
Will I conquer the world or decide to save it

Zombie_wolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

A troll massacre and new companions

Sil left the blacksmith shop satisfied with the idea that came to her mind. "Jack go into the void and get a good attack force made." She ordered as they headed back toward the front gate.

Jack immediately did as told as Scar smiled at the situation. "Rall search the perimeter, if you see any beast or trolls immediately report back." Rall didn't hesitate to sprint forward with all the speed he could muster.

"Scar tell Mona and the other beasts to get ready for battle as well." She ordered with a smile as they approached the front gate where their were soldiers putting up her banner, letting everyone in the city know of her arrival.

The guards seen Sil approaching and made way with a slight bow of respect. "Lock the gates don't let anyone out" she ordered to the soldiers without looking at them.

They were confused for a moment before a soldier with superior armor than the others spoke. "Do as she says I'll go to the other side and tell them as well."

The soldiers moved into action closing the giant metal gate behind Scar and Sil. "What's the plan master?" Scar asked with a toothy grin ready for the carnage that was about to unfold.

"Plan?" She asked with a smile turning to him making him flinch a little. "I don't need a plan. I have to much power for something this trivial." She assured with confidence, making Scar smile once more.

Suddenly Rall appeared next to them panting "Theirs nothing" he said after he caught his breath. "As I thought the trolls must be eating everything in the forest to gain numbers." Sil stated as Jack, grim, Rex and Clair walked out the void with 12 others behind him with most wearing experienced level armor.

"Attention!" Jack announced getting the 12 people to stomp on the ground standing stiff. Sil examined them one by one, 8 were wearing beast gear head to toe.

While the other 4 were somewhat out of place with light armor. One she recognized was Elizabeth the cait sith. Next to her was a elf that couldn't be any older then 15 with a staff In hand. Next to the elf was a vampire that looked 18 or so that also held a staff but also had a sword on her hip, lastly was a human that looked 16 years old with a dagger on his waist.

Sil could only see that last three as children so she looked toward Jack with a inpatient expression, making Jack stand straight up. "What's the meaning of this?" But before Jack could answer the three immediately kneeled already knowing her meaning.

"Please master Sil, let us fight with you" the three said in unison making her look toward them. They flinched under her gaze, Sil approached the elf making her look up.

As the elf looked up, Sil put her hand on the elf's face making her tremble. Sil used Synopsis seeing nothing wrong with the elf, she removed her hand as she asked "are you ready to die for my cause?"

The elf gulped as she stuffed up looking at Sil in the eyes "my name is ash and I'll die for the Dimension Bear faction" she stated with confidence as she gripped her staff "Excellent" Sil side walking over to the vampire grabbing her by the face as well using Synopsis.

[This vampire has been poisoned with a blood spell] [blood spell effects, makes vampire weaker in all aspects and also makes it hungrier while in battle]

She removed her hand kneeling down getting eye level with the vampire girl. "Would you die for me?" She asked with a smile that gave the vampire more courage. "My name is Violent and I will burn for you" she answered with a smile.

Sil stared into the vampires eyes making her smile fade. "Then drink my blood" Sil demanded putting her hand up to the vampires mouth. The girl was visibly shocked, looking over to Jack for confirmation. But he simply stared at the little girl, curious what she would do.

The vampire looked into Sils eyes as she opened her mouth biting into her hand like a happy meal.

Sil didn't so much as flinch as she watched the vampire gorge herself on her blood.

After a minute or so Sil was forced to use mana healing on herself, the vampire pulled away from her hand showing her fangs that grew up to 3 inches after the feast.

"Thank you master, I've never tasted something so… Majestic." She thanked with a bow as Sil patted her head using Synopsis seeing the blood spell was gone.

She walked in front of the last one that was a human boy that was 16, putting her hand on his face using Synopsis.

[this Human has 3 tumors and has abnormal mana readings]

Sil looked at her system message in disbelief kneeling making eye contact with the boy. "Why are you here?" She asked only able to guess the hells he's been through just to land onto a battlefield.

