
Will I conquer the world or decide to save it

Zombie_wolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Waking up, Sil sat up stretching noticing the Chimera laying against her. She put her hand on it giving it all the mana it could take, causing it shiver and grow.

The Chimera got up shaking off like it was covered in water before swinging it's snake tale back and forth looking up at her. She smiled pointing at Scar "go play with the other beasts." The Chimera immediately did as told, walking over to Scar rubbing against him until he slipped into the void.

"Morning master, is it time for breakfast?" He asked looking around sleepily. "I'm taking a shower first, do what you will." She answered yawning walking over to the shower closing the door behind her.

Scar put cloths on the bed Trish made just for her. It was a long sleeve blood red sweater that had a silky look to it, with a black overcoat and black pants to finish it off.

Scar had no option on humans much less their clothes, so he just walked down stairs getting greeted by his second favorite human, John the bartender. "Good morning Scar you're food will be out shortly"

Scar smiled as he took a seat. "Thanks John, anything new today?" He asked with a toothy grin getting John to laugh a little. "You'll just have to wait and see. My mother is cooking your meal as we speak, I told her of your appetite and she can't wait to serve you." Scar laughed loudly, excited about the meal head.

Sil didn't need long in the shower, do to the amazing water pressure. So she was already walking down stairs with Jack leaving his room quickly following her.

"Breakfast will be out shortly." John stated calmly walking into the back room. "Scar, bring Rall out here, and Jack what can you tell me about trolls." She asked turning to him, as they sat next to Scar at the bar.

Jack shivered at the question getting Sil to smile a little. "Trolls are a special race. trolls come in all shapes and sizes, there male and female trolls of course. Female trolls are the most dangerous when they have a cub with them. The males are the usually the strongest and fastest over all. Trolls do not spawn in Dungeons they are natural beings born with a crystal. Trolls can't survive in the sun light. They also grow more heads the longer they live to intimidate other trolls or get female trolls attention." He explained fluently letting everyone grasp every detail.

"Trolls sound like real monsters" Rall commented with a gulp. "That's not even everything, Baby troll when born are 3ft tall but useless until their 2 years old were they are 6ft tall and able to break bones with their grip alone. They can grow up to a titan size monster but that takes hundreds of years for them to grow. The largest one to date was mountain hight taking over 10,000 strong warriors to defeat it."

Everyone's jaw was on the floor after the explanation. Sil thought trolls were going to be like bigger ogres with anger issues or something, this was something she wasn't expecting.

"Wow just 2 years old that's not even right" Rall added shaking his head as John came out of the back room holding three plates, one on both hands and one resting on his forearm, with a older yet taller person behind him.

With John getting out the way they could tell it was a woman who stood at 8ft tall with muscles that could put a body builder to shame. She placed a giant roasted lizard with manny smaller ones around it in front of Scar. "I'm Rebecca, Johns mother, he's told me a lot about you. please eat." She greeted herself with a motherly tone with a smile.

Scar smiled not expecting such a woman to be Johns mother. "The pleasure is mine." He said feasting into the lizard like a starving animal making everyone laugh a little. "Who's the kid? And where's Clair?" John asked looking between Sil and Scar.

"She's resting" Scar answered between bites. "I'm Rall, Lord Sil's shadow. Thank you for the food." He answered casually before digging into his food that was originally Clair's. Eating the same way as Scar, avoiding his silverware.

John looked at him confused but looking toward Sil who smiled as she ate, John drop the topic continuing what he was going to tell the group.

"I don't know how to say this, so I'm going to just say it. Everyone in the entire kingdom knows your here, after the tournament your name spread like dragon fire and I began getting donations with requests you might want to see."

He explained as he put a giant back of gold on the counter with a bag full of letters next to it. "Interesting" Sil muttered as she grabbed the bag of letters reading them.

[Master Sil please come to the Bane house, desperate need for a healer]

[Lord Sil please kill a troll to the west of one of my mines. For more information please go to the Vermont house.]

And their were manny more like this asking for her pacifically. "Let's take a walk, John keep the money for the inn." She ordered casually as she read more letters walking out the door with Jack, Scar and Rall right behind her without hesitation.

"Where to master?" Jack asked looking at the letter Sil was reading. "Just follow and keep up." Sil ordered as she started running, everyone moved out the way like a parting sea with whispers coming from the crowd.

"It's her!" A woman shouted while shivering as she jumped out the way.

