
Whirlwind of hearts

The reunion of Isabella and Nick after two years sets the stage for a captivating journey of love, friendship, and unforeseen complications. Once school friends with an unspoken connection, their paths diverged, leaving behind unresolved tensions. As they reunite, the air is thick with emotions they can no longer ignore. Amidst the delicate dance of rekindled feelings, Nick's best friend, Lucas, enters the picture, introducing a new layer of complexity. Lucas's genuine charm unwittingly sparks jealousy in Nick, adding a dimension of unexpected romance. Isabella, torn between the comforting familiarity of Nick and the magnetic allure of Lucas, finds herself at the center of a love triangle she never anticipated.

AmaraNova · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
13 Chs

The next day

The morning sunlight filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the breakfast table where I sat with my parents. The air was charged with tension, and I felt the weight of it pressing down on me as I struggled to find the right words. 

I took a deep breath, steeling myself to initiate the conversation. 

"Dad, that's Lucas. He's my college mate," I said, gesturing towards the young man seated across from me. 

Lucas politely smiled and rose from his seat. "Hello, uncle and aunt," he greeted with a charming smile. 

My dad returned the smile and nodded, while my mom offered a simple hello before excusing themselves. "You guys go ahead with your breakfast, we'll take some rest," my mom said, leading my father away. 

Before disappearing into their rooms, my mom paused and turned back to me. "Bella, no plans tonight, right?" she asked. 

I hesitated for a moment, my mind racing. "Umm… no, why, Mom?" I replied, my heart pounding in my chest. 

"Carlos and his family are coming home for dinner. I want you to be there," my mom said firmly. 

"Okay," I agreed, my thoughts swirling with apprehension. The mention of Carlos, Nick's older brother, and my long-time family friend, sent a shiver down my spine. I couldn't shake the feeling that something was about to change.

"Continue eating, and Lucas, thank you for taking care of Bella. Take care, kid," replied my mom before retreating to her room. 

"No worries," Lucas replied, his voice calm and reassuring. 

As the tension in the atmosphere eased slightly, Isabella couldn't help but wonder about Lucas's thoughts regarding the upcoming dinner with Nick and everyone else. Would he be jealous? Did he even care? Lost in her thoughts, she felt a warm touch on her inner thigh, pulling her back to reality. 

"Don't zone out, eat," Lucas said, gesturing towards the breakfast with his eyes. 

I blushed, feeling a sudden awkwardness wash over me. "Yeah," I answered, trying to regain my composure. 

Breaking the silence, Lucas asked, "So, will Nick be here tonight?" 

My heart skipped a beat, unsure of how to respond. I coughed suddenly, feeling the heat rise to my cheeks. Lucas handed me a glass of water with a gentle smile. "Eat slowly, nobody's taking the food away," he said, patting my head affectionately. 

"Yes," I replied obediently, my mind racing with uncertainty about what the evening would bring. The subtle intimacy of Lucas's touch lingered, stirring something deep within me. 

He came closer to my lips, brushed my hair behind my ear, and whispered, "Gosh, don't agree to be obedient. You are damn cute, and I won't be able to control myself." 

I laughed, feeling a rush of excitement course through me, and continued to eat my food. The room was silent except for the distant chirping of birds and the occasional rumble of passing vehicles. As I finished my breakfast, Lucas had only sipped on his orange juice. 

As soon as I set down my fork, Lucas helped me clean the table, his every touch sending shivers down my spine. "I think I have to go now," he said, reluctantly breaking the moment. 

I agreed unwillingly, my heart sinking at the thought of his departure. "I think you have to," I replied softly, trying to hide my disappointment. 

I walked him out to his car, the anticipation building with each step. As he opened the back of his car, he pulled out a bunch of flowers and handed them to me. "These are lupines, love. And they are for you," he said, his voice tender as he planted a peck on my cheek. 

My cheeks flushed with heat, a smile tugging at the corners of my lips. "Thank you," I murmured, feeling a rush of affection for him. 

As Lucas settled into the driver's seat, I hesitated before speaking. "Umm… I'm not sure if Nick will be here tonight." 

Lucas let out a hearty laugh, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "It's okay, love. I'm not jealous," he assured me, his words putting my mind at ease. 

I didn't know what to say, so I just stood there, frozen in place. He called me closer, and I hesitantly stepped forward, feeling his magnetic pull. With a flick of his fingers, he ordered me to come closer, and I obeyed, drawn in by his commanding presence. His hand reached out, grabbing my chin, and he pulled me closer to his face, his lips crashing against mine in a passionate kiss that left me breathless. 

He let me go, his eyes dark with desire, and said, "Enjoy the dinner, love." 

I nodded, my heart pounding in my chest, as he left the house, leaving me in a daze. 

Entering the house, I settled onto the sofa, my cheeks flushed with heat, the bouquet of lupines clutched tightly in my hand. I smiled to myself, thinking, "Lupine, that's what you are called," as I gazed at the flowers, their vibrant colors mirroring the intensity of my emotions. 

Lost in my thoughts, I was startled by the buzz of my phone. I glanced at the screen to see a text from him. "Don't dress too sexy tonight, as I won't be able to admire the beauty," it read. 

A coy smile spread across my face as I decided to tease him. I quickly typed a reply, "Maybe you can," before adding, "Maybe you can visit me after dinner."

Missed me?

I apologise for not updating the chapter. I promise to be more active.

Enjoy the new chapter!

With Love,

TTT (Amara Nova)

AmaraNovacreators' thoughts