The boy kept eye contact as he spoke in a raspy voice "to die for you, to be useful to the woman who saved me and my family." Sil tried using mana healing but all the system told her was [Error].

She could see three giant red spots where the tumors were. One was in the right shoulder the other was in the left foot and the biggest and last one was in the stomach.

"Take off your armor" Sil ordered, the boy flinched before doing as told. The boy had a tight shirt and pants on under the armor but you could see abnormal bumps on the shoulder and the stomach.

"Jack is their any pain numbing potions?" Sil asked as a idea popped into her head. "Yes one moment." He said running into the void before quickly coming back out handing her a clear potion. "It will only last 5 minutes"

"That's more than enough time, Drink this and remove your shoes" she ordered to the boy who was completely lost on what was happening. After he drank the potion Sil cut his foot making him look at her in disbelief before it quickly grew back. With mana to matter and mana healing.

Before he could say anything she dug her hand into his shoulder using a little bit of the flame of chaos to destroy the tumor before healing him.

Everyone watched the gruesome seen as she pulled out her cursed dagger. She learned how to make telepathic link so she formed one with her dagger. "I need you to only target the tumor, if you hurt the boy I'll destroy you" she ordered in a menacing tone as a soft voice answered her "I'll do as you say master."

Nobody could believe their eyes when Sil shoved the tip of the blade into the boys stomach making him look away. Sil watched as the red spot slowly shrank before disappearing letting her use mana healing making the boy good as new.

Sil stood up with her hands and the tip of her dagger covered in blood. With a simple wave of her hand all the blood flew off her landing on the ground next to her, she did the same to the boy who was feeling himself up not believing his eyes.

"You got rid of a incurable sickness?" the boy questioned in a clearer voice still not believing what was happening. "Of course, I don't lose. Now tell me your name." She ordered in a casual tone getting the boy to jump to his feet with a bow.

"My name is Rocky my lord, it's a honor to be in your presence." Rocky spoke in a clearer voice staying as polite as possibly before standing straight, like the rest of the soldiers.

"Rocky for your dedication to serve under me, I'll grant you a sir name if you want it that is." She assured as she patted the boy on the head who was smiling ear to ear. "I'll be honored to be named by you my lord" he answered kneeling.

"Your new name is now Rocky Road" with these words being said the boy fell writhing in agony but never let out a scream."

After a minute he stood back up with a ferocious smile, Sil healed him once more before making a telepathic link to her dagger. "Good job, I'll reward you later in battle." After a moment of silence a soft voice replied, "thank you master"

She smiled walking over to the armored soldiers "remove your helmets" she ordered and without a word they removed their helmets showing how old most of them were.

The last 8 men were in their mid 40s to 50s, with multiple scars on their face. She went to everyone of them healing them to the best of her ability causing them to feel 10 years younger and also making them even more great full to her.

"Bring out the beasts" She ordered looking at Scar in the corner of her eye, Scar did as ordered as the 4 gorillas walked out with Mona and the chimaera behind them.

The beasts walked over to Sil kneeling as Drake, her tamed king tear gorilla spoke. "I'm over joyed in your presence master." his voice matched his appearance, raspy but deep making him sound strong.

"Good, you and Mona will be leading the beasts that way. Go straight in that direction and destroy anything in your way including the trees." She ordered pointing in the direction of the mountain where the chief said the troll base was.

"With pleasure" Drake answered charging in the direction as told with Mona and the other three gorillas following close behind.

"Rall you will be guiding Rocky on how to be a real assassin, you will travel in the shadows supporting the beasts." She ordered as they both bowed before running away.

"Everyone else get ready to move the trees out the way, while making a barrier on both sides with the fallen trees. Jack do you know of any earth magic?" She ordered and asked turning to Jack.

"Yes ma'am, what would you like me to do?" He asked with a slight bow. "I want you to make small earth pillars every now and again to make the trees stand off the ground slightly.

Jack immediately got a image in his mind making him smile. "Of course master it will be done"

The gorillas and Mona cleared a 10ft wide path in the trees, as the soldiers took the lead moving the fallen trees to the side clearing the path for Sil.

