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When I woke up Sunday, all I wanted to do was roll back over and go back to sleep. My head was heavy, my eyes hurt, my sinuses were swollen and my emotions were in pieces all around me. Jackson held me and and let me cry and scream and fall apart. He held me together, wiped my face, and made sure to remind me he cared about me and he was here for me. He held me tighter to him when my heart was being ripped to shreds inside of me, over a simple thought.

Did she care? Did she really come back for me when I was in the hospital?

A flicker of hope had welled up in me, like I was twelve again that I thought I had repressed and gotten over by now. That she had not completely abandoned me.

However, If she had cared, why didn't she keep coming back? Why didn't she try again? Why didn't she take me with her in the first place?

Because she didn't really care when I needed her to care. Now, it's too late to apologize and I don't want to hear it.

I woke up to Jackson still laying with me, wrapped tightly around me, cradling me close to his chest. I worked myself out from his hold, looked at the time and saw it was only six thirty in the morning. I couldn't go back to sleep though. I wiggled free from his hold and washed my face and tossed on a simple emerald green sundress before making a cup of coffee. Jackson was still asleep and I wanted some fresh air, so I went upstairs to the roof top patio.

I reclined back and sipped my coffee, listening to the early morning sounds of the city mixed with birds. My thoughts are a mixed flurry of hurt, anger, disappointment and I don't like it.


Jacksons voice rings out and I sit up.

"Over here." I wave and he comes over.

"You worried me a moment. I woke up and couldn't find you." He gives a soft smile, "Would you like me to make breakfast?" He reaches out and caresses my cheek sweetly.

"Please. Thank you." I blow him a kiss as he takes off to start breakfast.

I go ahead and stand up to head inside when I hear Derek's voice, who sounds like he's on the phone. He's arguing with someone and he sounds pissed. I don't want to be nosy, so I head back inside and hope it's nothing serious.

Inside, I watch Jackson as he slices some peppers and onions for the potatoes and I crack the eggs for our omelets while the bacon fries on the stove.

He doesn't say or bring up last night, but I know by his looks of concern it's on his mind. When I catch him looking though, I give an encouraging smile to let him know, I'm okay. I'm not, but at the same time I am. I'll let Brian be the one to help me get through the analysis of this situation. That's what he gets paid to do anyways. He can be the one who tells me if I'm mentally fucked for the rest of my life or not.

After breakfast, Jackson and I sit on the couch and watch some of the show I got lost in on Friday. Slowly I start feeling better not thinking about my mother. Around two, he said we needed to get ready to go meet up with everyone.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I asked, motioning to my comfortable dress.

"Trust me, you're going to want to wear something else. It is your birthday party." He winks at me and enters the closet and begins to look through my clothes.

"You're going to pick out my outfit?" I ask amused, leaning against the closet door.

He turns and scoffs, "You think I don't know what looks good on you? That I don't have a sense of style?"

I laugh, "Touché. Alright, let's see what you pick out then."

He picks out a off the shoulder black cocktail dress that has a deep V neckline and black heels that are only an inch and a half high. He lays out a black strapless and lacy boy short underwear with thigh high black pantyhose then chooses the necklace he gave me to go with it.

"I don't know about the necklace... I feel like I might be rubbing it in everyone's faces..." I bite my bottom lip.

"Your friends know you better than that. You can wear it and be proud of what I got you. They'll know you are not rubbing it in. Now, hurry and get dressed because if I help you... we will be late." Jackson looks me up and down making my insides clench with shivers coursing over my skin.

He starts going through his own outfits, pulling out all black as well except for his vest he decides to wear has a silver stitched brocade pattern on the black satin.

I bite my bottom lip watching how sexy he looks as he slicks his hair back before styling it back forward. He catches my eyes in the mirror and I raise a brow at him in response.

"Just admiring the view." I smirk as I pick up my clutch with my id, cards, and some cash in it. We exit the apartment at the same time Derek is leaving as well.

"Evening neighbors." Derek's eyes roam over our attire and he grins, "Fun night ahead, I hope?"

"It should be. I'm not allowed to know much more than that." I shrug as we enter the elevator. Jackson pulls me against him, possessively but speaks to Derek politely.

