

The following morning I woke up and climbed out of the mess of limbs I found myself in. I got dressed and headed down to find the rest of my men ready to ship out. We then headed to the west to get on the ships headed back to Britain. There we saw the men here to replace us, led by Colonel Millar. I just nodded my head to him as we boarded the boats. 

The journey back to Britain was not that eventful thankfully, as the Germans were too focused on keeping themselves dug into Europe. Once we arrived in Britain my men were able to relax for a few weeks as we finalized the plans for D-day's invasion. A day before we headed out, General Eisenhower approached me. 

"James, come here," Eisenhower says gesturing for me to follow him. We then head into his office here and he makes sure we are alone. 

"I'm sure you heard about this company Vought and this 'Superhero' Soldier Boy," Eisenhower says to me as he pours us some glasses of whiskey. 

"Yeah, I heard… Do you know anything else outside the common knowledge, cause I have some questions," I say to him as he sighs and nods his head. 

"That's what I wanted to talk about," Eisenhower says as he sits across from me looking very annoyed right now. 

"First of all, apparently Frederick Vought who owns the company was previously part of the German research department. Truman pardoned him giving him resources to conduct his research," Eisenhower says while looking at me to see how I feel so far while taking a sip of his whiskey. 

"Ok, so what does this have to do with Soldier Boy?" I say not following. 

"Nothing outside the fact Vought has its hands deep in government and connections. Plus the fact they somehow found this 'Superhero' and they want to send him over here for some shots of him 'Storming Normandy'. Though it won't be until after we take it that way he isn't in any danger. Plus High Command says it is fine since it will help to boost public morale back home," Eisenhower says to me as I stare at him for a few seconds. 

"So basically this guy will be taking all this credit for the men who are going to die tomorrow. That everything about to happen will be overshadowed by this… this jumped up fuck boy," I say feeling my frustration rising for how they are letting this man take credit away from all the people guaranteed to die tomorrow. 

"I understand how you feel, but even my hands are tied. As I said Vought has deep connections," Eisenhower says to me sighing and nodding his head. 

"Why tell me this? I'd be moving on… no! Fuck that!" I say to him as my thoughts connect. 

"We need someone from command to watch over these guys and make sure they don't fuck up anything," Eisenhower says to me as my frustration is rising very quickly. 

"I'm not letting anyone else take command of my men. If I stay, they stay too to hold the beach afterward until we can move on," I say refusing to let my men go to fight without me there to help the best I can. 

"Fine, I can do that. The bullshit shouldn't take more than a couple weeks. I wanted you to do this since apparently this Solider Boy can be a condescending dick and outside myself, you are the only person who'd be able to talk some sense into him," Eisenhower says to me as I grumble and think I might just beat the shit out this Solider Boy if he pushes my buttons. 

"Fine, but if he pushes me too far. I'm walking off and he can go get blown the fuck up for all I care," I say with heavy venom in my voice. 

"Sure, they are already aware we can't guarantee his safety," Eisenhower says nodding his head as we both just start drinking in silence. 

"Mamie was telling me about some women back home who you might be interested in," Eisenhower says to me giving me an interested look breaking the dreary atmosphere. 

"Fuck off," I say laughing at him as he chuckles too. 

We then spend the rest of the day talking and drinking since tomorrow will be D-day. The following morning we got on our ships and I would be part of the first people to storm the beach my decision. I would be the head commander on the beach as the rest of the command would be back on the ships or in Britain. 

Walking down to the smaller transport boats everyone was completely silent as we prepared to storm the beach. The atmosphere was the most tense one I've ever been near, only the sounds of the ocean and the creaking of metal could be heard. Once the command came everyone boarded the transport boats without a word. 

The twenty-or-so-minute ride felt like an eternity as everyone on the small boat was staring at the beach with nervousness. The closer we came to the beach the more men began praying to themselves, with a few throwing up from the stress and a small amount pissing themselves in fear. I stood at the front of the boat so when the shots came in I'd tank some for the men behind me to survive. 

"Two minutes out," the ship operator says to us making the atmosphere even more tense somehow. 

"No matter what happens, everyone today will go down as heroes," I say to everyone as they look at me with hollow eyes, but some nod to me with appreciation. 