Who went up to every tree cutting it smooth on both sides, so Jack could use earth magic to put them together making a makeshift fence on both sides of the path.

The guards on the wall could see everything clearly. The trees being torn down then pushed to the side where Jack was making the trees into fences, this also made the path safer to travel in the future.

It only took 20 minutes to clear a path to the mountain, by this time the sun was starting to set.

"What do we do now?" Scar asked he stared into the cave where he could smell rotting corpses. "We wait." Sil answered casually as she stood in front of the cave.

Everyone got into a battle formation around Sil with the beasts in front and the soldiers behind and around her. "Jack make the cave connect to us" she ordered as Jack started to wave hand signs, causing the cave grow in their direction connecting to the log fence.

As Jack did this, growling and screeching sounds were heard approaching them. "Preserve the corpses if possible, we have to count our kills at the end of the day." Jack ordered to mainly the beasts ahead but also the the soldiers behind.

"I can use it now right captan?" Violent asked with a cheerful tone getting Jack to turn to her. "I know how much you want to use your power but no, wait for my signal. As for ash hurry up and get some light in this cave." Jack order as Violent sighed and ash casted balls of light throwing them deeper into the cave making them stop in different spots lighting up the entire cave revealing the horde of trolls.

"Wait" Sil ordered to the beasts who were about to charge into their deaths. "Mona and drake lead. other gorillas move to the back, chimaera to me." She ordered getting the three gorillas to slump down dragging their knuckles on the ground to the back of the group as the chimaera joyfully stood next to her bouncing around.

"If ether of you die I'll bring you back to life to kill you myself, do you understand?" She spoke to Mona and Drake who both turn to her kneeling "of course master." They said in unison one verbally and the other mentally.

She looked down to the chimaera as it bounced around her like a playful puppy seeing is owner after a long day. She couldn't help but to kneel down playing with the chimaera like it was a puppy.

"It's probably a little early to give you a name but I'm tired of calling you chimaera, so I'm sorry about the pain, Oscar." She apologized but the smile on her face said other wise.

The chimaera suddenly stopped as it growled looking at the grown. Suddenly it started to grow from a puppy size to a pit bull, it horns grew 5 or so inches making them more noticeable and the snake like take grew longer by a foot or so.

Oscar practically roared as he started bouncing around again with more power serging through his body.

Sil looked back up to see the trolls staring from a distance of 10 feet or so, just standing their staring.

"Jack I thought they were blood thirsty, what's this?" She asked turning to Jack who had his hand cuffed around his chin. "O they are, but they seem to be suppressing it or their under their mother's control."

"Kill them" Sil ordered as she started walking forward with Mona, Drake and the newly named Oscar walked a few feet in front of her, with their guard up ready to slay any troll that approaches.

The trolls stepped back as they stepped forward almost like the trolls were leading them. "It's a trap be ready to fight." Sil assured getting all the soldiers to tighten their grip on their weapons while activating any defensive ability they had.

Step by step they continued to go deeper into the cave with the balls of light following making everything easy to see.

After going about 30 feet into the cave a deep ominous voice sounding like multiple voices speaking at once. "Strong one, what is your business here?"

Sil smiled as she answered "I'm here to exterminate trolls." The trolls immediately started screaming and drooling as they swung their arms.

"Displeasing, can you reconsider?" The deep voice asked as Sil scoffed "did you know it's disrespectful to speak to me without showing yourself."

"My apologies" suddenly they trolls made way for a much bigger troll who had to slouch in the cave. Approaching Sil they could see its three heads and a muscular body with beast gear on here and there.

"That's better, Now tell me what I would gain for reconsidering." She asked with confidence in her words making some of the trolls shiver.

After a moment of silence the troll asked "what do you want to let us live in peace" he asked causing Sil smiled wildly before busting out into laughter. "What dose peace mean to beasts who eats everything in their wake?"

The troll growled in displeasure "I do not eat needlessly. It's that female troll making all these children. I have no say in the matter" he tried to speak as clearly as possible.

"I'll make you a one time offer. If you go into my world and listen to my rules, I'll feed you and even grant you a name." She offered pulling out the cursed dagger from behind her.

