
Who to love

Bong Soon has just moved back with her family to Korea coming from Africa after her grandfather passed away leaving his huge inheritance to her mother. Now she has to start a new life on a new Continent and at a new school. At this elite school she meets these three guys who are about to change her life. But not everything is all sunshine and rainbows as she solves the mystery around them risking her life in the process. Who could be behind all the death's? Expect twists , turns and fast dialogue. I hope you enjoy!

Hellohworldd · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
90 Chs

Justice for Mrs Baek

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Soo Hyun:(confused)  What do you mean mom?

Mrs Baek:(emotional)  Its her that woman ,the one that ran my car over .It's her!

Mrs Park: (pissed off)Crazy woman ,I.dont even know you.

Detective Geum:(showing her the sketch they just made)Well this sketch says otherwise .

Mrs Park: (chuckles) That looks nothing like me!

Min Ho: That looks exactly like you.

Mrs Park: (chuckles) You've got to be kidding me.

Detective Geum: Kidding or not Mrs Park you are under arrest for the attempted murder of Mrs Baek.

B.S mom:(smirking) Serves you right .

Mrs Park: You can't  do this to me !

Detective Ji: (smiling) Actually we can.

B.S mom:And this isn't the end you'll also pay for poisoning us.

Detective Geum: Take her away!

Detective Ji: (smiling) Good work partner

Detective Geum: I just got lucky .It's all thanks to you.

MEANWHILE...at the hospital a nurse enters Bong Soons room.Won Ho sees her going in and can't help but feel like something is off with the nurse.The nurse takes a long time in the room.

As he's about to go in and check on her ,she walks out of the room.Won Ho keeps on looking at her then her shoes!Her shoes are different from all other workers .

Won Ho: Stop right there!

The nurse starts running and the police officers and Won Ho run after her.They catch her and as they are about to remove her face mask Myung Soo arrives coming from the cafeteria .

Myung Soo: What's going on here?

Won Ho: (removing the mask)Its this fake nurse!

They all look at the nurse

Myung Soo: Mi Nam!

Won Ho: (surprised) It's the charity case?

Mi Nam: (scared)Please don't harm me!

Myung Soo: Officers it's okay you can go.

Officer 1:But she faked being a nurse and went in the patient's room.

Mi Nam :I just wanted to see my friend.

Officer #2:Awe really

Won Ho: Well she slipped right past you.And if it wasn't for me she would've gotten away.(looking at them in the eyes)Mmm I wonder how your officials would react if they found out something like this happened.

Officer #1:Well...um...

Won Ho:(smirking)  I thought so.You should get going now ,you left the patient all alone .Anything could happen to her now

Officer#2:Okay umm we're going back to Miss Kim's room.

The officers go off

Mi Nam: Thank you

Won Ho: You don't have to thank me.

Myung Soo :Where have you been?

Mi Nam: (secretive) Can we find another place to talk

Myung Soo: Okay..

They get into an empty  room  close by them

Myung Soo: Now speak up

Mi Nam: Well..our neighbor told us my grandfather came to look for us.And both of my grandfather's died a long time ago.My paranoid mom quickly packed up and we had to leave and go into hiding.But I guess she wasn't paranoid after all.The second day I went back to check on the house and someone had broken in.i didn't want to worry you guys with my problems .Then next thing I heard was that our neighbor had died .That made us even more scared only .And then I saw on the news about what happened to Bong Soon. I knew right away that it was no accident

Won Ho: (confused) What is she talking about?

Myung Soo: I'll tell you later .

Won Ho: Is this why you haven't been hanging out with me all these past weeks

Myung Soo: I'll explain later

Won Ho: Explain now ! and she said "guys" Who else have you been hanging out with?

Mi Nam :(whispering) shut up(she goes closer to the door listening in on the man passing by talking on his phone)

Won Ho: You little (she puts her finger on his mouth)

Mi Nam walks out the room and keeps on following the voice which leads her back to Bong Soons room.As the man is about to look back she quickly turns away and hides at a corner where the boys find her

Myung Soo: What's wrong?

Mi Nam: That man... that voice.

Myung Soo takes a peep

Myung Soo: Mr Shin?

Mi Nam: (convinced) It's him I swear it's him.

Won Ho: Him who?