"What a monster" a man muttered seeing Scar following her with a smile.

"She's a goddess!" a crowd of people shouted getting her to smile a little as they approached a gate, with a mask half smothered in gold as its emblem.

A man immediately let them in greeting them as he trembled a little. "Greeting Dimension bear faction I'm honed to be in your presence, please follow me." The man bowed so low they thought he might fall over but he shot straight back up leading the way with a great speed.

The speed was welcomed by Sil, she walked side by side with the man as he practically sprinted as she walked casually.

They didn't even pay attention to the surroundings as they entered a room with a man and woman sitting next to a boy who was soaked in sweat as he shivered. The man and woman shot out of their chairs practically running toward Sil before they kneeled to her.

"Faction master Sil welcome I'm glad you came in such short notice.. please heal my son we tried other healers but they said they couldn't help, please help my boy." He spoke casually at first before he put both knee's on the ground bowing getting so close to the floor he almost touched it with his forehead as he begged while crying.

She walked past the two over to the boy touching his forehead using mana healing.


Sil was confused before she took a deep breath trying a different approach. She let the smallest amount of mana out her hand letting it go into his brain, making it move slowly through his body getting a general idea what was happening inside the body.

[New skill [Synopsis] scans the entire body for anomalies and infections]

[scan completed, subject had 6 mana nerves shut off with his spinal cord crack and 3 broken ribs that can puncture the lung if not careful, lastly a mana dampening potion that only effects outside mana]

Sil smiled at the skill welcoming it with open arms. She said word for word what the system told her making the two parents start crying even more.

She ignored them again looking back toward the boy noticing he had 6 black dots on his body with a couple of his ribs glowing black with a white streak through it, with a black fog surrounding the boys body.

She put her finger on the dots giving them mana letting them glow before fading. she did the same with the rest of the black dots letting her using mana healing, healing the ribs back to new. The fog had no effect he mana was simply more powerful then the potions effects.

The boy sat up feeling his body before smiling "I feel good. More then good what did you do?" He asked not knowing of what was happening.

The parents shot up hugging their son crying with joy. "That will be 20 gold" Sil said coldly getting the husband to get up walking over to her bringing out a small bag out his dimension ring.

She grabbed the bag before the man asked. "So these mana nerves you where speaking of, did you mean mana pathways?" His question confused her because she had no idea of the human body in this world so she turned to Jack who nodded.

"It really doesn't matter what you call them if you get the meaning, I immediately knew what you meant master." Jack answered casually getting Sil to smile before they got escorted out the building.

Sil kept going to big factions/ nobles to heal them or their children getting a lot of gold in the process stopping around the 6th one, collecting 140 gold including the first one after Jack told her to raise the prices on some of the patients.

"Why did we do this master?" Scar asked just following the leader at this point bord out his mind. "Gold. and now those people will spread the word that I'm the best healer and who wouldn't want to follow the best healer but mainly the gold." She explained walking toward a building with a chains at its emblem.

"Chains? That's." Jack questioned realizing Sil already walked in making him run into the building to see a full waiting room with a couple people already standing around.

When the man behind the counter seen Sil he immediately stopped talking to the costumer, running away to a back room.

The chatter in the room stopped at they entered making it deadly quiet in the room with all eyes on Sil and her group. A familiar man barged though a side door making everyone turn to him.

It was Silver Dollar/ Conner the vampire slave trader wearing a slick black tuxedo with a red tie. He bowed to Sil "welcome back please this way" he said gesturing toward the door.

Whispering and complaining came from the people waiting. But before they could continue Conner put his hand up. "Lady's and gentlemen please, this is a rare VIP customer, just have patience." He announced before following Sil taking the lead by sinking into the shadows appearing in front of the group.

"What will it be today." He asked like she was a frequent customer. Sil couldn't help but smile, welcoming the merchant act. "The strongest" Conner flinched for a second at her cold tone he couldn't get out his head since they've met.

"Of course, follow me." They were walking down a hallway with mirrors on all sides even the floor. Sil got a feeling they're were beasts surrounding them but she couldn't care less as they walked into a room.

The room held, 10 covered up cages in a darkish room with a light in the center of the room. "Let's just get this over with." Conner said walking to the right dragging the blankets off on of the cages closest to the wall, so the 10th cage.

It was a pitch black wolf that stood at 6ft high and about 7ft long with its legs the size of tree trunks.

