
Will I conquer the world or decide to save it

Zombie_wolf · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
22 Chs

Beast crystal gear

(Forgot to explain something a few chapters ago, Sil didn't know what would happen if the cursed dagger entered the void so she kept it attached to her lower back with telekinesis letting it drain her mana constantly she also did this with small pouches of gold)

The next morning Sil woke up with Clair cuddled up against her. Sil couldn't help but touch her ears again, unlike last time Clair stayed asleep pushing her head into her hand a little.

"Let's take a shower it looks like you need one" sil said looking at her hand that had a little dirt smug on it. Clair opened her eyes realizing where she was making her jump up running toward the shower.

Sil followed close behind getting undressed with Claire, getting a sheepish look from her as Sil examined her thoroughly.

Clair looked at Sil's with eyes of envy making Sil smile "stop starring and get in the shower already" Claire immediately looked away getting to the shower with Sil right behind her powering the gem to turn the shower on.

Clair never had a lot of mana, relying on her strength and stamina in a fight. so she's always had to take quick showers with low water pressure. Now with Sil powering the stone it was a waterfall of warm water pouring onto her.

Clair couldn't help but fall into a state of pleasure when the water hit her as Sil washed every inch of her body. Clair's never been bathed before, always having to do all the work herself.

After the shower Clair felt like a whole new Lycan walking over to Scar waking him up. "Get up, master said it's time for breakfast." Scar immediately woke up with a jerk looking around noticing the freshly bathed Clair and Sil.

"I'm starving" Scar declared as he walked out the door rushing down stairs to see John waiting. "Good morning, what will it be today?"

"Something delicious" they all answered at the same time getting John to sigh with a bit of laughter "I will also like something delicious." Jack added running down the steps sitting next to scar who didn't need a seat, he was tall enough to sit in the floor and eat at the bar comfortably.

John didn't take to long before he walked out holding 4 plates of food for them. Firstly it was Sil with a mantis egg and something that resembled giant pancakes. Secondly it was Clair with a rabbit and a glass full of red liquid and with a small sniff you could tell it was blood probably from a beast.

Thirdly was scar who got a raw boar Carcass and he didn't hesitate to dig into. Lastly was Jack with what looked like bacon and eggs.

They all ate quickly and quietly before Sil rushed everyone out the door heading toward the second wall with a pep in her step and a smile.

All the kingdom's people stared at Sil as she pasted by. with her good looks and fine tailored clothes, nobody could take their eyes off the tall red head beauty walking with a king tear beast and slaves.

Until the beauty walked into a house that made everyone look away in fear of what might happen if they kept starring. Sil walked into the house where she meet the first lizard man she's ever met.

The group was confused why they were there but they wouldn't question Sil. When the guard's seen her entering they immediately went onto one knee greeting her "lady Sil, what gives us the pleasure of seeing you on this fine morning." One of the guards asked not looking up at the smiling Sil.

She reached down to the man who spoke raising his head making him shiver a little "that was cute, but I'm here to see the lizard man." She stated getting the guards to run to the back of the room talking into a small hole in the wall.

Within a couple minutes the lizard man came out kneeling before Sil. "What brings you by lady Sil?" He asked not looking up at her. "I actually wanted to know about someone calling themself Silver Dollar a slave trader and a"

"Vampire" the lizard man finished her sentence getting her to smile a little more "now since you know of him, I want him brought to me or tell me his location." She said getting the lizard man to stand giving her a short bow "it will be done as you say."

Sil threw a small bag of gold at the lizard man getting a confused expression from him before she explained "I'll give you the rest when you found him or when he's brung to me." She said before leaving the house with everyone bowing to her on the way out.

When they left the building Scar couldn't hold in his laughter anymore and began cackling. "It's always so much fun to see people kneeling to my master"

"Yes it dose have a bit of satisfaction to it" she agreed as they approached the second wall, walking through without the guards stoping her.

"That's right it's about that time for the armor to be done" Jack said getting Clair and Scar to get a bit anxious. "I've never worn armor before" Scar said bluntly but this was no surprise to anyone. "What about you Clair?" Jack asked with a questioning gaze.

"I'm a warrior, blacksmith of course I've got experience in armor." Clair declared with pride as they walked into the ally, knocking on the bunker looking door.

