
White-Robed Chief

Chu Li was a particle physicist until a freak accident took his life and transmigrated him to a parallel universe — one where he wakes up with inexplicable abilities and finds himself in the running for a job in the imperial palace. This is a story of heroic adventures, cunning strategies and romantic tales. How will our MC thrive in a world completely strange to him? Where will his ambitions and abilities take him in the palace?

Xiao Shu · Ação
Classificações insuficientes
1215 Chs

Li Qubing looked at Deng Datong with a smile and shook his head. Clearly, Deng Datong was really scared.

"You said he would really kill me?" Deng Datong frowned.

"Who knows."

Deng Datong let out a sigh. "No, he doesn't dare to!" He shook his head.

"Then try and see if he dares to!"

"Don't you scare me."

"Haha!" Li Qubing burst into laughter, shaking his head again. "Looks like you're terrified!"

"Nonsense. If it were you, wouldn't you be afraid?"

"I wouldn't be afraid of anything if I hadn't done anything wrong!" Li Qubing shook his head. "Old Deng, I think you should reflect on yourself. Don't keep thinking about seizing opportunities with trickery. After all, it's not a long-term solution."

"Let's get through this first before we talk about that!"

"In my opinion, you should stop it." Li Qubing shook his head. "Just think about it. If you keep forcing him to help you, he will definitely be annoyed!"