
Who Is Your Baby Mama- (Will Be Republished)

THIS STORY HAS BEEN REPUBLISHED WITH THE SAME TITLE... "WHO IS YOUR BABY MAMA" CONTINUE READING FROM THERE... THANKS Having a baby will only ruin her body and her career. After Nate kept on pestering Quinn about having a baby, she couldn’t, she didn’t want to get pregnant. Adoption was never an option for her until she found her long lost friend. Because of what she had been through, she agreed to the contract to carry the pregnancy for her because of the money. Nate, having the chance to lay with his crush, used the opportunity. What happened after her third miscarriage? Who is the owner of the baby? Quinn or Paige? Find out in… Who Is Your Baby Mama?

Pop_Corn_0765 · Urban
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33 Chs

He Kissed Paige!

The next morning, Nate was dressed to go to the office. He walked out of the room and saw Quinn and Betsy chatting. He even wondered why he hasn't seen his sister anywhere.

He spoke too soon. The door flung open as Trisha walked into the house. Nate heaved a breath of relief and walked towards his sister.

"Where have you been?" He asked.

"I had an interview. I'll be going back to England next... Who is that?" She stopped talking when she sighted Betsy. Quinn stood up and majestically walked towards them.

"Hi in-law, this is Nate's new baby mama. The lady that's going to carry your brother's child so show some respect" she said. Trisha stared at Betsy and smirked.

"My brother would never touch you" Trisha muttered.

"Well, he already did. He was all over me yesterday and I could tell that he didn't want to stop" Betsy replied. Trisha stared at her brother and gave him a questioning look.

"Is..is that true?" She stammered.

"I don't want to talk about this. See you when I get back" he replied and walked away. Trisha gazed at him as he left. She turned and stared at Quinn and Betsy. Without uttering any word, she grabbed her bag and left for her room.



Nate got to the company and signed in. The receptionist stared at him, worriedly.

"What? Why are you staring?" He asked.

"Betsy hasn't been in office for three days now" she replied.

"Yes, she's fired. For the meantime, Paige will fill her spot till I find someone loyal" he said and left.

"Fired?! Oh no" Jane murmured.


Nate stood outside his office, staring at Paige's door. He has no idea if she has arrived or not. He went into his office and grabbed his telephone.

He dialed the number and waited for her to answer. He thought she wasn't at the office and almost gave up but her sweet voice stopped him.

"Hello" she said.

"Come to my office" he said and disconnected the call. He want to act like something weird didn't happened between them yesterday.

He arranged the file on his table to make it look nice.

He saw the handle of the door twist as she walked in. He quickly raised his head and stare at her.

"Have a seat" he said. Paige sat down opposite him. She was also going to act like nothing happened between them.

"Betsy won't be coming anymore so.. I'd want you to fill her position till I find someone perfect" he said.

"Sure" was the only word that came out from her mouth.

"I'll prepare the necessary document for you to sign" he said.

Suddenly, the door open as Jane walked in.

"Sir, you didn't add your signature to this.." she stopped when she saw Paige.

"I could come back later" she said and wanted to leave.

"Hold on" he said. He stood up and walked towards Jane. He took the pen and signed.

"Thank you sir" she smiled and walked away.

Paige was already planning to leave. They both stared into each other's eyes and diverted their gaze elsewhere.

"Don't think I'm a pervert Paige. What I did that day..."

"I don't want to talk about it" she interrupted him and walked to the door. He pulled her back and pinned her to the door.

"Why are you making me feel helpless?" He asked.

"I slept with her yesterday" he murmured. Paige furrowed her eyebrows, trying to understand what he was talking about.

"I don't care who you sleep with" she replied.

"Quinn made me sleep with her. That was the worst sex I've ever had in my entire life" he added. Paige tried to free herself from his grip but he held her too tight.

"Argh! Your hurting me Nate" she groaned in pain. But he wasn't interested in what she was saying. He grabbed her cheek, making her stare at him.

"This wouldn't have happened only if you would have agreed to become my baby mama" he whispered to her.

"Nate stop" she groaned again as Nate slipped his hand to her waist.

"My life is ruined" he whispered and sniffed in. Paige stared at him and saw tears running down his cheek.

"N..Nate?" Paige called out, touching his face. With her thumb, she wiped the tears away. He staggered and leaned on her. Now, their body was rubbing against each other and his head on her shoulder.

"I want you Paige" he murmured close to her ear.

"You can't have me. I'm sorry" she replied. Nate raised his head and stared into Paige's eyes. He touched her face and stared at her lips. He drew his face closer to hers and pressed his lips to hers. She shot her eyes wide open. She didn't know what was going on.

"What's happening? Why am I not stopping him?" She thought. She remembered when Zane tried to kiss her but she blocked him. But she didn't stop Nate from kissing her.

She wanted to push him back but Nate pulled her by the waist not letting her go. They remained in that position for some time, kissing each other. It took some time before Paige gave in to him. She wrapped her hand around Nate's neck and accepted the kiss. Their tongue twisted in each other's mouth. Nate sucked her lower lips, enjoying the flavour of her lip gloss. He was carried away by the kiss and almost forgot where he was. He slipped his hand into Paige's skirt. Paige reacted to his touch and moved away from him.

"I..I should leave now" she said and left. He didn't stop her from leaving. He sighed deeply and walked back to his seat. Now, he felt relaxed after kissing Paige. It was one of the things he had always wanted to do since high school. To kiss Paige.

A smile crept on his face as he bit his lower lips. He drew his chair closer to the desk to continue working but he couldn't. He just leaned back on the chair and slowly spin around, thinking about what just transpired between him and Paige.