

Walking toward the beach that is still stained red with blood and the ocean which still washes up dead every few hours I see the man they call Soldier Boy. Soldier Boy appears to be a white man around 6'0" (183cm) tall, clean-shaven, and a smirk on his face like he is the best thing to ever happen. The outfit he has is very different from what I thought Captain America would wear. 

Soldier Boy is wearing a long leather jacket, with what looks to be a heavily armored vest underneath the jacket, a common infantry helmet, and a Domino Mask covering just his eyes and upper face. As I walk over he is surrounded by men who want his autograph and asking him all sorts of questions. Plus there is a large group of filming crew members waiting to the side. 

"All of you fuck off and get back to your jobs!" I shout to the men as I walk over making them all quickly scramble away. 

"Well hello, you must be the big man in charge here," Soldier Boy says as the men surrounding him all rush off. 

"No shit," I say to him while giving him a look over. 

"Want an autograph?" Soldier Boy asks me as his one eye twitched from my statement. 

"No, now I have several questions for you… For starters why are you here, just to film? Or are you actually gonna help this war effort and if you are what can you do?" I say to him with some venom in my voice as he appears to be stealing the valor of the men who died on this beach several weeks ago. 

"I can do–" Soldier Boy begins to say but then one of the crew with him jumps in. 

"Soldier Boy is here to film only and then we'll be on our way," the man who appears to be the director says to me cutting off Soldier Boy. Though Soldier Boy appears very pissed at being cut off. 

"I can talk for myself," Soldier Boy says to the man while glaring harshly at him making the man close his mouth and look very nervously at him. 

"Whatever, film your fake and shitty movie or whatever it is you are going to do, and then get the fuck out. The real men are fighting a war and don't need you fucking bitches getting in the way," I say to them letting out some of my pent-up anger for this lose at them. 

The director's face immediately paled as soon as I said those words, and he looks over to Soldier Boy who appears like he is going to attack me. While Soldier Boy walks over to me threateningly though I just stare at him disinterested in his anger. 

"What did you call me?" Soldier Boy says with poorly concealed rage in his voice. 

"I called you and your team of bitches, well bitches," I say to him while staring him down as he looks ready to swing at me. 

"Soldier Boy! Calm down, please let's just get this filming over with," the director says placing himself in front of Soldier Boy cutting him off from reaching me. 

Soldier Boy gives the man a hard look like he is determining whether or not to kill him, to get to me. Then he looks around and sees dozens of men watching this happening to see what he does next. Soldier Boy then steels his expression before snorting at me and walking off as the Director lets out a heavy sigh he was holding in. 

"Film your shit and get the fuck out of here," I say to the director who glares at me for a second before nodding and leaving with the rest of their people. 

'That is no Captain America… Maybe I'm not in marvel… If so what the hell did I end up in?' I think as I walk back to my command area as they go prepare for their film. 

Later as they are setting up their equipment, one of the crew members walks over to me with a nervous look. I just stare at the younger man who is becoming more nervous the longer I stare at him. 

"If you are gonna say or ask something, then just do it. Why the fuck are you just standing there?" I say to him making him mutter nervously. 

"What the fuck are you saying?! Just fucking spit it out!" I say feeling my patience being tested today with these fucking idiots appearing. 

"Can… Can we borrow some of your men for the film?" the man manages to mutter out while looking at me nervously. 

"How many?" I ask him with narrowed eyes. 

"Just a couple… couple dozen or so," the man says while trying to make eye contact with me. 

"Fine, but you have to ask them yourselves and get their permission to be in it. I'm not finding the men for you all," I say dismissing him as he nods and runs off to inform the crew that I gave permission. 

A hour later, I walk back toward the beach to see that they found the volunteers necessary for their film. I lit up a new cigar and watched from the distance what they were doing. A few minutes later M/Sgt. Collier walked over next to me to watch too in silence as we smoked. 

We saw them filming that Soldier Boy was a part of the Normandy Beach landing better known as D-day. I just grunt in annoyance seeing this as Collier just nods his head feeling the same annoyance as me. During the filming, we saw that they made Soldier Boy look like he was commanding the beach landing and taking part in destroying German bunkers, tanks, and other fortifications. 

"I guess he really is a superhero huh… Then why the fuck isn't he helping on the front lines?" Collier says seeing Soldier Boy actually lit tanks, breaking down fortifications, and other humanly impossible things. 

