
Will I conquer the world or decide to save it

Zombie_wolf · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
22 Chs

A long day

The next morning Sil woke up to the chimera stepped on her trying to find a more comfortable position on her stomach.

She wanted to strangle the little bastard for waking her up but she relented just letting out a long sigh as she put a finger on the chimera mana gem, powering it making the chimera tremble with delight as it grew a few centimeters.

She smiled seeing the fact it grew, but now the chimera wasn't taking anymore mana from her and she couldn't give it anymore.

Sil picked up her dagger from her side table making the chimera jump across the room hiding in a corner trembling, in fear this time.

"Don't worry I'll only let her take my mana nobody else can handle her greediness" she said with a chuckle that woke up Clair. "It's time to get up, go tell Jack to get out here and put on some clothes" she ordered making Clair wake up quickly, running into the void then back out fully clothed with her leather armor.

(Scar kept his armor in the void because how often he would have to remove it)

She quickly got Jack up and in the room with only his pants on. "You could have got fully dressed but whatever, what do you know about this little guy?" She said pointing at the chimera that started sniffing jacks leg.

He flinched seeing it but he quickly turned back to her "you probably know the common name is chimera but what most people call them is soul devours or a gold eaters" sil looked at him in confusion letting him continued.

"These beast can't survive without feeding on mana it's their food water even their blood. So the only way to make them evolve is to feed them a tremendous amount of mana or feed them strong adventures." Sil nodded understanding but before she could ask another question Jack leaned down petting the chimera as he continued taking.

"They are usually quite difficult to grow, but if you max out that gem everyday he should evolve in a mouth or so. The kicker is it will gradually take more and more mana." He finished standing back up to a smiling Sil.

"Good, I think you should be rewarded for all your hard work and usefulness, if you could have anything in this world what would it be." She asked with a bigger smile getting Jack to smile slightly.

"May I have revenge as my reward?" He asked with a bow getting a confused look once more from Sil "what would you do with this person" Jack Smiled wickedly but Sil couldn't see it "you have the power to make slaves obey other slaves, I think you would also find this person very useful as a slave of course."

Sil shrugged understanding "Do you know where this person is" he stood back up straight with a casual expression "Alfheim, this bastard thinks he can do whatever he wants just because he has the elf kings blood." He said this with a calm expression but his hands were clinched so tightly his hand bleed and his mana spiked.

"Relax, I'll grant your wish, eventually. I want a little more detail." She said getting Jack to relax a little but not much "he killed my woman and mother, after he sent me on a quest."

Sil nodded understanding why he wanted revenge "I still have business to take care of in this kingdom is this a urgent request?" She asked with a kind smile letting Jack know he could speak his mind.

"No, I can wait a thousand years just as long as I can look down on him they way he did me, that day." He said with a smile trying to hide his emotions.

Sil laughed a little "how strong is this prince of yours?" Jack wasn't expecting a question like that all the sudden so he hesitated to speak "He has money, so he has everything he needs to buy anything to make him more powerful. My guess would be 3X stronger then me before Awakening.

Sil nodded turning to Scar "let me and the chimera in, you guys can go get breakfast while you wait." Scare didn't hesitate to let her in the void before running down stairs.

Sil was now standing in front of two houses that were exactly the same with people running around trying to enjoy the time they had with their each other.

When someone noticed Sils arrival he told everyone and they quickly ran to her kneeling. "Everyone stand, children stand in front." Sil ordered and the children didn't hesitate to stand forward waiting for her next words.

"Assassin orc stand next to me, alchemist place your positions on the ground." The orc ran forward with a bright smile showing all his jagged, menacing teeth as he stood next to her with as all the positions disappeared.

"Scar show them to Jack and ask him which is the best one. Orc your going to be traveling with me today don't leave my side for any reason you understand?" The orc smiled even brighter as he bobbed his head up and down like a starving chicken.

