
Where Were You

I never thought I would ever see him again. Jackson... We were best friends from five to twelve. Who was I kidding? He was my only friend. The only one I could rely on, the only one who was there for me... Until he suddenly was not, when I needed him the most. Now, after all this time, we've both made something of ourselves and now my job was asking me to be friendly with him again to try and secure the contract that was worth hundreds of millions of dollars. If I fail, I could lose my position and my job, something I've worked harder than anyone I've ever known to work for. I can do this. I can swallow the resentment and put on a smile until we get the contract. I will not lose everything I've worked for because of him. He has already caused me enough pain and suffering, he's not going to give me anymore. Not if I can help it. *R-18* WARNING PROFANITY, ADULT CONTENT BOTH SEXUAL** AND NON, ADULT SITUATIONS, PHYSICAL AND MENTAL ABUSE DOES OCCUR. PLEASE READ WITH CAUTION IF YOU ARE SENSITIVE TO THESE TOPICS AND SITUATIONS* **Lots of it ALL SCENARIOS AND CHARACTERS ARE FICTIONAL

Mara_Heller · Urban
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90 Chs

72 Breaking


The second I recognized Melita's mother who's obviously aged quite a bit, I tried to warn her. Now, I don't know if I should snatch her up and take her out of here or let this play out. I know I'm not leaving her side, even if she asks me to though. 

 They both stand there looking at each other shocked and both look like they are about to start crying. Melita's bottom lip quivers before she stands up straighter and crosses her arms in front of her.

"So now you've come back that dad is gone and just take back the house like nothing?" The venom in her voice only grows stronger, "I can not say I am surprised. You were selfish back then, it's no surprise that you're still the same."

Melita shoves past her mother who stands there frozen like the words stabbed her. I follow after Melita who's power walking to the street so we can leave.

"Melita! Wait! I've been trying to find you!" Her mother seems to snap out of it and turns to follow us.

Melita pauses and turns, fury filling her face, "NOW?! NOW YOU'VE BEEN TRYING TO FIND ME?! YOU'RE TWENTY SOMETHING YEARS TOO LATE!" 

I hurry to catch up with her and urge her to just keep going, "Come on, don't bother responding to her. Let's go." We start heading back to the car but her mother comes racing after.

"Please just hear me out! I did come back for you! Two weeks after I left! But you didn't come home that entire week! I had no idea where you were!" She calls out, already sounding winded.

Melita tenses but keeps moving. 

"Please Melita! I didn't want to leave you behind! I had to make sure where we would go would be safe!"

"Don't listen to her Melita. Come on get in the car." I pull out the keys and unlock the Lincoln and we climb in and I lock the doors as I get it started.

Her mother gets to her side of the car but only bangs on the window as I start to drive away. Melita is shaking almost uncontrollably in the seat next to me. Once we're out of our old neighborhood, I pull into a gas station and park. I get out and go to her side of the suv and pull her into my arms. 

She pats my back and takes some calming breaths, "I'm okay, just pissed. Please let's go." Melita urges me.

She doesn't look okay or pissed, she looks lost. "Alright." I get back in and head back to the apartment. 

She's quiet the whole ride back and when we arrive she goes straight to the bedroom and hops in the shower. Figuring she needs her space right now, I wait until she's done to take my own shower.

"Hey are you hungry or anything?" I ask her once I'm out and see she's laying on the bed in her towel looking at her phone. 

She turns her face to me looking appalled, setting her phone down. "After we stuffed ourselves with all that barbeque? Are you crazy?" Her attitude is playful as she rubs her stomach, "This food baby of mine won't allow room for anything else even if I wanted something." 

The slight swell of her stomach has me imagining her pregnant which puts a smile back on my face as I walk over to her. 

"Oh really? Does that just pertain to food or everything?" I give her a devilish smirk and hop over her on the bed.

"Mmmm... I think we can maybe have some thing. What are you offering?" Melita giggles, reaching out to pull me closer to her.

"What would you like?" I tease, trailing my hands over her body, tugging at the towel that hides it from me.

"I want it rough." Melita snatches the towel around my waist and tosses it like nothing. "I want you now." She says breathless, demanding and begging at the same time.