"Cover back up my cage, blood sucker" the wolf barked not moving from its laying position.

"No no no not today you mutt." he rebottled before looking toward Sil "I'll give you this one cheap because he's a pain in my ass. 30 gold"

Sil counted out the gold giving it to him letting Conner open the cage. Letting her walk inside "you touch me human I'll take your hand" he stated casually not even opening his eyes to look around.

Sil smiled grabbing the wolfs beak with so much strength the wolf couldn't open his mouth, finally he opened his eyes to see Sil's smile that sent shivers down his spine as he felt the chains being wrapped around his heart.

[Forsaken Dire Wolf tamed]

Sil let his beak go healing him, she broke his beak in a couple places. The Dire wolf stood up with a growl "damn you human"

"The next one" Sil ordered getting Conner to smile wildly, only looking at the Dire wolf as he pulled down the blanket.

On the inside was another Dire wolf but this one was white with less muscle on it. The forsaken Dire wolf jump't at the cage after smelling a familiar sent. After confirming his fears he turned toward Conner leaping at him with all the power it could muster with a growl. "Basta"

but before the wolf could finish his words Sil commanded him with a powerful tone to her voice forcing the wolf to bend to her words "lay down"

The Dire wolf fell to the ground like a back of bricks growling trying its best to get away from the chains that bound him. "This one is at the same level, it's his daughter and she knows dimensional magic. very hard to catch this one so it will be 40 gold, for you that is." He explained with a pleased tone to his voice look at the Dire wolf stuck to the floor.

She gave him the 40 gold as he opened the cage letting Sil walk inside. The Dire wolf shivered as she approached it, just in case she grabbed her beak.

[Divine Dire wolf Tamed]

She Smiled turning to Conner who already pulled off the next blanket. Revealing a elf who was actually nicely clothed with a gold crown with a red gem in the center.

"This is one of the elf princess, some bandits delivered her saying they couldn't do anything with her because of the crown so I got her cheep. She's 10 gold if your interested." Conner explained with a shrug as if this was common.

Jack started laughing before quickly stopping himself but he couldn't stop smiling like a mad man. "We have to have her. Please I'll do anything." Jack pleased kneeling to Sil.

She gave Conner the money walking into the cage getting the elf to look up sleepily. "Who are you?" She asked like she was talking to a servant while looking around.

Sil grabbed her by the neck lifting her to her feet before her crown removed Sil's hand. Jack immediately walked forward "please allow me" he asked as Sil stepped back after grabbing her hand healing herself.

"I'm going to need healing after" Jack stated calmly as the elf went wide eyed. "Wait Jack?!" but before she could continue Jack sent his hand straight into the gem.

His hand went into the gem as he flooded it with mana as his hand melted slowly. The elf screams were drowned out by Jack's laughter as the gem crack then shattered with jacks hand and for arm gone, while bleeding profusely.

Sil immediately healed him making the bleeding stop and his arm to regenerate slowly. The elf was terrified, trembling in front of Jack, what everyone else couldn't see was his smile that could only be described as evil.

"So is this one apart of the family of elf's you were telling me about?" She asked and to answer her question Jack punched the elf in the face knocking her out. "Yes she is and one of the a key players in my falling."

[Jessica Greedwood, is now in the slave category]

"Greedwood?" Sil muttered catching Jacks attention "yes it's the Greedwood family who claimed the thrown after they dethroned the previous owners."

Conner was about to pull a blanket off the next one before Sil stopped him "that's all the slaves I want today, I was wandering if you had a teleporter that went to forge pass?" She asked holding a bag of 5 gold coins.

Conner shook his head as Scar put the unconscious elf in's the void with the Dire wolfs. "I'm actually not supposed to tell anyone this but yes I have a teleporter. It's linked to manny teleporters which is supposed to be forbidden, so try and act casual on the other side." He explained leading the way to a box with a button on top with a dial next to it.

He set the coordinates making a purple and black portal appear. "Thank you for your business please come again." Conner said with a friendly smile before closing the portal behind the group.

They were in a forest surrounded by trees and bushes and to top it off, waist high grass. Well for Jack and Rall, Sil and Scar had no problems unless Scar wanted to run.

After a couple seconds passed, they heard a female screaming. Sil didn't move a inch looking at her companions to see their reactions. Not surprisingly they just turned to her waiting for orders.