Then the doors fall open with the sounds of German machine guns immediately heard and dying men. I felt myself get hit maybe a dozen or more times, though I kept running forward with a battle cry. As men were screaming out and dying all around me, with a few being blown up by land mines or other explosives the Germans were throwing at us. 

I didn't stop and ran straight toward the nearest bunker, the pain from the rounds hitting me not even registering. As I just jumped into the small opening from the bunker the German cried out in surprise but I just shot them. Right then a few grenades were tossed into the bunker exploding a few seconds after I looked down at them. 

The shrapnel and explosion only pissed me off more, as I shot down the men who threw them in the bunker. My only thoughts were killing the men who opposed me and ensuring as little as my men died on the beach. At one point I ran out of ammunition, having to resort to the guns I picked off the dead men. 

Just as I was beating one man to death with a German Kar98k I looked up at the sounds of a heavy tank approaching me. I looked over to see the newest and biggest threat to the allies, a Panzer VI – Königstiger Tigre II, aka a King Tiger. The King Tiger released all three of its MG 42s at me along with a high explosive 88mm round. I felt my body being shredded by the rounds before the explosion took off most of my flesh. 

I lay on the ground in a daze as the pain racked my body before just as quickly healing itself. With an animalistic growl, I pushed myself up, the German commander of the tank did a double take seeing me standing up and healing from my injuries. He then started to quickly command his men to turn to finish me off. 

However, I charged the tank and brought out my claws immediately cutting into the King Tiger. My claws went through it like a hot knife through butter, I cut myself a hole in the side of the tank. The German soldiers inside screamed in complete terror at my sudden appearance on the side of the tank. 

I then cut them all apart, as the commander was scrambling to escape the tank. Though I grabbed his ankle pulling him back in as he screamed in terror. I did an uppercut with my hand while my claws were out piercing through his head and popping out the other side. I flung his body to the side before I grabbed a few grenades from their bodies and dropped them back inside the tank. 

I jumped off the tank back into the trenches as it exploded behind me. Then I went on a bloody killing spree using my trench knife to kill every man I came across. Time seemed to disappear from me as I lost myself to the battle and killing. Right as I was stabbing a man to death, I turned and charged the two newcomers with flame throwers on their backs. 

Just as I was about to stab the man in the face I realized they were American soldiers who were looking at me in terror. I released them and let them go ahead and begin burning the trenches as a few of my men ran over to me. A medic ran over and checked me over but saw no wounds even though I was covered in blood and viscera. 

"Sir, the beach is almost ours," one of the officers from my unit says after running over to me. I just nod my head while sitting on the ground and still holding my now very dull and bloody trench knife. 

"Good, give no quarter and kill them all. I don't care if they surrender," I say to them as they all nod their heads and the command is given out. 

Then in another hour, the beach fell with us taking it over. We now had a foothold in Nothern Europe for us to surround the Germans. As the area was being secured I walked over to the now blood-red ocean and washed off myself the best I could. Standing back out of the ocean, all I saw was the red sandy beach with dead littering it everywhere along with body parts thrown across the beach. 

In another few hours, the surrounding area was secured with the few remaining Germans retreating deeper into France. Then Eisenhower came along with the remaining men who would begin to push deeper into France. I just sat in one of the trenches where we'd make the command center, smoking my cigar. 

"Jesus Christ James, what the hell happened to you?" Eisenhower says seeing me shirtless with my pants shredded too. My boots were also barely being held together. 

"Just killed a bunch of Germans," I say with a shrug as he stares at me a bit longer before shaking his head. 

"I heard about that… You sure you aren't a 'superhero' too?" Eisenhower says to me with some sarcasm though I just snort considering he is not wrong.

Eisenhower then took over command while I just relaxed for the next few days. With the remaining of my men holding the beach. While supplies and more men would pour in every day with them pushing deeper into France. Then a week after D-day took place and Eisenhower left with a unit made up of more than ten thousand headed to Paris, one of my men ran over to me. 

"Sir, uhm… Solider Boy is here," the soldier says to me giving me a confused look since everyone now knows about this superhero. 

"Fucking finally. Let's get this shit show on the road," I say with a grunt standing up and following after my soldier who reported to me.