"Everyone else do as you please, Scar let us out." She ordered as a door appeared in front of her. She walked threw it noticing she was in the inn bar area, looking back Sil could only see Scars big furry back.

She looked around noticing Jack and Rex having a drink together as Clair sat alone resting on a corner table. Suddenly the door opened making everyone turn to it.

It was non other then the lizard man walking in with one of his arms missing with his remaining arm he was dragged a man wrapped in glowing white chains. Sil smiled looking the lizard man as he kneeled in front of her.

"I've brought the man you were looking for my lady" he said as he stayed kneeling as muffled laughter came from the man on the ground.

"Come here" she ordered making the lizard man stand walking over to her, letting her touch his chest. she used mana healing and tracking making his arm grow back. "that's better, go ahead and speak"

The lizard man looked up at Sil "I would like to make a request instead of the rest of the reward." Sil smiled walking over to the man on the ground grabbing his head raising it to get a good look at his face. "Go ahead"

The man was hansom, to hansom making her slam his head back into the ground. "I would like you to show your power to the kingdom and make a emblem of your own."

Everyone in the room looked at him in disbelief not believing his words "what's your name" Sil asked with a smile getting the lizard man to bow as he introduced himself "I'm born a orphan and the name I was granted was Leo"

"Leo why would you want me to do this?" Leo stood up straight looking sil in the eyes "power. if you show this kingdom your power and make a emblem your name will spread like dragon fire and anyone with that emblem will be untouchable."

He spoke like it was his last words making sure every word carried meaning. Sil sighed in defeat

"I already have a position coming up to show my power, so I'll just have to make a emblem before then. It will be done, but not today you can leave now." She ordered getting Leo to bow again before leaving.

"As for you mister vampire, I want you to tell me why you put a bounty on my head." She ordered as she cut the holy chains getting the vampire to sit up, sitting down with his legs in front of him using his knees to support his arms.

Sil was kinda pissed when she seen his face was uninjured and hansom as ever. The vampire had black hair with his pointed ears barely visible complemented with bright red eyes with Snow White teeth and a chiseled jawline.

"I didn't think this would escalate so quickly or I would have been more prepared." Before he could continue speaking sil threw her dagger at his foot making him wince, but then the dagger started sucking his mana like a damn breaking making him scream in agony before she used telekinesis to pull out the dagger flouting it above him.

"That dagger is cursed! how can you use such a leach!" He said with anger before Sil smiled making a chill go down his spine. "Don't speak until spoken to or I'll stab you again." He nodded understanding he situation.

"Now why put a bounty on me" she asked as she gestured to John to get her a drink. the vampire stood up. "I'm a slave master myself and having you around is bad for business, and if I had you bring to me dead or alive I could have turned you"

Sil was almost disgusted by his honesty "Scar bring Mona out here" Scar immediately let her out and she ran over to her kneeling connecting a link to her mind. "Greetings master"

"How good is your acid saliva?" She asked aloud getting a terrified look from the vampire but everyone else couldn't help but smile. "Please i answered your question what's the need for that?" He shouted clearly in fear of being in that type of pain.

Sil made the dagger cut on his face letting it drain his mana a little. "Don't speak without being spoken to again or the consequences might be more then your ready for." Sil assured in a cruel tone making him grit his teeth as he sat on his knees.

"It's almost king tear master" Mona answered standing up looking at the vampire before looking away. "Stand to the side until I'm ready for you, so what's your real name" she asked getting him to look up at her.

"Connor" sil nodded "alright Conner I have big plans so I don't plane or have time to sell any of my slaves. Long story short I want you to continue your business as usual ok?"

Conner looked at her in disbelief so she continued "I want you to work for me, but I don't want you as a slave. it would probably ruin your reputation and that's bad for business, I'll probably buy some myself before any of that I'm going to use a skill on you"

She said this walking over to him putting a hand on his shoulder, causing him to tremble but after feeling no pain when she let go he looked at her with a curious expression.

