
When Three are reincarnated into Naruto

Hey it's the author here and this is my first story so please do be patient with me, bare in mind that the main characters are directly based on me and my two friends so they'll act how I think we would act in that situation and don't worry they won't instantly be gods or anything, they will work for their strength and earn it, anyway I hope you enjoy and I will possibly do other anime as well based on these same characters After a fatal accident, three friends are reincarnated into the amazing world of Naruto. They only have two goals, save the day and become as over powered as they can.

DLAssassin_56 · Fantasia
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41 Chs

The Preliminary rounds before the Third Test

The first fight to take place was Ino vs Sakura with Sakura winning the match due to her extra training with Danieru, her new genjutsu revolving around Cherry Blossom trees with pink smoke bombs used to enhance the effects and stop Ino from using her Mind Body Switch Technique. The second fight to take place was TenTen vs Temari with it going the same as canon with Temari completely countering and knocking her out cold. The third fight was Sasuke vs Yoroi which went the exact same in canon with Sasuke using the Lions combo technique.The fourth fight was Naruto vs Kiba which went slightly different as Naruto used a Shuriken technique he'd seen Sasuke and Danieru perform to give himself enough time to use his signature Multi-Shadow Clone Technique so he could attack Kiba and a transformed Akamaru with his Naruto Uzumaki Barrage knocking out Kiba.

The first person to participate from Team 11 was Taiyo, who was disappointed that his opponent was a random puppet user Sand Shinobi, her puppet was Salamander which broke into three parts which she turned into armour, a lance and a shield. She rushed forward trying to land several swift strikes on Taiyo, causing him to jump from side to side to avoid the blade. Every counter strike was blocked by her shield and met with several swift strikes from her blade, leaving a single cut on Taiyos forearm. As the blood hit the floor of the arena Taiyo began to lose his balance, catching himself last second which causes the Sand Shinobi to burst out laughing.

"Fatal poison was banned, however poison which impairs someones motor skills is completely acceptable." She rushed forward sweeping for his legs causing him to stumble to the side. As Taiyo was falling parallel to the ground a smile spreads across his face.

"Eight Trigram Sixty Four Palms: Rotation," With this Taiyo landed several strikes on the Sand Shinobi before she had the chance to block them with her shield, she is then sent flying back with her chest piece shattered by the multiple chakra strikes. When Taiyo landed on the floor all the excess Chakra got absorbed to his palm and formed a small ball "Big Bang Attack!" The ball shot forward expanding rapidly, engulfing and knocking her out winning him the match. This gained a bunch of cheers from the rest of Team 11 and Team 7, Taiyo also got a Death glare from Kankuro.

Next to fight was Hari against Misumi Tsurugi, as soon as the fight started Hari used his <Wood Style: Wood Stand Jutsu> and Misumi starts walking towards him, Hari can't help but smirk as he strikes a pose.

"Ahh you're approaching me." Danieru and Taiyo just face palm as Hari stands there seriously waiting for a response.

"Yeah, I can't kick your ass without getting right in front of you." At this Hari bursts out laughing as the Wood Stand rushed forward and effortlessly overpowered Misumi, quickly subdueing him and winning the match in record breaking time, Misumi tried his best using his soft physique modification to stretch out of his restraints but Hari just tightened them until Misumi reached his limit. This seemed to piss of Kankuro even more as he developed a new found hatred for Team 11, something Obito picked up on and pointed out to his three students who promptly dawned mischevious grins and waved at him which only seemed to enrage him more. While Team 11 were annoying Kankuro, Shino and Shikamaru were called together for their match and with his iconic "What a drag," and forfeited the match which caused Asuma to let out a groan of annoyance along side Ino and Choji.

Finally it was Danierus turn and her opponent was none other than Kankuro, both of them quickly make their way to the arena and as soon as it starts Kankuro places his puppet to the side as Danieru smirks . She throws her sword to the side and rushes towards Kankuro landing several swift strikes revealing that Kankuro had been controlling his puppet from in the bandages the whole time, the puppet counter attacks with the blades in its hands attempting to cut Danieru who was seemingly moving slower than usual which Obito and Kakashi agreed is probably due to the curse mark. She only manages to dodge a few strikes before the puppets arms wrap around her with Kankuro laughing out loud and beginning to insult Danieru aswell as the Uchiha clan. Obito had to grab Hari and Taiyo as Kakashi held back Naruto who was shouting all sorts of insults at him. Sakura started shouting encouraging words to Danieru who, without saying a word was trying to free herself. That's when she sneezes and dark ginger fur ears and tail popped out of seemingly nowhere, this shocked everyone especially when Danieru suddenly turned into Kawa in a puff of smoke. Kawa slipped out of the puppets grasp and jumping back to the sword she had discarded at the start of the match which was no longer there, instead there was kunai then suddenly another kunai, everbody looked up to see Danieru spinning in the air throwing Kunai all over the arena. Finally she threw her sword straight down into the floor and landing on the hilt, she looked at Kankuro who was extremely enraged to be decieved in the same way. Danieru stared daggers at him causing him to retreat slightly.