"Rall stay out of sight. Jack, Scar stay behind me" she ordered and without a word, they followed orders as Sil ran toward the scream.

Sil ran through the forest without making a sound Jack and Scar knew she wasn't trying to be seen, so they tried their best to keep up without making noise making them fall a little behind.

Sil approached the tree line staying out of sight assessing the situation. Their was a carriage with two 5ft chicken looking beast leading it but they were dead. On top of the carriage was a archer 5ft female with blue hair and on the ground was a 6ft swordsman wearing beast gear but without a helmet showing his scared face and his blonde hair. fighting short creatures with back fur and long arms and a big head with shark like teeth.

Jack and Scar caught up unnoticed. "What are those?" Sil asked pointing at the creatures, Jack visibly froze before snapping back. "The.. their baby trolls." He muttered almost sounding scared.

"Fuck Yahhhh!! Eat shit you troll bastards!" The swordsman shouted with victory as he stopped a troll into mincemeat.

Sil walked out the bushes giggling getting their attention. The archer immediately tried to shoot Sil but Jack was already behind her, breaking her crossbow, by grabbing the built while breaking it in half.

"I'm sorry were you using that?" He asked standing over her only inches away from her eyes, making him the only thing she could see. She trembled, already able to tell the difference in strength between them. "Get down" he ordered and she immediately hopped down noticing the swordsman just standing there with his sword raised.

"This is super fucked Trace, she's to strong" his armor rattled with his body trembling but his sword was steady ready to slay.

The archer Tracey has been his traveling partner for 3 years now and not once has she seen him back down from a losing fight. Seeing him like this her body moved on its own, to his side to see his opponent.

Sil stood their with her dagger in hand with its scales running up her arm, up to her shoulder. Sil also was at her peak of her demon save making her body tremble a little and her hair flout around her not to mention her smile. It was something most would only have nightmares about, her teeth looked like she could bite into solid steel making her appearance all the more deadly.

Trace fell to her knees crying "this day fucking sucks, nicki why did you bring us here! You said their would be gold!" But before she could continue her breakdown Sil started laughing letting her dagger return to normal.

"You two are different from everyone else, put away your weapons and we will help you get to the city." Sil assured as she put her dagger on her back with Scar walking over standing next to her.

The swordsman quickly put his sword away on pure survival instinct. The archer didn't notice but when she ran to the swordsman's side, she brought out her dagger, so she quickly put it away.

The two walked over to Sil keeping their distance because of Scar. "My name is Nick and short stack here is Tracy, thank you for not killing us." The introduction made Sil smile.

"My name is Sil, this is Scar and that guy is Jack and I have one more his name is Rall." She replied nonchalantly making them look around for the last person she mentioned but he was nowhere to be seen.

"So what are you doing out here?" Sil asked making them stop their search. "We have a family of 3 we are transporting, and you?" Nick answered nonchalantly gesturing them to follow.

"Troll killing" Sil answered with a smile awaiting their reaction. As expected they both turned around in disbelief. "Finally someone wants to do the dirty work." Nick said opening the curtain to the back of the carriage to reveal a father a mother and a son all grouped together.

"No more worrying guys, the calvary is here" Nick assured with a smile getting relieved faces from the family. The father picks up his son like a baby walking over to Nick. "My boy hurt his leg pretty bad can you help him Nicki?" The father asked in a calm but worried tone showing the boys bruised leg.

"Shit it looks broken, let's hurry up and get to…." But before he could finish Sil put her finer on the leg using Synopsis and Mana Healing. "It was only a fracture, he's fine now." She assured as the boy started to move his leg like it was a new toy.

Everyone looked at her dumbfounded before the family kneel. "Thank you great healer, what can we do to repay you." Sil was confused by their action but quickly took the offer. "I want the beasts that pulled the carriage."

"Done. But why?" The man asked curiously. "Scar collect the bodies and start pulling the carriage." Scar walked away to do his business. "Everyone hold on." Sil ordered closing the curtain as Scar started to pull, with such a speed it put the two beast that pulled the carriage before to shame.

Sil was easily able to keep up with Scar. "Jack keep the other side stable" Sil ordered grabbing the side she was on making it a more bearable ride.

They were only traveling a little slower then their normal speed so they were able to see the city in a few minutes. Like usual their it was surrounded by a stone wall, this one stood at 20ft tall.