The man opened the sliding peep hole seeing it was her before opening the door letting them in. "Welcome back your armor is over here" a dwarf said leading the way to two armor stands.

One had a sleek and slim look to it with scales all across it that was multi colored with see though wings on the back of the armor.

The second armor set was big and bulky with a purple giant centipede scales all over it. This armor was specially made so there was no gaps in the armor, making it harder to hit him while wearing it.

"Do you need help putting it on?" One of the dwarfs asked walking over to Scar but he just smiled as he put the armor in his void before letting it appeared on his body. "This is more comfortable then I thought it would be." Scar explained moving all his limbs checking how restricted he was, but to his surprise the armor didn't restrict any of his movements and it was lighter then he thought it would be.

Clair on the other hand already had the armor on testing out her new wings. Sil watched as the see through wings started moving rapidly as Clair was lifted off the ground a couple inches before she landed. "This armor is very well made, thank you for your craftsmanship." Clair said bowing to the dwarfs as they all smiled brightly.

"Will that be all for you today?" A dwarf asked as sil gave him the rest of the gold, walking toward the door. "That's it for today, but I'll be back" sil answered nonchalantly as she left the blacksmith shop.

As they walked out onto the street everyone couldn't help but look at them with envy and awe.

"We're to next" Jack asked walking beside Sil while Clair and Scar were close behind.

"I need to chat with everyone including the ones at the inn, but before that we need to get some supplies do you know where we can get building supplies?" She asked turning to Jack seeing his confused face made her chuckle but he still lead the way without question.

That being said Jack lead the way to a small house made of wood walking inside. Don't mistake this house was behind the second wall so it had to look good. The wood was masterfully carved making the house look like a miniature mansion.

When entering a big burly man with a big gut waiting behind the counter welcomed them. "Welcome to the house construction guild, what do you need."

Sil approached the man casually "how would I buy a house and I would like a lot of red bricks and I also wanted you to show me how you keep the bricks from separating."

The man looked at her questionably before giving her a book with every type of house you could imagine from poor to rich. "I'll take 2 of the intermediate houses." The man looked at her in disbelief before he walk to a door gesturing them to follow him.

They followed him to see that in the back yard was a big fenced in area with where people where building houses made of many different material.

But the man lead the way to a big neat pile of blood red bricks. "Was this the color your looking for?" The man asked as he picked up 2 of them.

"Yes that's perfect" she answered with a smile as the man infused mana into the bricks making them mold together. "It's pretty simple to make them bond together it takes very little mana but to much will break the brick"

"How much per brick" Sil asked getting the burly man to start laughing "we don't sell them individually, we sell them by the bulk it's 10 silver per 20 bricks"

"This should be enough then" she said giving the man 10 gold coins making his hand tremble a little "and how will you be moving the bricks madam?" He asked with a little stutter.

"That's not important, bring me my bricks" sil demanded getting the man to run to some other guys for help.

Sil watched as 5 men walked toward her with a giant pile of bricks on their shoulders, placing the bricks in front of Sil the same man from before walked over to her "here is all 2,700 bricks madam please follow me."

Sil gestured to Scar to hurry up, scar removed his armor as he ran over to the bricks running though like they weren't even there.

It was a sight to see a giant armored bear remove his armor in a blink of a eye, but to see him run into a pile of bricks making all the bricks disappear was something completely different before following the man.

The man lead them to two plots of land one with a house fully built and one with nothing but material to build a house. "This is our finest intermediate house."

Sil looked at the house seeing it was made better then most houses behind the first wall. "I'll take two of these, Scar take all the materials here" the man watched as Scar ran over to the materials making them disappear.

"I can give you the house fully made if you want" the man said almost like he was pleading she would do so. "How's that? But I still want this one like this" she asked pointing at Scar who was already almost done shoving everything into the void.

The man walked over to the house closing his eyes with his arms stretched making the house get enveloped in a circle of mana before it turned into a sheet of paper with the houses picture on it making Sil look at him in disbelief and amazement.

"All you have to do is break the spell with enough mana and the house will reappear. That will be 10 gold and no I can tell you how I did it" the man stated with a smile loving the look of disbelief sil had.