"What was that you were saying about my Clan?" That's when a chakra string appeared from her finger which extended out and wrapped around something, Kankuro wasn't quick enough to realise that all the kunai were attached to steel strings which were just pulled into place. The strings formed a cage trapping Danieru and Kankuro inside, Kawa being outside the cage as to avoid the hell that was about to unfold, "I was gonna be nice to you, honestly I was however you went after my Clan of which I am extremely protective of," She raises her arm getting ready to click her fingers, "But now I'm gonna make you eat your words." She clicked her fingers and one of the strings snaps cutting Kankuro, her Sharingan glowed a deep blood red as she clicked again causing a cut to appear on her forearm, "Shall we see who drops first." With this shocking revelation Kankuro rushes forward as an attempt to dodge and stop Danierus attacks however he ended up getting struck in the leg and when he tried to send forward his puppet the chakra strings he was using to control it were severed, the next three after that hit Danierus shoulder, thigh and chin. The second Danieru winced at the third strike on her chin Kankuro used <Earth Style: Petrification Jutsu> which shot up immediately from the ground catching her hands and lower body in stone. Thinking he has won, Kankuro walks forward and steps on one of the kunai Danieru threw to create the cage.

"Boom..." She exagerates as the scrap of a paper bomb explodes breaking the the kunai as well as the string attached to it, this caused a bunch of the strings to untangle leaving Kankuro with multiple cuts as well as a larger one along his left shoulder blade. The strings had chipped away enough of the stone for Danieru to free her hands, after a she formed a chakra scalpel she quickly freed her lower body the strings did however leave a giant cut on her forehead, narrowly missing her right eye. Danieru looked at her opponent who had finished reconnecting his chakra strings to his puppet and was rushing towards her, she grinned sadly as she weaved the necessary hand signs so when she pulled out her sword it became a crimson flame. She took a stance remenisant of a certain flame sword user from another of her favourite anime, she dodged to the side of the puppet and in a monotone voice simply said,

"Flame sword Jutsu: Blooming Flame Undulation" As she said this Kankuro could only watch as his chakra strings are cut yet again, the steel string cage is burnt away by the back slash and in the blink of an eye, the crimson flame is extinguished as Danieru appears behind him and places the cold metal of her blade to his neck. "Say it Kankuro, you can't win..." Kankuro says nothing, he's about to use a smoke bomb to gain some distance when he's suddenly face to face with Death. He falls to the floor unconscious yet still shaking from the Sharingan Genjutsu Danieru placed him in as she had enough and wanted to see if her favourite part of this arc takes place or not. After the test proctor made sure all the string and Kunai had been removed from the arena with the help of Obito and his Sharingan. After a couple of Sand and Sound Shinobi went against each other, which Danieru mentioned were more then what was shown in Canon which is probably due to Obito and Rin who were goofing around waiting for the tests to either get more interesting or for them to end.

Then the fight Danieru had been waiting for, Lee versus Gaara which goes exactly how it does in Canon, while everyone else was shocked by Lees speed, Danieru was studying Gaaras sand with her Sharingan and just as the fight was going to end Danieru went to walk away. "Tell me what you've noticed Danieru," Obito said, placing a hand on her shoulder noting that this fight had definitely peaked his interest. Danieru pointed with her thumb over her shoulder just as Lees arm and leg get destroyed by Gaaras Sand Coffin. "The fights over sensei, I want to go help Lady Tsunade with healing." As she walked away she grabbed Hari and Taiyo who were still in shock as they witnessed feats they didn't know possible, once they where out of the arena they were ambushed by Temari who demanded Danieru pay for what she did to Kankuro whose response was a yawn and an activated Sharingan, which caused Temari to quickly back off as Danieru blew her a kiss goodbye. They reached the hospital as Taiyo wanted to check on Hinata after her fight with Neji, however after seeing her both Taiyo and Hari broke down with Danieru just standing there staring off at a woman who was leaning on a wall. She was Danierus definition of beautiful; tall, dark hair, her physique was a mix of Ankos and adult Sakuras, her hair covered her right eye however her eyes were the same colour as Danierus which are a raven black. She stared at Danieru, with a smile she placed a scroll down on a chair and walked away. "Guys, that Scroll just appeared out of nowhere," Taiyo proclaimed running over to examine it. Danieru told them about the woman but after a quick search with his Byakugan came up empty, Taiyo was very adament about there being no women matching her description. Opening the scroll revealed different Jutsu and research into how science worked in this new universe, what was truly remarkable was that the scroll was written in English which obviously was shocking.






After a month of training thanks to the mystery scroll the three of them them had vastly increased their strengths, covering some of their weaknesses. Taiyo had increased his taijutsu as well as his Lightning style arsenal, going as to begin learning the Chidori from Obito who had picked it up from Kakashi, Hari continued his training with his Father Jiraiya as well as Yamato which resulted in Toad related Wood Style Jutsu. Danieru focused of her Wind Style, learning more and creating her new ace in the hole Jutsu, she also continued her training under her adoptive Mother Tsunade and had reached a slightly better level of Chakra control however instead of using this for the super strength she had adapted it for her Sharingan and could keep it active for full training sessions against Naruto, who was receiving his summoning training from Jiraiya, which could last for as long as it took for Danieru to find the real Naruto in amidst the battalion of Shadow Clones. Danieru and Taiyo also worked of comparing the science of their World with their current one, making an amazing discovery halfway through the month that they were almost identical, so using Lightning Style Chakra they created a suprise for Gaara of the Sand...