"Please slow down, if we approach the gate at this speed they might think we're in trouble." Nicki advised trying not to be to commanding.

She sighed "he's right I don't want every guard in the city waiting for us." Sil admitted slowing down to what she guessed was a slow enough speed.

Approaching the gates the guards were alert but not enough to bring a army just 4 guards awaited them.

"State your name your business and you're faction, if your in one" the guards demanded holding their weapons toward the group. Nick was about to speak but quickly cut off by Sil. "Sil, Dimension Bear faction leader. Here to take care of your troll problem."

Everyone immediately knew her name and faction giving them goosebumps and the fact she was here to kill trolls sent shivers down their spines.

"Of course please enter" the guards promptly let them in. Nicks group inside the carriage were wandering were they heard that name but couldn't put their finger on it.

The three pulled the carriage to a stable looking area with the same chicken beast running around their pin. "Thank you for your help… Sil wasn't it?" The father asked getting out carriage with his family behind him.

"Yes, but you should be thanking him" she said pointing at Scar who was pulling the carriage the side out the road.

They were visibly terrified, just thinking about approaching a beast terrified the family. But the little boy ran over thanking Scar, making his parents do the same.

The family practically jumped out their skin when Scar told them "no problem."

"Let's go we have places to be"Sil ordered getting her group to follow her into the city. It didn't look much different then forge theft, besides the fact the buildings where taller, going higher then wall at times.

Rall was jumping from roof top to roof top as he finally got the [silent steps] skill making him silently jump for joy. This let him easily follow Sil keeping a closer distance then before without being noticed.

Sil was able to hear Ralls footsteps all along, just barely. Noticing them disappearing she couldn't help but smile, "finally, a real assassin is born" she muttered catching Jacks and Scar attention.

"What was that master?" Jack asked as everyone around them started to stare and point at Scar and the group. "Rall got the silent steps skill before you two" She answered turning to them showing her smile,making them look away in shame.

"No need to be ashamed you two aren't assassins, I just wanted you two to get it because how useful it is in every situation." She explained as they made it to the building in the center of the city which happened to be the biggest and tallest, standing at 5 story's. which equals 70ft tall.

Walking into the building their were two male guards wearing beast armor with a pole axes waiting for them with a female receptionist. "Welcome adventures what can I do for you today?"

Sil walked over without a word giving her the quest for the trolls to the receptionist. The guards were on full alert ready to take on the group if they had to.

The receptionist was visibly pleased seeing the quest. "You know this quest is out dated, give me a moment to print the right one." Sil turned to the guard on her right "not a problem" her voice was cold, making the guards twitch ready to fight.

She started laughing a little getting on the guards nerves as the receptionist gave back a piece of paper.

The paper read.

Troll extermination quest: at least 40 young trolls. With at least 10 adult trolls. Their mother who is abnormally tall and strong with the ability to control all the trolls at will. Lastly the father who has three heads letting him wield 3 elements, one is confirmed as the fire element others are unknown.

Reward 500 gold with the honer of putting their emblem next to the kings.

Sil couldn't tell if it was a far offer or not so she handed it to Jack who promptly started reading wide eyed. After he was done reading he started laughing getting everyone to raise a eyebrow.

"May I handle this master?" He asked with a evil glint in his eyes with a smile. She let him do what he dose best.

Suddenly a hologram popped up showing his silver tongue skill, showing that it was off. "As you can see I have no intention on negotiating. If you think a troll mother who can control her children will stop at a measly 50 children? Don't make me laugh, I bet these numbers aren't even completely up to date, so theirs a entire army waiting for us. Do you expect someone like my master to fight to the death for a measly 500 gold?" He asked with a edge to his voice making the receptionist sweat, she looked over to the guards to see they were kneeling from a unknown pressure.

This unknown pressure came from Jacks killing intent towards the men. "Please let me get the chef I'll be right back." She assured as she ran away like her life depended on it, as Jack released the pressure he was applying letting the guards stand again.

Unexpectedly the guards just stood their like nothing happened. What they didn't know was their job was to protect the receptionist and prevent anyone from getting to the back room. And when they said they were here to kill trolls, the group immediately earned their respect.

Suddenly a tall man 7ft tall with black hair wearing a blue military looking uniform with gold badges and ribbons on it, with his muscles bulging through his uniform.

"I'm Bon. I heard your troll experts, I'm honed to be in your company. please tell me the price and all try my best to fulfill it." He had such a deep voice the only word that comes close is bellowed.