She suddenly switched to her Demon save flooding the cave with ominous mana and feeding the dagger as much as possible making it grow up to 8ft ripping like a raging ocean.

The troll watched in awe as he approached slowly before kneeling, "I accept your offer, my lord" the smaller trolls started screaming charging at the troll who was kneeling.

Mona, Drake, Rocky and Rall stopped the first ones by putting a hole in their chest, ether with a sword or a fist. In Mona's case it was her spiked, grasping forelegs better know as raptoriales.

"Your name is Grod" Sil stated as Grod fell to the floor unconscious. "Put him into the void and let the slaughter begin!" She shouted the last part getting her soldiers and beast to charge forward into the fray of battle.

With a swipe of Mona's raptorial she would knock three trolls into the horde making a lot fall over as Drake used all 8 of his arms to crush and punch the trolls to death. While Oscar dogged attacks to bite them with his venomous tale.

In the shadow of Mona and Drake were Rocky and wall killing anything that got close enough to their shadows. Grim lead the soldiers into the horde with a circle formation clearing they way.

Sil suddenly turned around to the three advanced tear gorillas. "You three will be collecting all the corpses and putting them into the void." She ordered making them smile getting to work, glad they could be useful.

After 5 minutes or so the horde was still endless.

"Everyone fall back." Sil ordered as she pulled out her cursed dagger. Nobody question her order as they fell back, standing behind her.

As the horde approached, frothing at the mouth. Sil never left her Demon save from earlier so she was still brimming with power.

She poured a endless amount of mana into the cursed dagger making it grow to 8ft once more as the scales crept up her arm stopping at the shoulder with a spike pointed behind.

She connected a telepathic like to her dagger "whatever you touch, drain everything from them" with this order the dagger started oozing out a thick fog that continued forward. "Of course master" a powerful female voice answered timidly.

When the fog contacted with the trolls they started screaming and charging in faster. Sil brought out her mana dagger at the same time the trolls got into striking distance, she swung both blades down clearing a path, with troll meat flying through the air.

She charged into the middle of the horde slashing and spinning killing 16 trolls with each swing, she carved through the horde like a demon with no remorse and even smiled while doing so.

Everyone watched blood and the occasional head or arm fly but it was mainly blood. Sil decided this was the best time to try something new.

She jumped backwards, regrouping with her companions. Everyone watched as Sil brought her cursed dagger to her left shoulder slashing it to the right, the dagger made a sound as it cut through the air but nothing happened.

She did this again but the second time a thin line was left behind for a second before disappearing. She did this action once more, this time the line was as wide as the cave as it moved forward.

Sil got a system message as she accomplished this.

[New skill learned Phantom slash/ leaves a after Image of your strike that's just as deadly]

She smiled as the phantom slash connected to the trolls on the front line cutting them all in half. She continued to use this to clear the horde as everyone followed helping scar put the corpses into the void.

After 5 minutes they entered a opening in the cave with crystals on the roof lighting the cave revealing two throws in the back, with a 8ft hideous angry female troll standing in front of the throne.

It wasn't just the female troll, she had much bigger trolls standing below her all standing at 6 to 8ft tall clearly adult trolls. 60 adult trolls all awaiting their mothers orders.

"You vile witch, killing all my children and taking my mate from me!" The troll screeched in anger as Sil casually approached the adult trolls using her phantom slash repeatedly killing a few making the troll even more furious.

"Kill them!" She shouted to the trolls who immediately changed at Sil without fear for their life's.

Sil smiled as she pointed her dagger toward them "die" she said with a smile, suddenly a blast of mana left the tip of her blade like a bomb killing 6 of the charging trolls, with Sil only slight injuries.

She did this a couple more times gaining another skill.

[Mana Bomb: cast a unstable mana ball that explodes on contact]

She wanted to use her new skills to their fullest power, so she started slashing with the mana dagger causing phantom slashes to cover the field as she threw out mana bombs with the cursed dagger.

Everyone watched as explosions kept flying from Sils dagger causing clouds of dust to cloud thier vision.

