothers because of the same black hair and blue eyes. But with distinct differences, my complexion paler to his bronze, and my blue eyes as light as the clear sky of spring.

My cousin is about three years older than me, but he left the palace three more years ago. So to speak, he fled in search of his dream... as he commanded me - to search for mine as well.

Despite that, I couldn't be ungrateful and separate from my family, as I'm relatively young... I'm still seventeen, not yet an adult. According to my family's strict mentality, I am a weak and fragile girl in their eyes, unreliable, kind, shy, reckless, and I need my family's help and compassion to make my life easier.

In fact, on the contrary, I am much stronger than the average person, in addition to my strong and impulsive personality, but I am very frank and that frankness annoys them, and I also like comfortable clothes that a noble lady like me is not supposed to wear, annoys them with bad manners.

However, all of this criticism was to improve myself for them. They want to see me as they please, they see me as a child! A girl always needs support from her family.!

So.. Quite simply, I felt it was the right time to take a reckless step to change my family's view of me.

I think it would be best if I followed in my cousin's footsteps... Negative thoughts like this often came to my mind... I often tried to ignore them.

That incomplete moon, and the stars next to it sparkling in the curtain tonight, this scene is enough to remove some worries from my heart, and it also motivated me to take that step

But what should I do, will I stay in my place afraid to start walking, or will I rush forward to explore the path. In the end,

I grabbed the handbag and put some supplies in it, and then I put on that black jacket. Without further thought, I threw the rope from the third floor through my room.

[I really hope to find this bright future.]


I went down slowly so that I wouldn't make a sound and someone would come and stop me, and then I would be dead! The words echoed in my mind

[I hope no one sees me, I'm going to run with all my heart!]

All there was a rustle near the bushes, and for a moment of confusion the rope slipped from my hand and I fell hard on the ground. And thank God I did not die! This isn't easy for me.

"Oh my God, why don't things end so easily!"

I murmured in annoyance as I lay on my back, which hurt so bad. I tried to get up and grabbed the bag after I dusted off my clothes, it was good not to wear those damn dresses, and black leather clothes are good and appropriate for such situations.

I took a deep breath and let the words of encouragement float inside me. And just then, there was a sense of who was behind me I heard a close whisper

"Where are you going?"

A shiver ran down my back from that sound. I quickly turned away and looked at the whisperer, who turned out to be...It's grandpa!!

"C-Grandpa, I'm..I'm not going anywhere!...I just wanted some fresh air."

I was really terrified, the thought of him getting in my way and preventing me from travelling, was horrible enough as well as punishment,

though I knew very well his reserved and serious thinking. My grandfather was the epitome of strength and toughness. With his beard and silver hair, and his solid build,

which did not become a hunchback because of time, like most old people, but he was steady, like a palm tree, with a halo calling for nobility.

But the strange thing is that he is now staring at me with a wide smile and there is no reaction.

"Really, and what is that bag?.. is it for a night out.?"

The sarcastic way in his voice made me feel insulted, and at that moment I couldn't help but smile broadly, and then I lay down as fast as I could mumbling

"I'm running away! I'm going away! I'm going away! No one will stop me!"

While I was fast I started running , I was surprised by someone grabbing my wrist and preventing me from continuing..

I stopped and turned while grinding my teeth with a face stained with anger, which quickly turned into exclamation. Is that reasonable? It was my grandfather who stopped me from running..

That's strange!! . How did he manage to follow me despite that speed and how did he catch me in the first place? I wonder if that old man has such a good body?

".. How did you come so quickly, Grandpa??!! .."

With astonishment, he ran away from the question, and quickly ignored the matter and began to gain time to try to escape again

". It doesn't matter, let me travel, please, Grandpa. I want to fulfill my dream. Is it better for you that I remain nothing in life? Please let me go and believe me, I will be safe, please, please, please."

He looked at me for a long time without reacting, and I knew his answer in advance. I quietly deceived him so that he would let me travel, but he refused strictly! So, I had to run away!..

but now he caught me and I'm in big trouble! Nevertheless, my grandfather's response was surprising.

"Then go, but on one condition. You just have to be safe."

He let go of my hand calmly and smiled tenderly. I held my hand to my chest and said childishly, with certainty, making fun of me:

"Don't make fun of me, Grandpa, please! .."

He laughed softly:

"I am not mocking my dear... You can travel now and you can also ask for any help.."

I frowned strongly at what he said and said in disbelief:

"A moment, are you serious?! Do you really want me to travel!?, or are you preparing to punish me, for example!?!."

The second possibility was great for me, because that smile emanating from him does not make me feel comfortable!

"Yes, go fulfill your dream. I will not stop you, and this is a promise. I will not punish you for your noble desire and goal."

My mouth fell in disbelief, in fact his words seemed so warm and sincere that I had no reaction other than narrowing my eyes suspiciously and stretching my mouth out,

"Please grandfather, don't play with my thoughts and in the end you will punish me, be honest with me…you can catch me now if I want to."

I extended my hand to him like a criminal waiting in chains, but he once again surprised me with his embrace,

Since when did Lynn find himself like this!! ... I wasn't used to or didn't believe those words came out of the always serious and stern man! ..

You said with skepticism and disbelief, "But I thought you would stop me, but why?!."

He answered calmly: "Why do I prevent you? Since you were young, you want to fulfill that dream that you have always defied me and rebelled against my words because of it. I still do not know what it is, but.... I trust you and know the amount of kindness and good in the purity of your eyes, so I am sure that it is a wonderful goal..."

Tears definitely gathered in the corner of my eyes. Those were the warmest and most beautiful words I have heard from my grandfather throughout my life.

I have a habit when I cry that I can never change, which is to blushing my face and stretching my lower lip out, so now I looked cute and pretty. I rubbed my nose against my arm and tried to hold back the crying and uttering now.

"Grandfather... I never believe you are the one saying this... You have always been strict and controlling in the family... But.. please tell me what caused such a big change?!..."

My grandfather sighed softly and replied: "I will tell you the truth but... Promise me first that you will tell me the whole truth when you come back And fulfill your dream.."

Now his words were suspicious, and I felt disturbed by that.

"Well, I swear to you, Grandpa, when I fulfill my dream and come back.. I will tell you the whole truth."

He said with a small smile:

"This is good,… I know about your strength…"

As if a snow mountain had fallen on top of me, I couldn't describe my condition now.. I was frightened and confused by what he said.