
With Kaido's Powers in Fairy Tail

Ryota, a young boy with mysterious powers, wakes up in a strange laboratory, unaware of his past or how he ended up there. Subjected to cruel experiments, he discovers his extraordinary physique and lack of magic. Determined to uncover his identity and escape, Ryota faces the relentless pursuit of scientists seeking to exploit his unique abilities. As he fights for his freedom, he finds himself drawn into a world of magic and danger, where he must confront his past and embrace his true power. First World : Fairy Tail Second World : One Piece Eaten Fruit : Uo Uo No Mi : Model Seiryu MC doesn't know the plot, and he will changes it. I will not add important OCS, and thats all. Not an hero or not a vilain, I would say neutral. Little harem, I have my idea (3-4 max). 1,5k~2k words by chapter Release when I want. Thanks for this fanfic !

Bananuts · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
7 Chs

Chapter 7 : Unexpected Meetings

As Ryota stepped onto the small island, his presence went unnoticed by the workers toiling away at the Tower of Paradise. He observed their exhaustion and despair, their faces bearing the weight of their suffering. While he had little interest in their plight, he couldn't help but feel a twinge of sympathy. He understood what it meant to be trapped and used for someone else's purposes.

Moving silently through the shadows, Ryota made his way towards the heart of the construction site. He encountered guards along the way, dispatching them swiftly and without mercy. Their bodies fell to the ground, unnoticed by the other workers who were too consumed by their own misery.

Simple slavers couldn't withstand even a single blow from him. His objective was the main chamber where the leaders of this Tower were located. He intended to extract information by any means necessary.

Finally reaching the central chamber of the Tower after some little problems, Ryota was met with an unexpected sight. A group of mages, dressed in dark robes and emanating a sinister aura, surrounded a figure who appeared to be their leader. They seemed deep in conversation, their voices hushed but filled with darkness.

Ryota's gaze hardened as he recognized the emblem on their robes, an insignia associated to Zeleph's Cult. That was not surprising, its literally the main purpose of theses guys. His instincts told him that they can maybe give informations about the person who ran the laboratory, the one responsible for his suffering.

Without hesitation and speaking, Ryota engaged the dark mages in combat. His movements were swift and precise, his attacks landing with deadly accuracy. The mages fought back, unleashing their own spells and dark magic, but Ryota's resilience and skill proved too formidable for them.

For him, that was not even a battle. More like a one-sided "fight", theses guys were not even that strong. They are maybe lower members of this Guild.

The fight finished fast, killing all theses dark mages beside the leader. He demanded answers from him, but they remained tight-lipped, refusing to reveal anything about "Him". Frustration welled up within him, fueling his rage.

Torture didn't work either, he wasn't particularly skilled at it. Pulling out nails, piercing painful points, mutilating the body, the guy wouldn't speak even despite the pain.

"I feel like every time he tries to say it, something prevents him," he thought. Maybe it was a magic that silenced him ? There's all sorts of magic out there, so it probably exists.

So this guy had been here... What a disappointment. This Tower was no longer of any use to him. Should he just kill the hundreds of guards and destroy this place? He had a frustrated expression on his face. That damn Brain had placed a spell on them to prevent them from revealing anything about him.



Just as I was about to make a decision, a chilling voice pierced the silence, freezing the air around me. "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" The voice sent shivers down my spine as a figure emerged from the shadows, exuding a dark and oppressive presence.

I could barely maintain a steady breath... This guy had such immense magic, unlike anyone I've encountered throughout these years. Its Brain ???

"Who are you?" I didn't show any weakness in front of him, despite the sweat that had accumulated on my body. Even if I were to transform into a dragon, I'm not sure I could defeat him...

My gaze shifted towards the new arrival, and my heart sank. He had long white hair, a white mustache covering his lips, and a long white beard as well.

His attire consists of a black helmet adorned with horns, a black eyepatch, a form-fitting black top, steel gloves, beige pants with flames at the ends, a pair of classic black shoes, and a black cape displaying a symbol on his back.

Ryota froze instantly upon seeing the symbol. How could he not recognize this dark guild? It's probably not the one he's looking for, but this guy is a member of Grimoire Heart...

He had tried to gather information about them and their whereabouts, but found nothing at all. It's as if they didn't exist in the first place. They were an emerging but powerful dark guild. No information about the master, but he felt he didn't need to search further.

For him, it was impossible for such a person to be just a member. Either he was the right-hand man or he was the leader, as simple as that.

Hades let out a low chuckle, his voice dripping with dark amusement. "Ah, just another insignificant little pest," he taunted, his eyes gleaming with confidence. "But don't worry, I'll make your demise quick and painless."

My muscles tensed, prepared for the onslaught that was about to come. With lightning-fast reflexes, Hades closed the distance between us, his movements swift and precise. Shadows twisted and warped around him, empowering his attacks with dark magic.

I evaded his initial strike, narrowly dodging the blast of darkness that threatened to engulf me. With each passing moment, it became clear that Hades was on a completely different level. His power far surpassed anything I had encountered before.

Despite my best efforts, I found myself on the defensive, struggling to keep up with Hades' relentless assault. Every move he made was calculated, his attacks precise and devastating. Each blow struck with the force of a sledgehammer, threatening to break my resolve.

I fought back with all the strength and skill I possessed, countering his attacks with lightning-quick strikes. But it was futile. Hades effortlessly deflected my blows, his dark magic overwhelming my defenses. His power was beyond comprehension.

As the battle raged on, I could feel my strength waning. My limbs grew heavy, and exhaustion threatened to consume me. It was as if Hades could see through my every move, effortlessly predicting my actions and countering them with ease.