Sils laugh echoed through the cave as she suddenly waved her dagger, making telekinesis clear the room of dust revealing a female troll with a face of pure disbelief with 10 adult trolls left.

Sils group smiled at the site barely able to hold their excitement. "Rall, Rocky, grim finish the rest, I'm going for the big one." She ordered walking forward with a smile that looked like death from the female trolls point of view.

With a roar the mother troll turned around and ran down a cave behind the thrones. Sil started running after the troll, instead of going around the hand made thrones she slashed through them as she followed into the cave.

Jack looked around before putting a hand on his chin "I'm going to join her, your in charge don't forget to plunder the cave for good items." Jack said to Scar who looked bored out his mind, "do what you will, I'll keep collecting." He answered with a wave of his paw.

Jack started flouting before quickly flying after Sil, the soldiers all stood behind Scar as they watched the fight between the remaining tolls and Rall, Grim and Rocky.

Suddenly Scar got a amazing idea, "stop!" He shouted at Rall, Grim and Rocky getting them to immediately retreat. "What is it lord Scar?" Rall asked getting Scar to smile. "I want them alive, I'll use them as training puppets and cannon fodder."

The three looked at Scar in disbelief but quickly bowed, "if that's want you want then, I'll be done" Rall answered with a bow making the two next to him bow as well, as they turned to the approaching trolls.

The reason Rall showed so much respect was because of Scars void space skill, and because he knew Sil wouldn't stand for someone disrespecting him.

Sil on the other hand caught up to the female troll using phantom slash to cover the cave causing the mother troll to go into despair.

With a scream the trolls body was covered in deep cuts as she turned to Sil knowing she couldn't out run this opponent.

Suddenly the troll started crying with anger "NOW YOU'VE DONE IT." The troll roared out as her body started to change and growing as her fingers got sharper and longer.

Suddenly Jack caught up standing behind Sil "master, she's exchanging life force for power." Jack explained as he flouted behind her.

"No matter. Will she explode or anything like that?" She asked as she watched the troll transform. "No ma'am, she will only gain muscle mass, even her mana will stay the same." He explained getting her to smile again as the trolls transformation was complete.

The troll grew 3ft now standing at 11ft tall, barely able to stand inside the cave that got larger without them noticing. With her arms and legs growing longer with her fingers and toes making her have more reach then before.

The troll roared once more as she charged in with hatred in her eyes as she foamed out the mouth. Sil pointed her dagger at the troll, making the troll remember what that means.

The troll ducked covering all her important body parts and waited for the explosion. But nothing happened, removing her hands from her eyes Sil was standing only a couple feet away with her dagger pointed at the trolls face.

"Surprise" Sil said as she let out a mana bomb making it connect to the trolls face. Sil was knocked back from the explosion but quickly landed and charged back in.

The trolls ears were ringing with one of her eyes missing with most of her face. She slashed out in anger connecting her slash to Sils cured dagger knocking her away once more.

Sil smiled as she felt the trolls mana and life force enter the blade. Sil threw out phantom slashed as she charged in behind them, the troll could barely see she so tried ducking under the slashed forgetting she grew after her transformation.

The phantom slashes tore apart the trolls back and legs, but Sil was only a couple feet away making the troll think.

Suddenly he he troll screamed with immense force leaving her mouth pushing Sil back a little, as mana spear came out of nowhere going straight into the throat of the troll.

The only sound the troll could make now was a gurgling sound, as Sil charged in taking the trolls head before she could think of another way to prolong her life.

Sil bent down grabbing the troll heads before heading back to her group. Jack could only smile after watching the troll get beheaded and swiftly snatched up, all he seen the head as was a bag of gold.

After a short run back the rest of the group was collecting things here and there. "Did you get everything?" She asked looking at Scar was was smiling happily, "yes. please take a look"

Sil walked into the void to see something that was very unexpected. Their were 10 adult trolls flouting, flailing and trying their best to get to solid ground but it was futile.

On the ground below them was some low tear amor and weapon with good about of gold and silver coins. "How much is here?" She asked looking at the small pile of coins" Scars voice was terrifying to the trolls making them freeze on the spot "126 gold coins and 342 silver coins."

