
Why A Tree?: Reincarnated as a tree

Alex Smiths, yeah my name is you know (creative) like that but I just got to live with it (for 17 years that is). But one day walking to home after one of my great blunders. I died a death that at the same time i saw and didn't saw coming and got reincarnated as a ... Tree?! of all things why a tree?! An unknown god giving me a blessing? A Intelligent bird? A game like system? Well this is gonna be one hell of a ride So this is the beginning of my story on a world of sword and magic ... as a tree. or trees? Ok that sounded cringe and generic I don't know what me 4 months ago was doing but for people who want to know what to expect then here: Mc would be a little carefree clever smart and stupid at the same time. Mini trees that are parts of him that will help him The bird would be someone he meets early on. I have no plans on making him op early on nor making him super ultra op that he can one shot gods. A world full of monsters Tension on nations is always as high as snoop dogg I have plans on giving him, a tree a skill tree So if any of that gets you interested then please read

erchi · Fantasia
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12 Chs

A tree and silence.

I am Alex Kennedy Smith, 17 and no different from any other guy you'll find on the streets except for my name or you could say especially my name … yeah I always get taken fun of a lot because my name sounds straight out of a character from an ABC kids show like "Hi I'm Alex and holding an Apple A-A Apple". So I had to suck it up and live that way because of the lack of creativity and thought my parents gave my name.

But on one faithful day,(You know things bout to get heavy when they use the word "Faithful")

Katie and I were going back from school after a long and tiresome day.

"So many homework again I just can't keep up with this." Alex complained

"Stop acting so troubled." Kate sighed

"But it's true, schools always sending way too much homework uggh."

"It's not that bad, plus you don't even do half of them. Every time the teacher is asking for our homework you keep looking around your bag, pretending to be searching far and wide for your "homework" that you definitely did" Kate sighed again

The two of them continued walking and while in a intersection our genius protagonist comes up with a high level intelligence game.

"Hey let's try to get as close as possible to getting hit by a truck. The closer you are to get hit the -" Alex ear was pulled by Kate

"I sometimes wonder where you get all these stupid ideas" Kate said looking fed up

"Ouch! Ouch! Okay I'll stop."

Alex holding his red ear in total defeat. Just like that an easy way to get Isekai'd just got averted.

"I was joking. Mayb- Okay! Okay! i was just joking!" Stopped after getting tickled. Alex is quite prone to tickles, because of how easily tickled he is, he treats this as a weakness that needed to be overcome.

"Oh by the way how is the thing Matthew you guys dating yet?" Alex said teasingly

"Why did my parents decide to live so close to your house" sighs "If we just moved to a different place maybe I wouldn't have met you" Indeed if and only if they, but now Kate is cursed with the loud and never ending teasing fiend in guise of a friend. (Not for long that is *wink wink*)

And then suddenly, a bright flash of light and then the sound of tires screeching this sound, this sound Alex instinctively knew the meaning of the sounds and light. Alex immediately jumped into action. His no, they're life is in danger and then without hesitation pushed Kate from where she stood and then what happens next was-

"Katie!" He pushes her


"What are you doing?!" Kate continued to ask.

Alex then was puzzled after looking around to see everything was normal except that groups of people where looking at them with confused expressions, while some laughing and some visibly pitying the girl he pushed out of nowhere with all of his strength. And then comes to the shocking realization he fuk'd up big time.

"Umm a-ah" Alex visibly shaken

"Why did you just push me?" Kate shocked at the development if she were in elementary she would have no doubt cried because of how hard he pushed her.

"I don't know; I don't understand" still confused but aware of the gazes on him.

"You should stop with the jokes you could have hurt me … not like you didn't" she said while dusting her clothes off

"Umm first of all sorry, I'm really sorry"

After that they silently went home and in the fork of the road silently bid farewell then when he was alone he lot out a sigh filled with emotion at that moment he truly felt like continuing the game of trying to get hit by a truck but this time actually getting hit preferably hit dead on the spot.

"That's going to be haunting me for years … that embarrassing moment wont let me sleep at NIGHT!" Accidentally shouting the last part.

As he continued walking without giving anything a second glance right there and right at that moment he saw a flash of lights resembling a trucks two lights and a tire screeching. At this moment unlike before when he went out his way to battle his fear to save Kate this time he hesitated and because of the sense of Deja Vu and the feelings of embarrassment he looked up and saw a truck a blue green colored truck hitting him his body being sent flying he opened his eyes one last time saw that trucks side which had "Group Trees support planting trees" written on it and closed his eyes.

He's soul went on a journey and something resembling ominously glowing dark hands it scooped Alex's soul up infused it with a dark dot and took it away from earth and when the hands was about to reincarnate it. The process or whatever it was, was interrupted by a shot of white piercing light causing the hands to let go. The soul wondered the world for years maybe even decades and then finally setting as a seed on the ground and growing as a sapling in which through time he stood there and grew along with the other saplings and stood there for 57 years as A Tree.

It stood there in silence.

Until the area was contaminated with mana and the silence continues but it won't be long until the silence is broken but for now we live in black and in