Mi Nam :The man who paid my father.The one who works for Mr Baek.

Won Ho: (chuckles) But he doesn't work for Mr Baek.He works for Mr Lee.Well used to.He works for his daughter now Mrs Kim .

Mi Nam: Bong Soon' s mom?

Myung Soo: Yes  , are you sure though?

Mi Nam: I promise it's him.

Myung Soo: (shocked) Wow

Mi Nam: (angry)So that's the man who has given my mom  and I so many sleepless nights.

Won Ho: I still don't get what's happening here.

Mi Nam: Argh..i have to go now

Myung Soo: You can't just leave now.

Mi Nam: (serious ) The man who wants to kill me is standing 20 meters away from me .I'm leaving!

Won Ho: (surprised) Kill!?

Myung Soo: But you can't just leave now ,you could help us prove he is guilty against Bong Soon.

Mi Nam: I don't even have any proof .Will they believe a poor girl ?A daughter of a supposed murderer?

Myung Soo: I guess not.But you can continue help us gathering information

Mi Nam:I don't know about that.(she starts walking away)

Myung Soo:You know she would do anything to help if it was you!(Mi Nam stops) She has helped you so far when she wasn't even gaining anything. (Mi Nam turns around) You just need to hang in there just a little bit more for her.

Mi Nam:I'm leaving eitherway.

Myung Soo: (surprised) Wow w

Mi Nam: But I'll come back...tomorrow.

Myung Soo: (happy)  Really?

Mi Nam: You have my word(she runs off)

Won Ho: Now can you please explain what this is about .

Myung Soo: Okay so....

MEANWHILE....At the station

Mrs Park:You'll see I'll get out of here and you'll all pay for treating me like this!

B.S mom:You disgust me.

Mrs Park is taken away

B.S dad:How did you guys end up here?

Soo Hyun: Well my mom had come to clear my dad's name. She also named those responsible and thus came about Mrs Parks sketch.

Min Ho: No wonder why it looked so familiar.

B.S mom:I don'tknow how this happened but whatever it is I'll forever be grateful to you Mrs Baek.Sure she hasn't gone to prison for the crime against us but at least she is in prison. Thank you so much.

Mrs Baek: It feels good getting justice after such a long time .Now I just want to see my Husband.

Detective Geum: He's waiting for you right in there.

She rushes towards the room and opens the door

Mr Baek: Honey!

Mrs Baek:(crying)  My husband !

He rushes and hugs her

Mr Baek:(crying)You finally woke up

Mrs Baek: (crying) I couldn't leave you and my prince all alone .

Mr Baek: I missed you.

Mrs Baek: I missed you more.

B.S mom:(tearing up) Wow this is so heartwarming.

Detective Geum:(tearing up) I need a husband.

Detective Ji :(laughing) You need a boyfriend first.

Detective Geum: Aish (she storms off)

B. S mom:I guess we were wrong about him honey.

B.S dad:I guess we were.

Soo Hyun: Sorry I didn't believe you.

Mr Baek: Its okay ,what's done is done let's not live in the past now.

B.S dad:I'm sorry I was wrong about you.

Mr Baek: Its okay .To be honest i would've treated you the same.

B.S mom:Well on that note we have to get going  ,we've got to check on our daughter.

Min Ho: I'll come with you.(addressing Soo Hyun) You stay here you've got some family bonding to do.

Soo Hyun: But.....

Min Ho: They need it more than you.

Soo Hyun: (sad)Okay...

Mrs Baek :We will  come visit  your daughter.

B.S mom:That would be nice of you thank you very much.

They arrive at the hospital where Mr Shin ,Myung Soo and Won Ho Are waiting.

Won Ho:You're back .

B.S dad:Yes we are

Myung Soo: Min what are you doing here?

Min Ho: Its a long story,How is she?

Myung Soo: She's okay but she still hasn't woken up.

Mr Shin: I've been trying to reach you all day .There are some things which needed to be handled at work.I was just about to leave when you got here.

B.S mom: Mr Shin you work too hard.

Mr Shin:That's what I'm here for.

B.S mom: I guess so.Well it's been quite  an eventful day I won't be able to go to work .

Mr Shin: Well you can just sign these papers then I'll do the rest.