Sil smiled as she walked toward one of the trolls "bring this one to me"she ordered as the troll that was terrified flouted down to her stiff as a statue.

She put her hand on the trolls head using mana taming, but as she expected it gave her a Error.

"Let me out" she ordered letting go of the troll walking through a door that lead back into the cave.

Everyone awaited for her return standing to the side. "Everyone did a great job, but we're not done yet. Rall, Rocky go take another look around the woods for any beast or monsters. Everyone else behind me." She ordered with her voice echoing though the cave making her seem more demanding.

"Yes ma'am" they said in unison as Sil lead the way out the cave and back into the pitch black forest.

Sil snapped her fingers a couple times getting everyone's attention, "ash was it? Light the way" Sil was barely able to remember her name. Ash immediately casted the spell from before lightning up the path.

They were able to see torches on top of the wall from their positions, but Sil wanted to show the soldiers they were out so they tell the chief before hand.

As expected Rall and Rocky quickly returned panting "all clear" they said in unison as they bowed slightly.

"You two rest in the void, go talk to the fire witch and get some recovery potions." She ordered getting them to bow once more before quickly running into the void.

The group stood in front of the closed gates of the city as they slowly opened for them. Sil didn't notice but her nice clothes were now dirty with blood spots here and there.

This proved that Sil wasn't just standing behind her soldiers, who followed close behind her who were also dirty with blood on them.

The gates fully opened with the chief and most of the city people behind him with guards holding back the civilians preventing them from barging out the gate.

Chief Bon was about to speak but Sil quickly rose her hand. "We have a problem come look." She said in a demanding tone getting the chief Bon to shiver but quickly followed.

"Scar" she said looking over to him, who immediately started dropping trolls corpses into a pile before he stopped at 30 to make another pile.

"You gave me your most recent numbers on these trolls and I remember them exactly, 40 young trolls with at least 10 adult trolls. Their mother who is abnormally tall and strong with the ability to control all the trolls at will. Lastly the father who has three heads letting him wield 3 elements. Yes?" She asked as the bodies kept getting piled into multiple piles of just regular trolls.

The chief was visibly sweating as he nodded "y..yes ma'am. My apolo" but before he could apologize he was cut off once more. "Now since I have your attention, I'll make my demands." She said walking over to Scar. "Let him out and give me her head"

Scar immediately stopped as a giant arm reached out from his back grabbing the ground pulling himself out. The male troll Sil made a agreement with and gave the name Grod crawled out having grown another two feet making him 10ft tall and also gaining another head.

The chief and his men were shaking like leafs in a storm. "This troll belongs to me now and you will have no arguments on the matter. Right?" She asked with a sinister edge to her voice making the chief nod like a starving chicken.

Scar stood next to her with the female trolls head hand handing it to Sil, who threw it at the chief who swiftly dogged it making hit a chest plate of a soldier. "Back to what you were doing." She said to Scar who started piling up the corpses once more.

The chief and his men stared at the troll head on the ground with a sigh of relief. "Now what can you give me to accommodate for your incompetence?"she asked snapping the chief back into reality.

The chief look at the head on the grown then to Grod then to the corpses that kept piling up. "We.. we can't" he said in defeat, causing Sil to smile wildly. "Good" she said with this smile making everyone shiver.

Sil sighed a contract with the king of forge theft, this contract can make a telepathic link that could connect to the king if they were close enough.

Sil tapped on this link that felt like a memory and a voice was heard in her head. "Lady Sil Its a pleaser to speak with you again so soon, what do you want to discuss?" Roger the king of forge theft asked.

"Yes king Roger, I'm here at the small city of forge pass and I just completed a Troll bounty and they can not reward me." She answered straight to the point getting a confused look from the chief and the soldiers behind him.

"One moment." He said nonchalantly as a portal appeared next to everyone letting the king walk out of it looking very displeased at the chief before looking on the grow next to him seeing the female tells head, then to Grod that made him look twice then finally to the body's on the ground they were still being piled up.