"I can now track you wherever you go, even in hell so don't think about running. now leave I'm sick of looking at your face." Her order made him jump up running out the room with a sigh of relief.

"That guys face pisses me off and I bet he won't even that useful." Sil thought to herself with anger as she let out a sigh.

"Scar,Mona follow me the rest of you can do as you please." She said walking out with everyone following her beside John.

(Everyone following sil : Jack, Scar, Clair, Rex, Mona and the orc)

"What's your name orc?" She asked getting the orc to immediately speak up "My name is Rall master" Sil smiled as she patted him on the head "alright Rall, your going to be my shadow, make sure you keep your eyes and ears on everything for me"

Rall wasn't expecting such a order but he couldn't be happier "of course master" he said with a up beat tone as they headed straight toward the blacksmith that made armor for Scar and Clair ignoring all the stairs, used to it by now.

Knocking on the bunker like door a dwarf looked through it then opened the door. "Back so soon what will it be today?"

Sil walked in getting everyone to look at her with expectation. "What's going on?" She asked looking around noticing all the forges were powered by cyclops eyes.

"We're short on coin at the moment where looking forward to a big order." He said in defeat hoping he would get pity from sil.

"What do you need?" She asked getting a confused look from the dwarfs. "That nun of your concern please what did you come here for" the dwarf shot back quickly.

"I was hoping I could charge some Cyclopes eyes so you guys could make me a emblem, 10 of them if possible." She answered honestly looking back toward the dwarf noticing his disbelief expression.

"Really? You want to charge Cyclopes eyes?" He asked with eagerness getting sil to smile brightly "yes I want to charge all your Cyclopes eyes and I can do it immediately if you want"

The dwarfs started to tear up, whipping his eyes the dwarf spoke again with full seriousness "if you charge these, we will owe you more then just some emblems. Anything you want we will make it." He said pointing at the 10 forges behind him that had the giant Cyclops eye on top.

Sil wanted to jump for joy but her bright smile showed her happiness getting everyone to stare at her for a moment. "Mona step forward and introduce yourself." She ordered, Mona walked forward introducing herself to the dwarf with a telepathic link causing him nodded a couple times.

"I'm guessing you have no idea what type of armor a mantis would need?" He asked with a smile getting sil to nod as she walked over to the closest forge charging the Cyclopes eye on top.

By the time she turned back the blacksmith was already done with Mona's measurements looking at her in disbelief. "Is that normal?" He asked clearly hiding his anger.

She looked at Jack as she walked over to the next Cyclopes eye charging it. "Definitely not she is very powerful so she can do this with ease, your average charger can probably charge one in a 50 minutes or so if they have the mana reserves." Jack stepped forward and answered as sil continued charging gem after gem getting stares from everyone.

"What about a intermediate one?" The dwarf quickly asked try to hold back his anger looking at Jack with anticipation. "Probably around 15, 20 minutes and they would usually charge double or triple the original price." He answered back quickly letting sil continue charging the gems without being interrupted.

"I'm going to kill that bastard, over priced and took forever" the dwarfs stomped on the ground making the building shake a little as the other dwarfs looked like they wanted to do the same.

"Not to worry I will be charging all your Cyclopes eyes until I leave this kingdom, for a small fee of course but that can wait till next time, now about my emblem" sil said walking over with all 10 forges behind her having shining Cyclopes eyes on top.

"Extraordinary" the dwarf mumbled before continuing "yes most people go with gold with the picture of their choice, then they have to charge mana into the master coin to show how powerful your faction is."

"I don't like to be like everyone else, I want a pitch black coin with his teeth coming from all sides" she said pointing at Scar who couldn't help but show his menacing teeth that were made for carnage.

The dwarf nodded walking over to a counter grabbing a few things before he began coloring and only after a second or so he showed her what he drew.

Like what she asked for it was a pitch black circle with sharp, white teeth around the edges making it look like a hungry beasts smile.

