
White-Robed Chief

Chu Li was a particle physicist until a freak accident took his life and transmigrated him to a parallel universe — one where he wakes up with inexplicable abilities and finds himself in the running for a job in the imperial palace. This is a story of heroic adventures, cunning strategies and romantic tales. How will our MC thrive in a world completely strange to him? Where will his ambitions and abilities take him in the palace?

Xiao Shu · Ação
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1215 Chs

The East room of the courtyard was filled with steam; the air smelled heavily of herbs.

It was the usual place where Chu Li and Xue Ling would take their showers.

A wooden bucket as tall as a man was placed in the middle of the room, and below it was a furnace that was made from cobblestone. Although Xue Ling was dressed in a white robe, she squatted beside the furnace and added firewood from time to time. The way she squatted made her spine curved beautifully.

The pile of firewood burned with ferocity such that at times, you could hear popping sounds from the burning flames, and a thick cloud of white steam swirled above the wooden bucket. Soon, the thick herbal smell had spread throughout the whole house.