Sil gave him another 10 gold before talking the paper giving it to scar as he walked over. "Thank you have a good day" Sil said with a wave as she left the man smiling ear to ear.

"Jack take Scar back to the inn, Scar let in the void and get ready for further orders" Sil order as Scar removed his amor letting her walk into the void before re-quipping the armor.

Sil flouted in the void alone making her smile "so how manny different spaces can you make?" Scar made a confused expression but nobody could see his face through the armor. "Unlimited?"

Sil laughed a little "that's pretty cool now let's evolve this skill of yours. Make a giant brick floor below me and try and bond them like the guy said." She ordered and not long after a brick floor appeared a couple feet below her. Scar bonded the bricks together before letting her land on it.

Sil stomped on the ground a little making sure it was sturdy "you should make sure everyone has footing for now on. now bring all living beings here beside the beast." She ordered as at least 50 people were suddenly looking up at her.

"You people don't know me so I'll introduce myself I'm Sil, you people have the privilege to be under my rule." She announced in a sinister tone and a matching making everyone kneel to her.

"Of course master" the all said in unison giving Sil a satisfaction she's never felt before. "Very good, now I need everyone to split up into different groups the first being warrior the second blacksmith and lastly Alchemist."

Everyone moved accordingly and to her surprise their were still people not in a group. "What are you 4" she asked approached the small group making them tremble a bit.

The fist to speak was a green long haired elf girl not looking over the age of 15 wearing baggy clothes that clearly belong to a man. "I'm a caster my lady"she answered with a bow as another step forward.

The one that stepped forward was a vampire with short black hair and bright red eyes "I'm a summoner" she answered with a bow as a young orc boy around the age of 17 walked forward "I'm assassin my lord" he also answered with a bow.

And the last to step forward was a female cait sith with blond air and fur that was older then the rest looking around the age of 20. "I'm also a caster my lady" she also answered with a bow.

"I like that, for now you four will be grouped up with the warriors" she ordered making the group move to the other that was also small only having another 16 people in it.

"Scar are we at the inn yet?" Sil asked looking around at the groups she made. "Almost master what do you need" he answered back immediately. "Get everyone into the void when you get there and tell Trish to bring all the clothes she's made"

"Understood master" and with that being said Sil stretched her body before calling out to the Casters the elf and cait sith. "I want you two to shoot your most powerful spell at me." She ordered with a soft smile but the two hesitated for a second before they took a stance.

They both began muttered different words before they shouted something different. The elf shouted "Vines of Edan!" while the cait sith shouted "lightning!" As they both pointed at Sil.

When the elf casted her spell, it wrapped Sil in vines head to toe, by this time sil already had a thick layer of mana around herself as the lighting struck her burning right through the vines showing her uninjured behind the vines.

Sil removed the rest of the vines with ease tearing them off with her bare hands. "Not to bad, but you two clearly lack mana." Sil stated with a sigh as everyone else entered the void kneeling or bowing.

"Now that everyone is here, gather around everyone." Everyone did as they were told walking over to sil who had Jack, Scar Clair, Tommy, Trish and Fred standing to her sides.

"These are your first in command, you will listen to their orders like they were my own, Introduce yourselfs"

Jack stepped forward "I'm was known once as Jack the Ripper but now I just go by Jack" he said nonchalantly as Clair stepped forward "My name is Clair and some of you can probably tell I'm a Lycan and I hope we can get along"

Their were some gasps after Clair introduced herself but Trish quickly stepped forward with Fred "I am Trish and this is my son Fred and we are clothing makers, I look forward to working with you all" she said with a slight bow giving everyone a good impression of her.

Lastly was Tommy "I'm Tommy and I'm a enchanter I look forward in working with you all." Tommy also gave off a good impression.

"Trish and Fred you two will be making everyone decent clothes as Tommy puts cold and heat resistance enchants on them." Sil ordered looking toward Trish, Fred and Tommy who immediately bowed and spoke in unison "of course master."

"Jack you will be teaching then warriors how to fight properly and build mana and strength and Clair you will be taking care of the blacksmiths" Jack and Clair bowed before walking in different directions with their groups following.