"I understand. I'll personally reward you please give me exact numbers of your kills and I'll reward you properly." Roger said after he calmed himself.

Sil smiled and handed him a paper. "This was the original bounty the chief gave me." The chief was visibly sweating once more as the king carefully read the paper.

"I see so you want to be compensated for the lack of proper report?" He asked looking at Sil who was smiling and nodded to confirm. "Chief you have got me in a peculiar situation." He said as he walked over to the troll "what are your elements?" He asked staring at the troll who looked toward Sil for confirmation, she smiled and nodded.

The trolls head spoke left to right. "Fire, ice, acid, fire" the king nodded a couple time before making his spider chair walk over to the troll corpses. "How manny?" He asked looking at Scar who smiled seeing the king. "I put them in piles of 30" he answered making the king look at the 10piles of regular trolls then at the 2 piles of adult trolls.

"300 regular trolls with 60 adult trolls with a mother trolls head and a four headed troll." He muttered to himself as he walked back toward Sil. "What do you want anything in particular?" He asked lowing his spider back toward the ground.

"Gold will be fine by me, I'll be able to get what I want that way." She answered nonchalantly as the king started to thinking. "5 gold per troll, 8 per adult troll, 170 gold for the troll mother and 200 gold for the the 4 headed troll. Dose that sound good?" He asked after doing the math.

"I'm sure that number is odd you can round it up for me right?" She asked with a smile that made Roger smile. "Yes it's 1350 I'll give you a extra 650 gold for you swift execution of the trolls and to compensate for the lack of a proper report." He answered with a smile as he made a box of gold fall from a portal landing in front of Scar that held 2000 gold coins.

"Chief you must also put her banner next to mine to show her influence in my kingdom." The king ordered turning to the chief who nodded before bowing.

"One last thing lady Sil, my kingdom might be attacked by vampires and I might need your assistance so please await for my call." He said getting Sil to raise a eyebrow. "Vampires huh? I have a skill that could help you with mana consumption and also allow me to track you were ever you are. If you like that is."

Now it was the kings turn to raise a eyebrow. "Very interesting, please do so." He said without hesitation holding out his hand to Sil, who put a finger in his palm activating mana transceiver and mana tracking.

The king hand had a weird feeling for a moment before it returned to normal. "Thank you lady Sil, I must get back now was that all?" He asked as a portal appeared next to him.

"Yes, but I was wandering if I had free rain to recruit anyone I want." She asked getting the king to smile. "But of course, we're both on the same side so do as you will. I must be going have a good day lady Sil. "You to" she answered back with a smile as the king disappeared from site letting everyone sigh in relief.

"It looks like our business is done here. Let me through I have a couple things to pick up." She ordered snapping the chief out his daze, he bowed "of course, clear the way." He added looking back to the soldiers who swiftly moved into action making a path through the city's people.

Sil immediately stopped seeing Rosa in the crowd. "Come with me" she ordered looking in the eyes of the orc making her shiver, but quickly stood to Sil's side.

"My father isn't going to believe this." Rosa muttered, facepalming. "And why is that?" Sil asked as she kept walking not looking toward Rosa.

"My father is a very stubborn man, it's probably the reason mother left to the kingdom of white run." She answered as they approached the blacksmith shop once more.

Entering the blacksmith shop Joey Rosa's father was working the counter leaning in his fist. Seeing them entering he wasn't very excited. "What do you need?" He asked politely getting Sil to smile.

"I want a sample of the stone made from the wall." She stated bluntly getting Rosa and Joey to look at her confused. "Sure that will be 10 silver" he answered questionably.

Scar walked over to the counter putting 10 silver coins before walking back to Sils side. Joey gave Sil a head size stone that she spun in her hands a couple times.

"Joey how precious is this little rock to you?" She asked as she made it slightly bigger by feeding it mana. Joey kept his confused expression as he answered "I would say it's my life's work why?"

As he asked this the stone disappeared from Sils hand, do to her activating mater to mana. Joey was visibly shocked but thought nothing of it before he heard Sil say. "Ahh I understand now, very creative." Saying this the stone appeared back but in a much bigger size, before it was the size of a basket ball but now it was the size of a small boulder that she casually held in her hand.