"Looks like it, though I doubt they will use him. He is more of a symbol and possibly a hidden threat the government doesn't want to use yet," I say to him as I shrug and think of why he isn't being utilized. 

"Leave it to Uncle Sam to keep things for themselves unless absolutely necessary," Collier says grunting in annoyance. 

We then sit there and talk about Soldier Boy, the government, and the war effort for the next few hours while smoking several packs of cigarettes. Then after almost the whole day of filming, they finish up. Didn't take them too long, as they didn't need props and Soldier Boy did his own 'stunts'. 

"Think they will tell everyone the truth at the end that he wasn't there that day?" Collier asks me as we watch them wrap up the film. 

"Doubt it, they will market it that he was actually here and actually did the things he did in the film," I say with a shrug just sighing at the way things will most likely turn out. 

"Fucking bastards," Collier says grunting and walking off as I walk toward the crew since they are packing things up. 

Walking over Soldier Boy and the crew are talking with my men who took part in the film thanking them. While Soldier Boy is signing more autographs for the men, though as I walk over my men rush off. Everyone knows at this point I'm not in a good mood and I have a dislike for Soldier Boy. This time Soldier Boy just glares at me as I walk over, while the director looks between us nervously. 

"You filmed your shit and your ride back will be here tomorrow morning at the earliest. Two things, first don't get in the way of my men while you remain here. Second, I hope you enjoy taking the credit for all the real men who died here a few weeks ago, while you were back home jerking off," I say to them as Soldier Boy looks ready to explode from my constant disapproval of him. 

"What's your problem?! It's not like I didn't want to come here and be an actual help! The fuckers back home wouldn't let me and instead prefer to have me film shit!" Soldier Boy says to me with frustration written all over his face. 

"There is always a choice, you chose to be a leashed dog and stay home instead of helping here in the war. As for my problem, the fuckers in charge are going to profit off this film you just made, while claiming you helped in this war. When in actuality you had nothing to do with it, plus the men who were a part of it, they themselves or their families won't even see a penny of that money based on the fake film made today and the more to come I'm sure," I say letting out my frustration on him and the crew who all look ashamed as I point out the reasons. However, the director looks indifferent to my points. 

"Fuck you! You don't know shit about me," Soldier Boy says to me while stepping toward me threateningly again, with the director scrambling to step between us. 

"Don't need to know you personally, I just know men like you. Fake and useless," I say to him as he snaps in anger. 

He walks forward, stepping through the director, knocking him down as he walks over to me and swings at me. Even though he appears to have super strength, agility, and reflexes, along with training, he was still easy for me to dodge. I side-stepped his strike which flew past me creating a small gust of wind from the power behind it. His anger was quickly rising now since I dodged his strike. 

No one reacted as they didn't know what to do, plus after seeing what he was capable of no one wanted to get involved. While I just dodged each strike from Soldier Boy which was becoming more and more sloppy as his anger took control since I was dodging everything he was throwing at me. 

Seeing he lost himself to anger, I decided to finally hit back. Just as he threw another sloppy right hook, I deflected the blow feeling the strength behind it being more than mine. I then threw my punch, a haymaker which he didn't dodge, either from anger or underestimating me as he was the world's first 'superhero'. 

As my haymaker connected he was preparing another strike, though right as my fist connected with his head it rang his head. He stumbled a bit not expecting the power and weight behind the strike, then I did another quick jab with my left hand. My jab connected again making him stumble more and with one final right hook I knocked him on his ass. 

Soldier Boy lay on the ground groaning in pain and not moving, as everyone fell silent seeing the outcome of the fight. The director was looking at me with surprise and fear the most seeing this. As everyone appeared to be slowly connecting the dots, that I might just be a 'superhero' myself. 

"What the fuck are you all looking at?! Get back to work!" I yell at my men stopping any more thoughts from appearing as they all ran off. 

"Listen here you little bitch, next time you come at me I will break you, do you hear me?" I say while standing over Soldier Boy who just glares back up at me though this time with hesitation and a small amount of fear on his face. 

"You lot are going to be sleeping in the shit box, that's what we call the place where everyone shits. Have a good night," I say to them before walking off, as they all stare at me though I can feel the director's gaze piercing into my back. 


AN: The votes have been counted and Queen Maeve won by a lot, so Queen Maeve is going to be the female lead.