
Who Is Your Baby Mama- (Will Be Republished)

THIS STORY HAS BEEN REPUBLISHED WITH THE SAME TITLE... "WHO IS YOUR BABY MAMA" CONTINUE READING FROM THERE... THANKS Having a baby will only ruin her body and her career. After Nate kept on pestering Quinn about having a baby, she couldn’t, she didn’t want to get pregnant. Adoption was never an option for her until she found her long lost friend. Because of what she had been through, she agreed to the contract to carry the pregnancy for her because of the money. Nate, having the chance to lay with his crush, used the opportunity. What happened after her third miscarriage? Who is the owner of the baby? Quinn or Paige? Find out in… Who Is Your Baby Mama?

Pop_Corn_0765 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
33 Chs

Trisha's Plan

Paige went back to her office, thinking about what just happened between her and Nate. Her cheek flushed red at the thought of it. Everything happened suddenly and unexpectedly.

"Why didn't I stop myself? Why didn't I stop him?" She asked herself. She groaned in frustration and leaned her head on the table. She tried so hard to forget about it but everything in the office reminds her of it.

She exhaled deeply and pulled herself towards the desk, staring at the computer. She wanted to concentrate so that she could leave from here early.


Jane knocked softly on Nate's door.

"Come in" he said, lifting his gaze from his computer to the door.

She walked in with Trisha. Nate rolled his eyes and looked away. He knew his sister was going to come here.

"You may leave" he said to Jane. Jane nodded and left. Trisha walked towards her brother and sat opposite him.

"Why are you here?" He asked.

"I came to talk to you privately. Why else?" She replied. Nate leaned back on his chair, dragging his lips between his teeth.

"What do you want to talk about? Betsy? Quinn?"

"Both of them Nate! Both of them! I've arranged for a meeting between dad and her own stupid father. It's time to end your marriage"

"You can't do that" Nate sprung up.

"I can! And I will!" Trisha also sprung up. Nate sniffed in and sat down.

"Listen to me Nate, I'm your sister and I know what's best for you. Quinn isn't good for you and I know it" she said.

"She's my wife already and that can't change. Dad won't even agree to the divorce. This is a contract marriage!"

"I hate this, I really do" she fummed angrily.

"I also do. Quinn made me sleep with that girl. She's going to carry my child. At least, I would have a son" he said and stared back at his computer.

"A son with another woman. That's crazy! You know what, I'm not going to interfere with this anymore. I'll be leaving for England next week, when I'm gone, I hope you can take care of everything" she said and grabbed her bag, turning to leave.

"What do you want me to do? What do you think I can do?" He asked.

Trisha smiled and stared at him.

"Now you are talking. I have just the perfect plan" she said. Nate sighed and trailed his fingers into his hair.

"Let me hear it"



Paige returned home a little late. She was about to open the door when she discovered that it was unlocked. She pushed the door open and locked it behind. The room was pitch dark.

"Zane? Are you around?" She asked, walking towards the light switch.

Suddenly the lights came up.

"Zane?" She called out with her eyes traveling to where he stood.

"Surprise!" He said with a broad smile on his face. Paige closed her mouth in shock. She has never been surprised before. She walked towards him, throwing her bag on the couch.

"I don't know what to say" she was still in shock.

"Just hug me and kiss me" he said. Paige smiled at him. She just couldn't bring herself to kiss him.

"Thanks" she said, leaning on the table. It was filled with drinks and food.

"I'll go change and join you" she grabbed her bag and left. Zane frowned after she left. He hated the fact that she didn't hug him or kiss him. He was actually falling for her until the day she stopped him from kissing her. That was when he knew that he couldn't date her.


Paige came out dressed in a baggy shirt and a short. She tied her hair into a rough ponytail and sat opposite Zane.

"I haven't eaten something like this before. Thanks"

"I'll do anything for you" he said.

"Besides, how about your mother? Is she well now?" Paige asked, digging into her chicken laps.

Zane furrowed his eyebrows, trying to understand what Paige was talking about.

"My mom? She's dead..like three years ago" he said. Paige stopped eating and raised her head to stare at him.

"You..you told me that your mom was in the hospital and she needs treatment"

Zane remembered. He blinked repeatedly, thinking of another lie.

"Did I say mother? Oh no, I was stressed out when I was telling you. I mean, god mother. My god mother needs treatment" he lied again.

"Oh, I'm sorry about your mom though. We should visit your godmother tomorrow. I should see her" Paige added, as she continued with her chicken.

"Um.. no, she doesn't like guests" Zane said. He was starting to feel uncomfortable with the lies he was telling.

"Why? Fine, we'll stay outside her room and check on her" she insisted.

"No, please Paige. Try to understand. I don't want anything to happen to her" he said.

"Fine, I won't talk about her anymore" she said and rolled her eyes.

"Thanks" he smiled weirdly and started eating.


Nate walked into the house with shopping bags. Quinn and Betsy sighted him from far and furrowed their eyebrows.

Quinn jumped up and walked towards him.

"You got these for me?" She asked, stretching her hands to collect them.

"No, I bought them for my baby mama" he said and walked towards Betsy. He handed the bags over to her. Quinn frowned and turned to face them.

"Why would you get her gifts? I'm your wife!"

"Yeah, but she's going to carry my child"

"I'm with Quinn. Why would you get this thing gifts?" Trisha walked into the scene and stood beside Quinn. Quinn gazed at Trisha, giving her a questioning look.

"Why would you support me?"

"I'm not supporting you. I just don't like the idea of my brother buying gifts for her" she said.

"Well, I've bought the gifts already. Good night" he said and walked pass Trisha. Trisha stared at him over her shoulder and smirked.

"It's working" she thought and walked away.

"Don't think he'll ever fall for you Betsy. Remember your place in this house. You are just the carrier of his child and that's all" Quinn warned and left.

Betsy rolled her eyes and peeped into the shopping bag. She smiled on seeing the shoes and bags. She bit her lower lips seductively.

"This is all I ever wanted" she thought.