"That looks good I would like those made first then ask Mona what she wants I haven't looked at her stats so I wouldn't know." She said with honesty making the dwarf run over to all the forges making a picture pop up on the side letting all the dwarfs know what they are forging before running back over to Mona.

"Now about that armor I have a few suggestions." He said walking toward the counter before stopping in his tracks turned around to Mona with anger and confusion. "Are you mad?! that armor isn't meant for a beast like you!" he shouted making sil walk over putting a hand on his shoulder. "Let her get what she wants"

He turned to her in disbelief "you don't understand, this amor would be very difficult to craft and it would be impossible for a beast like her to adapt to it." Sil was now curious "what dose she want?"

"She wants lighting wyvern armor" he said looking back to Mona but before he could continue sil spoke with confidence almost sounding demanding "make the armor, it's alright" her words made the dwarf look between them both before sighing in defeat.

"This armor will take at the very least a week to make, are you sure you don't want something different?" He asked looking at Mona but her answer was the same.

"Fine give us two weeks and the armor will be perfect. Is that good?" He asked noticing sil nonchalantness made him relax. "That's fine I'm more curious about the emblems and coins."

The dwarf straightened up hearing the question. "All of the coins are connected to each other so all you need is a master coin, which the master of the faction should have. However amount of mana your faction can power the gem determines their ranking in the kingdoms."

He spoke with pride like just sharing the information was a privilege. "How long are the coins going take" she asked making the dwarf smile "they should be done any second" as if on cue all the dwarfs in the room walked forward holding a black coin.

"This is your master coin, power the gem inside and if it cracks or breaks, good. That's how you know you have immense power and it also makes the coin stronger able to handle god tear power."

Sil grabbed the coin that was bigger then the others, smiling looking to Jack over her shoulder "make a barrier around me as strong as possible" she ordered getting a nod from Jack as he made a see through green barrier form around her as she broke her skill mana mimic letting all the power flow into the coin.

The power she was releasing made it hard to breath and without the barrier they were sure they would at the very least get mana sickness. Jack was visibly sweating through the process of powering the barrier but he wouldn't let it break even if it broke him, he would hold strong.

After about 5 minutes or so Sil spoke through gritted teeth with the mana making her voice piercing to the ears "what tear and I at?" Jack went to one knee as he answered after taking a long breath "DEMON"

And with these words Sil muttered "mana mimic" activating the skill, forcefully making her body bond with the magic causing her body to produce steam as her bones popped in and out of place making everyone shiver as sil got a system message. you have now 2 saved mimic slots

(She can now look like she has the power of king tear or demon, but she likes to stay at king tear)

(How gems collect mana is like how a lake collects water from a waterfall, the waterfall will always push the same amount of water but the lake can only carry so much. So if the gems are the lake that means the waterfall is the person powering it. I hope that wasn't confusing.)

"You can relax now Jack" she said getting Jack to release the barrier painting and sweating. "Your a monster aren't you?" The dwarf asked in fear as he seen the eye piercing white glow around the coin making him step back as he trembled.

"Yes I am, now give the rest of the coins to Scar my business is done here I'll be back eventually." She said leaving the shop making the dwarfs run to Scar giving him the coins letting them leave.

As Jack walked out slowly he felt a hand on his shoulder all the sudden making him look toward the person releasing it was sil healing him and giving him mana. "Good job" is all she said as she took the lead once more heading toward a familiar shop that made Jack let out a long sigh.

Entering the shop a familiar voice greeted them "welcome to my herb shop what will you be getting today" Elaine asked with a smile getting Sil to smile a little walking up to the counter .

"I've heard around if someone has a emblem of high power they can open a tab is that true?" She asked getting a curious expression from Elaine "yes but I have to see the emblem first"

Sil smiled as she pulled out a the master emblem placing it in the counter. Elaine looked down to the coin with a smile "trying to be different aren't you? I've never seen a black emblem before. Let me got my magic reader." She said before running to the back room.