"We're going to meet with friends for a get together for her birthday. Where are you off to?"

"My fathers place."

"How has he been doing? I was sorry when I heard about his heart attack." Jackson adds.

Derek shrugs, "Better now that he's taking it easy but lack of work has been making him crabby too. I'm tempted to make him a stand alone portfolio for him to play with just so it gives him something to do. The man doesn't know how to not work."

The elevator opens and we step out, "Well enjoy your evening." Derek says as he heads to his car.

"You too, Derek." I respond as Jackson opens the door to the Lincoln for me.

We take off and now I'm getting excited. "So .. where are we going?"

Jackson smiles, "Somewhere you have not been to before."

Really? He's still not going to tell me? I look at how we're dressed and make another guess.

"Will there be food?"

"Yes." Jackson confirms.

"Dancing?" I prod again, trying to figure it out.

"Maybe." Jackson smirks and now I know he won't divulge anything else.

I chew on my lip as we make our way out of Dallas heading north on the 75.

His phone goes off with a text from Lirael on the cars screen.

-Hey are you on your way? Can I ask you to stop by the apartment to pick something up before heading here?-

-Will do-

Are we going to Lirael's? Why would we dress up like this...? I mean yes, it's my birthday, but this feels a bit excessive ...

As we get into the McKinny area, and he pulls into a what looks like a two story strip mall with a large parking lot. There's plenty of cars there but I only see signs for the businesses on the ground floor and none are open by the looks of it except a small convenance store on the corner.

He parks and sends a message on his phone. He waits until he receives one back before he hops out of the car and opens the door for me to get out. "Come on, this shouldn't take long."

We head over to a locked staircase that Jackson punches in a number code, opening the door to let me in. We walk in through another door and it's dark inside, except for the dull glow of exit sign behind us. Jackson has my hand and pulls me along, my eyes barely able to distinguish the the way, my eyes still not adjusted.

"Jackson, hold on. Let me light our way with my phone, I can't see anything." I start to protest.

"Hold on the light switch is just around the corner here." Jackson says as he leads us around the corner.




A chorus of combined cheer are shouted out, making me jump as lights spring on around the room.

"Damn it." I laugh at being startled. I knew something was up when we stopped here.

"Thank you, everyone." Lirael and Sarina come over and give me the first hugs.

"Wait... Where are the twins?" I ask Sarina, seeing Brian over at the bar having Scott make him a drink.

"Brian's parents are watching them for us." Sarina squeezes me again, "I've missed you. It feels like I haven't been out of the house in months not weeks. I'm going to go get a drink. I pumped extra so I could have a cheat night!" Sarina hurries over to the bar, making me chuckle at her.

"Happy birthday, Mel." Alyssa gives me a huge hug, "You look gorgeous." She says stepping back and that's when I take a second look at her too. She's wearing a cocktail dress too, a maroon chiffon with rouching that compliments her skin tones well.

"Look at me... look at you! You're stunning in that dress!" Alyssa blushes at my compliment.

"Thank you, Amanda and Dass agreed to watch the twins for me, so I figured I'd get dolled up. Plus they made your cake too, since they couldn't be here."

"Oh, please thank them both for me when you get home." I tell her as we take a step away from each other.

"Happy birthday, Mel." Ethan in a gray vest and pants and maroon bow tie, steps up and gives me a quick hug.

"Thank you, Ethan. You're looking dapper with that bow tie." I tease him a little bit and notice he's wearing a maroon that perfectly matches Alyssa's dress. "Wow, that goes perfectly with Alyssa's dress."

Ethan looks around the room, likes he's searching for her until Alyssa clears her throat. Ethan does a double take, before going sheepish.

"Wow. Alyssa. You.. look good." He says awkwardly.

"You do too. Your tie really does match my dress perfectly." Alyssa moves closer to Ethan comparing the color and making Ethan become visibly nervous.

I wink at Alyssa as I walk away to join Jackson at the bar to get a drink.

"Wow. How did that man ask you out, if he's like a teenager crushing as an adult?" Jackson is amused at the sight.

I smack his arm, "Excuse me, but I remember some body else acting the same damn way..." I give him a pointed look making him zip his lips.