"The Alchemists I need everyone of you to make your best or strongest potion or unique then give it to Jack." All the Alchemist looked at her in disbelief until all the herbs and brewing stand was in front of them bring them on the brink of tears bowing to Sil.

Sil was confused by this until Jack explained "these people are probably off market slaves so they probably never even seen a brewing stand of that caliber nun less the herbs I picked were the best in the kingdom" Sil nodded with a smile as she turned away from the Alchemist.

"Rex" Sil said and without question Rex ran over kneeling to her. "You will be shadowing Jack so you can train them in his absence" Rex wouldn't question Sil after what happened "of course master"

(The warriors has 20 people in a group/ the blacksmiths have 15 people in group and the alchemists have 15)

"Scar put me in a different space and give me the paper with the house on it" Sil ordered and as she did, she was suddenly flouting in the void before she landed on some bricks.

Sil poured mana into the paper, unexpectedly it only took very little mana before the paper started to burn away as the house popped up in front of her. "I'm going to give you a few suggestions on making this skill better and I also need my other clothes" Scar changed her clothes as he listened closely.

"I want you to keep making different houses and moving people around in different ways. For a example instead of immediately teleporting me you could made a door or something." Scar had a questioning look on his face as he let her walk out the void.

Leaving the void she was in the main area of the inn, John gazed at her in disbelief "that's a new look, I haven't seen before." He muttered not knowing how good Sil's hearing was. "Yah, not my style but I'll do for today. you can keep a eye on Scar can't you?"

John bowed "of course" with that Sil left walking toward the second wall in her one of a kind dress getting more stares then before.

Sil walked past everyone like they weren't even there, until she got to her destination. Sil approached a mansion that was of course behind the second wall but this one was different them most.

The mansion had a giant gold griffin on top holding down a black dragon with its talents and claws.

She knocked on the door and she could hear voices on the other side.

"Who could that be? I'm heading out anyways I'll get the door" a person that sounded familiar said before opening the door.

It was non other then Garrett and he had a shocked expression seeing Sil. "You took to long so I came here instead" Sil said with a smile snapping Garrett out of his shock. "My apologies please come in"

Walking into the mansion Sil couldn't help but look around, everything was ether decorated in gold or black or it was a beast head.

One in particular she was looking at was what she guessed was a troll. This troll was repulsive with giant teeth sticking out his mouth going up to his nose which was huge and lastly dead eyes that looked like they followed you.

"Welcome to the Griffin's household, you must be the contender my third son found. My name is Eric and this is my wife Laura." A man walking toward her welcomed her with a big smile with his wife doing the same.

Sil turned to them with a smile as she used her mana to make her close colors brighter, almost like it was glowing. "My name is Sil and I'm here to win the tournament for you"

Everyone in the room looked at Sil in disbelief leaving the room quite until someone's laughter echoed through the halls. "You have big balls for a woman, who do you think you are?" A man walked out into the open wearing fine close outlined in gold and having good looks.

The man had more to say but Sil moved behind the man without anyone noticing making him choke on his worlds "I'm the fine line between life and death." The man was stunned with everyone else. After a second or so the man had to turn his head to confirm she was actually behind him, but she was nowhere to be seen.

Turning back Sil was standing in front of him making him fall backwards. Garrett was the next to start laughing but not at Sil but at the man who fell which was his older brother.

"Like I said father a exceptional adventure, admit it father you couldn't see her movements" Garrett said with pride like he could. Eric was stunned and after hearing his son he muttered to himself "not even a step"

"I can tell your qualified for this position but how much do you want." He added aloud for everyone to hear. "It's very simple I want the skill book and a platinum coin" she said nonchalantly getting everyone to look between each other with a questioning gazes.

"Do you think of this tournaments so little?" Eric asked with full seriousness. "Yah it's going to be easy and I don't even really need the coin I just want the skill." She answered bluntly getting a nod from Eric.

"It will be done. I also want to give you my family's medallion, it will allow you to go anywhere anytime and give you a nice discount in the kingdom." He said with pride as a man walked over to Sil with a pillow in hand with a giant gold coin with a griffin killing a dragon on it like the one outside.

"Sounds good, I'll get the rest of the payment after the tournament. I'll be back here in two days." She grabbed the medallion leaving the mansion letting everyone inside sigh in relief.