She came back quickly with a gold hammer with a magic circle on the head of the hammer. "Ok time for the test" she said striking the coin with the hammer making a ringing sound as digital numbers started adding up above it like a hologram.

The numbers added up quicker then anyone could count before it started to slow before stopping making sil smile as Elaine started to tremble as she pointed at the number 35,000. "That's God tear even above the royal family. How?" Elaine was pale as her arm trembled pointing at the numbers as she suddenly remembered something Jack said last time they were there.

"All she had to do was charge her endless mana, she smothered me with mana making my bones scream and my blood boil." Elaine tried to calm herself down but knowing of the power of the person in front of her, her body wouldn't listen.

"Please take what you want anything, everything it would be my pleasure" she said trying to keep her act up, but everyone could see her trembling.

"How much would everything would be?" Sil asked making Elaine pull out a not pad reading it before answering "all the herbs in the shop will be 23 gold and I have 2 more tear 3 brewing stands that are at 3 gold apiece." She said in a business like tone getting a impressed nod from sil.

"Alright I'll give you 20 gold and you can put the rest on my tab" sil said putting the gold on the counter with one of her emblem making Elaine smile brightly.

"Of course please let me have your living residence so I can send everything to you" she suggested with the same smile picking up the coins and emblem, picking up the emblem made her tremble a little as she put it on a shelf under the counter.

"That won't be necessary. Scar, Jack get everything. Can you bring me the brewing stands?" Sil asked as scar and Jack started collecting everything in the room.

"Of course please wait a moment" she said before walking into the back room then walking back out with a new ring on her finger nobody noticed.

Sil was confused but after Elaine got to the counter she made 3 brewing stands appear on the counter making Jack stare at them with a smile. "Put them away" sil order making Jack pick them up putting them into the void, not letting scar them in fear he might scratch or break them.

"Can I have your hand Elaine?" Sil asked out of nowhere with a smile getting confused looks from everyone but Elaine still held out her hand to sil.

Sil grabbed Elaine's hand like a prince would grab a princesses. When their hand made contact Elaine could feel a hot sensation in her hand before it cooled as sil let go.

"What did you just do to me?" Elaine asked with concern. "I've gave you a source of new power and now I can track you wherever you go, so if you ever get in trouble take as much mana as you need and I'll send help." Sil explained getting a smile to blossom back onto Elaine's face.

"Thank you for you kindness, will that be all for you today?" She asked as Sil started to walk away "yes have a good day" Elaine didn't say anything else as she watched sil walk away with her group of slaves following.

"Humans are complicated." Scar muttered getting Jack to look at him "what do you mean?" Scar looked over at him and asked "why didn't we just give her all the gold? And why give her a emblem aren't those valuable."

Jack nodded his head understanding the confusion Scar had "a emblem is something that shows what level your faction is at. So giving her the emblem shows she's being protected by us and not paying the full amount shows trust in the trading process."

Scar understood what Jack said but he didn't understand it fully so he stayed quite as they approached the guild they registered at.

Walking into the building some people recognized her and started gossiping to each other causing the entire room talk about her, as she walked past them to the counter to the same burly man as last time.

The burly man was smiling as he greeted her "adventure Sil welcome back, what do you need?" Sil smiled at the man as she looked over to Scar "fire wyvern crystal" she said as her hand sunk into his side grabbing a crystal putting it on the counter with her bounty for a red wyvern.

"I will like to turn in this quest and ask about trolls" she added putting the bounty for the troll next to the wyvern one. Seeing the crystal the burly man had to pick it up to believe what he was seeing and after understanding her question he nodded.

"Yes this is good and the troll your looking for is a specific one that is hunting passing adventures in a small city to the east called forge pass. They will tell you more when you get there" He explained as he put a bag of gold on the counter, where the crystal used to be.