She takes the papers and as she's about to sign them

B.S mom:You know what .I'll sign them after reading them. I'll give them to you tomorrow

Mr Shin:(taking them away)it's okay I'll handle it on my own.

B.S mom: Mr Shin can I trust you?

Mr Shin:Yes ma'am. Why ask?

B.S mom: Well after what happened with Mrs Park  I don't know who to trust.

Mr Shin:(confused) What happened to Mrs Park.

B.S dad:She's in jail now.

Myung Soo: Did you prove she was drugging you?

B.S dad :Sadly no

Mr Shin :Drugging?

Won Ho: Yes drugging, Mrs Park has been drugging the Kim's. (Looking straight at Mr Shin)I wonder if she had help from someone.

B.S mom:Well what matters is that hag is prison now.

Myung Soo :But how is that possible if you didn't have proof .

B.S mom: Its all thanks to Mrs Baek

Myung Soo: I still dont get it.Didn't she just wake up from a comma?

Mr Shin:(surprised) She woke up?

Min Ho: Yes she did,but upon hearing about Mr Baek she wouldn't just stay home .When we went to the station to clear his name that's when she told the cops about the real culprits .And lucky for us Mrs Park was already at the station being questioned for the Kim's case and that's when Mrs Baek saw her and cornfimed it was her.

B.S mom: She almost got away!

Mr Shin:And who might these culprits be

Won Ho: What ?Are you scared or something ?

B.S dad: Now Why would he be scared?.(laughing )Could you really harm us

Mr Shin: I would never ...Ummm on that note I have to inform you that Mr Cho' s funeral will be tomorrow if you want to attend the service.

B.S mom:We'll go .

Mr Shin :Okay then Miss ,I have to go now.

(he leaves)

Myung Soo and Min Ho look at each other suspicious of Mr Shin

B.S mom:You boys should go home and rest you've been here long enough

Myung Soo: No it's okay.i want stay here .

Won Ho: Do you think she's going to like waking up to your stinking self.

Myung Soo: Aish you little....

Min Ho: You can go I'll hold the fort down

Myung Soo: But...

B.S dad:Come on just go .You can come back when you've freshened up and had a proper meal.Well call you if anything happens.

Myung Soo: Okay I'll just bath and come back

B.S mom :Okay then bye

Won Ho: We'll see you later.

Whilst The Kim's consult with the doctors Min Ho goes to Bong Soons room.

MEANWHILE..at the station

Detective Ji and Geum question Mrs Park

DetectiveJi: Mmm another case of attempted murder. This isn't your lucky day Mrs Park.

Mrs Park: This is all a misunderstanding.

Detective Geum: Misunderstanding my foot .Mmm unless if you have a twin sister.(laughing) oh well you don't.

Mrs Park: You think this is amusing .

Detective Geum: Now Why would I be amused by a person like you?Tell me why you ran into Mrs Baek's car.

Mrs Park: I didn't do that.Why would I do that.After all I'm just a maid.i don't even have a car.

Detective Ji: Its too late for you to play the innocent card.Its best you just try to work with us and help get yourself a shorter sentence.

Mrs Park: (chuckles) like I'm going to believe that.

Detective Ji:Well you look like a decent woman.Why would you do that to a woman who you barely know.Could it be that you are a psychopath or you're working for  someone.

Mrs Park  just chuckles

Detective Geum:Tell us why did you do that.

Mrs Park: I still haven't gotten my lawyer.I want my lawyer.

Detective Ji: Why do you have to make things more complicated ?

Mrs Park: I know my rightsI want my lawyer.

Detective Geum: Okay we'll see if they can save you. Let's go Detective Ji.


Min Ho: Kim Bong Soon...Can you hear me...Its me your Prince Charming...(chuckles )I know you don't need one though....Look I'm taking pictures of you ...(laughing) Aish you look so horrible...You  should wake up and stop me...I know you don't like pictures....(taking a selfie with her)Aigoo even my charm isn't making you look any better....i can't even smile with you in that state...Please wake up...I already miss you (about to start crying)

 He kisses her on her forehead  and his tear falls onto her forehead

Min Ho looks at her one time as he's about to excuse himself her finger moves...

Min Ho: Omo!

Her finger moves again

Min Ho: She just moved her finger...Omo...