With a swift motion, Hades unleashed a barrage of dark projectiles towards me. I tried to evade them, but they homed in on me, their impact knocking me off my feet. Pain coursed through my body as I crashed to the ground, my vision blurred.

He was just toying with me... He didn't even use real magic. Damn it... Even if I transform, it would be useless. This guy is too strong. All those years of killing, destroying dark guilds, strengthening my power, only to be defeated like this...?



As Ryota lay in the ground and defeated, Hades observed him with interest and curiosity. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of amusement and intrigue. He knelt down beside the young mage, examining him closely.

"Hmm, interesting," Hades murmured, his voice carrying a hint of fascination. "You possess no magic, and yet you displayed such strength and skill. I must say, I'm impressed."

Ryota slowly regained consciousness, groaning in pain as he struggled to sit up. He glared at Hades, his gaze filled with defiance. "What do you want from me? I have no interest in joining your dark guild."

Hades chuckled softly, his voice dripping with persuasive charm. "Ah, but you misunderstand, young one. I see potential in you, untapped power that lies within. Grimoire Heart can offer you the strength and knowledge you seek. With us, you could become even more formidable."

Ryota's eyes narrowed, suspicion evident in his expression. "Why would I trust you? You're part of a dark guild, and I've seen all things that you bring."

Hades smirked, his tone smooth and persuasive. "True power lies in embracing the darkness within, harnessing it for your own purposes. In Grimoire Heart, we understand the balance between light and dark. We do not seek destruction for the sake of it, but rather, to shape the world according to our will."

Ryota hesitated, his mind conflicted. The allure of gaining greater power and knowledge was tempting, but he couldn't ignore the consequences and suffering that would likely follow. Joining a dark guild at the cost of freedom and participating in aimless destruction? Not quite what he was looking for.

"I refuse," Ryota said firmly, his voice filled with confidence. "I will find my own path, one that doesn't involve causing destruction stupidly."

Hades sighed, his expression shifting to one of disappointment. "Such a waste of potential," he murmured, shaking his head. "But I suppose everyone is entitled to their own choices. Just remember, young one, that power comes at a cost."

With those words, Hades rose to his feet, his dark aura intensifying around him. He turned away from Ryota, his attention focused on the remnants of the dark mages. "Continue on your path, then. But remember, should you ever change your mind, Grimoire Heart will be waiting."

Hades didn't want to kill this young man, thinking he wasn't a threat. But above all, he wanted to have him on his side. He was sure he would try to find him, he had seen the greed for power in the kid's eyes.

Ryota watched as Hades disappeared into the shadows, leaving him alone in the aftermath of their battle. He doesn't know if his decision was the right one, but at the moment he want to stay alone. He definitely doesn't have chance, he's been humiliated again. Boring...

Just as he was lost in his thoughts, a familiar voice broke the silence. "Ara, Ara~ look who we have here," Ultear taunted, her voice filled with amusement. She emerged from the shadows, her sly smile sending a chill down Ryota's spine.

Here we go again... Whats the hell this damn witch is doing here ?? She's probably in the same guild of that man I guess. I'm not surprised at all.

Ryota's eyes narrowed as he glared at Ultear. He had no intention of engaging in a conversation with her, especially after what she had done to him in the past. But he couldn't deny the nagging curiosity that lingered within him.

"What do you want, Ultear ?" he asked, his voice laced with a mixture of annoyance and caution. She had become a teenager like him, but always that annoying face.

Ultear stepped closer, her gaze fixated on Ryota. "Oh, nothing much," she replied, her tone teasing. "I just thought I'd check up on the little runaway. See how you've been doing after all these years."

Ryota's jaw clenched, his fists tightening. He remembered the pain and suffering he had endured because of that girl. He couldn't bring himself to trust her, not after what she had put him through.

"You have no right to ask about me," he said, his voice filled with bitterness. "I'm better off without you and your dark guild."

Ultear laughed, the sound echoing through the chamber. "Oh, Ryota, always so cold and distant," she mocked. "But you know, deep down, you're just like us. You crave power, don't you ? The power to shape your own destiny."

Ryota's eyes flashed with defiance. "I may desire power, but not at the cost of losing myself and becoming a pawn in someone else's game," he retorted with a smile.

Ultear's smile widened, her eyes gleaming with a mixture of amusement and intrigue. "Oh, I see," she said, her tone dripping with mischief. "But you do realize that power comes in many forms, don't you? It's not just only about magic or physical strength."

Ryota's brows furrowed, curiosity replacing some of his anger. "What do you mean?" he asked, reluctantly allowing himself to engage in the conversation.

Ultear took a step closer, her voice low and filled with intrigue. "There are other ways to gain power, Ryota. Knowledge, strategy, manipulation... All of these can be just as effective, if not more, than brute force. Imagine what you could achieve if you were to master those arts."

Ryota's gaze narrowed, his mind processing Ultear's words. While he despised her, he couldn't deny the truth in what she said. Power came in many forms, and he had only scratched the surface.

"I won't follow your path," he said firmly, his voice tinged with determination. "But I will find my own way to become stronger, and then kill the guy that I want."

Ultear closed in on Ryota, in poor condition, as she brought her face inches closer to his eyes. One of her hands caressed the boy's cheek.

Ryota looked at her with wide eyes forgetting his pain, had he just been mugged by a caress on the cheek ?? This day couldn't get any worse.

Her smile faded, her expression turning serious. "Very well," she said, her voice devoid of mockery. "Just remember, Ryota, the path you choose may lead you down a dangerous road. Be prepared for the consequences." She just put a smile on her face and taking off her hand of my face.

With those words, Ultear turned and disappeared into the shadows, leaving Ryota alone once again. He remained silent, his mind filled with conflicting emotions and thoughts.

So annoying...