Sil grabbed the bag of gold, counting 30 coins "thank you for your time." she said walking toward the exit as everyone kept talking about her but she completely forgot they were there as she left the building leaving everyone talking about her.

"News travels fast"Jack commented as he followed close behind sil. She looked at him with a smile and asked "I wasn't listening, what were they talking about?"

"Mainly about how quickly you gained power in the kingdom and how manny slaves you've gained since you came and the last topic was guesses why your bounty was removed." He answered immediately and fluently.

"Scar put Mona, Clair and Jack inside the void. Jack take another look at those potions before training the warriors. Clair train the blacksmiths and Mona train the gorilla I have tamed." She ordered getting them to bow before stepping into the void.

"Rall, I want you to get delete whatever skill you involves your steps being quieter." Rall was stunned for a second, but he wouldn't go against her command so he deleted a skill he had called quite steps.

"Good now I want you to train your foot work so you don't make any sound with your steps." She said with a soft smile getting a bewildered look from Rall.

"Don't say it's impossible because I'm not a assassin and I have this skill, it's call silent steps and it's a passive skill so it's active all the time." She explained getting a shining smile from Rall as he nodded immediately getting to work on his footwork as he followed Sil.

Sils group was now down to Scar, Rall and Rex. Rex didn't even know why he was left to follow her until he seen sil approaching a familiar shop.

The building was one she's never been in before, the logo outside was a shining golden sword on a anvil.

Approaching the buildings door she noticed Rex stopping in his tracks like he just slammed into a invisible wall. "What's wrong?" She asked snapping him out of his trance.

"My family owns this store and the last time they seen me I was a king tear adventure. Now I'm a sl.." he couldn't finish his sentence because how hard he was biting his lower lip trying to hold back his emotions.

"So your ashamed of showing your face huh?" She asked with a mocking smile that made Rex want to bite his tongue off. "Don't worry it's not like you have a brand or anything. Scar give him the best clothing we have to make him look nicer" she ordered getting Scar to shove Rex into the void before putting him back out covered in his red armor from before.

Rex looked down touching his armor in disbelief "how? I thought you destroyed it?" He asked turning to Scar who scratched his head "I may have felt bad after releasing you were joining us, so I had it repaired."

Rex wanted to hug the giant bear but bowed instead "thank you, I will not forget your kindness"

Scar puffed out his chest as Sil walked into the building causing both of them to hurry up and follow her.

Entering a shop a man and woman welcomed them "welcome to the gold sword smith what can we help you today." Sil smiled at the couple as Rex hid behind Scar who could comfortably stand inside.

"Yes I need weapons for my two companions" she said letting Rall step forward and making Scar get out the way letting them see Rex.

They both looked at him in disbelief "Rex!" They shouted as they jumped over the counter hugging him. "Hay, hay stop we're in a hurry" Rex said pushing them away making them pout "alright what are you looking you for?" His father asked grabbing Rall and Rex walked over to a wall of weapons.

Every weapon on the wall was crafted for looks and quality making it one of the best in the kingdom for nobility.

Rall immediately walked toward a short sword that has a red blade and a black guard having a red flag tied to the hilt with its pitch black sheath with a red trim under it. "Good pick this is actually a tooth from a fire python and the flag is actually made from its fur so it's very durable and fire resistant" Rex's father explained as he nodded at the boys good taste in weapons.

"How much for it?" Rall asked knowing it would be more then he's ever seen. The father was about to answer before Sil put a hand on Rall's shoulder "that's nun of your business. Rex is that the one you want?" Sil asked noticing Rex holding a giant battle hammer with ease over his shoulder.

"Ah, yes it looks like you haven't changed" his father said with a little disappointment as he walked behind the counter. "How will you be paying today?" He added as he looked back toward the group.

Sil dropped a bag of 25 gold on the counter "I also wanted information about this blade If possible I know who made it but I don't know why or how" she said showing her cursed dagger making Rexes father put on what looked like a pair of small gold binoculars.