"That's some person you found" Eric said looking at Garrett who couldn't believe how smoothly it went. "Of course father! I told you I would get a worthy person to represent us." He answered with pride making his older brother storm off and his mother and father smile warmly.

"It will be your job to make sure she has everything she needs" Eric asserted making Garrett stand up straight "of course father"

Sil decided to go back to the inn because her outfit draws so much attention. But on the way back before she could even leave the second wall a man in all black clothes approached her respectfully with a bow. "Lady Sil you have been invited to the black market event, would you like to participate?"

Sil looked at the man smiling "sounds fun are you going to take me there?" She asked able to sense something with mana in it on the man. The man smiled and took out a gem "yes are you ready to go?"

"I don't have much gold on me at the moment so I have to go back to my inn, you can come with if you want." She answered walking past the man going toward the inn with the man following close behind.

After they made it to the inn scar was still at the bar talking with John "Scar, let's go" Sil ordered getting Scar to get up following her without question. "Alright I'm ready now" she said as the man teleported them to a Arena looking area with a man in the middle with a spot light on him.

The man was wearing all black with a beast mask on hiding his identity and when he seen another person teleport in he began announcing loudly for everyone to hear.

"Welcome lady's and gentlemen to the black market event, please don't be scared to loss some coin and please listen very carefully to the announcers." With that being said the spotlight turned off them back on in a second with a man wearing all red with a different beast mask.

"The first items to be bet on will be these beast crystals that is from a legendary beast with the ability to turn itself invisible." The man held up two beast crystals that looked transparent but were brimming with mana.

The room became rowdy with everyone throwing bets out on top of each other making the announcer talk faster and within a blink of a eye someone spent 30 gold on the crystals.

Sil smiled as the lights turned off again then back on revealing a man in yellow holding a small chimera with a body of a lion with the back legs and horns as a goat with a tale of a snake and a mana gem embedded in the forehead between two goat horns.

"The bidding will start at 10 gold" the man holding the chimera announced as everyone started bidding little by little before Sil announced "100 gold coins" Making everyone go quite before a noble countered with "120 gold" but she quickly shot back "200 gold" making everyone go quite yet again.

"Sold to the beautiful woman in red" the man in yellow announced with the lights turning off with a female in all pink in his place. "The rest of the black market will be slaves and beast" the woman bowed to a man who took the spotlight.

This was the only man who didn't wear a mask. He was wearing a black tuxedo and looking around the age of 50 or so but the most important part was he had a giant flam lion next to him.

"Lady and gentlemen I am a beast tamer and today I will be selling my 5 of my most prized beasts who will listen to the orders of anyone who sighs a simple contact." The man announced made everyone started whispering to each other before he continued with a blueish 4ft slime appertaining next to him.

"My 5th beast is a slime good for taking out the trash and a portable seat" he said sitting on the back of the slime making it look like a beanbag chair.

Sil wasn't interested so time flew by letting the man present his 4th beast which was a giant Hercules beetle the size of horse. "This beetle has enough power to rival 2 B rank adventures at once and able to carry double his weight which is around 2 tones." Another beast Sil didn't care about so she didn't care who got it.

The 3rd beast was a gorilla which in this world they all had 6 arms and this one in particular was 7ft tall with beast armor on that resembled a snails shell. "Scar bring out the tamed gorilla" suddenly a gorilla was sitting beside her looking into the arena.

"Master?" Sil looked toward the gorilla "what can you tell me about this one." The gorilla looked at her "he's stronger then me and probably around the age of 6 years with plenty of battle experience I tell by his scent."

Sil liked his comment but she wasn't going to buy this beast. "You can watch or go back in the void" by the time her conversation was done the man brought out his 2nd beast that was a Vulture standing next to the man at the same hight. Around 6ft with double the wingspan.

"This is one of my favorite beasts, you can ride it if you weigh less then 200 pounds and it also has the strength and speed of a king tear beast." The man boasted getting everyone to ooo and awe as the beast did a little spin with his wings out showing off to everyone.

Sil was tired of this by now after the Chimera she didn't see anything else she wanted so she was about to leave before seeing a 7ft mantis walk out into the stage. Before the man could say anything she was in front of his talking casually.

