
Breakfast with the Turtles....

It was morning time in the lair, and Gwen was always the first of her sisters to wake up before everyone else. She stepped out of her room and slowly made her way down the steps leading to the living room. She looked around the living room to see that no one was there, and then suddenly she heard a groan. Gwen looked over by the computers where she heard the groan come from, and slowly walked over there. When she saw what was making the noise, she let out a sigh of relief.

            It was only Donnie who had fallen asleep at his computer desk. Gwen giggled quietly as she looked at Donnie's sleeping face. His face was calm, his oversized glasses were crooked since his head was neselted in his folded arms, as he half laid over a bunch of what appeared to be notes of some sorts.  She debated on whether or not to wake him up, since it was obvious that this happens a lot… she suddenly had the urge to do something nice. Not just for him but for Mr.Splinter as well, after all… it was apparent by how they are currently living that this world doesn't accept them just as Gwen's world accepted witches. She then made up her mind at that moment and reached out her hand to wake him up.

                                "Umm, Donnie…" she said as she gently shook him.

            This startled Donnie awake and he fell out of the chair, rather ungracefully, landing on the floor with a thud. He quickly got back up and saw Gwen standing there giggling.

                                "Oh, uh, hello there Gwen." He said, rubbing the back of his head, "What are you doing up this late?"

            Gwen looked at him funny then started to giggle even more, she then said, "Umm, Donnie… it's morning. Well at least I think it is anyways. It's hard to tell time when you're underground like this, but I'm pretty sure the sun is up already."

            Donnie's curiosity got the best of him, and he checked his wrist gadget for the time. His eyes widened slightly as it showed that it was indeed morning.

            He looked at her and asked the question he was dying to ask, "How did you know it was morning?"

                                "Well, you see…" Gwen said nervously, blushing slightly, then started to walk towards the kitchen, "Why don't we talk about this over breakfast."

            Gwen walked over to the kitchen table and then started to wave her hands over it making a thick white fog appear all over.

            Donnie walked over to her, curious as to what the heck was going on. She then leaned in close to the white fog like stuff and blew it away like it was pencil shavings. Donnie's eyes widened in surprise because what was left after the fog-like stuff was gone was amazing. Everything you could ever want for breakfast was there and it did not seem like it was an illusion at all.

            Donnie walked up to the table and in an instant the smell of pancakes and bacon hit his nose. He even saw eggs, ham, and muffins of all sorts. There was a large pitcher of orange juice and beside it was a large stack of buttered toast. Donnie could not help but stare; he and his brothers have never had a breakfast like this. The best that they had experienced to Donnie's knowledge is sugary over processed cereal and cold leftover pizza. It had appeared that the aroma of the amazing food that Gwen had conjured up had woken everyone else from their slumbers.

                                "Mmm, what smells so good?" asked Raph as he turned the corner coming into the kitchen.

            Raph stopped in his tracks once he saw the food on the table and said, "Please tell me I'm not dreaming and that is real food."

            Just then Vicky comes up behind Raph and pats him on the shoulder and says, "Yep, that's real alright."

                                "W-wha…Where did you come from?" Raph asked a bit startled from Vicky sneaking up on him.

                                "Apparently, I came out of your room." She said with a smirk, "Oh and by the way your room is a pigsty so I'll be taking the liberty of rearranging things in there."

                                "First off, it's my room. You are just renting it so don't touch a damn thing in there." Raph said through gritted teeth, "Second thing… who even let ya' stay in my room to begin with?"

            Vicky just gave him a plain look and said, "Uh, I think it was your sensei who let us stay here and you brother who put me in your room to start with so if you want to blame someone… blame brother dearest."

            With that said Vicky grabbed a seat at the table just as Liz and Leo entered the room.

                                "Good morning everyone." Liz said as she took a seat at the table.

            Leo just stared at the table with the bountiful breakfast on it, thinking that he was still dreaming.

                                "Dude, just sit down, it's real." Raph said amused at his older brother's reaction.

            Leo shook it off then took his seat at the table across from Liz. Just then Master Splinter walked into the kitchen with a soft smile on his face.

                                "It warms my heart to see two families joined together for meals like this," Splinter said, "Yet I wonder... where is Mikey?"

                                "Come to think of it, I haven't seen Ana yet either." Liz said, "She should have been down by now."

            Gwen thought for a moment then realized she forgot something. She then proceeded to conjure up a bowl of oatmeal at the spot on the table where an empty seat was and then backed up three feet. Suddenly a quick gust of wind blew around the lair and in one swift move Ana landed in her chair where her oatmeal was waiting for her.

                                "Mmm, oatmeal, my favorite." said Ana as she appeared to be still half asleep.

            She then proceeded to stuff her mouth full of oatmeal only to pause briefly to say, "Thanks, Gwen."

            Just then, Mikey comes running into the kitchen and exclaims, "I smell food!"

            He then took a seat across from Ana and wasted no time in filling his plate with pancakes, ham, bacon, and eggs.

Raph quietly took his seat next to Vicky and whispered to her, "Ever wonder how much those two have in common?"

Vicky just looked at him with a mouth full of pancakes, and then looked over at Ana and Mikey. Ana had already devoured five squares of toast and was on her second bowl of oatmeal, while Mikey had already eaten ten strips of bacon, half a plate of eggs, a slice of ham, two stacks of pancakes, and was already reaching for a muffin.

After finishing what she had in her mouth, Vicky turned to Raph and said, "Yea, so they're both pigs, big deal."

Raph rolled his eyes and then started to serve himself breakfast