I give a rumbling growl against her neck, "Then I suggest you get rid of this towel and get on your knees." I move to the side and she rolls to her feet tossing the towel away, to drop to her knees in front of me.

I move to sit on the edge of the bed, my hand gripping my cock, as Lita licks her lips in anticipation. "Open your mouth and stick out your tongue."

She does exactly as I tell her, "Such a good girl right now... you really do want it, don't you?"

She nods with her mouth still open and tongue out. I stroke my cock some more, just to see if she'll get annoyed by the pose, but she stays patiently. I motion for her to move forward, allowing the head of my cock to glide across her tongue. She laps at it, questioning me with her eyes if she's allowed to do more. I let go of my cock, giving her a light nod and she surges forward, sucking hard on my length. 

"Fuck... Lita.." My eyes roll back in my head at the power behind her mouth right now. A shiver rolls down my spine, my eyes snapping back to her devious smile on her as she licks up and down my shaft.

"What has you smiling like that?" I ask her, my hand working it's way into her hair. 

"You liked me sucking your cock like that." She says in between licks.

"You should do it again." I tell her and watch as her mouth envelopes my shaft and she hollows out her cheeks to suck my length. I force her head to take more, moving her up and down as I try not to lose myself in her throat.

"Dear god... Lita..." I feel her throat around my shaft flexing as she gags on me and I release her head before I blow my load. "Get on your stomach and spread your legs for me wide." I demand as she gasps for air.

I rub my cock against her entrance and feel she's soaking right now. I ease into her and she looks over her shoulder at me, "Don't you dare fucking tease me right now."

That's all the confirmation I need before thrusting forward, till my balls feel the warmth of her skin. Her body tenses as I hold myself deep inside of her, "Do you feel how deep I am right now?" 

Her nod is frantic, her fingers digging into the bedding, grasping for something. 

"Hold on." I warn her before I'm pulling back and ramming her. She fucking feels so amazing, her warm wet walls tightly wrapped around my cock. I pump myself into her, rough just like she wanted. She arches her back, crying out in pleasure as she claws at the bed. 

I lean over and grip her neck in one hand, so I can growl into her ear, "Take it, take it like the good little girl I know you are. You fucking love the way my cock makes you feel, that's why you fucking asked for this."

I slam into her and feel her walls tighten like a vise, so I tighten my hold on her neck, driving myself home inside of her. "That's right baby... fucking cum on my cock..." I feel her whole body tremble as her orgasm rips through her. 

When she finishes, I pull my self from her and lay down, bringing her body close to mine.

"You didn't..." She starts and I shake my head.

"That wasn't about me, Lita. That was just for you." I rub her shoulder and try to let her know that I'm fine. I'm more concerned about her and what she might be going through emotionally right now.

"But.... I ..." She starts and then clams up.

"Hey. My Lita...." I roll on to my side so I can look at her while I'm talking to her, "I'm happy making sure you're satisfied. I'm more concerned about earlier today though..."

Her eyes darken and she rolls onto her back. "I really don't want to talk about that." 

"Okay, if you don't want to talk about it I will leave it alone. I'm here for you when you do though."

I hate the fact that something like this happened. We were having a great day. Even when we walked and just looked at everything we were still good. 

"Of all the fucking people..." Lita grumbles, her brows furrowing and her fists forming as she tries to calm herself down by taking low slow breaths. "I can't believe her. I can't." 

I'm still on my side watching her, aching that nothing I can do can take her pain so she doesn't have to feel it. I wish so much that I could kiss away those horrible memories, that I could take her pain from her. Especially right now as angry tears start to fall from her eyes.

"She's such a fucking liar... she didn't come back for me... she didn't care...."

I sit up and pull my precious Lita into my arms, holding her close as she sobs releasing the pain that's been heavy on her chest for so long. 

I think I hate that woman even more now. Not only did she abandon Melita, I think she gave her back some of that hope in her heart that her mother actually does care. If she hurts Melita again... 

Melita lets out a fresh wail of pain, sobbing, "I was never good enough. She did not come back for me. She's lying. I know she is. She abandoned me with him. Why?"

All I can do is hold her as she sobs, my heart breaking for her.