"I'm a little short on coin but I can charge 30 cyclops eyes at once, would dose that sound like a good trade?" Sil asked as two full geared men popped out the shadows protecting the man.

The man was stunned for a second before he registered what she said "if what you say if true, yes I would very much like that. but I will have to ask for 40 extra gold on top of that to make me feel like it's a good trade." He said with a smile getting Sil to slime waving her hand for someone to approach.

Nobody knew who she was talking to before Scar appeared out of the shadows, walking toward Sil "master?" He asked not hearing the conversation.

"40 gold coins" she ordered as her hand sunk into his fur grabbing out a bag of gold coins throwing it toward the man letting him catch it.

"Lady's and gentlemen the beast auction is over thank you for your time and now the slave auction will begin" the man announced as the lights turned off making them disappear from the arena.

When the lights came back on they where standing in a room with all the auctioned beast in it. The man lead her to the mantis that stared at Sil with unbridled fear and anxiousness making the man make a confused look.

"This is a king tear beast how are you making it fear you in such a way I can't calm her" he said as he imbued mana into a crest that was on the mantis's cheats.

"Because she can see past the mask I let you see" she said as she put her hand on the chest breaking it with ease making the beast fall onto its knees as as she felt something link to her brain "please let me serve you" she begged not looking up making the man take a couple steps back.

"Your a monster" he muttered loud enough for Sils hearing to pick up but she didn't pay him no mind as she talked to the mantis "of course, but you will have to go through the pain of being granted a name" suddenly sil got the notification from the system that she got another tamed beast.

Sil didn't notice but when she said her words the mantis slammed her head into the ground crumbling the marble below as her head started bleeding. "Of course my master anything"

Sil didn't know if she like how the mantis acted but she continued speaking aloud "Mona" her word confused the man as he watched the mantis body start steaming as a few piping sounding were heard making him start laughing hysterically like a mad man.

"I never would have thought I would witness something so.. mind binding in my life. You are a true god." He said kneeling down to her making her look at him confused. "What are you talking about?" She asked getting the man to look at her with a smile.

"To name a king tear beast is like tearing out your heart and giving it to the beast. But you named her without batting a eye, something only the gods have the power to do. Please allow me to serve your for the rest my short life."

Sil turned to scar pointing at the squirming Mona, Scar got the hint putting her in the void in a space of her own. Sil walked over to the man leaning down putting a hand on his shoulder activating mana healing realizing the man was poisoned.

Suddenly he threw up some black liquid, but he felt like a new person as sil looked down on him smiling "do you have a surname?" He looked at her in disbelief but smiled through it "no mama I don't, my name is Rick by the way" he said bowing he was knocking he was about to be unable to talk do to the pain of being granted a surname.

"Rick Zander" sil couldn't think of anything so this was the best she could come up with, she told scar to put him in the void as a man in a black robe walked over. "I'm very aware of what just happened but I'm going to keep that to myself. Please follow me for your other prize."

The man lead the way out the room to a clear cage where the her chimera was imprisoned. "Open it" she ordered to the man making him hesitate for a second before he remembered what he just witnessed making him open the cage.

When unlocked all the wall dropped letting the beast stand in the open. Sil thought the beast was to young to understand human language so she connected a small link of mana to the chimera making a telekinetic link and making it flinch.

"Not to worry I'm here to save you from these humans to give you a greater purpose." Sil didn't know if the little guy could understand her but she tried to keep it short and sweet and to her surprise it leaped into her arms absorbing mana through her skin like her dagger.

"It's been to long of a day let's go home" sil said with a sigh as the man lead them out noticing they were right around the corner from the inn. "Transportation magic. now please come back next time and tell Rick I said good luck" the man answered her question before she could ask before vanishing.

Sil hurried back to the inn going straight to her room falling on the bed "tell everyone to rest for the night and bring Clair out to me and let Jack or anyone else out if you think it's ok." She ordered as Clair walked out the void, naked and looking exhausted as she climbed into the bad letting Sil wrap her arms around her.

Jack also walked out the void with Rex close behind. "The bars downstairs help yourself, don't leave the inn or you will be punished." Jack ordered as he walked into his room letting Rex drown his fear and pain with alcohol.

(Thanks you for reading hope you enjoyed)