"No." Joey said in disbelief. "Oh yes, I know about your precious little rock and now it's time to make this place a fortress." She declared as she turned around leaving the shop leaving Joey with his mouth open, dumbfounded.

But Rosa had a smile almost not believing the power of this woman they meant only hours ago. She followed without hesitation as he father reached out to her, to barely miss her arm letting her continue to stand by Sils side who smiled at her before they left Joey all alone with his arm still frozen in position.

Sil and her group on the other hand didn't stop until they made it to the gate they entered in before. "Rosa can you get the chief Bon for me? Just tell him who wants to see him and I'm sure he'll come running." She assured as Rosa nodded with a smile, noticing she had a better set of teeth then Rall before she ran away.

Sil turned to one of the guards and asked, "can you show me how this gate works?" She asked with a smile. Normally no guard in their right mind would do such a thing, but these guards witness this woman stand and talk to the king on equal footing so the guard immediately agreed leading the way.

The guard took her through a familiar door leading into the wall but then quickly entered a room with a winch. "This is what we call a internal winch, all you have to do is rotate the winch and they gate will raise but if you flick this lever it drops" he explained as he opened a cabinet revealing the lever.

"And this chain how strong do you think it is?" She asked as she put her hand on it remembering the texture. The guard had a even more confused expression as he answered, "we found the hardest steel we could and the blacksmiths turned them into chains."

"Good" Sil muttered walking away "oh and thanks for your help." She added as they walked down the stairs leaving and walking out the gate.

Suddenly the soldier ran up behind her making her raise her eyebrow as she turned to him. "I've heard your recruiting, what are the conditions." He asked making Sil look at him up and down. "Take off your helmet and chest plate" she ordered and without hesitation the guard did so.

He was young looking in his early 20s with a much bigger build then a 20 year old should have. "What's your name and your a Warrior yes? Anything else?" She asked with a smile.

The guard straightened up as he introduced himself. "My name is Michael I'm 23 and I'm a warrior, assassin. I was trained here by my father who abandoned me here at 16 leaving the rest of the training to the army positioned here."

Sil smile a little more menacingly "warrior, assassin? Very interesting. My faction has no requirements just have to pass by me first. By joining the Dimension Bear faction you will be granted a sir name and your own house inside my kingdom."

Michael looked at her in disbelief before be smiled ear to ear laughing a little almost not believing his ears. He kneeled in front of her as he said "I would be a honor to be named by you lord Sil."

"Your name from today forward will be Michael Beastwalker" as she fined these words she felt a abnormal amount of mana leave her body, as Michael's eyes rolled in the back of his head and he fell forward, Sil immediately caught him.

Jack immediately let her know what she just did "master you gave him a two worded name, this gives him more power and it's rare if anyone live's from such power. Only fully grown dragons are known to survive this process." He spoke as quickly and as fluently as possible.

Sil immediately used Synopsis and mana healing just in case.

[Human body is being broke down and rebuild stronger and better. WARNING will die without constant healing.]

Sil smiled as she used all the healing she could thankful Michael was unconscious. After 20 minutes of Sil constantly healing, her Synopsis skill activated as a system message appeared.

[Condition has stabilized Human had evolved into a High Human. No further anomalies.]

Reading the message Sil started laughing like a mad woman to the extent everyone felt uncomfortable. "Scar give him his own house and treat him like a king when he awakes." She ordered with a smile that could only be explained as terrifying.

Nobody has ever heard her give anyone such high praise so they were immediately curious. But Scar just did as told even going as far as getting someone to watch over Michael as he slept on a luxurious bed.

Rosa and the chief Bon waited patiently for Sil to done before they approached her. "What can I do for you lady Sil" Chief Bon asked as politely as he possibly could.

Her smile was still stuck to her face as she turned to him making him flinch from her smile. "It's your lucky day, you get to help me turn your city into a fortress." She declared keeping her smile that made her look like a true demon.

(Thank you for reading, I reading so appreciate)