"We can't tell you a price until all the trolls are taken care of, we will be needing supplies before hand. All we ask for is a guide and we will buy everything ourself." Jack confidently answer backing away from the counter letting Sil step forward.

"Do the trolls attack the walls?" She asked getting Bon to stand straighter then he already was, "yes they have, but fortunately it was only a small force of 15 children."

Sil got a bad taste in her mouth, by the way he said were fortunate it was only children but pushed passed it. "When"

Bon gulped before answering "3 weeks ago" Sil smiled turning to Jack who was facepalming. "Expect a full assault in a weeks time" he stated without a care in his voice, that got Bon and the guards to shiver a little.

"Theirs no need to be scared, I'm here." Sil stated confidently turning away walking out the building with a smile.

"Rall to my side" she ordered as he appeared from her shadow kneeling. "Yes master?" She turn to him with a smile "When did you get inside my shadow?" She asked getting Rall to stand with a smile showing all his jagged teeth, "I actually jumped into Scars shadow, then transferred to yours when he got close enough." He said puffing his chest out with pride.

"I see you already got silent steps, we'll done. Now your next me is back stabbing bonus, it's self explanatory isn't it?" She asked with a smile that made him shiver and bow. "Of course master, it will be done." He assured before standing back up as someone approached.

It was short 5,4 female orc with black hair that went down to her shoulders. Her eyes were light green like her skin giving her a prettier look that most orc's didn't have, wearing a black tuxedo like suit without a tie with matching pants. "Im Rosa a caster,blacksmith. I will be your guide, it's a pleasure to work with you" she introduced herself with a slight bow of respect to the group.

"Jack introduce everyone" Sil ordered turning toward him slightly. He flinched before clearing his throat walking over to Rall, "This is Rall our designated assassin." He walked over to Scar "This is Scar" Scar wanted a cool introduction but Sil put her hand on him with a smile getting him to not speak out.

"I'm Jack I guess I'm the secretary of the group. And lastly the dimension bear faction leader Sil, I recommend add lady or lord before speaking with her." He explained with a threatening edge to his voice letting a little of his murderous intent leak making the orc girl shiver.

Sil didn't care for formalities but she had to show her dominants or someone might get killed not knowing who they were talking to.

"Please where would you like to go first?" Rosa asked timidly avoiding the gaze of the group, only after a moment of Silence did she look up to see Rall smiling. "I know masters a little terrifying but if you keep that strong attitude you had to begin with everything will go smoother. All we ask is show our master with the most respect." Everyone looked over at Rall in disbelief not expecting something like that from him.

Jack leaned toward Sil covering his mouth so the others couldn't read his lips as he whispered "I've heard when male orc's are around a female orc they grow in intelligence and charisma."

Sil raised a eyebrow in disbelief but quickly dismissed everything. "Can you take us to the top of one of the gates?" she asked but if was definitely a order asked nicely. Rosa stood straight back up "yes ma'am please follow me"

Rosa lead them back to the gate they came through "this is our main gate. And if you didn't know this was the gate the trolls attacked." She explained getting them to look around more thoroughly.

Rosa waited patiently next to a door that lead into the wall that was 10ft thick. Sil had to duck through the door while Scar had to wait outside do to the smallish corridor.

Walking though the door she was able to stand once more, but their was weapons lined both walls making the corridor even smaller making it were they had to walk one behind the other.

They followed Rosa to the top of the wall, "that's the direction we were attacked from" Rosa stated pointing into the distance. She pointed toward a mountain that would take at least 3 hours to get to at Sil's max speed.

"So how manny gates are their?" Sil asked looking into the city. "Only two, the other one is exactly on the other side." Rosa answered immediately.

"I seen what I needed the rest is up to Jack." Sil stated nonchalantly getting Jack to smile. "I want to see your blacksmiths and alchemists." Rosa smiled "you guys are strong enough to take the quick route, follow close behind me please." She stated leaping off the wall while using her hand to slow her decent by digging it into the wall.

The group looked at her in disbelief, "dose she actually want us to follow her?" Scar asked not believing his eyes. "I like this one" Sil muttered jumping off the wall landing next to Rosa without even leaving a dent in the ground.

Jack and Scar turned to Rall to see him not their, looking down next to Sil he was already standing next to her. "Shit" Scar muttered claiming over the edge sliding down the wall with all four paws dug into the wall.

