
With The Power Of Gods In MHA

There may be a thousand religions but God is one but his manifestation are many. A young man equiped with a system and the power to manifest those manifestation is dropped into a world of unusual powers which is known as the world of My Hero Academia in this world. The MC won't be like be all end all he will have his fair share of problems so don't expect an op MC who can do everything k I have made another book which will be this books auxiliary and will give .ore in depth world building.

PP_Puncher · Anime e quadrinhos
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Further Knowledge

" However that is not the main problem . Let me enlighten you further. " Said Guru Kripacharya as he stepped in the conversation.

" I would be honoured to recieve wisdom from such an esteemed Brahmin . " I replied .

" The main problem is when such bonds are based upon love or lust . These are weak and fickle things that can change at any time. Even for the ones trained in controlling senses and emotions they are quite difficult to control .

So once they have married and copulated they might start having second thoughts . This may lead to disloyalty which is one of the sins which invites Kal( The Great Demon of Kaliyug ) and sins . It also speeds up humanity's and the universe's impending doom . Not to mention it destabilize's society.

Shedding off modesty like this and having affairs also cause problems with future generations and young children.

This is a slippery slope which culminates in a society only ruled by base emotions without a hint of intelligence or traditions . In such a society the soldiers fight because they are paid , workers work because they are deceived, wise men create wisdom because they get comforts and the money maker controls all .

It is a weak society destined to destroy itself and thus we will not allow the great Vedic Society to be reduced to such a state.

Thus marriage's in our case are not enforced by love or such fickle things but the eternal things . Such as the seven circuits around the holy manifestation of the God Agni in form of flames to unify them for seven lifetimes , the society's approval and needs which may change but will remain as long as society does .

An invocation of Vishnu the Preserver to help preserve the marriage and the different deity's for them to witness and bless couple . The different clans and varnas in are present for them to help and enjoy the wedding .

Helping it survive and thrive if for nothing else then for their honour . Only through these measures have we managed to keep emotions from conquering the general populace for not everybody has the time nor the wish to train the mind ."

So , that much thought went into banning marriages without atleast two clans consent , huh . I thought .

" Now , what caused you to have these doubts . Tell me the root cause and I may take care of it. " Said Karna .

" O noble one , at the age of 9 when I and two of my elder shishya's ( students ) were sent as to observe and train ourselves in other gurukuls and the female side I was almost smitten by a girl. I know not how she was so beautiful nor how she could be so at such a young age . From then on a seed of doubt had been planted in my mind. "

" Very well . Has it been cleansed . "

" Yes it has been. "

" Any other doubts that I should destroy ? "

" O ancient one , if it does not inconvenience you then may I dare to ask why am I having to do a tantric ritual. From what I was told by the living saint of our Gotra ( lineage ) I was to become the next living saint . So if I have earned pity enough to know . Please enlighten me ."

Blood spurted out of Lord Ashwathhama's mouth as he said , " Of the seven great saints our lineage is from Saint Bharadwaj ( Used Vimana and Ayurveda ) . From him came his five children . The two brothers Dronacharya and Garga and their three sisters Katyayani , Ilavida and Shrutavati .

For Garga practiced celibacy he did not further our Gotra while the three sisters were women so their Gotra was not the first Gotra of their child.

From Dronacharya was I born . Blessed by Shiva and given the ability to control all animals lesser than humans , never have the need of food , water , air or any of the elements needed for sustaining human life . I was talented extraordinarily in matters of Divyastra ( divine weapons ) and Kal Chakra ( The Circle Of Death and Time ).

My fate was of an immortal either through Dharma or Adharma.

During the end of the Mahabharata War I overcome by my anger , strength and emotions committed the heinous crime of killing an unborn . As such I was cursed to walk on this land for 3000 years . Bearing all the human sins and my wounds being ever open with puss and rot causing them to fester .

Yet for all Krishna did he too was but a mere shard of the divine power invincible to mortals but not to me.

So even though my divine gemstone of my forehead was taken my powers only grew ever stronger. I as such am one of the purest Brahmins alive , the purest who still does karma ( action ) . As such I bore much of humanity's sins . My bloodline shared my burden but with much of it wiped out so quickly I was overstrained.

You as a result of your condition you were transplanted with Ravana's body. His step mother was one of my father's sister so you too are relatively pure . As such you doing a sacrifice of blood alleviated my condition . Now if enough of your doubts have been cleared then tell me where are the manifestations that are supposed to occur here ? Also you are of far greater purity than a person of Kaliyug , so no need to refer to us by titles for this Yuga . Call us by our names or by our Dwapara Yuga titles . "

" As you command , supreme patriarch . ( referring to his status as the leader of the Bhardwaj's ) .

<Here is a bigger info dump . I know most of you have seen anime with young bosses or their female counterpart . They seem to have people following them and serving for them as though they are kings . Well that actually happens in India , Somewhat .

The Rajput still hold a great amount of power in Rajasthan . Many leaders become head of the states or even the country simply based upon their Jaati(clan) . We have living kings and their descendants among us . For example Wadiyar Dynasty (Yaduveer Krishnadatta Chamaraja Wadiyar, current Maharaja of Mysore ) , The Mewar Dynasty (Rana Sriji Arvind Singh Mewar is the 76th custodian of the Mewar dynasty ), etc . >

" I have arranged for a meeting with people of influence in this land . One of them knows quite a bit about it . We will be meeting them today in fact at the night . They have prepared a party in your name . Their we will get more information . "

" A-a-a-a-a ddoubtttt ssssssssir , hoooow commee thhat peooplee kkkknow aboout yyyyyou here ? " stuttered out t.he 3rd yamduut.

" You speak of valid concerns , speak kid how come they know us ? " asked Karna in doubt ( the actual karna is op man literally pushed back the universe and the four seasons , fate version is weak af )

" O valiant son of the sun , it is not possible for them to posses knowledge of us and neither of our civilization yet we do have a face of the younger generation here . Maybe it is through his exploits that the banner of our glory is raised . "

" That is also a plausible possibility , and if it is true then ask of what you wish . I shall provide it . " ( Karna was known to be a highly generous man , he even donated his skin and his sources of power ) .

" I wish for nothing other than the glory of our empire to be ever sounding and to be spread in all sixteen directions . " I said for I was going to occupy one of the most important place in that empire .

" And so it shall be . Fear not for I have given my word . " he replied.

Ok guys this is it. I got maybe 1200 words . Anyway I am back on track . As for why they are talking in such a way . That is just the way Brahmins are supposed to talk , also was used in pre kaliyug times. After this it should be uncommon . Also tell me if you like it . Gimme some ideas. Also shoutout to the madlads who gave me power stones .

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