
With The Sharingan In The MCU

David Blake was hit by a Nokia 3310 on the head and is transported to the MCU with the power of the Sharingan… Can he survive in this dangerous world? Stay tuned! --- Author Note: - Every character except the OC are owned by Marvel - Pictures are coming from my Google Power, AI and Paint - English is not my main language - New at this writing thing - No harem - No System ---

RetMod · Filmes
Classificações insuficientes
80 Chs


My consciousness returned to me and my head felt like some interdimensional entity had hammered a nail into it.

I opened my eyes slowly, but something seemed wrong. I couldn't open my left eye or thought I couldn't, because everything was dark when I tried.

Then I remembered what had happened...

Looking around the dark hospital room, I could see Wanda next to me. She slept with her head on the side of the hospital bed while sitting in a chair.

How long did I sleep? My body feels so heavy.

I stood up from the bed, a bit unsteady, but after circulating my chakra through my body a few times, I was back in form.

Then I took Wanda into my arms, placed her on the bed and covered her with a blanket.

Kissing her afterwards on the forehead made her face change from worried to relaxed and then I stood up and looked at the door.

I could feel the Ancient One outside the room. So I put some easy-to-move gym clothes on and headed outside.

"Ah, it seems you are awake." said the Ancient One while leaning on the wall and drinking some tea.

"Yes, was I long out?"

She summons a second cup of tea and gives it to me,"No, only like ten hours or so."

Phew... it could have also been ten days, months, or years... you never know.

"At least good news. I already thought I slept through my vacation." I say and sip my tea.

When I looked at her, she seemed strangely happy and smiled the whole time.

"Did something good happen while I slept? For a stoic monk, you look pretty happy right now."

She raises an eyebrow, "Stoic monk? What is that supposed to mean? I think you have the wrong picture of me."

I shrug, "Maybe, so something happened?"

"Stephen Strange finally accepted his fate and captured Kaecilius in Hong Kong. But I guess you know all that already, right?"

Captured, huh? Well, he had it worse in the movie...

"More or less, yes."

She let the tea disappear, then came closer to me and asked, "How did you do it? How did you defeat someone like Dormammu?"

"Oh, it was easy, barely an inconvenience. I balled my fist and then simply hit him, you know."

She rolls her eyes hearing this, "Sure and you lost your eye while stumbling over a rock and falling on your face."

"No, I got some nasty dimensional dust in it and then rubbed it too hard." I say and laugh a bit.

But she looks serious and asks, "Will it return?"

She seems really concerned about it...

"Sadly, I can't see the future, so I have no idea. But when he appears the next time, I'm sure your prodigy Dr. Stephen Strange will deal with him."

"Yes, I guess he will." she closes her eyes after saying this, then turns around and starts to walk away.

"It seems that your girlfriend will wake up soon. You should go inside."

"Yeah, I should and what will the unemployed Ancient One do now?"

She stops and says, smiling, "You can call me simply Yao... and I don't know, but that's the fun in it, isn't it?" Then she opens a portal and walks through.

It seems she has finally decided to live her own life... I smile and walk back into the room.


Wanda was still asleep, so I went into the bathroom.

After washing my face, I looked in the mirror. My right pupil still had its standard blue color, but the left was completely grey.

Then I activate my Sharingan and my right eye changes, but sadly my left remains grey.

Well, the price you have to pay for these powers is darkness... I sigh and walk out of the bathroom to Wanda.

Then I put my hand on her head and sent my chakra into her body.

The chakra flowed freely until it reached her stomach area. There it gets absorbed by the little being that grows in her.

I place my hand on her stomach and send more chakra, but it gets completely absorbed, too.

This made me raise my eyebrows. Is it hungry or something like that?

"Mhm, what are you doing?" says Wanda and gets up while rubbing her eyes.

Her eyes suddenly widen, when she remembers everything and she leaps into my arms, while crying.

"David you... you are awake..."

I rubbed her back to calm her down. "Easy there, sleepyhead. I'm here and everything is fine."

"Don't call me sleepyhead, you idiot... I thought I had lost you forever when you disappeared."

I raise her head and wipe away her tears.

"And leave you all alone? Not in your wildest dream." I say, smiling at her.

She smiles back, but when she looks me in the eyes, she gasps in shock.

"Oh my god, your eye..."

I caress her cheek and smile, "A small price to pay, to return to you and our unborn child."

She nods and starts to cry again, but this time not because of the fear that she has lost me....

"Yes, I wasn't sure, but when you reached out for me, I could feel our connection through the new life in me."

Then she placed a hand on her stomach and started to look down at it.

"Are you happy about it? You know that I'm pregnant? We just got together and I got pregnant already---"

By raising her chin and kissing her, I stop her from even thinking about something like that. After that, I flick her forehead for good measure.

"Stop talking nonsense, you dummy. Of course, I'm happy. I will be a father and that's the most precious gift someone you love can give you."

She looks happy and lays her head on my chest.


Wanda stays in my arms like that for a while and I ask her then, "Can you help me with something?"

"Sure, whatever you want."

I stretch my hand out and my chakra leaks out of it and a half-baked portal appears.

"I believe I have found the problem with my portals. My powers don't reach deep enough to penetrate space itself and I can only create the basic structure for a portal.

But it seems that your powers can do it. Can you please pour your energy into it?"

She nods, then sends her magic into the portal and it becomes stable.

I carry Wanda in my arms and we walk through it and appear in my apartment in New York.

"It seems that we don't need Shuri's jet anymore," I say, then put her down on the ground and sit down on the couch.

But Wanda looked a bit disappointed.

"Is anything wrong?"

She walks forward and stands in front of me with her hand on her hips.

"You disturbed our moment to create a portal back home and then you simply let go of me?"

This makes me raise my brow, "Yes? It's easier here doing something like this."

I stand up, grab her by her ass and throw her on the couch.

She giggles and then spreads her legs mischievously. I get between them and start to kiss her while our bodies grind on each other.

Afterwards, I open her blouse and raise her black bra. Her perfectly formed breasts greet me and I start to lick and massage them, while slipping one hand down her pants.

Using my transformation powers, I simply rip off her tight pants and start to go down on her while she leans back and closes her eyes.

By licking her walls and stimulating her clit, I brought her near her climax. But before she could come, I stopped and made my pants disappear.

She wants to complain about it, but I ram my penis into her and her eyes roll back.

"Mmm-ahh..." and she climaxes. I wait a bit and then slowly start to move.

We continued our lovemaking through the kitchen and guest room, until Wanda ended up on top of me and started riding me like she loves to do.

First, slowly then faster while only moving her hips up and down. The only thing I had to do was stabilize her body and let her enjoy the ride.

As soon as I realized I was going to finish before her, I put my hand on her clit and began massaging it. By sending tiny electric shocks and then a larger one before I came and we climaxed together.

She falls on my chest and starts to catch her breath, then says, "Using your powers is unfair. I was pretty sure I would get you this time."

But I only laugh at this, kiss her forehead and then close my eyes, while she does the same.

I drifted into a deep sleep when I imagined I could hold her forever like this.

Hey guys and welcome to the next chapter.

Next 'time', we will meet someone who doesn't like our MC at all.

Stay tuned.

RetModcreators' thoughts