He hummed to himself in a upbeat tone as he scanned the blade. "I need to hold the blade to see more and before you ask I have a skill that makes cursed blades useless." He said holding out his hand letting sil put the blade in his hand.

As he gripped the blade he could tell it was filled with a tremendous about if mana but he scanned it as quickly and as thoroughly as possible before putting it down with a sigh of relief.

"My skill doesn't work for long with this blade it only makes it efficient's slow, how can you carry such a weapon" he asked as he shook his head.

"Not important, what can you tell me about the blade." She asked impatiently getting him to clear his throat "it's made with a strong adventures soul and this person could drain mana from anything that had it. So you should be able to speak with the soul in your blade but this is all I could find out."

Sil smiled as she picked up the dagger about to walk away before being stoped by Rexes mother. "Why are you traveling with my son he's never liked making party's" she asked with suspicion.

"He's in my faction so he's traveling with me." She said walking away leaving his mother with more questions then answers. Rex was glad Sil walked away leaving her with no information.

Sil was practically speed walking all the time making her group speed up their pace, as they walked into another shop this one with a ball of yarn with a needle through it. "Welcome what are you looking for today?" A elf woman with brown hair asked looking at the group who entered with substation.

"I want everything. how much would it be" Sil asked before even getting to the counter making the elf's smile look forced. "May I see your faction coin please?" She asked pulling out a familiar hammer.

Sil placed her coin on the counter letting the elf smack it watching the numbers add up digitally above the hammer once more.

The numbers moving so fast made the elf smile look more relaxed before it disappeared turning into a face of disbelief. "Everything in the shop will be 25 gold and with the sewing machines will be another 6 gold" she answered as quickly as she could knowing of the power of the person in front of her.

Sil put 35 gold on the counter "pleasure doing business with you. Please go grab my sewing machines." She ordered getting the elf to run to the back room not even looking at the gold as Scar,Rex and Rall started throwing everything in the void.

As the elf came back out everything was already in the void making her smile as she made 4 sewing machines pop up on the counter. "These two are tear 2 and these two are tear 3. Thanks very much for your business please come back in 2 days all I'll be fully stocked."

Sil nodded as she turned away "I'll definitely do so I'll be seeing you." She said leaving the elf smiling ear to ear as she was forced to close the shop.

"Where to next master?" Rall asked as he held the hilt of his sword with a smile looking up at her. "Home finally, Rex guide Scar back to the inn. Scar let us in the void." Scar walked over to them making them go into the void then forced Rex to get on his back as he charged toward the inn/ his next meal.

Everyone immediately noticed sil the second she appeared making everyone stop doing what they were doing gathering around her. "Trish, Jack and Tommy step forward." They did as told immediately.

"I've just got a lot of materials for you and I also have enchanting books Scar should have gave you if not just ask." They both nodded understanding their next assignment.

"You both will be making clothes for everyone here first before we start selling to the kingdom, same enchants as before." She added as she waved them away letting them know that's all she had to say to them.

"Jack how are the positions and warriors coming along." Jack walked forward with two people next to him who looked a little nervous.

"We actually have a pretty good alchemist his name is Henry and he can make intermediate healing potions that go for a good amount. And this is the strongest warrior we have Timmy, but seriously lacks battle experience." He explained gesturing to them as he complemented them.

"I'm going to need everyone to work with each other, the blacksmiths will be giving the warriors weapons and armor to fight with, while the alchemist will be making the blacksmiths body enhancing and stamina regeneration potions." Everyone bowed "of course master" they said in unison almost like it was practiced.

"Now everyone get some rest, tomorrow will be a big day for me. So I'm going to get some rest as well, Scar let me out." She ordered walking through a opened door leading into the inn where scar was eating.

"I'm going to bed do as you please" she said walking up stairs going straight to her room falling into the bed, making the bed slam into the wall but she didn't notice as she fell asleep.

(Thank you for reading, I really hope you enjoyed it)