Jack leaped off the wall while doing a couple flips before landing in front of the group without even cracking the road. Sil started clapping getting Rall and Rosa to join in, as Jack bowed throwing his arm to the side. "Thank you ladies and gentlemen"

Rosa turned to the wall putting her hand on hit giving it mana to making her slide mark disappear from the wall. "This is why most don't use the quick routes" she examined gesturing for them to give the wall mana.

Before anyone could move Sil put her hand on the wall giving it mana subconsciously. The wall started the glow before growing another foot in hight, practically causing a earthquake in the city.

Sil pulled her hand away with a smile. "Very interesting. I have to meet who made this wall one day." She said aloud catching Rosa's ear. "We're actually going to meet them now." She said confidently leading the way.

They followed silently making it to their destination quickly. They arrived at a large door with a black anvil with a gold hammer on it. "Daddy we have customers!" Rosa shouted getting someone to come to the counter.

"Hay darling who'd you bring by today?" A taller orc who had to leaned against the counter to see through the window asked.

"A faction leader that has been recognized by the king." She stated in a trained professional tone making the man on the other side clear his throat as he walked out a side door. The orc was tall with tree trunk size arms and legs wearing beast clothes made from black hide covering his chest and waist.

"I'm the head blacksmith here my name is Joey what can I do for you?" He asked politely. "I want a sent detector with a flame wyvern fang dagger." Jack gave him his request getting a confused look from the orc.

"That will take me 15 minutes to craft, anything else?" He asked rubbing his hands together with a smile. "I would like to know how'd you make the wall self repairable." Sil stated bluntly getting the orc to smile even more.

"That's complicated." He assured but Sil just awaited his answer. He sighed before answering "it's a stone forged with a crystal letting it self repairable."

Sil smiled "interesting…that will be all" she said casually making the orc sigh again. "I will craft your items now, it will be 2 gold coins." He said walking into the back room.

The group stood in the room silently until Sil turned to Rosa "do you and your father have a surname?" She asked getting Rosa to finch from the unexpected question.

"No ma'am we're just humble orc smiths with very little back ground." She answered with a slight bow. "What about a faction?" She added getting Rosa to shake her head.

"Would you like to?" She asked casually with a smile, Rosa looked up at her in disbelief. "I would have to ask my father, I won't leave him here." She stated with bow.

"What do you think your father will say?" She asked casually once more getting Rosa to think for a moment before answering. "It depends on what kind of forge he will have and if he can still work as a blacksmith and only a blacksmith." She explained as her father walked out his doing two items in hand.

One was a dagger shirt dagger at 6 inches and the other was a a black box. Joey walked over to Jack, handing him the items. "You know how it works yes?" He asked raising a eye brow at Jack.

Jack smiled "of course I do" he answered examining the box that so happened to be the sent detector.

"Will that truly be all for you today?" He asked with a smile as Jack handed him two gold coins. "I actually have a few things to ask you Joey." She said as she put her cursed dagger in hand with her mana dagger in the other.

Joey and Rosa visibly froze seeing the daggers. Sil released mana into the two daggers making the mana dagger spark to life, showing a bright red blade growing up to 6ft moving like a blazing flame without any heat.

While her cursed dagger started vibrating as scales started to grow up her arm as her hair stated to flout around her. "My name is Sil the Dimension Bear faction leader, I would like you to join my faction. You will be granted a surname with all the crystals and metals you need. What do you say?"

Her voice vibrated with power making Rosa, Joey and Ralls legs shake uncontrollably. Sil immediately canceled out her mana making herself go back to normal letting everyone sigh in relief.

Rosa and her father only had one thought after her terrifying display of power. "Too strong"

Joey kneeled "I'm sorry" but before he could finish his sentence Sil sighed "what else do you need?" Joey had a tinge of anger shoot through him for a second but quickly let it pass. "The city needs me. I'm one of the best blacksmiths, I simply couldn't up and leave. I'm sorry." He stated while still kneeling.

Sil smiled "So your saying if I can make this city need one less blacksmith you'd join my faction?" She asked getting Joey to look up in disbelief "That doesn't mean what I think it means does it?" He asked in turn with a terrified look on his face.

Sil smile more viciously "it means I'm going to make this city the safest city on this side of the planet!" She stated with confidence as she started laughing maniacally as her group laughed with her.

(Thank you for reading)